' - 5/10/18 Received by NSil_,i~i49~ift~ iW~ta~j§rl§i, ~ela~fM , I - - - - - - - - INTERNATIONAL SLII GROUP TO: Congressman Tom Marino FROM: Hon. Connie Mack DATE: 5/8/18 SUBJECT: Latest Developments in Israeli-Hungarian Relations Prime Minister Viktor Orban, who is a_bout to start his third consecutive (fourth overall) tettll, has a long list of actions that aimed to protect the Hungarian Jewry, enrich aud celebrate the Jewish culture, and support the state oflsrael on international forums. Building the foundations of remembrance • During PM Orban's first tem, (1998-2002) the government decided to esta_blish the National Holocaust Memorial Day (16 April) years before the International Holocaust Remembrance Day (27 January) was establishecj. Afterwards, the 'March of Life' was launched to commemorate the Holocaust, drawing tens of thousands of people every year, including leading politicians of Orban's government and party. • The first Orban goVefument also estal:>lishi,d t_he Holocaust _Memorial Center, one of the few institutions in the world that focuses entirely 011 Holocaust research arid education, and constructed a modem building organically linked to the Pava Street Synagogue, which used to be the second largest site for Jewish worship in Budapest. • Another:_important institution established by the_ first Orban goverhtnent is the House of Terror Museum, a unique memorial to all the victims of both bloody terror regimes that Hungary survived during the 20•• century. • Commemorating the 70th anniversary of the Hungarian Holocaust, the Orban government declared 2014 the Holocaust Memorial Year. Jewish renaissance in Hungary • PM Orban has made i_t c:lear on multiple occasions that as long as he heads the government of Hungary, there will be a zero tolerance policy '!gliinst anti-Semitism: o ''Everyone is familiar with the Government's position: zero tolerance against antisSemitism._ We q_/1 know that the Hungarian Jewish community is under the Govemment's protection, and as long as we are responsible for law and order in this country, they can always rely on our protection." (2017 speech in Budapest) - o ''We will never tolerate any kind of at1ti-Semitic approach to issues (.. .) in Hungarian political lift there is a policy of ,zyro tolerance on anti-S emiti.rm. "(2017 interview with - Israel H!iJom) This material iJ dirlrilmted I!] SU Gro1lj) I.LC on be/Jaff of tht Got;tmment ofH11ngary. ./lddiliofiai infarination is available at tht Dtpa,tmtnJ ojjNStia, Wa.rhinglon, DC Received byNSD/FARA Registration Unit 05/10/2018 4:23:26 PM Received by NSD/FARA Registration Unit 05/10/2018 4:23:26 PM •1~ PM 0,.. , <he•= P•""""=ol ,_ oC H__, ="""' m~ fooc, ;o >H2, rebognizing the Hungarian Jewry, just like all religious traditions and cultural minorities in the cduntry, as an inseparable part of the Hungarian nation. • 1J 2010 the National Assembly ·adopted the inclusion of the crime of Denial of the Crimes of The National Soci_alist and Communist Regimes into the Criminal Code committed by people who "publicfy def!Y or question the occ,,m,nc; or belittle the significance ef the genocides and other grave crimes against humanity committed f?y the National Socialist or Communist regimes". • The last few years saw the renaissance of Jewish religious and cultural life in Hungary. Budapest, home to the largest Jewish cornmunity in Central Europe, offers a wide range of high-quality community centers, educational institutions (ranging from kindergartens to the Budapest University of Jewish Studies) and cultural programs (like the government­ funded annual Jewish Summer Festival), as well as kosher restaurants, butchers and bakeries. Major Jewish churches have their own media, and the state-owned National Public Media offers dedicated TV and radio programs. • With already over 20 synagogues, Budapest will soon see the construction of the first new l!)'nagogue after 85 years. Just months after PM Orban returned to power in 2010, Budapest's oldest synagogue was rededicated ~ the first event of its kind in Central Europe in 60 years, which PM Netanyahu called "the symbol of a Jewish ren_:µssance". e The Orban government established the Jewish Communities' Roundtable, ensuring continuous consultation with all Hungarian Jewish communities and organizations. • It was also the Orban government that raised the pensions of Holocaust survivors. e Since 2011, the Government of Hunguy has provided support for Hungarian Jewish con:µnunities in the amount of HUF 19 billion (over $70 million), with synagogues; cemeteries and community spaces being continuously reconstructed. • The Orban government also undertook the responsibility for the country to host the 2019 European Maccabi Games, providing financing for the organizational costs and the physical infrastructure of the event. International actions and initiatives • In November 2012, the General Assembly voted overwhelmingly to accord Palestine 'Non­ Member Observer State' status in United Nations, but Hungary abstained. • http:/ /www.jpost.com/Israel-News/Politics-And-Diplomacy /Hungary-says-no-to­ settlement-labeling-434233 • In November 2015 Hungary dearly a_nd vocally st_ood up for Israel and against the European Parliament's decision on labelling products from the West Bank and the Golan Heights. Later, speaking at a meeting of the Israel Council on Foreign Relations in Jerusalem, Hungarian MFA Peter Szijjart6 said "Hungary will not place special labels on products from the West Bank and the Golan Heights", characterizing the European Union's decision to affix special labels on such products as "irrational" as labeling these products will not contribute to a solution to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict and could cause more problems and damage. Just a q10nth later, the ambassador oflsrael in Budapest published an op-ed praising I lun;,ai:y's efforts: ,,Israelis were listening with gratitude and recognition to the speech of MFA Peter Szijjart6, delivered during his visit in Jerusalem on 16th November, in which he called the EU's decision on labeling the products coming from the West Bank and Golan Height 'irrational'. Thank you, Hungary!" • In December 2017, Hungary w,is one of 35 countries that abstained on a UN General Assembly vote con<lemnin!' LiS President DonaldTmmp's decision to relocate the United This material is distn'but«i ~ SU Gro,¢ l1 £ on btha/f ef tht Go~, ofl-11111.gary. Additional information is 1Jl1511lablt al !Ix D~nl ofJustice, Wtishingltin, DC Received byNSD/FARA Registration Unit 05/10/2018 4:23:26 PM Received byNSD/FARA Registration:Unit 05/10/2018 4:23:26 PM Sta.tes' embassy in Israel from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem. By abstaining, Hungary Gained by Crc\atia, Latvia, Romania and the Czech Republic) broke the EU consensus. • Earlier in December" 2017, Hungary broke ranks with other EU countries to kill the idea of a jc\int EU declaration on the status of Jerusalem, following President Donald Trump's decision to move the US embassy from Tel Aviv. • Although it usually convenes in Jerusalem, in May 201313udapest hosted the Plenary Assembly of the World Jewish Congress (WJC), featuring PM Orban as a speaker. • In July 2017, PM Orban hosted the inaugural V4-lsrael summit in Budapest, where he urged the EU to improve its ties with Israel. Strong Israeli-Hungarian relations • July 2017 marked the first visit of an Israeli Prime Minister to Hungary since the fall of the Iron Curtain. o Orban declared that ,,all H11ngarian governments always are obliged to protect all our citizens" but during World War 2 they ''jailed to fulfil this obligation and committed not only a failure but a sin when they chose collaborating with the Nazis overprotecting the Jewish communi/y. I made it clear to PM Netanyahu that this would.never ev¢r happen again." o Netanyahu announced that Orban "reassured [him] in unequivocal terms [over the anti-Semitic concerns]", adding that "these are important words' which he appreciates. o Netanyahu also said: "Tbere is a new anti-Semitism that is expressed in anti-Zionism, that is t/elegitimizfng the one and on[y Jewish state. In many ways, Hungary is at the forefront of the states that are opposed to this and-Jewish policy, and I welcome it and express the appreciation of my government and the ma,;y people of Israel'' • After the Ambassador of Israel in Budapest criticized the government's campaign ·,an against George Soros's immigration policy suggestions, the Foreign Ministry of Israel, led by PM Netanyahu, issued a clarification to reassure the Orban government: '1n no way ivas the statement meant to delegitimizy criticism of George Soros, 1JJbo continuous[y undermines Israel~ democratically elected governments l,y funding organizations that defame the Jewish siate and seek to de,;y it the right to defend itself'' • During the 2018 election campaign, the governing Likud party's Foreign Affairs Director Eli Hazan published an. article that first appeared in the pro-government Hungarian magazine Figyelo, in which he argued that it is in the best interest of Hungarian Jews to help Fidesz and Viktor Orban win the election, and that they must reject the opposition alliance includingJobbik, a farcright party with an anti-Semitic track record. • After the April 2018 elections in Hungary, PM Netanyahu was the first foreign leader to cong,:atulate PM Orban on his re-elect:ion, i11viting him to visit Israel, and thanking him for "Hungary's support for Israel in intemadonal forums". · • On Israeli Independence Day, I'M Orban sent a letter to PM Netanyahu hailing the wide­ ranging and successful cooperation developed by the two cou_ntries oil a bilateral and V 4-Israel level, assuring him that Hungary remains committed to the further reinforcement of political, eci:>110.fl}ic an<J cultur~I relations. He added: "Hungary is particular[y proud of its Jewish communi/y and of pe!JJ!le of Hungarian origin living in Israe4 who continue to constitute one of the most important pillars of bilateral cooperation".
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