*.4 October 1984 Canada's Magazine for Electronics & Computing Enthusiasts A Lookat video Cameraslind VCRs Project Bonanza 0.3, Ten short oiler_ lbw Video Distrib Amp Rqpiace boX with a video am *IR Immo. *14 .10101t 71. 10 1 2 - 3 - 2 0 Computer Review: 5 74 3 70924 EXCELTRONIXTORONTO HAMILTON OTTAWA 319 College 72 James St. N. 217 Bank Some prices will go up October, 30th, 1984 1(416)921-8941 1(416)522-4124 1(613)230-9000 Gemini 10X Peripherals 3" Drive for your Apple Apple Compatable to be released soon at an Interface for your Apple unbelievable low price! 1 year warranty e435.00 120 Day Warranty CSA Approved ". 16K RAM Card 554.95 Systems Z80 Card $52.00 Apple //c $1549 5" Monitors Crn 559 Parallel Printer Card $65.00 Apple Macintosh from $3195 (Brand new open frame from Electrohome) RO x 24 Video with soft switch card .$84.00 128K Card - 64K of RAM $117.0010 Meg Hard Disk 128K Card - 128K of RAM $185.00Drive & Controller 51498 KEPCO Heavy Duty EPROM Programmer (with software) .569.00 which plugs right into your machine Switching Power Supply (programs 2716, 2732, 2764) (90 watts max.) Serial Card 579.00 Modem Card $199.00 115V or 220V provision filter and fuse SYSTEM MATE * on board, provides you with +5, PREVENT DOWNTIME, YOTRECIPI°;LIETA + 12, -12, gives you enough power Disk Drives to handle your system plus several for your Apple 5245 LOST DATA, CIRCUIT 585.00 drives with 3.8A on + 12 1 Year Warranty Special price DAMAGE,SERVICING. Ideal for hard disk drives 549.00 Buy Two or More 5239BENEFITS: Elennates dargerool voltage tramontseen thsse Maxiswitch Keyboard gone,eted av flecloed wro/rh. paet. Otte. tanrernova denwas DER tasel Packaged Power SupplyIBM Compatible Only $159 kvvoves ',stem eel.abday el.C.o,wer.or.gverhr On coneoavd with Fan 0,E LIGHTED Iron,ev.tr,. and hydro approved, 175 Watts Cherry Keyboard $169 Only 5149.00 ABS Case keyboard & numeric keypad $139 THOUSANDS SOLD* Provides + 5, + 12, -12 (Optional -5V) Power Supply to Match S69 MADE IN CANADA OEN Case, Numeric Keyboard & Supply 5199 CANADIAN COMPUTER DESIGNERS Peripherals for your IBM or IBM Compatible Computer our Peripheral Cards carry a 120 Day Warranty Floppy Controller Card Brand new from Shugart SA455 With serial port built-in and provision for real time clock. $189 D.S.D.D. Floppy Controller Card Disk Drive slim line, ideal for 113M or compatible computer $249 With serial port and real time clock and clock software $219 6809 Board asdescribed in May '84 Catalogue with 48K $389 Peripheral Board EPROM Programmer + Software (programs 2716, 2732, 2764, 27128) With 2 serial ports, 1 parallel port,1 game port (provision for optional real time with ordinary sockets $99 With two ZI F Sockets $149 clock) 9199. With all above options including the real time clock $199 Colour Video Board $250 Extension Board & Cable with two sockets (this card al lows you to be able to have the 512 Memory Board with 64K of RAM $179 ZIF sockets beside your computer for easy access. 512 Memory with 126K $250 Parallel Card & Game Port $49 512 Memory with 256K $399 512 Loaded Memory with 512K $659 NEW -soon to be released Expansion Board 512 Bubble Memory Card includes serial port, parallel port, game port, up to 256K of RAM and a real time At a knockout low price! 300/1200 baud auto dial/ answer, direct connect modem, clock, all of the above with 64K of RAM $289 newest technology, price so low that you'll be sorry if you don't wait for it. With 128K $359 Multiflex 280A Starter KIt With 256K $499 As descri bed in May '84 Catalogue pg. 16 $289 Monitors Memories 8250 $14.95 Zenith 122 Amber 12- $139 4116 150 ps 51.95 8255A-5 Intel $14.95 Zenith 123 Green 12" $129 4164 150ns $7.95 82.53A-5 Other brand $7.95 4164 TI 150 NS (ideal for IBM Compatibles) 57.95 82t 4 Intel $14.30 Printers 2114 52.99 8284 Siemens $7.95 Gemini 10X CSA approved with one year 6116150 NS $8.95 8288 $27.95 warranty $379 6514 52.99 Delay Line 100 nano sec $7.49 Panasonic Printers now available at a bargain price. 2716 350 NS $8.50 Z80A CPU $5.50 TTX (Daisy Wheel) Letter quality $599 2716 450 NS $6.50 6502 CPU $6.50 Epson FX100 $1069 2732 450 NS $8.95 6845 $11.95 Diskettes 2764 300 NS $12.95 27128 300 NS Zenith 133 monitor RGB colour $749.00 CDC, S.S.D.D. 10 disks for $21.95 $49.00 Gemini 15X Printer $599.00 Acutrack S.S.D.D. 10 disks w. plastic case 626.00 DIN Connectors $1.25 Most XTALS $4.50 The Basic Best $1795.00 Verbatim S.S.D.D. 10 disks for $32.95 The Loaded Best $2395.00 Paper 500 sheets $9.95 8088 $32.95 8253A-5 Intel $19.50 The Executive Best $3895.00 8253A-5 NEC $11.95 IBM Is a registered trademark of We have a huge selection of parts, check out our 8259A Intel $12.95 International Business Machines Apple May '84 catalogue. Here are a few examples: 8259A NEC $11.50 Is a registered trademark of Apple Canada 8237A-5 $43.95 After 7 days No Refund, No Exchange. Exceltronix Computer Division Computers at unbeatable master charge, prices! (416) 921-8941, 319 College St., Toronto, Ontario No returns or exchanges after 7 days 15 ,estocking charge m5T 152 Prices may change without notification EXCELTRONIXTelex 065-24218 1-800-268-3798 - Order line only Circle No. 26 on Reader Service Card SURPLUSTRONICSwe will not be undersold GIVE AWAY PRICES!! (416) 960-1350 DUE TO GREAT RESPONSE SUPER SALE CONTINUES TILL END OF OCTOBER. We must clear out a large inventory of merchandise before our-pai:4-30 4984)-Fiscal year end. Therefore we urge you to take advantage of this one time sale. Prices are so low that we ON, doubt you can build it cheaper yourself. Miss Due to the popular demand of our customers, we will now give you a choice between buying goods with a 120 -day warranty, or you can buy the same quality goods without warranties as 001° final sale, and SAVE MONEY! If any of the goods without warranty fail, we will be glad to fix them for you, but at your cost. All goods listed on this page are manufactured using only prime, high quality components and PC Boards, all PC Board products are wave soldered, ultrasonically cleaned, and finished goods are thoroughly tested. ALL PRICES ON THIS PAGE ARE FINAL SALE PRICES! NO WARRANTY Should you wish to have a 120 day warranty, all you have to do is ask, and pay a bit more; it is available foralmost everything we advertise here. Peripherals for Appletin Assembled & Peripherals for I BMtin or compatibles fully tested FINAL SALE! Assembled & fully tested FINAL SALE! touch tone or pulse dial com- Note: Read the aboveOptional real time clock 16K RAM card $49.95 and software 529.00 Z80A Card $47.00patible with MODEM sold by our deflnitation of final sale. 80 x 24 card (with built-in soft competitors for over $220. Loaded peripheral card switch) $73.95 with all (serial ports, parallel port, Parallel printer card $49.95OUR PRICE 5169.00 Colour Video board game port) on -board & real time Compositor RGB 5179.00 128K card with 64K RAM 5109.00If someone can sellit cheaper to clock software 5176.00 128K card with 128K RAM5169.00you, buy it! Floppy controller 512 Memory board with: EPROM Programmer (Handles up to 4-51/4" DS/DD IBM 64K RAM on board Apple Compatible disk drives (bas- $179.00 (with software) 565.95 compatible diSk drives) 256K RAM on board ed on the Shugart SA390 disk drive $365.00 Serial card $59.00 Provision for clock & serial port 512K RAM on board 5599.00 Floppy controller (controls 2-51/4" mechanism 5229. (not included) 5139.95 SS/SD floppies 544.95Case & Numeric 256K RAM card with only 64K Floppy controller as des-of RAM on board, parallelport, 8" Floppy controller .... 5109.00 keyboard 5129. cribed above with RS232 Inter- 6 MHz Z80 with 64K RAM serial port, game port, and optional face 5159.95 on board $139.95Power Supply (6502) real time clock $189.00 (Hydro approved) 569. Prototyping Card $15.00 Floppy controller (asdes- IBM compatible disk drives cribed above) with RS232 & real(brand new freshfromfactory) MODEM $169.00SPECIAL - Apple Compatible time clock $189.95 powersupply(defective)fixit SA455 Shugart 40 Track DSDD Apple // &liecompatible yourself 529.95 EPROM programmer Slimline (we ordered 10,000 from Full/half duplex autodiallanswer Normal sockets 579.95Shugart, that is why we pass the $99.95savings to your $239.95 SYSTEMS: 2 ZIF sockets (Programs EPROMS from 2716 thruIBM compatible keyboards FAMOUS KEYBOARD WITH 6502 to 27128 software included. (brand new) Maxiswitch (IBM com- SYSTEM 5499.00 Parallel port & game port patible) Extra Sepcial $149.00 card 569.95Cherry IBM compatible Keyboard with numeric keypad includes ABS case, great Peripheral card $149.00Keyboard Super Special 5159.00 power supply, 64K of RAM, floppy controller, 80 x 24 video Includes 2 serial ports, 1parallel port, game port (optional real timeHigh quality cases for your board with a built-in softswitch (comes with blank EPROMS 559.00 and no proprietory software). Fully tested and professionally clock). 8080 assembled IBM is a registered Trade Mark of IBM Canada 6502 Board Apple is a registered Trade Mark of Apple Packaged in 8088 case with provision for two SA390 disk drives.
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