Institut Archéologique Beograd STARINAR

Institut Archéologique Beograd STARINAR

INSTITUT ARCHÉOLOGIQUE BEOGRAD ARHEOLO[KI INSTITUT BEOGRAD UDK 902/904 (050) YU ISSN 0350–0241 STARINAR L, 1–330, BEOGRAD 2001. Institut Archéologique Beograd STARINAR NOUVELLE SÉRIE VOLUME L/2000 Rédacteur MILOJE R.VASI] Comité de rédaction Rastko VASI], Milutin GARA[ANIN, Noël DUVAL (Paris), Maja PAROVI]-PE[IKAN, Marko POPOVI], Sne`ana GOLUBOVI] (secrétaire de la rédaction), Nikola TASI] BEOGRAD 2001 Arheolo{ki institut Beograd STARINAR NOVA SERIJA KWIGA L/2000 Urednik MILOJE R.VASI] Redakcioni odbor Rastko VASI], Milutin GARA[ANIN, Noel DIVAL (Pariz), Maja PAROVI]-PE[IKAN, Marko POPOVI], Sne`ana GOLUBOVI] (sekretar redakcije), Nikola TASI] BEOGRAD 2001. Izdaje: ARHEOLO[KI INSTITUT, Beograd, Knez Mihailova 35 Tehni~ki urednik: Danijela PARACKI Kompjuterska priprema: Danijela PARACKI [tampa: AKADEMIJA, Beograd Tira`: 1000 primeraka Kwiga je objavqena uz finansijsku pomo} Ministarstva za nauku i tehnologiju Srbije SADR@AJ – SOMMAIRE RASPRAVE – ETUDES Milorad Stoji} The Brnjica cultural group in the South Morava basin . 9 Mirjana Roksandi} Vrednost tafonomske analize skeletnih ostataka qudi za prou~avawe na~ina sahrawivawa . 61 Mirjana Roksandi} Value of taphonomic analysis of human skeletal remains for the study of types of interment . 82 Petar Popovi} La céramique de La Tène finale sur les territoires des Scordisques . 83 Petar Popovi} Kasnolatenska keramika na teritorijama Skordiska . 101 Slobodan Du{ani} Vojni~ka diploma jednog Stobqanina . 113 Slobodan Du{ani} The Military Diploma of a Stobian . 130 Miroslav Jeremi} Brick Kilns in Sirmium . 131 Miroslav Jeremi} Ciglarske pe}i Sirmijuma . 154 Miodrag Tomovi} Kraku Lu Jordan and Gold Mining and Metallurgy in Antiquity . 155 Miodrag Tomovi} Kraku Lu Jordan i anti~ko rudarstvo i metalurgija zlata . 184 Ivana Popovi} »Fidelity rings« to the emperors of the Constantinian house . 187 Ivana Popovi} Prstewe odanosti carevima Konstantinove vladarske ku}e . 199 Marko Popovi} Ka problemu sredwovekovnih crkvi Smederevskog grada . 201 Marko Popovi} Towards the question of Medieval Churches in the Fortress of Smederevo . 218 @ivko Miki} Bevölkerungsbewegungen im letzten Nachchristlichen Jahrtausend im Jugoslawien (1991) . 221 @ivko Miki} Promene stanovni{tva tokom posledweg milenijuma n.e. u Jugoslaviji (1991) . 235 PRILOZI – APERÇUS Ivana Popovi} Silver bust of Maximianus Herculius as a head of sceptre . 237 Ivana Popovi} Glava skiptra u obliku srebrne biste Maksimijana Herkulija . 244 Miloje Vasi} On the porphyry head from Ni{ once more . 245 Miloje Vasi} Jo{ jedanput o carskoj porfirnoj glavi iz Ni{a . 250 Milena Milin Prilozi poznavawu hri{}anstva u Sirmiju . 253 Milena Milin Contributions to the Knowledge of Christianity in Sirmium . 259 HRONIKA ISKOPAVAWA – CHRONIQUE DES FOUILLES Miodrag Tomovi}, \oko Jovanovi} Vrelo, [arkamen. Tetrarhijski carski kompleks . 261 Miodrag Tomovi}, Zaja~ak, Kremi}i. Kasnoanti~ki rudarsko-metalur{ki Tatjana Mihajlovi} kompleks na zapadnim padinama Kopaonika . 268 Sofija Petkovi}, Arheolo{ka iskopavawa rimskog utvr|ewa Svetozar Jovanovi} Timacum Minus kod sela Ravna, op{tina Kwa`evac tokom 1997–1998. godine – sektor ju`ne kapije . 275 Vesna Biki}, Josip [ari} Izve{taj o arheolo{kim iskopavawima na lokalitetu Romulijana – Gamzigrad u 1998. godini . 280 Anka Lalovi}, Mira Ru`i}, Gamzigrad – Romulijana – Arheolo{ka istra`ivawa Svetozar Jovanovi} na sektoru termi tokom 1998. godine . 283 Miroslava Joci}, Vrapce, oku}nica Mihajla Joji}a, Milorad Stoji} nekropola brwi~ke kulturne grupe . 285 KRITIKE I PRIKAZI – COMPTES RENDUS Borislav Jovanovi} Douglass W. Bailey, Balkan Prehistory, Exclusion, Incorporation and Identity, London and New York 2000. 295 Milutin Gara{anin Stefan Hiller, Vassil Nikolov, Karanovo, die Ausgrabungen im Südsektor 1984–1992, Sofia 1997. Vasil Nikolov, Prou~avania vrhu neolitnata keramika v Trakia, Kerami~nite kompleksi Karanovo II–III, III–IV v konteksta na severozapadnata Anatolia i Jugoisto~ne Evropa, izdatelstvo Agato, Sofia 1998. 296 Milutin Gara{anin J. Maran, Kulturwandel auf dem Griechischen Festland und den Kykladen Im Späten Dritten Jahrtausend v. Chr., Bonn 1998. 300 Borislav Jovanovi} Katharine Paszthory, Eugen Friedrich Mayer, Die Axte und Beile in Bayern, PBF IX, 20, Stuttgart 1998. 304 Rastko Vasi} Jiri Rihovsky, Die Lanzen-, Speer- und Pfeilspitzen in Mähren, PBF V, 2, Stuttgart 1996. 305 Rastko Vasi} Claus Weber, Die Rasiermesser in Südosteuropa (Albanien, Bosnien-Hercegowina, Bulgarien, Griechenland, Kroatien, Mazedonien; Montenegro, Rumänien, Serbien, Slowenien Und Ungarn), PBF VIII, 5, Stuttgart 1996. 306 Slavica Arsenijevi} Mircea Petrescu-Dîmbovita, Der ärm- und Beinschmuck in Rumänien, PBF X, 4, Stuttgart 1998. 307 Borislav Jovanovi} Rastko Vasi}, Die Fibeln in Zentralbalkan (Vojvodina, Serbien, Kosovo und Makedonien), PBF XIV, 12, Stuttgart 1999. 308 Borislav Jovanovi} Hermann Parzinger, Studien zur Chronologie und Kulturgeschichte der Jungstein- Kupfer- und Frühbronzenzeit zwischen Karpaten und Mittleren Taurus, Mainz 1993. 310 Miroslava Mirkovi} IG X, II, II, 1: Inscriptiones Graecae Epiri, Macedoniae, Thraciae, Scythiae…, Berlin 1999. 313 Miloje Vasi} Radmilo Petrovi}, Kulturna istorija Vizantije. Rani sredwi vek, Ra~a 1999. 315 Marko Popovi} Mla|an Cuwak, Smederevska tvr|ava – novija istra`ivawa, Smederevo 1998. 319 Vesna Biki} Byzantine Glazed Ceramics. The Art of Sgraffito, Ed. D. Papanikola-Bakirtzi, Katalog izlo`be, Athens 1999. 323 Rastko Vasi} Arheolo{ko blago Kosova i Metohije od neolita do ranog sredweg veka, Beograd 1999. 324 NAU^NI SKUPOVI – ASSEMBLÉES Vesna Biki} VII Congrès International sur la céramique médiévale en Méditerranée. 327 UDC 903 »637/638« (497.11) 9 MILORAD STOJI] Archaeological Institute, Belgrade THE BRNJICA CULTURAL GROUP IN THE SOUTH MORAVA BASIN Genesis, development and chronology* In memory of Dragoslav Srejovi} HISTORY OF INVESTIGATIONS phase III=B2/B3).11 M. Stoji} and M. Joci} placed the pottery of this group, found during a survey of the Les- The results of investigations, of the necropoleis of kovac valley, in Iron Age 1b of the Morava valley (Ha the Brnjica cultural group in the valley of the South A2, cir. 11th century BC.12 M. Stoji} dated the deve- Morava have been published either completely or lopment of the Brnjica cultural group in the valley of partially from Donja Toponica, Pirot (Madjilka) and the South Morava to the period from the 14th–11th Gornja Stra`ava. This includes occasional finds of century BC contemporaneously with the development Brnjica pottery from the localities Surdul, Togo~evce, of the cultural groups Para}in (Para}in I and II), Jarsenovo, Gradac, Vlasotince, Ma}edonce, Crcavac Belegi{ (Belegi{ I and II) and @uto Brdo (@uto Brdo I and Ja{unja1 as well as from the excavations of the site and II).13 D.Mitrevski dated the Brnjica necropolis Mediana in Ni{.2 Klu~ka–Hippodrome in Skopje to the 12th century BC.14 Questions of genesis, development, chronology B. Ter`an considers that this group should be dated to and other aspects of the Brnjica cultural group have the period Br C2/D–Ha A.15 M. Lazi}’s doctor’s disser- been dealt with by: D. Srejovi}, V. Trbuhovi}, M. Gara- tation »The Donja Brnjica Culture« is devoted to various {anin, D. Gara{anin, N. Tasi}, Z. Letica, D. Krsti}, G. aspects of this culture.16 K. Ljuci dated its beginnings Toma{evi}, M. Parovi}-Pe{ikan, M. Joci}, M. Stoji}, to the Middle Bronze Age on the basis of metal finds.17 B. Ter`an, M. Lazi}, K. Ljuci and B. Jovanovi}. D. Srejovi} dated this cultural group to Ha B2/C1, * 3 4 This article under the same title in Serbian is published in: cir. 750 BC, which was accepted by M. Gara{anin. Z. Leskova~ki zbornik XLI, 2001. Letica dated the Brnjica cultural group to Ha B1–B2 1 Trbuhovi} V./Trbuhovi} L. 1970; Jevti} 1990, T. II/8, III/10; on the basis of the results of investigations at the ne- Peji} 1991; Krsti} 1992, 231 ff. T. I–X; Hansel/Vasi} 1983, 69 cropolis Latinsko groblje.5 G. Cvetkovi}-Toma{evi} Abb.7/1; Ercegovi}-Pavlovi}/Kosti} 1988, 15, 24; Stoji}/Joci} 1993, 296 T. 5/1–3. noticed certain similarities in the burials of the Brnjica 2 Gara{anin M. 1996, 204, Beilage I/B2d, B3c, B4b1. Gara{a- and Para}in cultural groups at the locality Ulpiana in nin ascribes typical pottery forms of the Brnjica group, such as bowls Lipljan and dated these graves to Ha A2–B1, 11th–10th and cups with horizontally profiled rim and plastic ring on the interior century BC.6 In strata 18–13 at Kastanas (K III–KV) side of the opening, to Mediana group (phases I–III). 3 which are dated to the period from the 15th–11th century Srejovi} 1959/60, 121 f. 4 Gara{anin 1973, 449; Gara{anin 1983, 773 f. BC there were sporadic finds of pottery that is typolo- 5 Letica 1979, 75 ff; Letica 1981, 14. gically very similar to the most typical shapes of Brnjica 6 Cvetkovi}-Toma{evi} 1983, 72 ff. ceramic7. Comparing some pottery forms from the ne- 7 Hochstetter 1984, 201 ff. 277, 350. 8 cropoleis in Donja Brnjica and Donja Toponica with Parovi}-Pe{ikan 1986, 25 ff. 9 Tasi} 1997, 292 f. Greek ceramic, M. Parovi}-Pe{ikan established that the 10 Gara{anin D. 1996. th th Brnjica cultural group belongs to the period 8 –7 cen- 11 Krsti}, 241 f. tury BC.8 N.Tasi} dated the beginning of the Brnjica 12 Stoji}/Joci} 1993, 296. culture to the 13th century BC.9 D. Gara{anin also pro- 13 Stoji} 1996, 251 ff.; Stoji} 1997, 120 f. 14 posed an earlier date for this group.10 D. Krsti} consi- Mitrevski 1992/93, 122 f. 15 Ter`an 1995, 332 f. ders that the development of this group passed through 16 Lazi} 1996. three phases (phase I=Ha A2/B, phase II=Ha A/B2/B3, 17 Ljuci 1998, 167 ff. STARINAR L, 2000. 10 MILORAD STOJI] B. Jovanovi} noted considerable similarity in the basin on the north. The most significant connection of appearance and other characteristics of the grave the South Morava basin towards the east is certainly construction in the Para}in and the Brnjica cultural Ni{ava which opens routes to the Danube (through the groups.18 valleys of the Timok and Isker), to the central and east Questions concerning the origin of the Brnjica group parts of Thrace (Sofia ravine – Marica) and the Struma were dealt with mainly by D.

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