Anticipation for the beginning of the Danny Rocco Era of Liberty Football began Dec. 2, 2005, the day the program’s seventh head coach kicked off his Flames coaching career. The hype continued for the follow- ing 272 days until the Flames opened a renovated Williams Stadium, sporting the latest FieldTurf and a state-of-the-art Williams Football Operation Center, against St. Paul’s on Aug. 31, 2006. And even the remnants of a hurricane couldn’t dampen the spirits of the 8,546 who filed into the on-campus facility, braving the elements and officially launching a campaign which will go down in program history as … A Season to Remember! Rewriting the Record Books (school single-season records broken/tied in 2006): OFFENSE •• FewestFewest interceptionsinterceptions thrownthrown –– 55 (previous(previous record:record: 99 setset inin 1994,1994, 1995 1995 andand 1999)1999) •• FewestFewest fumblesfumbles –– 1010 (tied(tied previousprevious record:record: 10,10, 1999) 1999) •• FewestFewest fumblesfumbles lostlost –– 33 (previous(previous record:record: 6,6, 1993 1993 andand 1995)1995) DEFENSE •• MostMost shutoutsshutouts –– 33 (previous(previous record:record: 2,2, 1979) 1979) •• FewestFewest pointspoints allowedallowed –– 172172 (previous(previous record:record: 176,176, 1979) 1979) •• FewestFewest rushingrushing firstfirst downsdowns allowedallowed –– 7979 (previous(previous record:record: 81,81, 1980) 1980) •• FewestFewest rushingrushing yardsyards allowedallowed –– 1,4331,433 (previous(previous record:record: 1,475,1,475, 1991) 1991) •• FewestFewest averageaverage rushingrushing yardsyards allowedallowed perper gamegame –– 130.3130.3 (previous(previous record:record: 134.1,134.1, 1991) 1991) •• FewestFewest rushingrushing touchdownstouchdowns allowedallowed –– 1212 (tied(tied previousprevious record:record: 12,12, 1982 1982 andand 1997)1997) •• FewestFewest totaltotal touchdownstouchdowns allowedallowed –– 2121 (previous(previous record:record: 24,24, 1979) 1979) •• FewestFewest totaltotal offensiveoffensive yardsyards allowedallowed perper gamegame –– 306.6306.6 (previous(previous record:record: 316.0,316.0, 1990) 1990) SPECIAL TEAMS •• KickoffsKickoffs returnedreturned forfor aa touchdowntouchdown –– 33 (previous(previous record:record: 2,2, 1995) 1995) Noting the Attendance Numbers: •• HighestHighest averageaverage homehome attendance:attendance: 11,12811,128 (previous(previous record:record: 10,252,10,252, 1998) 1998) •• HighestHighest homehome attendanceattendance total:total: 66,76566,765 overover sixsix gamesgames (previous(previous record:record: 55,99055,990 overover sevenseven games,games, 1990) 1990) •• Second-highestSecond-highest seasonseason totaltotal attendanceattendance figure:figure: 117,422117,422 (school(school recordrecord isis 123,070123,070 inin 1994)1994) •• Single-gameSingle-game attendanceattendance record:record: 15,63115,631 againstagainst WilliamWilliam && MaryMary (previous(previous record:record: 12,75012,750 vs.vs. Towson Towson State,State, 1989) •• PostedPosted threethree ofof thethe TopTop 1515 single-gamesingle-game attendanceattendance figuresfigures inin programprogram historyhistory duringduring thethe yearyear •• RankedRanked nationallynationally inin severalseveral attendanceattendance figures,figures, including including No.No. 13 13 inin fillingfilling stadiumstadium capacitycapacity (92.73%),(92.73%), No. No. 17 17 inin totaltotal attendanceattendance (66,675)(66,675) andand No.No. 27 27 inin averageaverage attendanceattendance (11,128)(11,128) •• LibertyLiberty nownow holdsholds ninenine outout ofof thethe TopTop 1010 single-gamesingle-game attendanceattendance figuresfigures inin BigBig SouthSouth Conference history, including the top eight spots on the chart Grabbing the National Spotlight: •• Liberty’sLiberty’s five-gamefive-game winwin improvementimprovement (from(from thethe 20052005 season)season) tiedtied forfor thethe bestbest turnaroundturnaround inin thethe nationnation •• ReceivedReceived votesvotes forfor aa nationalnational TopTop 2525 pollpoll twicetwice duringduring thethe seasonseason forfor thethe firstfirst timetime sincesince 19981998 •• DefeatedDefeated No.No. 24 24 CharlestonCharleston SouthernSouthern forfor Liberty’sLiberty’s firstfirst winwin overover aa nationally-rankednationally-ranked teamteam sincesince 19971997 •• LedLed thethe nationnation inin kickoffkickoff returnsreturns forfor aa touchdowntouchdown •• HeadHead coachcoach DannyDanny RoccoRocco waswas namednamed BigBig SouthSouth CoachCoach ofof thethe Year,Year, becoming becoming thethe firstfirst toto receivereceive thethe honorhonor inin program history •• LibertyLiberty placedplaced aa conference-leadingconference-leading 1414 playersplayers onon thethe league’sleague’s all-conferenceall-conference teamsteams Years from now, when the Flames faithful reminisce about the revival of the program, they will tout these aforementioned accomplishments. The 90-plus players who don a Liberty Flames jersey this year are hop- ing to continue the rebuilding process as Liberty strives for 2007 to be remembered as the season when the Flames moved from … LIBERTY FLAMES Table of Contents General Information 2006 Big South Individual Statistics ......................110 Big South Conference Staff ...................................111 Media Information.....................................................2 Big South Member Quick Facts ..............................111 Flames Sports Network .............................................4 Big South Conference Quick Facts .........................111 LibertyFlames.com....................................................5 Big South Composite Schedule..............................112 Lynchburg/Central Virginia ........................................6 Travel Information .....................................................7 Recommended Hotels/Restaurants............................7 2006 Season in Review Dr. Jerry Falwell Tribute .........................................172 St. Paul’s .............................................................114 Glenville State ......................................................115 The University Towson ................................................................116 Savannah State ....................................................117 2007 Liberty University Football Schedule Liberty University ......................................................8 Wake Forest .........................................................118 Sept. 1 TUSCULUM 7 p.m. Academic Affairs for Athletics ..................................12 William & Mary .....................................................119 8 SHIPPENSBURG 7 p.m. Strength and Conditioning .......................................14 Gardner-Webb.......................................................120 15 at William & Mary 7 p.m. Sports Medicine .....................................................16 Coastal Carolina ...................................................121 22 at Elon 1:30 p.m. Athletic Compliance ................................................18 Western Carolina ..................................................122 29 ST. FRANCIS, PA. 7 p.m. Equipment..............................................................19 Charleston Southern .............................................123 (Parents’ Weekend) Williams Stadium....................................................20 VMI......................................................................124 Oct. 6 at Toledo 7 p.m. Williams Football Operation Center...........................21 2006 Results and Statistics..................................125 13 Open Week Flames Game Day Experience..................................22 2006 Awards and Honors......................................130 20 at Charleston Southern * 1:30 p.m. Athletic Facilities.....................................................25 27 PRESBYTERIAN 1 p.m. Athletic Administration ............................................27 (Homecoming) Athletic Excellence ..................................................32 The Records Flames Honor Roll ..................................................34 Chronology ...........................................................132 Nov. 3 COASTAL CAROLINA * 1 p.m. Flames in the Pros..................................................37 Individual Records ................................................135 10 VMI * 1 p.m. Rushing Records...................................................138 (Senior Day) Previewing the 2007 Season Passing Records...................................................140 17 at Gardner-Webb * 1:30 p.m. Total Offense Records...........................................141 24 NCAA FCS (I-AA) Playoffs (First Round) TBA 2007 Outlook .........................................................37 Receiving Records ................................................142 Dec. 1 NCAA FCS (I-AA) Playoffs (Quarterfinals) TBA Flames Quick Facts.................................................40 Single Game Top Five............................................143 8 NCAA FCS (I-AA) Playoffs (Semifinals) TBA Season Top Five ...................................................146 15 NCAA FCS (I-AA) Playoffs TBA The Coaches Career Top Five.....................................................149 National Championship – Chattanooga, Tenn. Class Rankings.....................................................152 Head Coach Danny Rocco .......................................48 Year-by-Year Leaders .............................................153
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