bindex.qxd 2/27/06 1:38 PM Page 285 INDEX Page numbers in italics refer to illustrations. Abbott, Leonard D., 45 Appeal to Reason, 45, 47, 54, 60, 65 Abrams, Albert, 119 Arden, Delaware, 81, 82 Adamic, Louis, 87, 123, 124 Argosy, 36 Adams, Henry, 15, 19, 26–27 Armour, J. Ogden, 62 Addams, Jane, 33, 34, 61, 86 art, Sinclair on, 134–135 Affectionately Eve (Sinclair), 239 assembly lines, 62 African Americans, 14–15 Associated Press, 127 Agee, James, 9 Astor, Vincent, 86 Ainsworth, Ed, 243 Alger, Horatio, 36 “backlash” (1960s), 247 Algonquin Round Table, 121, 146 Baker, Newton, 107 “American century,” defined, 4 Baldwin, Roger, 119, 132 American Civil Liberties Union, 132–134 Baltimore, 20–22 American Federation of Labor (AFL), Battleship Potemkin, 159 170, 199 “Battle with Misfortune, A” (Sinclair), American Fund for Public Service, 137 35, 39 Americans for COPYRIGHTEDDemocratic Action, 230 Beard, MATERIAL Charles, 129 Americans for Liberation from Bellamy, Edward, 46 Bolshevism, 228 Benton, Thomas Hart, 191 American Tragedy, An (Dreiser), 159 Berger, Victor, 46, 98 American Writers’ Congress, 201 Between Two Worlds (Sinclair), 215–216, Ammons, Elias, 89 218 Anderson, Margaret, 138 Beveridge, Albert, 67 Anderson, Sherwood, 123, 136 Beverly Hills, California, 156 Another Pamela (Sinclair), 235 Big Money, The (Dos Passos), 191 anti-Semitism, 197, 202, 214, 217, 221. Bingham, Alfred, 170 See also Nazis Blake, Casey, 19 285 bindex.qxd 2/27/06 1:38 PM Page 286 286 index Bloor, Ella Reeve, 66 Cicero (Sinclair), 235 blue laws, 81 “citizen producers,” 172, 173 Bolsheviks, 110–114, 118, 206 City College of New York, 31–32, 34 Book of Life, The (Sinclair), 138 civil liberties, 131–134 “Books for Young People” (book series) ACLU, 132–134 (Sinclair), 36 McCarthyism and, 230 Borus, Daniel, 46 San Pedro strike and, 131–132, 181 Boston (Sinclair), 8, 144–146, 149, 250 Civil War, 14, 16, 48–49, 53, 102 Bourne, Randolph, 104 Colorado Fuel and Iron Company, 87 Brass Check, The (Sinclair), 127–128, 136, Colorado strike of 1913–1914, 87–91 137 Columbia University, 32–34, 129 Brett, George, 90 Committee of the Anti-Enlistment Brieux, Eugene, 85 League, 98 Brook Farm, 71 Committee on Public Information, Broun, Heywood, 121, 128, 136, 146, 168 101–102, 175 Browder, Earl, 205 Common Sense, 170 Burleson, Albert, 104–107 communism, 167–168, 197, 233 Butler, Nicholas Murray, 32–33, 129 cold war and, 225–235 Red Scare and, 110–114, 140 California Vietnam War and, 240–241 Criminal Syndicalism Act, 112, 133 Communist Party U.S.A., 111, 118, 162, EPIC goals and, 170–175, 177, 178 168 gubernatorial race, 146, 167–170, EPIC and, 184 250–251 labor movement and, 201–202 gubernatorial race, Sinclair’s campaign, Whitney and, 133 165, 175–183 World War II and, 205 gubernatorial race, Sinclair’s defeat, Congress for Cultural Freedom, 228 183–186 Congress of Industrial Organizations image of, 173–174 (CIO), 199 longshoremen strike, 175–176 Coolidge, Calvin, 117 San Pedro strike, 131–132, 181 cooperatives, 172–173, 193 Sinclair’s homes in, 75–76, 96, 156, 189 Co-op (Sinclair), 193 Captain of Industry, The (Sinclair), 44, 68 Corey, Lewis, 197 Carlyle, Thomas, 39 Coughlin, Charles, 170, 195, 197–198, Carnegie, Andrew, 15, 87 221 Caron, Arthur, 89–90 “court packing” scheme, 196 Carthay Circle Theater, 161 Cowley, Malcolm, 146, 203 Cattell, James, 129 Crane, Stephen, 38 censorship, 104–107, 142 Crane-Gartz, Kate, 96, 119, 180, 227 Central Park, New York City, 25–26 Creel, George, 102, 175, 177, 183 Chambers, Whittaker, 228 Criminal Syndicalism Act (California), Chandler, Harry, 180 112, 133 Chaplin, Charlie, 147, 153–154, 159–163, Croly, Herbert, 117 179, 230 Cry for Justice, The (Sinclair), 95 Chase, J. Frank, 142 Cuba, 37–38 Chicago, 61 Chicago Tribune, 65–66 Daily Worker, 201 Christian Science, 150 Damaged Goods (Brieux), 85 Churchill, Winston, 215, 221–222 Darrow, Clarence, 155 bindex.qxd 2/27/06 1:38 PM Page 287 index 287 Davidson, Jo, 70, 73 Evans, Walker, 190 “Dead Hand” book series (Sinclair) sales of, 137 Fairbanks, Douglas, Jr., 225 self-published by Sinclair, 136 Fairbanks, Douglas, Sr., 154, 161 titles of, 125–131, 137, 145 Fairhope, Alabama, 81 Debs, Eugene, 45, 46, 65, 86, 114, 118, Fairy Glen (Quebec cabin), 39–40 133 Fall, Albert, 141 on “citizen producers,” 172, 173 Farewell to Arms, A (Hemingway), 122 EPIC inspired by, 171–172 Farley, James, 176, 183 imprisonment of, 107 Farmer-Labor Party, 170 on World War I, 98 Farrar, John, 151 Deep South, 19, 196 fascism, 202–208, 214. See also World DeKay, John, 189 War II Dell, Floyd, 6, 25, 135–136, 138–139, Fasting Cure, The (Sinclair), 79 140, 158, 251 Federal Emergency Relief Act, 169–170 Democratic Party, 168–170, 175, 176 Federal Theater Project, 191 Depression Island (Sinclair), 179 Fels, Joseph, 82 Dewey, John, 80, 100, 140, 170 feminism, 71–72 Disney, Walt, 194, 243 Filler, Louis, 69 Dos Passos, John, 167, 191, 203, 229 Finland, 207, 226 Doubleday Publishing Company, 65–66 First Methodist Church of Pasadena, 156 Doyle, Arthur Conan, 140 Fish, Hamilton, 185 Dr. Fist (Sinclair), 232 Fitzhugh, George, 61 Dragon Harvest (Sinclair), 221 flappers, 120–121 Dragon’s Teeth (Sinclair), 216–218 Fletcher, Horace, 77 Dreiser, Theodore, 53, 150, 159 Flivver King, The (Sinclair), 187, Dumenil, Lynn, 120–121 199–201, 211 Durkheim, Emile, 79 Flowers, Sydney, 111–112 Ford, Arthur, 150 Eastman, Max, 104–106, 108, 112, 224, Ford, Henry, 62, 118, 199–201, 221 229 Ford Motor Company, 199–201 Eddy, Mary Baker, 126 For Whom the Bell Tolls (Hemingway), 203 education, Sinclair on, 80, 85, 128–131 Fourierism, 71 Einstein, Albert, 150 Fox, William, 156–159 Eisenhower, Dwight, 234 Fox Corporation, 156–159 Eisenstein, Sergei, 159–163, 205 France, 108, 109. See also World War II Eliot, T. S., 122 Frank, Waldo, 167, 230 Emerson, Ralph Waldo, 39, 71, 114 free-love doctrine, 85 End Poverty in California/Civilization. Fuller, Alvan T., 143 See EPIC Fuller, Meta. See Sinclair, Meta Fuller Enemy Had It Too, The (Sinclair), 232 (first wife) England, 108, 205. See also World War I; fundamentalism, religious, 230–231 World War II EPIC, 184–186, 248, 250–251 George, Henry, 46 End Poverty in California, 170–175, Germany 177, 178 World War I, 96–99, 108 End Poverty in Civilization, 190 World War II, 202–203, 206–208 EPIC News, 194 Ghent, W. J., 99 Espionage Act, 102–103, 107 Gillette, King, 118 bindex.qxd 2/27/06 1:38 PM Page 288 288 index Gilman, Charlotte Perkins, 71–72, 82 Howells, William Dean, 23, 49, 53 Gnomobile, The (Sinclair), 193–194, 243 Huerta, Victoriano, 88 Goldman, Emma, 140 Hull House, 61 Goldwater, Barry, 245–246 Hypnotist, The (Sinclair), 154 Gompers, Samuel, 86 Goose-Step, The (Sinclair), 128–130, 137, Ickes, Harold, 196 145 industrialization, 15, 17 Goslings, The (Sinclair), 130–131, 137 Industrial Republic, The (Sinclair), 68–69, Graham, Billy, 230–231 110 Grapes of Wrath, The (Steinbeck), 191 Industrial Workers of the World (IWW), Great Depression, 149, 156–157, 87, 111, 131 169–170, 190–191, 218 Intercollegiate Socialist Society (ISS), 50, Greatest Story Ever Told, The (Oursler), 51, 139, 230 230 “Irresponsibles, The” (MacLeish), 207 Great Railroad Strike of 1877, 15–16 Italy, 108, 221. See also fascism; World Great Society, 240 War II Greenwich Village, 105, 135 Ivens, Joris, 203 gubernatorial race (California 1934). See California James, Henry, 23 James, William, 38 Haight, Raymond, 175, 183, 196 Japan, 217–221 Haldeman-Julius, Emanuel, 110, 135, Jefferson, Thomas, 172 137, 151 Jerome, William Travers, 49 Haldeman-Julius Weekly, 110 Jimmie Higgins (Sinclair), 112 Hampton, Ben, 153 Johnson, Lyndon B., 240 Harding, Warren, 117, 133, 141 Johnson, Tom, 33–34 Harrington, Michael, 244 Jones, Howard Mumford, 224 Harris, Frank, 27, 104, 106, 112–113 Journal of Arthur Stirling, The (Sinclair), Hartmann, Sadakichi, 73 43–44 Haymarket Affair of 1886, 61, 90 Jung, Carl, 234–235 Hazard of New Fortunes, A (Howells), 23 Jungalow, 81 Hearst, William Randolph, 69 Jungle, The (Sinclair), 20, 233 Helicon Hall, 69–73 film, 152, 163 Hell (Sinclair), 133–134 legacy of, 249–250 Hemingway, Ernest, 122, 203, 205 play, 68, 75 Herron, George, 45, 47, 212, 215 sales of, 3 Hiss, Alger, 229 themes of, 60–67 Hitler, Adolf, 202–203, 206. See also World War II Kahn, Otto, 160 Hollywood, Sinclair and, 181–183 Kellogg, J. H., 77, 78 Hollywood Reporter, 182 Kellogg Sanitarium, 77 Homage to Catalonia (Orwell), 203 Kemp, Harry, 45, 77, 82=83, 135 Homestead Strike of 1892, 87 Kennedy, David, 102, 106 Hoover, Herbert, 117, 149, 157 Kennedy, John F., 230, 240 Hoover, J. Edgar, 239–240 Kimbrough, Hunter, 160, 161 Hopkins, Harry, 176, 182, 196 Kimbrough, Mary Craig. See Sinclair, House Un-American Activities Commit- Mary Craig Kimbrough (second tee, 232. See also McCarthy, Joe wife) Howe, Frederic, 33–34, 118 Kimbrough family, 95–96 bindex.qxd 2/27/06 1:38 PM Page 289 index 289 King Coal (Sinclair), 90, 250 MacDowell, Mary, 61–62 King Midas (Sinclair), 41, 45 Macfadden, Bernarr, 78–79, 84 Koestler, Arthur, 6–7 MacLeish, Archibald, 203, 207, 214 Korean War, 227–228, 234 Malraux, André, 6–7, 203, 205 Kropotkin, Peter, 86, 113 Mammonart (Sinclair), 134–135 Krutch, Joseph Wood, 122 Manassas (Sinclair), 48–49, 102 Mann, Horace, 130 labor. See socialism; unions Man’s Hope (Malraux), 203 LaFollette, Phil, 196, 214 Marcosson, Isaac, 67–68 LaFollette, Robert, 141 Martin Eden (London), 51 Laidler, Harry, 50 Masses, 104–106, 138 Lange, Dorothea, 190 Mayer, Louis B., 157, 163, 181 “Lanny Budd” book series (Sinclair), 5–6, Mayo, Margaret, 75 211, 213, 239, 250 McCarthy, Joe, 230, 232 criticism of, 224–225 McGerr, Michael, 24, 120 success of, 217–218 McKinley, William, 37, 57 television series planned for, 225, 243 McPherson, Aimee Semple, 123–124, titles of, 211–212, 215–225, 228–229, 179 231 Meat Inspection Act of 1906, 67 Lasch, Christopher, 46–47 meatpacking industry, 62–67.
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