1970 State Tournament at Des L~:Oines - Birdland Park

1970 State Tournament at Des L~:Oines - Birdland Park

1970 State Tournament at Des l~:oines - Birdland Park - .~. 1. Cedar Rapids \'ielty~·;ay- Jerry 'Balfs, Bob "Hoare., 2. ~ebster City Merchants - Dean Olson, Gene Olson, 3. Des Moines La Pizza House - Don Bailey, Dale Belcher, 4. Clear Lake Butt'r Topp - Dick Thenhaus, 5. Des Noines J & B Tap - Don Flisher, Diaz, 6. Sully Plumbing - Ken Steffen, Larry Hendricks, 7. Cherokeeliamm's Beer Bob Brady, 8. Cedar Rapids Eappitime - Jim Young, Leon Calkins, Kike Lamphier, Bob l-iathe"ls, 9. Dedham &outhsiders - Elmer Hoffman, Glen Nelson, Finals: Season Records: Clear Lake 38':'15 \.Ji th Thenhaus 25-5; OR ~'Jelt;y 43-12; DM LaPizza 52-12 and City Champ; Dean Olson 32-7; Brady 35-9; Flisher 20~3; Cedar Falls Larry Lange Ford not playing in state tournament because of automatic spot in regional tournament as Defending Regional Champion; --.,.- 1971 state Tournament at Ames - River Val~ey Park 1. Cedar Rapids Welty Way - Rich Stephen, Jerry Ra1fs, 2. Ida Grove Gomaco - Gene Knop, Ron Peterson, Bruce Brock, Johnson, 3. Keokuk Daily Gate City - Dan rJinking, 4. Ames Safari-Cave Inn - Gene..Olson, Darrell Damman, 5. Sioux City Pittsburgh Paint - Leroy Carlson, 6. Cedar Rapids Kingls Concrete - Howard Sears, Bob Burns, Dave Crane, 7. Cherokee Hamm's Beer - Bob Brady, 8. Des Noines La Pizza House - Jesse Valdez, Dean Schaurs, Phil Diaz, 9. Davenport , Parris Tap - Dick Hillebrand, Pete Lehmann, 10. Clear Lake Butt'r Topp - Dick Thenhaus, Dallas Slagle, Charlie Weiss, 11.. Ackley Herchants - Dallas Diemer, Bob Hurra, 12.. Des 1'1oinesNetro Realty - Tom Poston, Dale Belcher, Finals: CR Welty 7, Ida Grove 0 as Stephen threw a 2-hitter with 15 K; Stephen was unscored upon in the tourna~ent; Ackley lost to i~es 4-0 on Gene Olson1s no-hitter in 1st round; Ackley lost to DM LaPizza 2-0 on I-hitter by Valdez • '-- .'~J:>';~l f (,/ :--'" 1972 State Tournament at Des Moinesl' " - Bomber Park 1. Clear Lake Butt'r. Topp - Dallas Slagle, Lance Dreesman, Charlie Weiss. 2. \,Jebster City Herchants - Larry Cheyne, Andy Yates I Terl'y~lells, Des Hoines Bombers - Dean Olson, Gene Glson, 4. Des I'loinesLa Pizza Rouse - Jesse Valdez, Dean Schreurs, Taylor, 5. Ottumwa Local Pl - Schooley, Dodson, Davis, 6. Cedar Rapids East Side l1aidrite - Dave Wegmann, Ron Findley, Ihke Lamphier, Jack Larson, 7. Cherokee Hamnl's Beer - Bob Brady, Leroy Carlson. Darwin DeVries, 8. Ida Grove Gomaco - Steve Palmer, Gene Knop, 9. Des Moines C &P 'lending - Dick Thenhaus, Ron Fillman, 10. Des Haines I'/;ercnants- Tom Poston, Dale Belcher, Finals: Clear Lake 6, \"iebsterCity 3 as Slagle threw a 7-hitter; Clear Lake forced the second championship game after beating Webster City 6-5 in first championship game as Dreesman, Weiss, and Slagle combined on an 8-hitter; bQebster City knocked Clear Lake in loser's bracket \"ith a 3-1 victory in the finals of the winner's bracket; Clear Lake beat DH La Pizza 6-0 on Slagle 2-hitter; beat Ida Grove 8-2 on Slagle 3-hitter; beat CR t""laidrite 10-0 on Dree.sman I-hitter before loss to Webster City. In finals of loser's bracket, Slagle beat DH Bombers 7-0 on no ..•hitter. 1971 state champion, Cedar Rapids Welty Way, not in state tournament field beoause of automatic spot in national tournament as Defending National Champion. 1973 State 'l'ournament at Des Hoines - Boml;>erPark 1•. Des Hoines Bombers - Dean Olson, Don Fli.sher, 2. Cedar Rapids ~·.'eltWyay - \,:i11 Gaf'fner, Jack Larson, Jim Sovereign, 3- Ida Grove Gomaco - Gene Knop, G,Q.l\a...Olson, 4. l·iebsterCity Merchants - Andy Yates, Terry ~\jel16, 5. Clear Lake Butt'r Topp - Dave Suby, Dallas Slagle, 6_ Ottumwa Miller Hip;h Life Beer - Schooley, Dodson, David, 7. t~es Palmas Restaurant - Stan Oppeda1, Dave Temple, Hanson, 8. Sioux City Soos - Leroy Carlson, Steve Brittain, Bob Brady, 9. Des I>:oine-s Merchants - Tom Poston, Dale Belcher, Don Bailey, 10. Des Hoines C & P Vending Jerry Sands, 11.• Keokuk Dail~r Gate City - Dan ~~inking, Taylor, 12. Cedar Rapids Pilchers Auto - Dick Larson, Dick Burns, Dan Wegmann, 13. Hason City Poodle Club - Dennis Prohaski, Olson, Peterson, Finals: Pre-tournament records: Clear Lake 58-22; Ida Grove 53-14; CR Welty 62-15; Keokuk 49-8; Ottumvla.5.8-13; DMBombers 74-18; HC 36-12; DN l'~erchants, city champs in 1972 & 1973, 36-11; SC 52-13; Carlson pitching in his 29th state tournament. 1974 State Tourna~ent at Cedar Rapids - Ellis Park .. .I. •• Des Heines Bombers - Dean Olson, Don Flisher, 2. Cedar Rapids vIJelty Way - Al Rauach , ~nll Gaffner, 11ilo Gaffner, 3. Clear L~~e Butt'r Topp Dallas Slagle, Lance Dreesman, 4. Cedar Rapids Gohmann Realtors - Jack Larson, Dick Larson, Dick Klein, 5. Ames l'lerchants - Gene Knop , Gus Guydon , Dave, Temple, 6. Des ~IQines Dragons - Rarr~~ Briscoe, Dick Johnson, Bud Collins, 7. P..mesPalmas Restaurant - Gene Olson, stan Oppedal, 8. Cedar Rapids East Side Maidrite - Denny Drahozal, Dave Wegmann, 9. Sioux Cit~ Wigmans - Phil Barschuk, Gary Gevik, Buskek~ 10. Des Moines C & P Vending - Jerry Sands, Jesse Valdez, 11,. Des Moines Reames - Ron Fillman, Don Bailey, Dale Belcher, Keokuk Dail'y Gate City - Kent vJildrick, Dan ~'Jinking, Sioux City Gene's Tavern - Ken VanderZwagg, Leroy Carlson, Finals: Dean Olson and Jack Larson named co-Host Valuable Pitchers; CR \iel ty' s Steve Andrew named Host Valuable Flayer. Dr-'j Bombers wer-e 68-14 coming into tourney; First time since 1948 state tournament played in Cedar Rapids. " 1. Clear Lake. Butt'r 'i'opp." Dallas.S1agle, Gene Knoll, 3. Des l·1oines C & PVen.ding Jerry Sands., Gus Guydon., Jesse Vaidez" 4.. Des Moines Bombel;s- Dean Oison, Don nisher, 5. Cedar Rapids Welty 1tJay •• Greg Bosch, Al Rausch, Denny l"ind.e;t'bapm, 6. Cedar Rapids Collins Radio - Jack Larson, Dick Larson, 7. Des t-1oines Reames Noodl.es - Gene Olson, 8. Ottulll\"Ma iller High Life Beer - '.ferry Schooley, Larry Dodaon, Des l-1o~nes r.ierchants - Hike Clark, Dale Belcher, Jiin Sovereign, iii. "', ",:",_,:, . :': 10. KeokUk Ozarks -Dan lvinki.ng, Eo.1"1c1,,ullan T 1l.l. SiollxC:ity NOl'thwets,ern. NatinnaLBank. :- Mark Milf:.ae;e,. L~royC~lson, :b2.;f.!.mes ;Palmas ReS't;·aurant•.- Dave Temp;Le R , ~.13 :.~ 'Ames ~ardeais R~~t'auran't - Gary Knntadii';:t.arryc;~enshaw:, Finals: Clear Lake beat CR vielty 7-4, CR C011in54-2, iDM C s E ·9-3, & S(1 Gene's 5...1 before championship game. Vand.er. Zwagg named' i'iost -'laluable Pitcher; Clear Lake shor~stop Bob Sturges, named Most Valuable Player •• Sl.agl.e pitclie:d ~ wins and Knop beat'DM C & P before finals. Pre-tourn.ey. records: CR\'lelty, 62~10; Dm .Reame1556-l6;DM BombeRS 62-21; Ames ·lIardees=· 39-19;ClearLtike 63-18; VanderZwagg beat Bombers 'Cwi~e.intourney by scores of 1•..0 & 4-2. Templ.e ~lowed' .only 7 hits, in '4. substate.::-gaRresto "don championship. Merchantl5s~bstate~ champ$;~;CR Co.l1i.ns de£eated ORwel.tytwice in Major Open 12Z6 State Tournament at Des Haines - Birdland Park - -~ 1. Cedar Rapids Collins - Jack Larson Denny LinderbaumT Dick Larson, 2. Des Moines Bombers - Dean Olson,.Gene Olson, Bud Little, 3, Sioux City Siouxland Sports - Ken VanderZwagg, Bob tloyt, Bob Brady, 4. Cedar Rapids Welty Way - Greg Bosch, Al Rausch. 5. Des Koines Reames Noodles - Jerry Sands, Gene Knop, 6. Clear Lake Butttr TOPPt- Craig Brown, Dallas Slagle, 7. Des Moines C & P Vending 5y Forrester, Gus Guydon. Don Flisher, 8. Exira- Denteicher, Billmeyer, Nelson, 9. Ottumwa Local 74 - Bucher, 'I'aylor, 10. Ames P~as Restaurant - Dave Temple, Larry Renshaw, 11. VJebster City t-ierchants Andy Yates, Terry Wells, 12. Ottumwa ~iller Beer - Terry Schooley, Larry Dodson, - Finals: CR 3, DH 1 as Linderbaum threw 3-hitter and hit solo home run. 3eforefinals, Collins beat DM C & P 1-0 on Jack Larson 2-hitter; beat DM Bombers 4-2 on Linderbaum 4-hitter; beat DM Reames 2-1 on Dick Larson 2-hitter; and beat Be Siouxland 4-3 on Jack Larson 6-hitter. ---- ._-- .~-~---~~--~.- ----- - ~- - --.---~-----,---------- 1977 state Tpurnament at Des l'f;oines.-Bomber Park 1.. Cedar Rapids Nodern Piping - Al Rausch, Greg Bosch, 2. Des I>1oinesBombers - Dean O~son, Gene O~son, 3.. Clear Lake Butt'r Topp - Dale Root, Bob Hoore~ 4. Sioux City Sooland Sports - Steve Palmer, Bob Brady, Bob Hoyt, 5. Elkhart Truckers Insurance - Wayne Taylor, Gayln Johnson, 6. Cedar Rapids Collins - Denny Linderbaum~ Dave Wegmann, Dick Larson, 7.. Cedar Rapids Dain, Kahlman,& Quail - John Honroe, Pike, 8. Clear Lake Touristvil1e Boats - Dave Schloemer, Roger Dickson, 9. Cresco Sovereign Grain - Jim Sovereign, 10. Cedar Rapids Kirby - Glen Fletcher, Dick Klein, Dick Thenhaus, 11.. Des l.t:oinesGiGi' s - Hike Clarke, Buddy Forrett, Don Flisher., 12. Sioux City Northwestern :National Bank - Dennis Quade, Gene Knop, 13. Des N.oines Reames - Dale Belcher, Jerry Sands, Tom Poston, .~ 14. Ottumwa Miller High Life - Don Bailey, Finals: CR, DH as Bosch threw 2-hitter with 11 K; Bosch named Most Valuable Pitcher, throwing 16 innings with 29 K, allowing only 4 hits and winning 3 of the 4 CR victories. Taylor threw a no-hitter vs. CR Kirby in 1st round~ winning 3-0. Sovereign threw a no-hitter VB. CR Dain in 1st round, winning 1-0. Tournament was delayed 3 times by rain and took nearly a week and a half to play. 1978 State Tournament at Des goines - Bomber. Park •...~-- 1. Clear Lake Butt'r Topp - Dale Root, Dallas Slagle, 2. Des Haines Bombers - Gene Knop, Don Keene, Hike Clarke, Bud LittleT 3.

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