ctbuh.org/papers Title: 1 Undershaft – The City of London’s New Skyscraper Where the Public Comes First Authors: Eric Parry, Principal, Eric Parry Architects Nick Jackson, Director, Eric Parry Architects Tanya Parkin, Associate Director, Eric Parry Architects Subjects: Architectural/Design Building Case Study Keywords: Design Process Façade Form Public Space Vertical Transportation Publication Date: 2016 Original Publication: Cities to Megacities: Shaping Dense Vertical Urbanism Paper Type: 1. Book chapter/Part chapter 2. Journal paper 3. Conference proceeding 4. Unpublished conference paper 5. Magazine article 6. Unpublished © Council on Tall Buildings and Urban Habitat / Eric Parry; Nick Jackson; Tanya Parkin 1 Undershaft – The City of London’s New Skyscraper Where the Public Comes First 「1 Undershaft」-以人为先的伦敦金融城新摩天大楼 Abstract | 摘要 Eric Parry Principal | 创始人 The paper will describe the aims underpinning the proposed development at 1 Undershaft in Eric Parry Architects the City of London. The project will be exemplary in putting the public first, featuring a new Eric Parry建筑师事务所 square at the tower base and offering the capital’s highest free viewing gallery at the crown. London, United Kingdom Additionally, 1 Undershaft will be one of the tallest buildings in the City of London, establishing 伦敦,英国 a new benchmark for high rise development in London for the next decade by providing flexible, Eric Parry established Eric Parry Architects in 1983. Under his leadership, the practice has developed a reputation for high-quality, open-planned office accommodations within an elegant tapered form expressed delivering beautifully crafted and well considered buildings through its unique external structural corten mega-frame. At ground level, the building is that respond to their context. London has been the focus and the setting for most of Parry’s work. In 2006, he was elected elevated to open up the public space, creating an animated public realm with a lowered Royal Academician (RA) and was later awarded the honorary landscaped court and retail gallery. Transfer zones within the building sky lobbies continue the degree of Doctor of Arts from the University of Bath in 2012. Parry is currently leading the team developing the design for public activity of the building. 1 Undershaft. Eric Parry 在1983年成立Eric Parry Architects。公 Keywords: City, Eric Parry, London, Tower, and Undershaft 司在他领导下,成为了举世闻名的建筑师事务所,以精 美和细致的建筑风格见称。Parry一直以伦敦为事业基 地,他于2006年当选为皇家艺术研究院院士,并于2012 本文将介绍位于伦敦金融城拟建的「1 Undershaft」大楼。这将是一个以人为先的新摩 年获英国巴斯大学 (University of Bath) 颁授艺术荣 誉博士学位。Eric带领项目团队开发1 Undershaft 大 天大楼,大楼底部建有新的公共广场,并在顶部设有市内最高的公共开放观景廊。「1 楼的设计。 Undershaft」大楼将成为伦敦金融城最高的建筑,它将为未来十年伦敦的高层建筑定立 Nick Jackson 新标杆,通过其独特的外部结构巨型支架,展现优雅的形态,并提供高品质、灵活的开 Director | 总裁 放式写字楼空间。大楼在地面开辟一个公共空间,配合园景区和零售区,创造充满动感 Eric Parry Architects 的公共环境。大楼内的空中大堂作为转乘区,持续为建筑物提供公共的互动空间。 Eric Parry建筑师事务所 London, United Kingdom 关键词:城市、Eric Parry、伦敦、塔楼、Undershaft 伦敦,英国 Nick Jackson joined Eric Parry Architects in 1990 after completing his architectural education at the University of Cambridge. In 1994 he moved to Kuala Lumpur to set up a regional office working on projects in Malaysia and Singapore. Since 1998, after returning to London, he has worked on a No. 1 Undershaft will be the tallest building 伦敦金融城将新添一座摩天高楼,名为 range of award winning hotel, residential, and commercial in the eastern cluster of tall buildings in the 「1 Undershaft」,将跻身成为伦敦城东 projects. He has maintained connections with South East Asia as the practice has collaborated with partners in Malaysia, City of London. The City’s skyline is a complex 部地区第一高楼。伦敦金融城的天际线是 and more recently has supported the EPA regional office in and rapidly evolving story of opportunity and 百花齐放而且急速变化的。迄今为止,伦 Singapore. Working alongside Parry, Jackson is leading the team developing the design for 1 Undershaft. constraint. To date, it is made up of buildings of 敦金融城的建筑分为两个主流,一类是自 Nick Jackson 在剑桥大学完成了他的建筑学学位后, two camps: those that have autonomous forms 由设计、外型独特的大厦,如Gherkin和 于1990年加入Eric Parry Architects。 1994年,他迁 – like the Gherkin or the stalled Helter Skelter Helter Skelter,另一类是受到圣保罗大 到吉隆坡设立地区办事处,并参与马来西亚和新加坡等 地的项目。自1998年返回伦敦后,他参与了一系列屡获 – and those shaped by viewing corridors 教堂景观局限而设计的大厦,如Scalpel和 殊荣的酒店、住宅及商业项目。他与东南亚的客户和项 determined by St. Paul’s Cathedral – like the Cheesegrater。在众高层建筑之中,缺乏 目关系密切,包括与马来西亚的合作伙伴合作,并支援 Eric Parry Architects在新加坡的地区办事处。Jackson Scalpel or the Cheesegrater. As a group, they 了一座中央大楼来设定现有和未来的高层 与Parry合作带领项目团队开发1 Undershaft 大楼的 lack a central building to settle the existing 建筑的布局。除此之外,对建筑工人、市 设计。 and future choreography of tall buildings. This 民及市政委员来说,最重要的是让他们为 Tanya Parkin Associate Director | 副总裁 is perhaps most significant for the workers, 历史陈久的街道留下光辉的痕迹。 citizens, and aldermen of the City at ground Eric Parry Architects 我们的设计回应了城市天际线和街景局限 Eric Parry建筑师事务所 level, as developments can leave scars like meteor strikes on the medieval street pattern. 的问题,解决了城市的复杂性,包括在大 London, United Kingdom 楼的顶部和底部划分明确和大型的公共空 伦敦,英国 Tanya Parkin was a project architect for 5 Aldermanbury Our design of 1 Undershaft responds to 间。大厦采用七个交叉支撑结构来支撑73 Square, from its pre-planning stages through to its 2007 these two issues of the skyline and the street, 层高楼,其高宽比例为7:1(图1)。 completion. The project was also shortlisted for the Stirling Prize. As an Associate, she worked to planning 120 reconciling urban complexities with a clear and Fenchurch Street, a large office development in London that ambitious public realm located at the top and encompasses a publicly accessible roof garden, as well as the recently completed No. 8 St. James’s Square. The office base of the building. This is mediated by the development and the adjacent listed private residence by seven expressed structural braces of the tower, 小结 Edwin Luytyens are both located in the heart of the St. James’s Conservation Area. with a proportion of height to width that is Tanya Parkin 是伦敦5 Aldermanbury Square项目的 seven to one, and supports 73 floors (Figure 1). 该项目包括73层的办公楼,以及底层和地 建筑师,曾参与项目规划前期至2007年完工阶段的工 下LG层的改良型公共区域。大楼顶部为一 作。曾入围英国皇家建筑师学会斯特林奖。此外,她曾 参与120 Fenchurch Street项目规划阶段的设计,该 项目为伦敦金融城内一项大型的写字楼发展项目,项目 包括公共天台花园。Parkin 最近完成了St James’s Square 8号规划阶段的设计工作,该写字楼项目位于St. James’s文物保护区的中心位置,邻近历史建筑Edwin Luytyens私人住宅。 164 Rethinking the Skyscraper | 反思摩天大楼 Volume 1 and 2 book.indb 164 9/12/2016 7:56:54 PM Summary The scheme consists of a 73-story office building with an enhanced public realm space at the top, ground, and lower ground levels. • 154,100 square meters (1,658,700 square feet) gross external area • 128,780 square meters (1,386,200 square feet) gross internal area of office space • 2,005 square meters (21,500 square feet) of gross internal retail space at lower ground floor • 1,200 square meters (12,900 square feet) of gross internal restaurant space at level 70 • 2,810 square meters (30,200 square feet) of gross internal publicly accessible viewing gallery and education center at levels 71-72 and associated entrance lobby at basement-level B1 • A public realm space of 1.6 acres • Six disabled parking bays • 1,664 cycle parking spaces and associated cyclist facilities The new building will create high-quality office accommodation in flexible open-plan floors to meet the requirements of the next Figure 1. 1 Undershaft, view of the proposed new building with other consented schemes within the Eastern Cluster. (Source: Eric Parry Architects & DBOX) generation of businesses within the City of 图1. 1 Undershaft, 伦敦东区其他同意方案提出的新大楼。(来源:Eric Parry 建筑师事务所以及DBOX) London. The new office will have generous floor to ceiling heights, as well as high-levels 个可以自由出入的公共观景廊,观景廊下 办公层有极高的天花、高水平的自然光 of natural light and fresh air intake to provide a 方则是一个公共餐厅。 和新风入口,以提供比现有建筑更健康的 工作环境。该大楼以可持续性和高效性为 healthier working environment than is possible • 共154,100平方米(1,658,700平 设计原则,使其在使用期间尽可能减少材 within the existing building. It is designed 方英尺)的室外区域 with sustainability and efficiency at its helm, 料、能源和水资源的浪费。 minimizing the waste of materials, energy, and • 共128,780平方米(1,386,200平 此外,该大楼还将提供大面积的公共区 water throughout its lifetime. 方英尺)的室内办公区 域,打造一栋真正向所有人开放的大楼。 大楼的顶部为观景廊,可360度欣赏伦敦 Additionally, the new building will provide • 共2,005平方米(21,500平方英 的景色;还提供一个教育中心,内设两间 extensive public spaces, creating a community 尺)的地下LG层室内零售区 that is truly open and accessible to all. A 学习室,供学生前来参观,更好地了解伦 viewing gallery is located at the top of the • 第70层1,200平方米(12,900平 敦。观景廊下一层则为一个独立的公共 building, which provides 360-degree views of 方英尺)的室内餐饮区 餐厅。 London and an education center large enough to accommodate two learning rooms for • 第71、72层的公共观景廊和教 育中 school-sized classes to visit and engage with 心及地下B1层入口大厅共计2,810平 历史和城市文化 London. A separate public restaurant is located 方米(30,200平方英尺) on the floor beneath the viewing gallery. 伦敦城市天际线的崛起 • 1.6英亩的公共区域 伦敦是由两个城市的基础上发展建立起来 • 6个残障人士专用停车位 的:伦敦东面的伦敦城始建于公元一世纪 History and Urban Context 的罗马帝国,伦敦西面的西敏寺市在公元 • 1,664个自行车停车位及相关设施 11世纪由皇室创立。围绕这两个中心及之 The Rise of London’s Skyline 间的土地,以至泰晤士河以南的地区,都 London as a whole is the amalgam of two 这栋新大楼将提供灵活、开放、高质量的 拥有不同且复杂的行政分组,现由Canary cities: to the east, the City of London was 办公空间,以满足伦敦未来的商务需求。 Wharf在伦敦码头区的建设开发把整个金融 built on Roman foundations created during 区连结起来。当英王威廉一世(William the CTBUH 2016 Shenzhen · Guangzhou · Hong Kong Conference | 2016年CTBUH深圳 · 广州 · 香港国际会议 165 Volume 1 and 2 book.indb 165 9/12/2016 7:56:54 PM Figure 2. Claes Jansz. Visscher, View of London from South Bank (Jodoricus Hondius II, 1616), etching. (Source: Image placed in the public domain courtesy of the Library of Congress) 图2. Claes Jansz. Visscher, 从南岸看伦敦 (Jodoricus Hondius II, 1616),蚀刻版画。(来源:用于公共领域的图片由Library
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