![Daily Iowan (Iowa City, Iowa), 1966-12-09](https://data.docslib.org/img/3a60ab92a6e30910dab9bd827208bcff-1.webp)
~ ail Iowan Serving the niverslty of Iowa and the People of Iowa City ----------------------~---------- 10 cenu a COpy lowa at." Ion-P'ridIy, December t, 1 Art Additions Okayed; HOLIDAY QUEENS, fln.Il ... III the ftttt "s.nt. Lucia IN," .re, from ..,,: ,.tty CIoIc, AI, De. Moina.; Martt.a N...... , PI, Cylinder; Uncia aillr, .u. CecIIr It""'; SlIt Go.kI., A2, Hoo.,.r, N.... ; .l1li KIthy McCulley, AI, 0.1'....". An lIeI o.nI.. Board Unhappy At Cost ....m requIre. ttIIt the ......, It lie cMt. r, Currier HilI,...,.... __ .... _lie • trlditlona' "br.. kfe" vi,II" ... the I•• lilii"ii1", IIefwe Iht ChriltnWl .... 1· ay NIC GOERES additio . The additiona would be paid Regent Jonathan Richards of Red Oak, throu&h the eoDege of IJbera\ Arta be­ Uyt. - PIlote r, DIck Taffe Editar for, hoYiever, by I I I tive appropri tl In IOUth1l'elt Iowa, AId that much of the cinninl nat September. DES MOINES - Tb state Board of IIIhen th y are approved next ),eBr. promotion for a fourth collece for lOUth- • The approved proll'lIm inC\Ud J9 boun Reaenta reluctantly approved Thursday Th only ibiUt)' In which the audio 11' Iowa wsa • "Chamber o( Cornmerte" ot prerequiJit ,Ill boW'll of required cour- $1,125,000 {or University Art Building ad­ torlum fund would be used is that the effort. , and 12 boon of electiv Up to 50 eIltlons. I gisl ture mieht appropriate no capital The two croups ageed that the~ was ~enu maJorinc In the field can be ()o The Re n dislibd approving bl fu for the Board of Regents. Board pr ure from various citl to loc:ate I cornmod.ated by the currently authorized that ran $815,000 o~er previous tim I mt'mbers say this is unlik ly. fourth ,tate school In their vicinity for facuity oC three prof SOrl, three asaocl- Johnson Reveals the for additions and they were skeptical Bow n IBid 80m cUon bad to be tu- economlc purpoees. Ite prof 1'1, all uslatant prof eason, and about bow the addillonal money would en JOan becau about ~,OOO in fed ral two arch auodat . Ex! tina cl St ... H.. 1-.., II"",... raised. fund we rj~ on the project. A delaY room .pace and library faclUU are ad - University Pres. Howard R. Bolio n would mean the UnIversity would have 1tecent Wllllam Quarton, Cedar Rapids, quate for the proaram. recommended that the reeents dip 1nto to repeat a I ngthy proc of obtainlna AId that the atate had been haYiDa eaou In oth r action the board yol.ed • 9 per Space Arms Ban the University'. .udltorium fund. The federlll funds, he IBid. difficulty paylni for the PrHent three In.' cent pay raise for nurae, at University Itutio of h!iher learnln,. A fourth fund has been colleetlng mon y irK Addition, Ne.cIed Now Hospital amounting to '132,000 next year. AUSTIN IA'I - President Johnson dis· divldual nations - by the SerIate, in the 1964 wh n the Unlve Ity raised its tui. auld only add to the financial burden, Salarl of Intel1ll and denta were closed Thursday that the United States, case of the United Statel. "We are in too deep to eel out. we oefd h IBid. tion $20 I year to pay [or • student audio the addition no ," Bowen said ral.ted by 11 per cent or about 000. The the Soviet Union and 26 other nations had In a statement read to reporters by pres­ torium. Some of the nator. said a fourth coi­ moo y will com from boepital receipt .. agreed on a treaty to ban war and weap­ Idenllal assistant Geor,e Chriallan at the Sin November, IMS, th co t e. U- Board m mber Melvin Wol( of Water­ mate of th additions has risen from $654,- I Ie was needed beca many Itud nta INn! Accept. Fund ODS from the reaches oC space. White )foose pr center In AustiD, John­ loo objected to u ing auditorium fund to from we rrn Iowa w nt to schoob in son IBid he expected early action by the 7SO to lh p t $1,$2S,OOO. The project The board .ccept.ed a truat fund eatab- Johnson saluted the terms of a draft pay for other projects. w expanded in August for adelltional Missouri and N br lui aince unlv rsl llahed by Mr. and MrI. John Se , D v- treaty worked out by the U.N. Committee assembly. He aid he plaMed to IIIbmit In Iowa wer too far a".y. the treaty to the Senate at the congrel­ •• , don't like th br aeh of faith to the office., libraries. cI srooma and rooma enport, wllleb will eruta a pro! l'Ibip on Outer Space as "this important step • tudenta," Wolf &aid. "The tuition Incr lor various type of art. The board abo approved I bach lor of In Internal medlcin, at th Unlvenlty . toward peace." He said it tra.nslated Into .Ional less Ion ltartin, In January. The President voiced a hope that the wa lold to u 88 an auditorium I ,nat Th board also d1scu d with Itale arta pro,ram In cblld developmmt at th The re enta alao approved: treaty from a no-bombs·ln·orbit resolutioa a ,en ral buUdlng fee." senators a po Ible fourth atate eollege. University. e Stra\gbtenln, • portion of the road th t of the United Nations. Uniled States would be one of the first countries to raUly his mulll·nation effort The r g nta arrived at an all~rnale plan Sen. Robert R. Rigler, (R-Floyd-Cblck· New a.A • .",..nel bord 1'1 the Unlvcl'IIly Golf Courle on "It guarantees," he lIaid, "free acceSi to quarantine outer space a,alnst war. give the Univer ity • financial ba e from DAlW Counti ), the senate minority lead­ Th University Institu e of Child Behav· the w • to all areas and installations of celestial "It is the most important arma control lh aUditorium fund. 't11~ pledge would er. B. kcd the rl'Gcnts whl'ther they lor and Development, which already ollen e kin, federal matchln, fund for II bodies. This openness, taken wIth other development Iince the Umlted test·ban &lve the Unv r ity a nn ncial base from lhoul:hl Bnother eolleec should be creDL· master', and doctoral degrees In child de­ In bulld!bll and equipping a ond part provisIons of the treaty, should prevent treaty of 1963," Johnson IBid. which to beaill work on the Art Bulld!n td In uthw Iowa. velopment, will oller the B.A. prollram to the Phy.lca ReJeaI'cb Center and for warlike preparations on the moon and That treaty, which tnOIt nations have a new millie bulldIn&. other celestial bodies." ratified, barl nuclear teaUnll In the at­ e Selection of architectural rvle to To become effective, the treaty must mosphere but not underll\'Ound. Franc. plan a proposed plant pity&! 10 labora· ,ain approval of the U.N. General As· and Red China, the two most recent mem­ tory. sembly and then the ratification of In· bers of tbe nuclear weapons society, have Britain Proposes Rhodesian Embargo e PurchalinJ property for University UJe at 423 S. Capitol t. and 20 W. Harrison not ratified IL UNITED N TION LfI - Britain propo - was con med, Rhod sla would be the 101, Brown. Goldberg AId it reflected the U.S. But France Is a member of the U.N. ., 10 th block w of the JohnlOn ed Thursday that the U.N. curlly Coun. \.IIrget oC council action stand for a peacelul IOlution to the Rho­ Committee on Outer Space which worked County Cou.rlbo and north of the block cll invoke m8lld tory conomlc penaltie Aa Brown lpoke, the House of Com· desian criala. In wlllch • donn/tory I. to be built. Air Force ROTC out terms of the new treaty. So are the and an arms embargo against Rhode to to man. In London supported the Labor gov­ Th.e council adjourned aftel' hearlllJ United States, the Soviet Union, and Grest brinl down the J3·month-old wlllte minor. ernment's appeal to the United Nation. Brown and wJ\l reaume III debate at 1t The Board .pproved contract. for: BritaIn. Red China, of course, Is not even ity regime. e Remod Un, the teCond and third floor. a member of the United Nations. At a rowdy seSJilon, the Hou vot d 353 a.m. today. In a sp ch to the l5-nation council. Bri· to 244 aqains! ron rvativ and some In respol\.l8 to demanda from the Afrl· DC Unilieraity Hall. Holds IDining-ln' The White Hou e was silent as to wbeth· lu.h Forcien Secretary George Brown aiJ;o . RernOdeUn th, fourth floor of PllllUpl er the Soviet Union and this country might Labor d fector to b the appc 1. • can IMmbel'l of the Britl h Qlmmonw alth offered to accept 8 Umilt'd 011 embar II U.S. AmI) dol' Arthur J. Goldberg for an oil. embarlO I well, he IBid : "W. Hall. Two faculty members and a University be able to cooperate in ending the war . RenovaU .nd addi to I buildin!! sludent were honored at the second an· on this planet In Viet Nam, bavlng come - one that would not involve South Africa quIckly announced .upport oC the Brill h have been conaultlng v ry IVld 1)" both nual Air Force ROTC "Dining·ln" beld He made clcar thal as far Brilaln lutlon IIIbmilted to lhe council by befo~ and alnee I c me h re, and I p­ at Oakdale to provide quarter.
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