AVERAGE DAILT dRCTTLATION for the Month of May, loss WEATHEB Forecaet of U. s. Weather Boieaii. Hartford 6,153 Member of the Aodlt ____ Bnreao of CIrcolatloae -S h o w ^ tonight and poeelbtv Wedneeday monring, cooler Wed- IVI A 1 _______________• neoday and In the Interior tonight. MANCHESTER — A CITY OF VILLAGE CHARM VOL. LVIL, NO. 211 Iowa Farmers Go to the Polls SENATOR GILLETTE COUNTY COURT ISSUES IS VICTORIOUS IN IOWA’S PRIMARIES FIVE BENCH WARRANTS Democrat Who Opposed Coort Reorganizadon BiO LA TE NEWS AT ALCORN’S REQUEST Is Polling More Than FLASHES! Lawlor, Thoms, Hickey, CANTON RAIDING AVER GERMANS 50 Per Cent Of Vole. MORE SHIPS BOMBED Daly And Spiro Charged 5Iadrld, June 7.— (A P )__ Three BY JAP PLANES FORCED FRANCO Doe Moines, Juno 7— (A P )__The more British nierchantmep were i With Accepting Bribe purported drive of some nationally rlously damaged today In nids of Insurgent warplanes on the Span- SULLYING ON known New Dealers against Iowa TO O R D ^ RAIDS ish government’s Medlterrsiiean During General Assembly Senator Guy M. Gillette appeared to porta of Alicante and Valencia. have been swamped under a deluge bomba dropped Jby a alngle AD Women, Children Being Session; Are All Present of Democratic primary votes today attacked Alicante French Papers Agree Invad- Senator Gillette, who charged during the campaign that New Deal haven and crippled her badly. An- Evacoaled; Three Fresh Or Former Members (N ing Planes Were Rebel; "(1 atrateglst Tommy Corcoran was dl- other vessel at Alicante described only as the ’’English ship" i ^ n g the drive against him from was set Attacks Today; French Washington, was polling more than French Anti-Aircraft Bat- The State Legislatore. 50 per cent of the votes as returns from .'owa's 2,447 precincts reached AMERICAN SHOT Protest, May Cut Relations the two-thirds mark. teries Hom*ed To Border. Uaahington, June 7.— (A P )__The Hartford, June 7.— (A P )— Representative Otha D. Wearln Five bench warrants against reported ehooting of an American endorsed by W PA Chief Harry 1. missionary by a drunken Japanese Cnnton, China, June 7.— (A P )__ pre.sent or form er members of Hopkins and "M y friend ” to James FoIx, FVonce, June 7.— (A P ) Roosevelt, was receiving . ii,„ I *•“ « protest to the Japan’s warplanes bombarded thi.a France rushed heavy reinforcements the General A.ssembly were is- a little J a j^ e s e consol general at Tsbigtao, more than a quarter of the total I China, terrorized south China city three to the Spanish frontier today as sue(i today by the Superior and three other candidates shared times today and swelled the toll of Premier Ektouard Daladter, who also Court here in connection with the resL American Consul Louis H. Uour- dead and wounded, which had la national defense minister, took lobbying activities that drew ley telegraphed the State Uepart- reached 6,000 since the punlahlng In a statement Issued at his personal charge of military prepa- the censure of the Waterbury Cherokee, la., home. Senator Gil- ment today that he was Informed scries of raids began eleven days Dr. Frederick G. Scovel was shot rations to repel aerial Invasions. Special Grand Jury investigat* lette said his apparent victory ‘’will ago. The third raid waa made by through the side at Tslnlma, June moonlight, beginning at 8:30 p. m . Dniadler, who spent last night In ing the alleged million dollar give that Left W in g. group, which victory for Senator Guy M. ®lArted out to control the party 2 or 8, while trying to protect Chi- Gillette over Rep. Otha Wearln, who claimed New Deal s u ^ r L (7.30 a. m., e, s. t.), and Incendiary Folx on a tour of the frontier, made fraud case in that city. nese nurses In a mission hospital. nomination In 1940. a verv vrsat I ' bombs were dropped In northern It plain he considered the repeated The warrants charged tha Incentive to think things OTcr5’ | ‘ *>e protest. sections of the city. Onton, Includ- aerial attacks oh French territory The Senator said, however, that ing the foreign settlement on Sha- were deliberate and a grave menace defendants with receiving a ’’this la no occasion for personal re- NEW WORK CREATED mcen Island, waa without electric of war which could be avoided only bribe in the form of shares light or power tonight. During an by forceful measures. sentment against any person.” Washington, June 7— (.AP) —The STATE’S ATTORNEY LEWIS ECUADOR AND PERU stock during the 1935 Genana "But I join In the resentment of afternoon raid nine bombs plunged ■I am convinced this bombard- Assembly session. Bureau of Labor Statistics esti- Into the compound of the power ment waa made with a double ob- the people of this state.” he added mated today that the first 3,000 station and waterworks In the ject In view," the premier said ThoM Named. "W e showed them the heart of p ^ llc works projects In the new The bench warrants were Isanefl IN BORDER HGHT Salchuen district, near Shameen, cryptically, after an Investigation genuine democracy la beating pretty spen^ng-lendlng program utmld QUITS WATERBURY POST Bgaln.st the foUowing: on the spot where power-lines and firmly and strongly.” putting the power station out of provide nearly 4,800,000 man ^ Senator Joseph H. Lawlor at Was Against Court Plan ’i ’ - commission. the right-of-way of the Toulouse- montlis of employment. Barcelona railway were damaged by Waterbury. president pro tempora The senator, an anti-court plan Twenty civilians were killed on Tht, bnreao said these projects, to bombs dropped from nine planes of of the 1937 Senate. Democrat, said he believed hla op- Former Charges Latter With Honam Island, separated from Can- Rep. John D. Thoms o f Watar» CMt a to W of 8800,000,000, would JAPANESE LEADING ton city by the Pearl river. ’’unknown nationality’’ Sunday. position to that measure was "the create 1,756,000 man months of em- Must Be “ Strong, Decided." bury. Democratic minority leader ol Genesis" of a plan to defeat him. The first raid came soon after the House In 1935 and 1987 *'** construction Stale Judiciary; Hi? For- Sending Bombers, Troops, dawn, when Japanese planes for ten "W e wUl not have war tf we are Wearing could not be reached for and 2341,000 months of Indirect strong and decided." he added. " I f Former Rep. Daniel F. B. Hickey T n •• I bombed the congested a statement His family In Hast ^plojm ient In mUls, mines and IN WAR PURCHASES we look straight ahead and without of Stamford, prominent yachtsman Inga, Ia„ reported that be was not awiroAas. mer AsmstanL Wm. Fitz- uOnDOatS l o r r o n n e r . TunK»»>an and smehuen districts. fear we will be able to avoid It." and Republican majority leader of ewpeoted until late tonight A cam- Women, Children Banished He did not comment further. the House In 1935. paign aide, J. Don Kerlln of Des Local Chinese authorities have The premier's quick vlalt to the Senator Matthew A. Daly of New -M.AHKETS A T A GLANCE ordered all women and children to Moines, said he (KerUn) had sent gerald Takes Over Office. Has Become Best Ciistomer Quito, Ecuador, June 7 — (A P ) mountainous border regions, unfort- Haven. Democrat, former Ckmnecti* York, June 7.— (A P )__ leave the city. Throngs have gath- cut W P A administrator. The foreign office of Ecuador ified for centuries between the twro (Contlnned on Page Six) Stock! Irregular; early rally ered at railway stations and along traditionally friendly nations, was Former Senator Nathan D. Spiro I fades. New Haven, June 7 — (A P ) — Of U. S.; China Second; charged today that Pent waa re- the waterfront, patiently awaiting the result of the visit yesterday by of Danbury, Republican, Senate Bonds Lawrence L. Lewis stepped out to- inforcing border garrisons with chalrmzm of the public .health and -.Mixed: governments In (Continued on Page Two.) I ropply. troops, bombing planes and gun- (Oontinned on Page Two.) safety committee In the 1935 ses- day as New Haven county aUte's Brazil First Last Month. sion. FAIRFIELD BACKS Curb— Cneven; ntlUty attorney for the Waterbury district, boats despite promises to abstain rally sharply preferreds Oroae* Snooeeeors. his resignation accepted by the Con- from force in the two nations’ dis- pute over the Orlente jungle terri- Alcorn’s action reauhed In m sitp necticut Judiciary. His former as- sisUnt, William B. Fitzgerald, took Washington, June 7.— (A P ) tory east of the Andes. uatlon In which the two stata offi- HARWOOD’S STAND cials In line of direct succession to Cotton—.Low er; over the office to fill the unexpired Japan has become the United A foreign office statement said SENATE GROUP AGREES liquidation and Peru ■ had sent five bombers to re- (Jovemor Wilbur L. Cross, (fonneo* foreign seUing. term. States’ best customer for war sun- Criticized by the Waterbury piles. inforce her garrison at Pamtoja tlcut’a 76-year-oId chief executtvs, near Roczifuerte on the Napo river stand accused of grave criminal Grand Jury on the ground that charges. aO.P. Organization Cats "organized gambling had been per- The SUte Department published and had concentrated provincial ON WAGE, HOUR CHANGES o «| Colfeo—Quiet; trade buying. figures today showing that Japan troops near the Ecuadorian bound- Lieut. <3ov. Frank Hayea, next in mitted to exist unmolested and un- checked" In that city since Lt -Gov. has passed China during the last six ary at Tumbez near the Pacific succession to the governor, was coast.
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