1 Sl.No. Name & Designation Office Telephone No. Residence

1 Sl.No. Name & Designation Office Telephone No. Residence

1 GOVERNMENT OF INDIA MINISTRY OF PARLIAMENTARY AFFAIRS NEW DELHI ADDRESS & TELEPHONE NOS. OF OFFICERS OF VARIOUS MINISTRIES/DEPARTMENTS DEALING WITH PARLIAMENTARY WORK (As on March, 2021) Sl.No. Name & Designation Office Telephone Residence Office Address No. Telephone No. PRESIDENT’S SECRETARIAT 1 Shri Kapil Dev Tripathi, 23013324 Rashtrapati Bhavan, Secretary to the President 23014930 New Delhi 4211, 4387 23017290 (FAX) 23017824 (FAX) 2 Dr. Thomas Mathew 23793302 24638676 - do – J. S. to the President 4380 23011949 (FAX) 3 Shri Faiz Ahmed Kidwai 23016767 - - do – Director (A&E) 4 Shri J.G. Subramanian 23015321/4216 23015321/4424 - do – Section Officer 5 Shri Ashok Kumar 23015321/4216 23015321/4398 - do – Assistant 6 Shri S.M. Sami 23015321/4216 23015321/4490 - do – Assistant CABINET SECRETARIAT 1 Shri Rajiv Gauba, 23016696 23012494 Rashtrapati Cabinet Secretary 23012095(FAX) Bhavan, New Delhi 2 Shri V.K. Gauba 23018467 24627983 -do- Joint Secretary 3 Shri Nilratan Das 23793211 23230140 -do- Under Secretary 23792281(FAX) 4 Shri P.K. Hira 23015937 9810411351 -do- Section Officer 5 Shri K.K. Singh 23015937 9868885192 -do- Parliament Assistant 23015938 2 Sl.No. Name & Designation Office Telephone Residence Office Address No. Telephone No. PRIME MINISTER’S OFFICE 1 Dr. P.K. Mishra 23013040 24671615 148-A, South Block, Principal Secretary to 23012312 New Delhi Prime Minister 23016857(FAX) 2 Shri Tarun Bajaj 23793308 26111121 48, South Block, New Addl. Secretary to Prime 23016771 (Fax) Delhi Minister 3. Shri Amrik Bihari Singh, 23074072 9810777639 South Block, New Joint Secretary Delhi 4. Shri Biplab Kumar Roy, 23017530 9013990076 143, (Basement) Under Secretary (Parl.) 23034459 Parl. House 23034200(FAX) New Delhi 5 Shri Pradeep Sahrawat, -do- 8800863904 143, (Basement) Section Officer (Parl.) Parl. House New Delhi MINISTRY OF AGRICULTURE AND FARMERS WELFARE Department of Agriculture and Cooperation & Farmer Welfare 1 Shri Sanjay Agarwal 23382651 9651784119 115, Krishi Secretary (A&C) 23388444 Bhawan, N.D. 23386004 (Fax) 2 Shri Tarsem Chand 23381503 21211335 242-A, Krishi Joint Secretary (Parl.) 23385592 (Fax) 9818603070 Bhawan, N.D. 3 Shri P.N. Shukla, 23389400 7838624252 354-B, Krishi Deputy Secretary (Parl.) Bhawan, N.D. 4 Smt. Annakunju Mathew, 23384930 9818345049 23, Krishi Under Secretary (Parl) 9968312367 Bhawan, N.D. 5 Shri Brajesh Godra 23388453 9810214829 23, Krishi Under Secretary Bhawan, N.D. 6 Shri Lal Chand, 23384554 -- 23, Krishi Section Officer Bhawan, N.D. 7 Shri Balram Singh 23384554 -- 23, Krishi Section Officer (Parl.) Bhawan, N.D. Department of Agriculture Research and Education 1 Dr. Trilochan Mohapatra 23382629 105, Krishi Secretary (DARE) & 23386711 Bhawan, N.D. DG (ICAR) 23384773(FAX) 2 Shri Sushil Kumar 23384450 106,Krishi Addl.. Secretary (DARE) 23387705(FAX) Bhawan, N.D. & Secy. (ICAR) 3 Shri A.R. Sengupta, 23097044 206, Krishi Bhawan, Deputy Secretary 23384986 N.D 4 Shri Jitendra Mishra 23070821 211, -do- Under Secy. (Parl.) 23384986 5 Sh. R. K. Sharma 23384986 9868568494 211, -do- Section Officer (TELEFAX) 6 Sh. Vineet Kumar, 23384986 9999216771 211, -do- Parliament Assistant 3 Ministry of Ayush 1. Shri Vaidya Rajesh 24651950 24674845 R.No. 201, Ayush Kotecha, Secretary 24651951 Bhawan, ND 24651937 (Fax) 2. Shri Anurag Srivastava, 24561940 8527137070 R.No. 208, Ayush Joint Secretary 24651954 (Fax) Bhawan, ND 3. Shri Kiranjit S. Nagi, 23061649 25083535 R.No. 304-D, Ayush Adviser (Parl.) 23062311 9818757790 Bhawan, ND 4. Shri S.K. Arya, 23061649 9868791077 R.No. 304-D, Ayush Parliament Assistant 23062311 (Fax) Bhawan, ND MINISTRY OF CHEMICAL AND FERTILIZERS (i) Department of Chemicals & Petrochemicals 1 Shri Yogendra Tripthi, 23384196 -- 501-A, Wing Secretary 23387892 (Fax) Shastri Bhawan N.D. 2 Shri R.K. Kamra, 23386752 9868271662 341-A, -do- DDG (Parl.) 3 Shri Prem Parkash 23382176 9899116092 236 A – do-. Dy Secretary (Parl) 4 Shri J. Hari Prasad, 23388635 9871065560 410,A - Wing – do Under Secretary (Parl) 5 Smt. Neelam Taneja 23389493 -- 308-A, - do - Section Officer 6 Shri Suraj Bhan 23389493 9891935537 308-A, - do - Parliament Assistant 23074345 (Fax) 24624686 Email:[email protected] (ii) Department of Fertilizers FAX No. 23382789 1 Shri R.K. Chaturvedi 23383695 9999494877 217-A,Shastri Secretary (F) 23381275 Bhawan New Delhi 2 Ms. Aparna S. Sharma 23381294 9810196826 219-A,Shastri Joint Secretary (Parl.) Bhawan New Delhi 3 Smt. Geeta Mishra, 23387612 9871468530 405-B,Shastri Deputy Secretary Bhawan New Delhi 4 Shri Yashpal Arora 23381472 9811190419 213-F,Shastri Under Secretary Bhawan New Delhi 5 Shri Sarvesh Kumar, 23388380 9899870221 204-D,Shastri Section Officer Bhawan New Delhi 6 Shri M.S. Rawat, 23382789 9868205002 204-D,Shastri Parliament Assistant Bhawan New Delhi (iii) Department of Pharmaceutical 1 Ms. S. Aparna, 23381573 24103869 218-A, Shastri Secretary (Pharma) 23070245 Bhawan N.D. 2 Ms Sunanda Sharma, 23063341 24103390 R.No.514-B, F-Wing, Economic Adv. (Parl) 23061517 9810959758 Udyog Bhawan, ND 3 Shri Devendra Kumar, 23389840 9650807332 346-A Wing, Shastri Dy. Secretary (Parl.) 23389840 Bhawan, ND. 4 Shri A.K. Karn, 23061517 -- R.No.513-B, F-Wing, Under Secretary (Tel/Fax) Udyog Bhawan, ND 4 5 Shri G. Rajakumar 23061517 9871345467 - do - Section Officer 6 Shri N.K. Parcha 23385473 9650463797 G-25, Shastri Parliament Assistant 23387920 Bhawan N.D. MINISTRY OF CIVIL AVIATION 1 Shri Predeep Singh 24610358 -- 293-B, Block Rajiv Kharola, 24610368 Gandhi Bhavan, Secretary 24602397(Fax) New Delhi. 2 Shri Satyendra Kumar 24643246 -- R.No.272 –do- Mishra, 24610363 (Fax) Joint Secretary 3 Shri Pranjol Chandra, 24649881 -- 172-B, Block Rajiv Director Gandhi Bhavan, New Delhi. 4 Shri S.V. Ramana, 24610374 -- 60-B –do- Under Secretary 5 Shri Phailee Ram Meena, 24640215 9718840356 70 –do- Section Officer (Telefax) MINISTRY OF COAL 1 Shri Anil Kumar Jain, 23384884 317-A wing, Shastri Secretary 23381678(FAX) Bhawan, N.D 2 Shri Vinod Kumar Tiwari 23386710 -- 319-A, -do- Addl. Secretary 23381247 (Fax) 3 Shri Bhabani Prasad Pati, 23387698 -- 321-A, - do- Joint Secretary 4 Shri Rajnish Kwatra, 23073425 -- 315-B-do- Deputy Secretary 5 Shri Sudheer Babu 23073936 -- 350-A –do- Motana, US 6 Shri Prem Singh 23382188 -- 512-D,-do- Section Officer 7. Shri Ashish Chanotra 23388066 -- 104-C-do- Parl. Assistant 8. Shri Pawan Kumar Sahu 23388066 -- 104-C-do- JSA 5 S.No. Name & Designation Office Telephone Residence Office Address No. Telephone No. MINISTRY OF COMMERCE AND INDUSTRY (i) Department of Commerce 1 Shri Anup Wadhawan, 23061815 R.No 45,Udyog Secretary (IPP) 23061667 Bhavan, 23061596 (Fax) New Delhi. 2 Shri Shatrughna Singh, 23061714 23072404 R.No126A,Udyog Addl. Secretary 23063656 (Fax) Bhavan, New Delhi. 3 Shri L. Ginkhomang 23062651 9953237350 256-A,Udyog Bhavan, Deputy Secretary New Delhi. 4 Shri P.K. Mishra, 23063651 9953151690 417,Udyog Bhavan, Under Secretary New Delhi. 5. Shri Pradeep Toppo, 23061589 9871762930 30B,Udyog Bhavan, Sectioin Officer (Tele/Fax) New Delhi. (ii) Department for Promotion of Industry and Internal Trade 1 Dr. Guruprasad 23061815 -- 157, Udyog Mahapatra, 23061667 Bhawan, N.D. Secretary (IPP) 23061598(FAX) 2 Shri R.K. Singh 23062011 9811902004 30A-, -do- Joint Secretary 23062012 3 Shri A.M. Balraj, 23062635 99101119335 475, -do- Senior Development 25087008 Officer 4 Shri Ran Naresh 23062635 9910119335 475, -do- Under Secretary 25087008 5 Shri Saikat Das 23062880 9910989808 30-B, -do- Section Officer 26105984 6 Shri Deepak John 23062880 9818621934 -do- D’Cruze Parliament Assistant MINISTRY OF COMMUNICATIONS (i) Department of Telecommunications 1 Shri Anshu Prakash 23719898 8130966661 R.No.210, Secretary (T) 23036787 24670442 Sanchar Bhavan. 23711514 ( Fax) New Delhi 2 Smt. Anita Parveen 23717300 9444977595 R.No.318 Addl. Secretary (T) 23350495 (Fax) Sanchar Bhavan. New Delhi 3 Ms. Aprajita Sharma 23715145 9013139687 R.No. 704 DDG(Budget & Plan 23036861 - do - Finance) 23372272 (Fax) 4 Shri S. Balachandra Iyar 23717411 9717646412 R.No. 316 DDG (C&A) 23036716 - do - 23372049 (Fax) 6 5 Shri Pranab Biswas, 23036094 9013132933 R.No.305, DS (P&A) 23372153 9560163933 - do - 6 Shri C.M. Sampar 23372132 9440000152 R.No.506, Dir (B&P) 23036016 - do - 23372593 (F) 7 Shri Rahul Sharma, 23218848 9873039669 R.No.607, 6th Floor, Director 23232215 MTNL Building, J.L. Nehru Marg, ND 8 Shri Bharat Bhushan 23036833 9868139718 R.No.108-F, Sharma 23327057 (F) Dak Bhawan, ND Under Secretary 9 Shri V. Giridharan, 23036477 9968303904 R.No. 108-H, SO 23036285 -do- 10 Shri Dinesh Chandra 23036477 9710506555 R.No.108-H, Dak S.O. (Parl.) 23036285 9810506555 Bhavan, New Delhi 23327057 (Fax) (ii) Department of Posts 1 Shri Pradipta Kumar 23096060 9953397611 R.No.103, Dak Bisoi 23036670 Bhawan, New Delhi Secretary (Post) 23096077 (Fax) 2 Shri Anil Kumar Nayak 23096083 8902496648 309, - do - AS&FA 3 Shri Prannoy Sharma 23096090 8800698989 402, -do- Secy. (PSB) 23096178 4 Shri Dinesh Singh Jain 23311258 8290416106 505 - do - DDG (Budget & Account) 5 Shri Anupam Bhatnagar 23096011 9212457990 332 –do- DDG (STT) 23044976 6 Shri Bharat Bhushan 23036833 9868139718 108-F-do Sharma, Under Secretary 23327057 7 Shri V. Giridharan, 23036477 9968303904 R.No. 108-H, SO 23036285 -do- 8 Shri Dinesh Chandra, 23036477 9710506555 -do- SO 23036285 9810506555 MINISTRY OF CONSUMER AFFAIRS FOOD AND PUBLIC DISTRIBUTION Department of Consumer Affairs 1 Ms. Leena Nandan, 23782807 24671617 49, Krishi Secretary (CA) 23384716(FAX) Bhawan,N.D. 2. Shri G. Gurucharan, 23383027 24624088 270, Krishi Bhavan, Addl. Secretary 23386575-Fax ND 3 23386666 Joint Secretary 4 Shri Premraj Kuar, 23383120 9868353786 372-B, - do - Dy. Secretary(P&C) 5 Sri Rajesh Budgujjar 23381120 26147708 456-B, - do - Under Secrtary 6 Shri Rakesh Kumar 23382525 22921335 468, - do - Section Officer 7 Department of Food and Public Distribution 1 Shri Sudhanshu Pandy 23382349 26115477 170, Krishi Secretary (F&PD) 23097018 Bhawan, 23386052(FAX) New Delhi 2 Shri Subodh Kumar 23382512 9425250151 175 - do - Singh 23389358 (Fax) Joint Secretary (Parl.) 3 Shri Dhirendra Kumar, 23382437 9868105948 297, - do - Director 23782213 4 Shri Sushil Kumar 23389270 9891434800 459, - do - Under Secretary 23782213 5 Shri R.K.

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