DOCUMENT RESUME ED 222 652 CE 033 890 TITLE Child Development Curriculum Guide, Volume II: For Secondary Vocational Home Economics Programs. Bulletin 1664. INSTITUTION Louisiana State Dept. of Education, Baton Rouge. Div. of Vocational Education. PUB DATE [82] NOTE 603p.; For related document, see CE 033 889. PUB TYPE Guides - Classroom Use - Guides (For Teachers)(052) EDRS PRICE MF03/PC25 Plus Postage. DESCRIPTORS *Adolescent Development; Child Abuse; *Child Development; Child Neglect; Decision Making Skills; Family Life; High Schools; Home Economics; *Learning Activities; Lesson Plans; *Occupational Home Economics; Parenthood Education; State Curriculum Guides; Units of Study; Values Clarification IDENTIFIERS *Louisiana ABSTRACT This document is the second volume of the Louisiana curriculum guide for teaching a one-semester course inchild and adolescent development in grades 10-12. This volume presentsbasic information regarding the development of children frominfancy through school age, including prenatal development. Manylessons of the volume's five major units also includeinformation about how a child.in a particular stage of development might relate to parents, siblings, and other significant persons. Lessons in eachof the major units-begin with generalizations that express thebasic idea of the concept. Performance objectives focus on the typeof behavior the student is expected to diplay as a result of thelearning experiences. An outline summarizes information thatis covered in the review of literature which includes backgroundinformation for the teacher to use as a beginning point for planning thepresentation. References and suggested readings identify sources thatthe teacher can use in securingadditional information. A variety of learning activities, instructional aids, and evaluation experiences aregiven for each concept. Many of the learningactivities and instructional aids include figures for the teachers to use astransparency masters or handouts for students.Evaluation experiences are given with most lessons, and additional learningactivities, instructional aids, and evaluation experiences that are pertinent to the entireunit are placed at the end of each unit. Thecurrkculum guide also contains two scope and sequence charts to show howthe material in the guide can be presented. (KC) *********************************************************************** * * Reproductions supplied by EDRS are the best that can be made * * from the original document. *********************************************************************** srATE OF LOUISIANA DITARIMENT OF IDUCATICV Bulletin 1664 CHILD DEVELOPMENT CURRICULUM GUIDE MIME II -411, for Secondary Vbcational Home Economics Programs Issued by Office of Vocational Education N. J. Stafford, Jr. Assistant Superintendent J KELLY NIX State Superintendent U.S. DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION "PERMISSION TO REPRODUCE THIS NATIONAL INSTITUTE OF EOUCATION MATERIAL HAS BEEN GRANTED BY EDUCATIONAL RESOURCES INFORMATION CENTER (ERIC) 1Thisdocument has been reproduced as received from the person or organization originating it. Vt-afb Minor changes have been made to improve rorod'iction quality. TO THE EDUCATIONAL RESOURCES Points of view or opinions stated in this doodi INFORMATION CENTER (ERIC)." ment do not necessarily represent official NIE Position or poScy. EgmappoRTaguir STATEMENT In campliance with Title VI, Title IX and Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 this Educaticaal Agency upholds the following policy: This is an Equal Cpportunity Institution and is dedicated to apolicy of non-discrimination in employment or training.Qualified students, appli- cants or employees will not be excluded fram any course or activity because of age, race, creed, color, sex, religion, national origin, or qualified handicap-. All students have equal rights to counseling and training. Nona TO TEACBERS AND ADMINIS7"RAIORS This curriculum guide includes units that may be considered "sex educa- tion," bringing into operation Louisiana Revised Statutes 17:281(Act 480 of the 1979 Regular Session of the Louisiana Legislature). Since these curricular materials are guidelines and are not mandatory on local educa- tional agencies, each local educational agency should convene theparental review committee as provided for in R. S. 17:281C.This committee should then review the units indicated in the Table of Contents and determine whether or nct the units,-in whole or in part, are to be taught in the local schools. The committee's recommendation should be forwarded to the local school board for final action. It should be clearly understood that those units that havebeen indicated as possibly being within the definition of"sex education" do nct have to be included in the course in order for the course to be ofappropriate educational quality.A local education agency may include or exclude all or parts of these units without diminishingthe quality of the course as a whole. Guidelines for Instruction of Sex Education in Louisiana, Bulletin1557, Louisiana State Department of Education, December, 1979, and Act480 of the 1979 Regular Session of the Louisiana Legislature areincluded in the Appendix to assist local educational agencies in understanding,inter- preting, and complying with Louisiana law regarding instructionin sex education. is public document was published at a costof $ 8.83 per copy by the Louisiana Department of Education,Ptst.Office Box 44064, Baton Rouge, LA 70804, as part of the Department's Vocational Education program under authority of R. S. 17:21. This material was printed in accordance with the standards for printing by state agencies established pursuant to R. S. 43:31. FCREU1D The Child Development Curriculum Guide, VolumeII, is a signifi- cant arldition to the vocational homeeconomics curriculum in Louisiana. The project directors utilized many resourcesin our state and nation in a concerted effort to develop a guidethat is practical and sensitive to the needs of teachers and students. The State Department of Education appreciates thecollective effort of LW. Jeanne M. Gilley, Project Director; ET.Rick Coleman and Dr. Lynda Clements, Project Assistants; and Dr. AddieKnickerbocker, Teacher Educator Consultant, all of whom worked together in theCollege of Home Economies at Louisiana Tech University to developthis guide. In addition to these people, many other individuals contributedin significant ways to the nt of the guide, and the:r efforts arealso greatly appreciated. /2;G This Chad DevelopmentCUrriculdm Guide is the result of a three- year project funded by theOffice of Vbcational Education, StateDepart- ment of Educition. Summer workshops mdth selected Icuisianahigh school home ecccani2s teachers were conducted in1979 and 1980.During these workshops teichers worked in cooperation withthe College of Home Economics at Louisiana Tech University on twophases of this project: The review et selected literature and thedevelopment of learning activities. Appreciation is expressed to J. Kelly Nix, StateSuperintendent of Education; Er. Facrent Hardy, tdrector, CoordinatingUnit; Dr. Clarence Ledoux, Section Chief, Evaluation and CurriculumDevelopment; and Dr: Rcealie J. Bivin, Section Chief,Vocational Home Economics, for their support of this project. Acknowledgements are extended to Dr. Eaizabeth G.Haley, former Dean, College of Hbme Economics, Louisiana TechUniversity, mho supported this project and provided valued encouragement. Special reccgnition goes to Et. Jeanne M. Gilley, Project Director;Dr. Rick Coleman and Dr. Lynda Clements, Project Assistants; and Dr. AddleKnickerbodker, Teacher Educator Consultant, all of whom worked as a teamin developing this Welcher, College of Home guide. In addition, Mary Bell Tuten and Denise Economics faculty members, served assubject-member oonsultants. Appreciation is expressed to Patsy Johnson,Paula Jones,and Dr. Betty teaehers assisted the project Hhrrison. These high school home economics director in the initial planning and developmentof the project. Their help was invaluable in organizing andplanning the workshops that high school teachers participated in duringPhase I of the project. Vocational hcme economics teachers whoparticipated in workshops and/or served as evaluators of lessonmaterials were an integral part of by utilizing the project. These individuals oontributed to this guide their expertise in classroan teachingand their understanding of the adolescent when developing materials for theguide.Appreciation is expressed to these individuals for theircontributions. Phase I Workshop Participants: Patricia Aswell Choudrant High School, Choudrant Ehy Bowden Benton High School, Benton Carolyn C. Burton Doyline High School, Doyline Tena P. Cbchran Northwestern State University, Natchitoches Betty S. Cole Huntington High School, Shreveport Gay Nan Evans Sherwood Junior High, Baton Rcuge Mariha Hodnett Oak Terrace Junior High, Shreveport are H. Rusher Ruston High School, Ruston ii Mary A. Kirkley Minden High School, Minden Valerie Laing Bossier High School, Shreveport Geraldine F. Landry 236 River Road, Lafayette Sheila Maciasz Rougon High School, Rougon Sylvia W. MUain Northwood HighSchool, BlanchArd Carol B. Remy Spearsville High Scho21, Spearsville Norma W. Taylor Downsville High School, Townsville Cherry Turner Port Sulphur High School, Port Sulphur Marjorie Watkins 716 CollegeAvenue, Jatchitoches Carolyn G. Williams Alfred M. Baxbe High School, Lake Charles Judy C. Wbod Merryville High School, Merryville Subject-Matter Evaluators - Phase I Catherine
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