2018 Events The Tibet Fund 2018 Summer Tibetan Study Program in nizational mission to preserve the distinct Tibetan Ithaca cultural heritage, this contest is aimed to encourage The Tibet Fund in partnership with Namgyal Mon- learning Tibetan language among the younger gen- astery Institute of Buddhist Studies in Ithaca, NY, eration Tibetans living in the West. The competition hosted the 2018 Summer Tibetan Study Program in was divided into two age categories of 6 to 12-year- Ithaca for young Tibetan students living in North old and 13 to 18-year-old students. The response re- America from July 29 – August 11, 2018. This two- ceived was overwhelming as 115 from all over the US week program offered an in-depth understanding and Canada participated in the online contest. Five of Tibetan history, culture, language, and Tibetan winners each from both the age categories received Buddhist philosophy and practice. Some of the pro- $200. Four Tibetan associations in North America gram courses included meditation, Tibetan Language that recommended the winner-participants received for Beginners or Intermediate, Tibetan History and $1000 each. Politics, Tibetan Buddhist Philosophy and others. All student participants expressed satisfaction with the Summer Camp Grants to Tibetan Associa- overall program and said that their goals and expec- tions in North America tations were met. In partnership with the Office of Tibet, Washington DC, The Tibet Fund invited Tibetan Associations in Let’s Talk in Tibetan Online Contest North America to apply for funding ranging from The Tibet Fund in coordination with the Office of $1000 to $2000 for the sole purpose of organizing Tibet, Washington DC hosted 2018 Let’s Talk in Ti- a week-long summer program to promote Tibetan betan Online Contest for Tibetan children ages 6 to language and culture for Tibetan children in their 18 residing in North America. As part of our orga- locality. This grant supports the endeavors of the Ti- betan associations to provide Tibetan children with His Holiness the Dalai Lama’s 83rd birthday an opportunity to immerse themselves in their cul- The Gia Holistic, The Tibet Fund, and Orphans In- ture, as well as to strengthen their understanding and ternational Worldwide organized our annual celebra- appreciation for their roots and identity. 18 Tibetan tion of His Holiness the Dalai Lama’s birthday and associations received a total of $32,400 benefiting 517 his vision of the world peace through compassion. children from 6 to 18 years of age. The 2018 North The event was held at Marriott Essex House in Cen- American Tibetan Associations Conference passed a tral Park South in New York City on 6 July 2018 from resolution thanking TTF in appreciation of our sup- 6.30 pm to 9.30 pm. Chef, Arvol, the legendary Na- port and contribution towards promotion of Tibetan tive America hero, and Chef Eric Ripert, a renowned language and culture. chef and a philanthropist, were awarded Word Peace through Compassion award. President Lobsang Summer Study Program in India Nyandak presented the message from His Holiness The Tibet Fund in partnership with The Institute the Dalai Lama at the event. In addition to a dinner of Buddhist Dialectics (IBD) organized a five-week and reception, representatives from six major reli- Summer Tibetan Study Program in Dharamsala for gions including Native, Buddhist, Christian, Jewish, young Tibetans born or brought up in the West to Islam and Hindu conducted prayers for world peace. learn and experience the culture, history, and civili- zation of Tibet. Participants enjoyed an academically Convention of the World Parliament of Religion and culturally enriching program by learning about TTF President Lobsang Nyandak participated in the Tibetan cultural heritage, tradition, Tibetan commu- Convention of the World Parliament of Religion held nity and issues associated with Tibet through rigor- in Toronto in November 2018. Mr. Nyandak spoke to ous academic work, language study, contemplative the parliament on the importance of the Dalai Lama practice, and cultural immersion incorporated by institution and conveyed the message of His Holiness field trips. Besides visiting CTA and Tibetan NGOs, the Dalai Lama highlighting his life-long commit- this year’s participants had the opportunity to visit ment in the promotion of religious harmony, human Tushita Meditation Center and interacted with the values and the concept of universal responsibility to monks, took a weekend retreat at Tso Pema, and make this earth a better place to live for the entire learned about Tibetan arts and culture at Norbuling- humanity. He also presented the video messages of ka. In between, they learned to make momos with His Holiness to the attendees of the parliament. The their Tibetan conversation partners from Sarah Col- Parliament of the World Religion was established to lege, played evening basketball and interacted with cultivate harmony among the world’s religion and the international students studying at the Institute of spiritual community and foster their engagement Buddhist Dialectics. with the world and its guiding institution to achieve Phen Ling (DNKL), organized a three-day Buddhist a just, peaceful and sustainable world. retreat from June 15 – 17, 2018 in Redding, CT for Tibetan families residing in North America. Led by Conversation with Sakya Trichen and Geshe Lobsang Dhargyal, the retreat benefited the Richard Gere 17 Tibetan adults from New York, New Jersey and The Tibet Fund hosted “Wisdom and Compassion Connecticut who learned about Tibetan Buddhism, for Challenging Times: A Conversation with HH the Buddhist philosophies and also engaged in different Sakya Trichen and Richard Gere” at the Community kinds of meditation. Church of New York on 20 April 2018. Participants sent questions for the Q and A session before the Tibetan Scholarship Program event. In addition to the large number of attendees TSP Program Coordinator Mr. Tenzin Choephel who were present at the venue, the event was also successfully secured the admission of seven TSP live streamed through our Facebook page. The live students into prestigious universities in the US and streaming generated more than 18,000 views and undertook all the logistical arrangements including nearly 400 shares on Facebook. picking up, dropping off and providing lodging for the students during their two-day orientation in New CTA’s Five Fifty Conference York. Experts and officers from US State Depart- Six-member delegation of TTF, including two board ment, Institute of International Education, Office members – Joe Wood and Tsewang Namgyal attend- of International Affairs, Pratt Institute, Internation- ed the “5-50 Development Forum: Towards a Resil- al Students and Scholars Service and TESOL and ient Tibetan Community” organized by the Central Applied Linguistics of Columbia University led the Tibetan Administration from September 13 to 16. orientation. Among other topics, the orientation cov- Over 200 people took part in the conference, includ- ered topics such as life as an international student, ing donors such as USAID and PRM. While in India managing cultural adjustments, academic reading TTF representatives also met with Kalons of different and writing strategies for US graduate schools, and CTA Departments and Tibetan civil society organi- optimizing opportunities in US universities. The stu- zations. dents also had the opportunity to go for local sight- seeing including a guided tour of the Metropolitan Tibetan Family Buddhist Retreat Program in Museum of Modern Art (MoMA) and the Empire Connecticut State Building. The Tibet Fund, in collaboration with Do-Ngak Kun- Tibetan Cultural Festival in Connecticut Special Fundraising Event in California Do Ngak Kunphenling Tibetan Buddhist Center for The Tibet Fund held a special fundraising event in Universal Peace in Connecticut organized a Tibet- California on 18 November 2018 to support and an Cultural Festival on 20 October 2018. The festi- strengthen the capacities of the Tibetan Civil Society val was an occasion to experience Tibetan culture Organization in India to make the greatest impact including sampling Tibetan food, demonstrating on the local Tibetan communities. Initiated with the Tibetan craftsmanship of wood carving and thangka help of our board member Dr. Thupten Jinpa la, and painting, conducting prayer flag ceremony and per- hosted by our former board member Tom Sargent formances of traditional and contemporary Tibetan who also contributed $60,000 in addition to paying music and dance. Invited as the chief guest of the all expenses of the event, the event raised a total of festival, President Lobsang Nyandak spoke on His $111,008. The event included an intimate dinner Holiness the Dalai Lama and his middle-way policy. with about 30 friends and supporters of The Tibet Fund, remarks and compassion meditation led by 2018 TTF Annual Gala Dr. Thupten Jinpa, and traditional Tibetan songs and The Tibet Fund held its 9th Annual Gala at Le Ber- dances by former professional Tibetan artistes from nardin Prive in New York City on 10 October 2018. Tibetan Institute of Performing Arts. Co-chaired by Richard Gere and Dr. Kazuko Tatsu- mura, 150 guests attended the event, including those TTF Fundraising Workshop who attended the cocktail reception. This year, we TTF Consultant Dawa Dem led a workshop on honored Ann Down, a philanthropist and founder of “Fundraising Capacity Strengthening” for TTF The Good Works Institute; Sharon Salzberg, author, and fundraising team at our New York headquarters from meditation teacher; and Eileen Fisher, a philanthropist 22-24 August 2018. The workshop covered topics on and a founder of Eileen Fisher Inc. Chef and co-owner fundraising techniques and tools including commu- of Le Bernardin, Eric Ripert; Chef Laurent Manrique, nication for fundraising; starting Major Donor Pro- Chef Bernard Guillas, Chef Chetan Shetty and Thomas gram including qualifying major donor for caseload, Raquel, lent their culinary talents for the evening. The strategies to connect with major donors, and event gala also featured a silent auction of art and photog- for major gift fundraising; planned giving program; raphy and Tibetan musical performances.
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