62 HARYANA GOVT. GAZ., JAN. 25, 2OO5 (MAGH. 5. 1926 SAKA) l Pnnt I IIARYANA C,OVERNMENT TOWN AND COLJNTRY PLANNING DEPARTMENT Notification . The 14th January 2005 No. C.C.P'(NCR)/YCA-1/2005/36.-ln exercisc of lhe powers conferred by sub-section (4) of section 5 ol thc punjab Scheduled Roads and Conlrolled Arcas Restriclion of Unregrrlated Development Ac1 l9(r3 (Act 4l of l9(r3), ihe Governor of Haryatu hcrebv publishes the draft dcvclopmenl plan, urodifying the frnal development plan published vide Hanarra Govcruucnt, Town & Country Planning Dcparlncut, notification No.l(r95-2TCP-66/2tiggl, dated the [1"' Dccember. I9(16. for con{rolled arca dcclarcd outside the western municipal limit of Yanruna Nagar in 1965 vide notification No 477-2TCP- 6-516852.datecl the fid' march. 1965. published in puniab Government Gaz.etle datcd the 2g Mav. l9(r5. and lor additional controllcd area clcclarcd around rnunicipal towns of Yamuna Nagar-Jagadhri vide Haryana Government, Town & Country Planning Dopartrnent, rotification No.CCp/JCA-llg7l4arg, darcd the 29,r, May, l997, published in Haryana Governrnent Gazette dated thc l"' July, 1997, along with restrictions and conditions (given in Anncxurc A and B) proposed to be madc applicable to thcse controlled areas covered by it. Noticc is hereby given that the Draft Developrnent Plan shall bc taken into consideration by the Governmenl on or after the expiry of a period of thirty days from the date of publication of this notification in the Official Gazette together with any objcctions and suggestions which uray be received by the Director, Town and Countn, planning, Harvana. Sector 18, Chandigarh, front any person in rvriting in respect ofthis plan before thc e.xpiry ofthc period so specified. Drawings Existing land usc plan bearing Drawing No, DTp (y) 9719s dated the 2?d'July 1998. Drall. Dcvelopmcnt Plan, bearing Drarving No. 152/2003, daled the l0h July, 2003. Arurexure-A Explanatory Note on the Dralt Dcvclopmcnt Plan, for Yamunn Nagar-Jagadhritqntrotlcd Arcas. l. I ntroduction Yamuna Nagar is the second largcsl Urban Centre of Haryana after Faridabad. It has been corrsidered as an urbrn agglorncrlttion (U.A) in l99l ccnsus. tlral corrsists of three distinct Urban Scillcrrrcnts nanrcly Jagadhri. Jagadhri Workshop. and Yamuna Nagar, Jagadhri is arr iruportant historical toln. lt's old nanrc was Gangadhri. Although Nadir Shah dcstroycd this town completely, but during the Sikh period, it rvas couquered bv Raj Singh of buria and was re-buiit again in 1873. It is a tlpical organically grown town hal.ing narrolt, lanes, dead end strects and bvc lanes. The Municipal Corrunittee of the town was established wa.y back in year lgg2. The town is fanrous lor brass and steel utensils. Jagadhri Workshop is basically regional level railway workshop for repair of rail coaches and wagons. Yamupa Nagar, the third town of this urban agglorneration, became a town, when notified area commiltee was established in the year 1942 with nanre Abdullapur. The town was rechristened as Yamuna Nagar in the vear 1947. After partition its population lus grolvn considerably. Presently it is one of the m:yor industrial towns of the state. 2 Location and Regional setting The Uftan Centre is situated between 30o-7' 10 30o-12' North latitude and 74o-15' to 7?o.18' Easr longitude al an average lteight of 2TS lncters and abovc MSL, locuted on Ambala- Saharanpur Road the urban centre seryes as gateway to Himachal Pradesh in the North and Uttar Pardesh in the East, It is connected to its surrounding region by way of a systern of National Higlrway and State Highwavs. panchkula-Saha-yamuna Nagar- Salturanpur Road i.e. Nitlional Higlnvav 73 and Yarnuna Nagar-Ladwa-Pipli-Kunrkshetra Road, Jlrgadhri-Bilasptu -Sadhaura-Nitruingarh-Banyala Road arrcl Jagadhri -Chhachhrauli -Paontrr Salrib roads are 'f the Three Statc Highwavs passing llrrouglr llrc towns. lru, lilrk tlris urban centrc with rrational capilal rvhich is nbout 205 kilofficters awa.!. slale cilpital irbout ll2 kiloruetcrs away and all olhcr important cities of surrottndittg region e.g. Anrbala, Pnnchkula, Paonta Sahib. Kurukshetra. Saharanpur etc. Alnbala - Sulraranpur Railrrit.t' line passing bt' thc southcrn sidc of Yanruna Nagar is an intporlanl link connccting the twins towns with all the irnportant citics of the surrounding region. The network of roads lras helped industrial growtlt of the cenlre dcspitc its locntionaldis-advantage. Apart from this the towns arc vcry wcll linked with its hinterland. J Physioiraphy Yamuna Nagar -Jagadhri are bounded on thc casl by Western Janruna Cannl and further easl by Yanruua River itself Tlre canal safeguards the torvns from thc frrn, of flood from Yanruna River. The general \ JAN. 25, 2OO5 (MAGH. 1926 SAKA) 63 P,rnr I I HARYANA GOVT. GAZ., 5, topography of the town is plain. gcnth' sloping tiorrr rrortltcast to south-west. Average sub surface water lcvcl is l2 urclcr having pH Valuc raugiug flrout 6.5 to 7 which is ven good for crops and drinking purposes. The texture ofthe soil is sandy loan that is cousidered as high qualitv soil for crops. The avcragc rainfall is I lt)-5 nrillimelers, The towns have alurost flood frcc ltislory. 4 Availabilitv of lnfrastructure (i) Utilities The power supply of the town is being rnet with the help of an eflicient grid systcnr consisting of two 220 Kilovolt grid stations and five 66 Kilovolt sub stations. A 220 Kilovolt grid stations which started functioning very recently has provided a bit of relief to the consumers. Yet the sho(age of power is being fett, which is likely to be relieved afler completion of 750 Megawatts capacity "Thermal Power Project" for which I 132 acres of land has been acquired adjoining Yamuna Nagar town. The water supply to the Urban Centre is looked after by the Public Heath Department. Sixteen deep tubewells in Jagadhri and fifty deep tubewells iu Yanruna Nagar are working to meet the reqttircment. The average pcr capita supply is 34 gallonS per day against per capita requirement of 40 gallorts per day. Thus water supply system needs immediate augmetttation. Fiftv-percent area of the Jagadhri and Sixty-pcrcellt urea of Yamuna Nagar have been laid with underground sc$,erage system. Three purnping statious arc rvorking at Chandpur, Jagadhri and Yanruna Gali. The domestic selvage is teated in two servagc trcaturent plants. These plants have been setup under Yamuna Action plan. The plants are located near village Badi Majra with discharge capacitv of l0 million liter per day and near village- Hamida with discharge capacity of 25 million liter per day . The plants together have sufhcient capacity to trcat sewag,e for the projectcd population upto 2015 AD. The treatcd sewage is discharge into Western Yamuna Canal. No planned syst€m has been evoived for the disposal of storm sewage in the towns except few nalas that are flowing along the natural gradient. Many of these nalas have been obstructed bv man-made stnrcures resulting in isolated water logged pockets in the town now. A well-planned storrn water sewage disposal system is an immediate requirentent of this urban atglomeration' Industrial units arc suppos6d to insUll their own Eeatment plants before discharging the waste into drains, Thereaffer the treated effluent is discharged into Western Yamuna Canal. An integrated effluent treatnent plan is needed for treatment of the effluent discharged by industriai Units. Four telephone exchanges in Yamuna Nagar and one in Jagadhri are in operation at present. (ii)-Social Inf ra.structure !t includes education, health, recreational and couuuuuity facilities. According to prevailing lorms these are uot oulv sullicient for the urban agglomerations. but lor the surrounding region also. The availability of these facilities viz-a viz. requirement as per prwailing noims are tabulated below: (a) Erlucation The available educational facilities are quite suflicicnt. There exists an Engineering college. a Dental college, a Polytschnic, three Industrial Trainirrg Institutc nnd six colleges. Added to this there arc numerous prestigious prirnarv and high school lcvel institutions. (h) Herlth Present health facilities are sufficicnt for thc population. Thcrc arc four existing Hospitals catcring to the nceds of the trviu towns. (c) Entefiainment A well maintained sports complex spreading over an area of 64 acres and three major municipal parks are the recieational spaces available to the denizens ofthis urban centre that are suffrcient considering planning parameters. Besides, two threc star lrotels aud one state run touriS complex are also functioning together with frve-cinerna houses to meet day to dav e[tertainlnellt needs of the populace. 5 Economic base of the towns Jagadhri being located in rich agrarian hinterland servcs primarily as a market town and service centre for the sunounding region. The sewices, it provides are rnarket for grains and other agricultural products of the area, Retail nrarket for agdanltural inputs, house-hold consumer goods and service industry for repair of agriculture irrrplcments etc. Manufircturing und industrial processing are major econontic aclivities in Yuluurrn Nirgirr torvn. Jagadhri rvorkslrop arca also adds its slurc of econotttic base to the urban ccntro as a rulrolc, Tlrrcc out o[ nine large scalc industrial uni$ necds spccial mention in the econonrv of this urban centrc i.e. Bullarpur Paper Mill, Haryana Distille ry and Surasu'ati Sugar Mills, Apart frorn thcsc. ancillary irrdustries ol'lhc aulo sparcs nnd heavv rlnchineru l'or sugar rnills and scorcs of sntaller ttnils itt industrial area and eslltc lre rnain. stay of thesc lowns econolrtic, rvlrich provide ernploymenl to workers. The industrial activity has gained substant'ial nlorrrgntunr during tltc last two decades. P,rn.t I 64 HARYANA GOVT. GAZ., JAN. 25, 2005 (MAGH. 5, 1926 SAKA) I Mctalwarc and plryood uukiug arc thc leading iudustrics wltich conccntratc il srttall itrtd tncdium scalc units rv|ereirs papet, sugat alcoltol.
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