COUNTY COUNCIL OF BEAUFORT COUNTY ADMINISTRATION BUILDING 100 RIBAUT ROAD POST OFFICE DRAWER 1228 BEAUFORT, SOUTH CAROLINA 29901-1228 WM. WESTON J. NEWTON GARY KUBIC CHAIRMAN TELEPHONE: (843) 255-2180 COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR _____________ D. PAUL SOMMERVILLE FAX: (843) 255-9401 VICE CHAIRMAN www.bcgov.net BRYAN J. HILL DEPUTY COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR _____________ COUNCIL MEMBERS ____________ LADSON F. HOWELL COUNTY ATTORNEY STEVEN M. BAER _____________ RICK CAPORALE GERALD DAWSON AGENDA SUZANNE M. RAINEY BRIAN E. FLEWELLING COUNTY COUNCIL OF BEAUFORT COUNTY CLERK TO COUNCIL HERBERT N. GLAZE WILLIAM L. McBRIDE Monday, April 25, 2011 STEWART H. RODMAN GERALD W. STEWART 4:00 p.m. LAURA VON HARTEN Council Chambers Administration Building Citizens may participate in the public comment periods and public hearings from telecast sites at the Hilton Head Island Branch Library as well as Mary Field School, Daufuskie Island. 4:00 p.m. 1. CAUCUS Executive Conference Room, Administration Building 5:00 p.m. 2. REGULAR MEETING Council Chambers, Administration Building 3. CALL TO ORDER 4. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE 5. INVOCATION 6. REVIEW OF MINUTES – March 28, 2011 and April 11, 2011 7. PUBLIC COMMENT 8. COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR’S REPORT Mr. Gary Kubic, County Administrator (backup) • The County Channel / Broadcast Update (backup) • Two-Week Progress Report (backup) • Recognition / Certificate of Achievement for Excellence in Financial Reporting (backup) 9. DEPUTY COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR’S REPORT Mr. Bryan Hill, Deputy County Administrator (backup) • Two-Week Progress Report • Update / FY 2012 Budget Proposal Over bcgovsc Agenda April 25, 2011 Page 2 of 4 10. REDISTRICTING PLANS 2010 AND REDISTRICTING SOFTWARE DEMONSTRATION (backup) • Consideration of resolution adoption to occur April 25, 2011 • Redistricting Committee discussion and recommendation to approve criteria and target dates occurred April 18, 2011 / Vote 7:0 • Criteria: Adhere to the court ordered constitutional requirement of one person, one vote Adherence to 1965 Voting Rights Act, as amended and controlling court decisions Ensure that parts of the districts are contiguous Respect Communities of Interest Attempt to maintain constituent consistency Avoid splitting voting precincts Solicit public input Agree to work with data provided by PL 94-171 • Target Dates: July 30 County Council adoption of Plan(s); September 30 submission of Plan(s) to U.S. Justice Department, Office of Civil Rights CONSENT AGENDA Items 11 through 15 11. BEAUFORT COUNTY ZONING MAP AMENDMENT FOR R100 015 0000 0051 AND R100 015 0000 015A (KNOWN AS THE VILLAGE AT LADY’S ISLAND PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENT (PUD), APPROXIMATELY 35+ ACRES TOTAL, BORDERED BY SAM’S POINT AND OYSTER FACTORY ROADS); FROM PUD TO LADY’S ISLAND COMMUNITY PRESERVATION DISTRICT (LICP) AND LADY’S ISLAND EXPANDED HOME BUSINESS (LIEHB) ZONING DISTRICTS (backup) • Consideration of second reading approval April 25, 2011 • Public hearing announcement - Monday, May 9, 2011, beginning at 6:00 p.m., in Council Chambers, of the Administration Building • First reading approval occurred April 11, 2011 / Vote 11:0 • Natural Resources Committee discussion and recommendation to approve occurred April 4, 2011 / Vote 6:0 12. TEXT AMENDMENTS TO THE DISASTER RECOVERY AND RECONSTRUCTION ORDINANCE (backup) • Consideration of second reading approval April 25, 2011 • Public hearing announcement - Monday, May 9, 2011, beginning at 6:00 p.m., in Council Chambers, of the Administration Building • First reading approval occurred April 11, 2011 / Vote 11:0 • Governmental Committee discussion and recommendation to approve occurred April 4, 2011 / Vote 5:0 Over Agenda April 25, 2011 Page 3 of 4 13. AN ORDINANCE TO ESTABLISH A MULTI-COUNTY INDUSTRIAL/BUSINESS PARK, TO BE KNOWN AS THE CYPRESS RIDGE MULTI-COUNTY PARK, IN CONJUNCTION WITH JASPER COUNTY, SOUTH CAROLINA; TO PROVIDE FOR A WRITTEN AGREEMENT WITH JASPER COUNTY AS TO THE SHARING OF THE REVENUES AND EXPENSES OF THE PARK; TO PROVIDE FOR THE DISTRIBUTION OF REVENUES FROM THE PARK AMONG TAXING ENTITIES HAVING JURISDICTION OVER THE PARK; TO PROVIDE FOR A FEE IN LIEU OF AD VALOREM TAXATION; AND OTHER MATTERS RELATED THERETO (backup) • Consideration of second reading approval April 25, 2011 • Public hearing announcement - Monday, May 9, 2011, beginning at 6:00 p.m., in Council Chambers, of the Administration Building • First reading approval occurred April 11, 2011 / Vote 11:0 • Governmental Committee discussion and recommendation to approve occurred April 5, 2011 / Vote 5:0 14. A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE COUNTY TO SEEK THE REMEDY OF EMINENT DOMAIN FOR THE PURPOSES OF ACQUIRING REAL PROPERTY CONSISTING OF APPROXIMATELY 2.19 ACRES, OWNED BY THE "HEIRS OF TOM BROWN" LOCATED ON MARTIN LUTHER KING, JR. DRIVE, ST. HELENA ISLAND, TO PROVIDE NECESSARY AND REASONABLE ACCESS FOR THE PUBLIC TO THE NEW BEAUFORT COUNTY ST. HELENA LIBRARY AND THE CONSTRUCTION OF A NEW BEAUFORT-JASPER HAMPTON COMPREHENSIVE HEALTH SERVICES CENTER (backup) • Consideration of resolution adoption to occur April 25, 2011 • Community Services Committee discussion and recommendation to approve occurred April 18, 2011 / Vote 5:0 15. AN ORDINANCE TO APPROVE THE APPROPRIATION OF FUNDS NECESSARY TO ACQUIRE REAL PROPERTY KNOWN AS THE BEAUFORT COMMERCE PARK AND TO PROVIDE THE SOURCE OF SUCH FUNDS FOR ACQUISITION • Motion / action by the Chairman is to refer this matter back to the Governmental Committee to review appraisals • Third and final reading was postponed February 14, 2011 for 60 days / 6:4 • A public hearing was held February 14, 2011 • Second reading approval occurred January 24, 2011 / Vote 9:1 • Finance Committee discussion and recommendation to approve occurred January 18, 2011 / Vote 5:1 • First reading, by title only, approval occurred January 10, 2011 / Vote 10:1 Over Agenda April 25, 2011 Page 4 of 4 PUBLIC HEARINGS Items 16 and 17 6:00 p.m. 16. TANGER HILTON HEAD OUTLET CENTER I / FIRST AMENDMENT TO DEVELOPMENT AGREEMENT BETWEEN BEAUFORT COUNTY AND COROC / HILTON HEAD I, LLC, A DELAWARE LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY (backup) • Consideration of third and final reading approval April 25, 2011 • The first of two required public hearings occurred April 11, 2011 • Second reading approval occurred March 28, 2011 / Vote 8:3 (Stone/Tile) and 11:0 (Signage) • First reading approval occurred March 14, 2011 / Vote 8:3 (Stone/Tile) and 11:0 (Signage) • Natural Resources Committee discussion and recommendation to approve occurred March 14, 2011 / Vote 4:3 17. LOWCOUNTRY HOME CONSORTIUM CONSOLIDATED PLAN AND ANALYSIS OF IMPEDIMENTS (backup) • Public Hearing Only 18. COMMITTEE REPORTS 19. PUBLIC COMMENT 20. ADJOURNMENT Cable Casting of County Council Meetings The County Channel County TV Rebroadcast Charter Cable CH 20 Monday 4:00 p.m. Comcast CH 2 Wednesday 9:00 p.m. Hargray Cable CH 9 & 252 Saturday 12:00 p.m. Time Warner Hilton Head Cable CH 66 Sunday 6:30 a.m. Time Warner Sun City Cable CH 63 Over Official Proceedings County Council ofBeaufort County April 11, 2011 The electronic and print media was duly notified in accordance with the State Freedom of Information Act. CAUCUS SESSION The caucus session ofthe County Council ofBeaufort County was held at 4:00 p.m. on Monday, April II, 20II, in the Executive Conference Room of the Administration Building, 100 Ribaut Road, Beaufort, South Carolina. ATTENDANCE Chairman Weston Newton, Vice Chairman D. Paul Sommerville and Councilmen Steven Baer, Rick Caporale, Gerald Dawson, Brian Flewelling, Herbert Glaze, William McBride, Stu Rodman, Gerald Stewart and Laura Vori Harten. REGULAR MEETING The regularly scheduled meeting of the County Council of Beaufort County was held at 5:00 p.m. on Monday, April II, 20 II, in Council Chambers of the Administration Building, 100 Ribaut Road, Beaufort, South Carolina. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE The Chairman led those present in the Pledge ofAIJegiance to the Flag. INVOCATION Councilman Herbert Glaze gave the Invocation. REVIEW OF PROCEEDINGS OF THE REGULAR MEETING HELD MARCH 14,2011 It was moved bv Mr. Glaze, seconded by Mr. Caporale, that Council approve the minutes ofthe regular meeting held March 14, 2011. The vote was: YEAS - Mr. Baer, Mr. Caporale, Mr. Dawson. Mr. Flewelling. Mr. Glaze, Mr. McBride. Mr. Newton. Mr. Rodman. Mr. Sommerville. Mr. Stewart and Ms. Von Harten. The motion passed. PROCLAMATIONS Sexual Assault Awareness Month Minutes - Beaufort County Council April 11,2011 Page 2 The Chairman proclaimed April 2011 as Sexual Assault Awareness Month. Ms. Jeanne L. Newland, Director of Prevention/Outreach Services, Hope Haven of the Lowcountry, accepted the proclamation. Child Abuse Prevention Month The Chairman proclaimed April 2011 as Child Abuse Prevention Month and encouraged all citizens to join in increasing awareness of the growing problem of child abuse and neglect and for all citizens to support local community programs such as those administered by the Department of Social Services, the Child Abuse Prevention Association, and the Department of Mental Health which are designed to prevent and treat this problem. Ms. Renita Myers, Case Manager, Department ofSocial Services, accepted the proclamation. PUBLIC COMMENT The Chairman recognized Mrs. Carlotta Ungaro, President, Beaufort Regional Chamber of Commerce Business and Convention Center, who expressed her enjoyment in working with Council the last five years, but will be moving to Morrisville, North Carolina to work for another Chamber. She introduced Ms. Blakely Williams, who will serve as Interim-President. Ms. Williams has served as Member Services Director. The Chairman recognized Mr. Edgar Williams, a Dale resident, who thanked Councilmen Weston Newton and Gerald Dawson for their participation in the US 17 Ribbon Cutting Ceremony. This highway has been a major ongoing problem. He commended Council for helping to overcome some of those obstacles and reducing the tragedies that have happened on this road. He also expressed his concerns regarding the closing of the community centers in Sheldon Township. The community is at a loss and feels they do not receive some ofthe services provided in other parts ofthe county. Now Council embarks on trying to close Dale Community and Booker T.
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