Llanyblodwel Parish Council Minutes of a meeting of Llanyblodwel Parish Council held on Thursday 11th March 2021 at 7.30pm via Zoom Video Conferencing. Present: Cllr A R Beckett (Chair), Cllr N Williams (Vice-Chair), Cllr D Counsell, Cllr B Edwards, Cllr A Walpole, Cllr J Emberton. In attendance: Mrs Amy Jones (Clerk). 5 members of the public. MINUTES 41.21 Apologies for absence To receive apologies for absence. Apologies for absence received from Cllrs: J Roberts, T Lewis and B Thomas. 42.21 Disclosable Pecuniary Interests a) Declaration of any disclosable pecuniary interest in a matter to be discussed at the meeting and which is not included in the register of interests. None declared. b) To consider applications for dispensation. None received. 43.21 Public Participation Session A period of 15 minutes will be set aside for the public to speak on any items on the agenda. Members of the public spoke on the following matters: Representatives from Blossom Farm reported on the following: • The initial application was refused. • They are currently in discussions with the planning department about the possibility of re- applying for planning at Blossom Farm. • A new application would propose to keep the field purely agricultural; arable only, no livestock planned. The shower, the caravan as site office and anything pertaining to tourism or education will be removed from the application. • The shipping container, polytunnel, gate & hardstanding and the compost loo would remain as these are all relevant elements to support the market garden. • An invitation was made for councillors to re-visit the site. The information was NOTED and Councillors will await notification of the formal consultation from Shropshire Council. A member of the public spoke on a future planning application in Llynclys (currently unsubmitted) for small camping pods. • Councillors signposted the resident to planning contacts who may be able to assist with submitting the application. • Councillors confirmed that to provide comment or feedback, something more tangible is required at a pre-application stage. A resident spoke about the planning application 21/00400/FUL which is on the agenda for consideration later in the meeting. A resident spoke about the speed of traffic on the A495 through Porthywaen. The resident has written to Shropshire Council to register their concerns. RESOLVED to note. 44.21 Minutes To confirm the minutes of the remote meeting of the Parish Council held on 14th January 2021. It was RESOLVED to approve the minutes of the remote meeting of the Parish Council held on 14th January 2021 and that they be signed as a true record at the next face to face meeting of the council. 56 Llanyblodwel Parish Council – Minutes 11.03.21 Llanyblodwel Parish Council 45.21 Reports a. Clerk’s Report i. Matters arising from the minutes and since the last meeting. ii. The possible return to Face to Face meetings. iii. May 2021 Elections RESOLVED to note the following report: Matter reported to Clerk Action Taken The following Highways matters remain outstanding: 1. At the Junction for Llansantffraid – where A495 1. Outstanding, been reported several meets B4396, the white lines have gone – it times. needs re-lining. 2. When you leave the A495 at the Quarry Entrance 2. Outstanding, been reported several signposted for Sweeney Mountain, go over the times. bridge and then at the entrance to Quarry / Sweeney mountain where you would turn left to go up to the Quarry, the white line road markings have totally disappeared. Need replacing so that ‘right of way’ is clearly distinguishable. 3. Condition of the road after the railway crossing 3. Due for resurfacing, being monitored on A495. and repairs carried out. 4. Blocked Drain on Llansantffraid Road causing 4. Reported several times and has now flooding across the Highway, been dealt with. Streetlight request at Llynclys crossroads Update to be provided under agenda item 49 – Safety Study currently being carried out by Highways England. Request for a VAS at Llynclys Crossroads on the main March 2020 Highways England said that study A483 to explore the viability of vehicle activated signs on Llynclys crossroads (A483) would be carried out. Update to be provided under Item 49. Speed concerns Bryn Melyn to Llynclys crossroads SC Response – they will add the Parish Council's Email SC to ask for an assessment and solutions. Possibly request to the list for consideration as part of signage to warn motorists of children at play area and our Traffic Management Minor Works elderly residents crossing road, possibly reduce speed to Programme for 2020/21, however, it will 30mph. depend on funding and other scheme requests across the County we need to consider/prioritise. Further update on this requested. Defibrillators Both now installed and registered on ‘The Circuit’ – the national database of Defibs. Training to take place when it is safe to do so. Flooding Cllr Beckett has been invited to attend the Zoom sessions hosted by Kinnerley PC. Right Home Right Place – Housing Needs Survey On hold due to Covid. Grounds Maint. Contract Signed copy of contract now held on file, along with a copy of their most up to date insurance cover. 57 Llanyblodwel Parish Council – Minutes 11.03.21 Llanyblodwel Parish Council 2021 Elections A dedicated page ‘2021 May Elections’ has been created on the website. More to be added as information about the forthcoming elections is released. Notices on the noticeboards. Key Dates for an Election on Thursday 6th May 2021 • Purdah period begins when the Elections Notice is published – 15th March and runs until the end day of poll. During this period the Parish Council should be mindful not to publicise controversial issues or report views or proposals in such a way that identifies individuals or groups of members. This includes council newsletters, magazines, press releases and social media. Any quotes made during this period should come from the Clerk/Proper Officer. • Current councillors retire on the 4th day after the elections – Monday 10th . It is on this day that the new councillors take office. The annual meeting of the council must take place within 14 days of the new councillors taking office. • A meeting summons must be issued 3 clear days before a meeting, therefore the earliest a meeting could take place is 14th May and the last date it could take place is Monday 24 th May. • All councillors must sign their declaration of acceptance of office before the May Annual Meeting of the Council. Nomination papers can be: • Downloaded from the Electoral Commission’s website# • Provided by the parish clerk. Please note that town / parish clerks will have paper copies of the nomination packs available towards the end of February; or • Provided by Electoral Services at Shropshire Council. Send an email to [email protected] providing your name, address and the area you wish to stand in. Please note that despatch of nomination packs is expected to commence mid- to late-February. Remote Meetings SALC issued a Special News Bulletin (5 th Feb) to warn councillors and clerks about the possible return to Face to Face meetings when the regulations permitting remote meetings expire on 7 th May. This means that, without any further action from the government, all local authorities including local councils must return to face to face meetings from 7th May. NALC is working with several national bodies to press the government to extend these regulations beyond this date and will continue to stress the urgency and importance of this issue. However, at this time government has no plans to extend these regulations and so councils should start preparing for the real possibility of face to face meetings from May. The Parish Council has a Risk Assessment for the return to Face to Face meetings and this will be kept under review. b. Councillors’ Reports • No matters to report. 46.21 Finance a) To approve the following payments. It was RESOLVED to approve the following payments. Cheque Payee Details Amount (inc No VAT) 100778 A Jones Clerk’s Salary (15th Jan – 11th March 2021) inc. £497.27 £84 refund for overpayment of TAX in month 6 2019-20 and expenses (ink cartridge and stamps) 100779 HMRC PAYE Payments (Clerk) £46.40 100780 Highline Electrical New LEDs and Brackets – Lights 16 (o/s £648.00 Sunnybank Llanyblodwel) and Light 11 (A495 Dolgoch) 100781 Webhosting UK Annual Domain Renewal £8.64 58 Llanyblodwel Parish Council – Minutes 11.03.21 Llanyblodwel Parish Council 100782 A.G. Royce Clearing paths of moss at the back of Morton £165.00 Garden and Church to the Vestry (minute 36.21.a refers – as Property Maint. per quote) 100783 Highline Electrical LED Light No 5 – Bryn Melyn £200.00 b) To note income received None received. Next interest due 31st March. RESOLVED to note. c) To approve the bank reconciliation up to and including 28th February 2021. RESOLVED to approve. 47.21 Planning Matters a) Planning Decisions and Updates – To note Reference: 20/05210/FUL (validated: 15/12/2020) Address: West Wind, Blodwel Bank, Treflach, Oswestry, Shropshire, SY10 9HP Proposal: Erection of two storey extension to provide additional accommodation Decision: Grant Permission RESOLVED to note. b) Planning Applications for consideration (Please view Shropshire Council Planning Register online prior to the meeting). I. Reference: 21/00400/FUL Address: The Wern, Turners Lane, Llynclys, SY10 8LL Proposal: Erection of one (affordable) dwelling to include some demolition; formation of vehicular access; installation of package treatment plant (re-submission) It was RESOLVED to support the application with the following comments: • It is a sympathetic build and sits almost entirely on the existing footprint of the old hay barn. • The build would secure a young couple in the parish and avoid them having to seek affordable property further afield.
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