For All DepartmentB Call ANK REGISTE RE 6-0013 Issued Weekly, entered as Second Clast Matter at tho Post VOLUME LXXIX, NO. 7 Office at Bed Bunk, N J. under tli. Act of March 3, 1879. RED BANK, N. J., THURSDAY, AUGUST 9, 1956 10c PER COPY PAGE ONE Two Hurt in Crash at Pearl and Oakland (Lack of Ouorum Nullifies Township Stands Firm Appointment, Ordinances 9 SHREWSBURY—.Following the meeting until after the session advice of Borough Attorney Leon adjourned. On Developers Duties Among the business on which Reussllle, Mayor John H. Hawkins action must await the Sept. 4 MIDDLETOWN — Developer* yesterday announced that business meeting are adoption of ordi- of Monterey Manor, representing conducted at a council meeting nances providing bond Issues for the "other side" In the angry con- Tuesday night has been nullified the improvement of Patterson ave. Woman Faces Grand jury Action troversy that has raged at recent due to the lack of a quorum. and for curbs on Patterson ave. meeting* of the township commit- The mayor convened the meet- and Queen Anne dr. tee, replied to the development Ing with two councllmen present- Swimming Fool Laws On Race Discrimination Charge residents' criticisms yesterday. James W. Bly and Bernard B. Due for another Introduction At tho conclusion of the dis- White. He then named Abram are building code amendments • MIDDLETOWN — Mrs. Eva cussion, however, Mayor Frank Sanborn, Jr., of Patterson ave. to dealing with swimming pools. Barkei, rt. 35, MIddletown, last F. Blalsdell advised both sides fill the vacancy caused by the Companion ordinances, one per- night was held by Magistrate W. that the township would hold th» resignation last month of Coun- mits swimming pools; the other Man Rescued, Gilbert Manson for grand jury developers responsible for correc- cilman George L. Bielltz. regulates them. action on charges she discrimi- tion of the conditions which The shortage of councilmen was Mayor Hawkins said the amend- nated ngainst Mrs. Edith Mar- brought the complaints. caused by the hospitalization ment was suggested to "control, Faces Charges shall of Belleville. She was re- Benjamin Shallt, one of the Saturday night of Edgar W. Hel- not prohibit" swimming pools. He leased on $500 bail. owners of the development, and ler, Jr., who suffered a heart at- added safety, health, nuisance and RUMSON — A Highlands man The complaint, signed by Mrs. Joseph Stein, the owners' coun- tack, and the absence of Robert drainage factors brought about rescued from the Navesink river Marshall, a Negro, alleges that sel, told the developers' side of R. Graham, who was called out of the ordinances. Councilman Bly here early yesterday will face on June 30 Mrs. Barkei denied the story. The bad drainage, the borough on business. Council- voted "no' on the laws. After the charges of Illegal clamming, shell- "because of race or color, full washouts and other complaints man Harold R. McCormick also meeting, he said he had no previ- fish protectors said. enjoyment of the advantages, fa- again were recited by residents, resigned last month, causing the ous knowledge of the ordinances' The man, Identified as Robert cilities and privileges" of Her- Including some of the same second vacancy. Mr, Bielitz moved contents and .would not vote Hartsgrove, 37, of MUler st., was man's bar and grill on rt. 35. housewives who had described to Little Silver. pulled from the river by John the conditions at two previous affirmatively without reading Mrs. Barkei pleaded not guilty. Councilman Holler Stricken them. Mount, Cornwall at., Highlands. Judge Manson found Herman meetings. Rumson police said. Police took Scene at Oakland and Pearl sts. after an accident shortly after noon yesterday. Mr. Heller's condition this morn- Councilman White said the Barkei, owner of the bar and At one point In the discussion Ing is described at Monmouth planning board spent several him to Rlvervlcw hospital, where grill, not guilty of the same ofllcials rose again to the de- George Schmidt, captain of the Red Bank first aid squad, plays hose on spilled gasoline he was treated for shock, exposure charge. He also acquitted Mrs. fense of Township Engineer Memorial hospital as "critical, months compiling data on the and submersion. as a fire preventive measure. Carl Colmorgen looks on. The overturned car was driven follr ing a fair night." pool ordinances, getting informa- Barkei of a charge that she com- Craig Flnnegan. Tho propriety of He was released later In custody mitted simple assault on Mrs. Mr. F'innegan's serving as engi- by Frederick A. Harrison, Jr., of Keyport rd., Holmdel, who was traveling south on Pearl The minimum necessary for a tion from the state health' de- legal quorum is either the mayor partment and other states. The of the wardens, John R. Mooney Sarah Clalborne, Bloomneld, In neer both for the developer and st. The other car was driven by Donald Baer of 17th ave., Belmar, a member of the ad- and three councllmen or four mayor added the planners have and James Cooke. Mr. Mooney connection with the alleged dis- the township was questioned by said the wardens, attached to the crimination incident. some of tho Monterey residents. vertising staff of The Register, who was going east on Oakland st. Police said the Har- councilmen. Had Mr. Sanborn's volumes of research on the sub- appointment been legal, there ject. Shell Fish division of the State Mrs. Marshall testified she was Committeeman J. Crawford rison ear was hit in the. side by the Baer car. Louise Grover, 14, of Edison ave., New would have been sufficient on Department of Conservation and on a bus 'headed for a Veterans Compton said the committee had Held up, too, was adoption of Economic Development, were pa- of Foreign Wars encampment In found that Mr. Flnnegan's hon- Shrewsbury, a passenger in the Harrison vehicle, was treated at Riverview hospital for hand to conduct business. Mr. an ordinance which would make trolling the river. He said they esty is beyond question and that Reussllle said, however, that con- Queen Anne dr. a borough owr.ol Asbury Park when It stopped In a bruised, right hip. No summonses were issued. firmation of a councilmanic ap- saw several men operating an out- front of the bar. She said when it had been felt he could serve street; introduction of an oi•!!- board motor to "pump" clams, In she got off the bus to take her both interests competently,, May- pointment requires "approval by nance to change Haddon ave. violation of the law. or Blaisdell pointed out that the a majority of council present and from residential to business, and two children to the rest room at Iea3t three affirmative votes." Only two men remained when Mrs. Birkel told hor to get out. engineer is not a township offi- How Tall the Stalks Are Growing Jailed for Year adoption of a resolution to have they approached the boat closely, Mrs. Barkel, Mn. Marshall said, cial. He said he works on a re- The mayor's appointment of Mr. council meet twice a month—first tainer basis, being paid for what- Sanborn occurred at the start of Mr. Money said, and one of them then told her to take her chil- and third Tuesdays—Instead of moved the boat into the channel dren "Into the woods." ever work the township asks the meeting, a minute or two be- just once, except for July and him to do. On Two Charges fore Mr. Reussille's arrival. The and got away. The other, left Mrs. Marshall said she entered August. For the two summer wading in tho river, moved away the bar and grill and told Mrs. attorney did not know Mr. San- months, meetings would be held and was followed by Mr. Mooney The mayor told reporters that MIDDLKTOWN—Magistrate W. born had been appointed at the the first Tuesday. Barkei she would leave and in order to avoid such criticisms, Gilbert Manaon last night sen- until the water became deep. The apologise If she could show her Mr. Flnnegan has not accepted tenced Johnnie -Johnson, 29, of warden said he lost sight of the proof it was a private club. any township development Jobs Millbrook farm, rt. 36, East man when he went beyond the Wilbur King of-Bloomfleld said for some time. Man Jailed, Fined range of his light. Keansburg to 360 days In the there were 25 p'orsonsjjn thth e bub s Drainage as Planned county jail on charges he used For Slapping Judge Board Names Mr. Mount, who was in a boat and he asked the driver to stop narcotics. near tho shore, rescued Mr. Harts- at the' nearest roadstand to al- Mr. Stein told the officials End Johnson also was given the MATAWAN—A Matawan man grove after he called for help, low the children to go to the rest Monterey Manor residents that same sentence on a charge of charged with slapping the bor- Aid to Supt. police said. Mr. Mooney, who said room and also to get something the drainage facilities Installed in assault and resisting arrest. The ough magistrate Monday night there were qulto a few boats In to eat. Mrs. Marshall took the the development wero as planned was sentenced to 180 day* In RUMSON—The board of edu- the river at the time, said neither children to a side door of the by Mr. Flnnegan and accepted by sentences will run concurrently. cation last night appointed Wil- both the planning board and The narcotics charge, which jail and fined ?500. warden heard the man call. A place and went in, he testified.
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