24/05 2013 13:17 FAX 23095436 JS ADM CBDT ORDER NO. 86 of 2013 SL NO Civil Code I 04031 Name (S/Shri/Smt.) SALUNKE SAN DIP KUMAR

24/05 2013 13:17 FAX 23095436 JS ADM CBDT ORDER NO. 86 of 2013 SL NO Civil Code I 04031 Name (S/Shri/Smt.) SALUNKE SAN DIP KUMAR

Zoo( 24/05 2013 13:17 FAX 23095436 JS ADM CBDT F.No. A-22013/04/2013-Ad.V 1 of India Government Ministry of Finance Department of Revenue (Central Board of Direct Taxes) * * * New Delhi, dated e 24" May, 2013 ORDER NO. 86 OF 2013 istant Commissioner The following transfers/postings of officers in the grade of Deputy/A • of Income Tax are hereby ordered with immediate effect and until further ord • - - SL PRESENT NEW CCA Civil Name REMARKS NO CCA REGION Code (S/Shri/Smt.) REGION SALUNKE Pune CCA NADI Nagpur ON Al MINISTR.ATIVE (Maharasht I 04031 SAN DIP DGIT(Trg.) REQU REM ENT KUMAR RATAN ra) Chandigarh ON E GROUND OF (C(:A Delhi CCA 2 04049 RISIIPAL BEDI WOR ING SPOUSE NWR) DIRECT ORATE 050C ARUN KUMAR Delhi CCA OF SYSTEMS, 3 A YADAV DELHI Chennai (CCA 050C V. NANDA OSD- 4 KUMAR CBOT IN) DIRECTORATE 0501) SHIV SWAROOP Delhi CCA OF SYSTEMS, 5 E SING Ii DELHI OSD-CW Bangalore (CCA 060E BEDOBANI IN CCA 6 Karantaka) C CHOUDHRI NER Lucknow Lucknow (CCA PDS ED AT DRTI, 060E SUDHAN S I IU (CCA 7 UP(E)) LUC NOW DI-TAR MISHRA LIRE)) Chennai (CCA AD INISTRATIVE 060E YOGENDRA Delhi CCA 8 TN) GR•IND O MITTAI. Kanpur Lucknow (CCA ON HE GROUND OF 0708 (CCA 9 M.ANITHA UP(E)) WO ' KING SPOUSE UP(W)) R.S. Hyderabad NADI Nagpur 070C 10 ARVINDHAKSH (CCA AP) DCIT(Trg.) E AN .ar ✓ th-1 http://www.itatonline.org f~j 002 JS ADM CBDT 24/05 2013 13:18 FAX 2309543E — -- PRESENT NEW CCA ARKS Name REM CCA REGION (S/Shri/Smt.) REGION Nagpur AM IT CC A NADT Nagpur ASHOKRAO (Maharasht DGIT(Trg.) BOBDE ra) NADT Nagpur CCA DHOKE A.IAY Nagpur (Maharashtra) GOPAI, RAO DGIT(Trg.) Ahmedabad Kolkata (CCA MOHIT MRINAI. I (CCA WII) GujaraL Jaipur Mumbai CCA KRANTI (CCA Rajasthan) DIRECTORATE OF SYSTEMS, VIKAS SINGH Delhi CCA DELHI ASFIIM KUMAR NADT Kolkata (CCA ClIAKRABORT Nagpur WH) TO'rg1 Kolkata (CCA PRANAB Chennai KUMAR KOLEY (CCA TN) WB) DIRECTORA OF S T SHESHADRI Delhi CCA VIGILANCE, DEW] Chandigarh ON HE GROUND OF HARKAMAL. (CCA Mumbai CCA WO KING SPOUSE SOW SANDHU NWR) -- Lucknow (CCA ON HE GROUND OF PINKI Delhi CCA UP(E)) WO ZKING SPOUSE MAHAWAR ON , -HE GROUND OF SRI Chennai I Ahmedabad SHANMUGA (CCA TN) (CCA Gujarat) WC KING SPOUSE PRIMA M ----- Lucknow Kanpur (CCA PUSHPENDRA RCA UP(W)) KUMAR UP(E)) DIRECTORATE OF Kanpur INTERNATION (CCA Al TAXATION UP(W)) & TRANSFER PRICING, DELHI Chandigarh A miNisTRATtvr. MANVEET NT Delhi CCA (CCA NWR) R QIJIREME, SINGH SE,HGAL 2 http://www.itatonline.org - al0 03 JS ADM . CBDT 24/05 2013 19:18 FAX 23095438 PRESENT SL NEW CCA tEMARKS Civil Name CCA NO REGION Code (S/Shri/Smt.) REGION NADT Nagpur CCA Nagpur 25 105ES C .S.POIGE (Maharashtra) DGIallna Trani% vide sl. No. 58 of UOP TO Order i o. 83 dt. 13.05.2013 Bangalore N/A is cane lied as she has 26 LAKSHM I S (CCA alread retired from the Karantaka) 1--)e_pr_trt ent. NA Trans r vide sl. No. 76 of Order o. 83 dt. 13.05.2013 UOP to is mos lied on the ground of Chennai Mumbai CCA 27 NA HARISH aisT being hysically (CCA TN) handl pped. h are to be reviewed The transfers/retentions in the cases of the following officers, whi 2. rs: during the AGT-2013, are ordered with immediate effect and until further or EMARKS Present CCA NEW CCA REF Civil Name Region REGION SI. Code (S/Shri/Smt.) No. Chennai 115AD S. Kama! Abdul Cochin (CCA I (CCA TN) Nazar Kerala) Kolkata (CCA Bhubaneshwar 2 II5AF 13haswati Chatterjee WB) (CCA Orissa) LESS THAN 2 Kolkata (CCA Kolkata (CCA 3 115AJ Partha Sarathi YEARS FOR WB), WB) RETIREMENT — Chandigarh 115AK R. R. N. Shukla Lucknow CCA (UP) (CCA NWR) Ahmedabad 1 ISA() Chintamani V Mumbai CCA 5 (CCA Dingankar Gujarat) ON THE GROUND Bhubaneshwar Nagpur CCA • 115AU Pranati Mishra OF WORKING (CCA Oirssa (Maharashtra) SPOUSE Delhi CCA 115AX P. R. Mohanty Ahmedabad 7 - CCA Oujrat Ahmedabad Mumbai CCA 1 15AY M.M.---Garg MRS 8 CCA Gukrat Ahmedabad (CCA 11513E Rajesh .1 Rana CCA Gujrat Rajasthan) Chandigarh 115BG lndu Bala Saini Delhi CCA 10 (CCA NWID_ Chandigarh 115Bli Vipin Kumar Delhi CCA 11 (CCA NWR 3 http://www.itatonline.org JS ADM CBDT 24/05 2013 13:18 FAX 23095438 NEW CCA EMARKS REF Civil Name Present CCA REGION SI. Code (S/Shri/Smt.) Region No. Chandigarh 12 115W Muneesh RMani Delhi ( CA (CCA NWR) Chandigarh 13 115B0 A. D. Ahmedabad Pannar CCA Gujrat (CCA NWR) Chenna i 14 115BQ B, Sajive Cochin (CCA Kerala) (CCA TN) Chennai 15 115BR Omprasad U Menon Cochin (CCA Kerala) (CCA Chenna 16 115BS P Chandramohan Cochin (CCA Kerala) (CCA TN) Chennai 17 115BU Paul .lawahar Cochin (CCA Kerala). (CCA Mumbai CCA Ahmedabad 18 I 15BX Sujatha Plyangar (CCA Gujarat) Mumbai CCA Chandigarh I 9 115BY Gurbindar Singh Saund (CCA NWR) Mumbai CCA Ahmedabad 20 115BZ V Mahesh (CCA Gujarat) Ahinedabad Mumbai CCA 21 115CC Urjit B Shah CCA °kat Ahmedabad -5Y 115C1 —Suhir Ramdas Mumbai CCA Raokadnur (CCA Gujarat) Mumbai CCA Ahmedabad 23 115CL Chltra N Soneji (CCA Gujarat) Lucknow Delhi CCA 24 115CQ Arvind Kumar CCA (UP) Lucknow Patna (CCA 25 I I -511.1 RM Kumr Singh CCA (UP) Bihar) Mumbai CCA Chennai 26 115CW Prakash Kishinehanda (CCA TN) Mumbai CCA Cochin (CCA 27 1151-3E —Govind Shridhar Menon Kerala) Cochin (CCA 115D1 Pankaj Chandrakant Mumbai CCA Mehta Kerala) Bangalore Chennai 29 1 I5DP Suresh R CCA (CCA TN) (Karantaka) Guwahati Delhi CCA 30 115DS Thanglhun (CCA NER) 4 http://www.itatonline.org a005 24/05 2013 13:18 FAX 23095438 35 ADM CBDT .... Present CCA NEW CCA EMARKS REF Name Region REGION SI. Code (S/Shri/Stnt.) No. Cochin (CCA 115DU Shmrao Laxman Pune CCA 31 Kerala) Shende (Maharashtra) Patna (CCA Bhubaneshwar 32 115DV Shri Aron Kachhap Bihar) (CCA Orissa) Chandigarh Lucknow 33 115DW Ved Parkash Kalia (CC,A NWR) (CCA UP(E)) Coain (CC A 5EK -Milind SThavan Mumbai CeA 34 Kerala) Chandigarh Lucknow 35 115EU Garish Kumar Kohl' (CCA NWR) (CCA 1.1P(E)) Chandigarh Delhi CCA 36" 115EV Sunnder Kaur Wariach ICCA NWR) Chandigarh Delhi CC:A 37 115EW Neelam Sharma (CCA NWR) POSTED IN 0/o .laipur CCA Delhi CCA 1I5EY Sanjay Kumar Nargas DGIT(ADMN) (Rajasthan) Cha.ndigarh I I5FC Ninnal Kumar Delhi CCA 39 (CCA NWR) Nangia LIOP CCA Lucknow 40 115FF Yogesh Kumar Nayar West Bengal (CC:A UP(E)) Lucknow 115FG Amitabh Shah Delhi CCA -41 (CCA UP(E)) Chandigarh Anil Gandhi Delhi CCA 11511 (CCA NWR) 1,ucknow I,alit Kishore Delhi CCA 43 I 15FK (CCA UP(E)) ! Kanpur (CCA Bhoop Dev (P11) Delhi CCA -‘14 115FN UP(W)) 13angalore Chennai 45 -- --115FR Rajashekar V CCA (CCA TN) (K.arantaka) Bangalore Cochin (CCA 46- —115ES Nazeera Mohammed CCA Kerala) (Karantal_a_ Ahmedabad Jaipur (CC'A 47 I I5EV Jethanand 1, Bhata CCA Gujmt Itaks_t_ban) Patna (CCA 115EZ Vageesh Chandra Kanpur CCA -48 Bihar) Mishra UP (W) Guwahati Bangalore 49 115GB Banjul Barthakur (C:CA NER) (CCA Karantaka) http://www.itatonline.org 24/05 2013 13:19 FAX 23095436 JS ADM CBDT 1006 REF Civil Name Present CCA NEW CCA EMARKS SI. Code (S/Shri/Smt.) Region REGION No. 50 I I 5GD Arun F3howmick Guwahati Bangalore (CCA NER) (CCA Karantaka) r 51 115GE Animesh Guwahati Kolkata (CCA Bhattacharya .lee (CCA NER) WB) r ._ 52 I I 5GE Nibedita Gupta Ouwahati Kolkata (CCA (CCA NER) WB) 53 I I5GG V K Dubey Lucknow Patna (CCA (CCA(E)) Bihar) 54 115GH Umesh Kumar Lucknow Bhubaneshwar (CCA(E)) (CCA Orissa) 55 115G1 Mithilesh KR Sukala Lucknow Patna (CCA (CCA(E)) Bihar) 56 11501 N K Mishra Lucknow Patna (CCA (CCA(E)) Bihar) 57 115GM Satbir Singh Chandigarh I...ucknow (CCA NWR) (CCA UP(E)) 58 115GP Adarsh Kumar Chandigarh Lucknow (CCA NWR) (CCA UP(E)) 59 II5GS Dinesh Gupta Chandigarh Lucknow (CCA NWR) (CCA UP(E)) 60 115HD Jaswvinder Singh Delhi CCA Lucknow (CCA UP(E)) 61 115FIG Pradeep Kumar Lucknow Delhi CCA Kanojia (CCA(E)) 62 115H1 Kamal Kumar 1.10P CCA Delhi CCA B ihar 63 1151-1M Shivaprakash S 13angalore Cochin (CCA CCA Kerala) (Karantaka) 64 I5HP Ramdhan Meena Ahmedabad Jaipur (CCA CCA Gujrat Rajasthan) 65 1 I 5HR Sushil Kumar Negi Chandigarh Lucknow (CCA NWR) (CCA UP(E)) 66 11511T Narpat Singh Ahmedabad Jaipur (CCA CCA Gujrat Rajasthan) 67 I 15JK M K Pandey Lucknow Chandigarh (CCA(E)) (CCA NWR) 3. All the Officers mentioned above should be relieved wherever applica le before 31" May, 2013 positively. The compliance reports regarding relieving / joining of the a ve officers may be 6 http://www.itatonline.org 424007 24/05 2013 19:19 FAX 23095438 JS ADM CBDT forwarded by the concerned CCrr (CCA) to the t abase Cell at dbe.cbdt(a)incometaxindia.gov.in by 15.06.2013. 4. With the above orders, all the representations/requests for transfer/p ling received during Annual General Transfer-2013 in the grade stand disposed off. 5. Hindi version of this Order will follow. vie (Anand Upadhyay) Under Secretary to the overnment of India I. Officers concerned through CCIT(CCA) concerned. 2. CCIT(CCA) concerned. 3. All Chief Commissioners/Directors General of Income Tax. 4. Principal Chief Controller of Accounts, New Delhi. 5, Zonal Accounts Officer, CBDT, C/o CaT (CCA) concerned. 6. PSs to FM/MOS(R)/Secretary (Revenue)/ AS(R)/Chairpers , CBDT/ Members, CBDT/ JS (Adorn.) CBDT / JS(R) 7.

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