A guide for setting up trainer encounters in the Pokemon Universe. Created by @ConTiki Kanto Campaign: https://www.gmbinder.com/share/-LinL7GjOUnxV17TqR9t This is unofficial Fan Content permitted under the Fan Content Policy. Not approved/endorsed by Wizards. Portions of the Materials used are property of Wizards of the Coast. ©Wizards of the Coast LLC. Based on the original game by Satoshi Taijiri ©Game Freak ©Nintendo Company Inc. We do not claim ownership of anything related to Pokemon or Dungeons and Dragons. Please support the original source. No profits are made from the release of this supplement. Inspiration and Ideas from: Pokemon Tabletop United, Pokerole, Sakutian from trulyoutoofcharacter.wordpress.com, WorldofPokemon.com. Descriptions of trainers were taken from or adapted from Bulbapedia. To the members of the Pokemon 5e Discord and subreddit for your support, ideas, and playtesting. This would not be possible if it were not for all of you. Made with GM Binder Join our Subreddit (https://reddit.com/r/Pokémon5e) or Discord! (https://discord.gg/DA9gQAa) n most routes and wild areas, trainers can be encountered. All trainer battles are optional. This supplement is split into 3 sections: (1) Trainer Roll Table, (2) Terrain Recommendations, and (3) Trainer Descriptions. While this supplement is designed to be used for the Kanto Campaign, it should be accessible to the whole Pokemon Universe. OIt is up to the DMs discretion as to how many Trainer's the player encounters on any one route. The trainer roll table provides 100 possible trainers that could be encountered all on a d100 table. Not all trainers can be found in a specific biome or habitat. In this section, trainers are split into locations that they are most likely to appear based on the terrain. Each of the 100 trainers on the encounter table has a description box that includes the trainer's title, a short description, their specialization, and what Pokemon they are likely to use. Here is an example: Trainer Title/Occupation LEVEL INFORMATION A short description of what the trainer Description looks like. What type of Pokemon the trainer is likely Specialization to use. All the Pokemon that this trainer could Pokemon potentially use in a given encounter. 2 This is unofficial Fan Content permitted under the Fan Content Policy. Not approved/endorsed by Wizards. Portions of the materials used are property of Wizards of the Coast. ©Wizards of the Coast LLC. elow is a d100 table for creating trainer's or NPC's. The sections following the roll table are specially designed to help understand each type of trainer and what Pokemon they are most likely going to train. For characteristics and physical Battributes use the original 5E Dungeon Master Guide. d100 d100 Trainer d100 Trainer d100 Trainer d100 Trainer 1 Ace Trainer 26 Cyclist 51 Hunter 76 Reporter/Cameraman 2 Archaeologist 27 Dancer 52 Ice Climber 77 Roller Skater 3 Aroma Lady 28 Depot Agent 53 Janitor 78 Ruin Maniac 4 Artist 29 Desert Photographer 54 Jogger 79 Sailor 5 Backpacker 30 Doctor 55 Juggler 80 Scavenger 6 Baker 31 Dragon Breeder 56 Jungle Explorer 81 School Kid 7 Beach Bum 32 Dragon Tamer 57 Lady/Rich Boy 82 Scientist 8 Beauty 33 Driver 58 Lass 83 Sci-Fi Maniac 9 Biker 34 Engineer 59 Lone Wolf 84 Scuba Diver 10 Bird Keeper 35 Expert 60 Master of None 85 Shiny Hunter 11 Black Belt 36 Firebreather 61 Minerologist 86 Skier/Snow Boarder 12 Body Builder 37 Firefighter 62 Musician 87 Socialite 13 Breeder 38 Fisher 63 Mythologist 88 Spy 14 Bug Maniac 39 Fun Old Lady/Guy 64 Newscaster 89 Storyteller 15 Burglar 40 Futurist 65 Ninja 90 Super Nerd 16 Business Owner 41 Gambler 66 Painter 91 Surfer 17 Camper/Picnicker 42 Gardener 67 Park Ranger 92 Swimmer 18 Chef 43 Gentleman 68 Physicist 93 Teacher 19 Clerk 44 Geologist 69 Pilot 94 Tourist 20 Clown 45 Guitarist 70 PokeManiac 95 Triathlete 21 Collector 46 Gym Leader-in-Training 71 Police Officer 96 Tuber 22 Construction Worker 47 Harlequin 72 Psychic 97 University Student 23 Coolest Kid in School 48 Hex Maniac 73 Punk 98 Veteran 24 Crypto Researcher 49 High-Tech Maniac 74 Rancher 99 Waiter/Waitress 25 Cultist 50 Hiker 75 Ranger 100 Youngster 3 This is unofficial Fan Content permitted under the Fan Content Policy. Not approved/endorsed by Wizards. Portions of the materials used are property of Wizards of the Coast. ©Wizards of the Coast LLC. ach trainer type can be found in specific Bug Maniac, Cold Man, Gardener, Ice Climber, Skier/Snow terrains. Below are a list of potential Boarder terrains that are likely to appear in the Pokemon Universe with trainers that may be found there. E Bird Keeper, Bug Maniac, Gardener, Jungle Explorer Bird Keeper, Bug Maniac, Cultist, Dragon Tamer, Gardener Ace Trainer, Clown, Collector, Coolest Kid in School, Dancer, Depot Agent, Dragon, Breeder, Gentleman, Gym Leader-in- Trainer, Hiker, Hunter, Jogger, Juggler, Lady/Rich Boy, Lass, Lone Wolf, Master of None, Mythologist, Park Ranger, Pilot, PokeManiac, Punk, Ranger, Reporter/Cameraman, Scavenger, School Kid, Shiny Hunter, Storyteller, Super Nerd, Triathlete, Aroma Lady, Backpacker, Beauty, Bug Maniac, Youngster Camper/Picknicker, Fun Old Lady/Guy, Gardener, Guitarist, Rancher Artist, Black Belt, Burglar, Camper/Picknicker, Cold Man, Aroma Lady, Backpacker, Bird Keeper, Bug Maniac, Cyclist, Cultist, Doctor, Expert, Guitarist, Hex Maniac, Painter, Fun Old Lady/Guy, Gardener, Rancher Psychic, Scientist, Spy, Veteran Backpacker, Bird Keeper, Black Belt, Cultist, Dragon Tamer, Rancher Archaeologist, Bird Keeper, Black Belt, Body Builder, Construction Worker, Dragon Tamer, Engineer, Geologist, Backpacker, Cold Man, Ice Climber, Skier/Snow Boarder Mineralogist Backpacker, Desert Photographer, Firebreather, Gardener Archaeologist, Backpacker, Black Belt, Construction Worker, Dragon Tamer, Expert, Geologist, Mineralogist Archaeologist, Cultist, Expert, Geologist, Mineralogist, Ruin Maniac Beauty, Fisher, Swimmer Archaeologist, Geologist, Ice Climber, Mineralogist, Ruin Beach Bum, Beauty, Fisher, Sailor, Surfer, Swimmer, Tuber Maniac Cultist, Fisher, Sailor, Swimmer Black Belt, Firebreather, Geologist, Mineralogist Fisher, Sailor, Surfer, Swimmer Aroma Lady, Bird Keeper, Bug Maniac, Gardener Cold Man, Fisher, Ice Climber, Sailor Aroma Lady, Beauty, Bug Maniac, Fun Old Lady/Guy, Scuba Diver Gardener 4 This is unofficial Fan Content permitted under the Fan Content Policy. Not approved/endorsed by Wizards. Portions of the materials used are property of Wizards of the Coast. ©Wizards of the Coast LLC. Artist, Baker, Beauty, Biker, Body Builder, Breeder, Burglar, Business Owner, Chef, Clerk, Construction Worker, Cyclist, Doctor, Driver, Engineer, Firefighter, Futurist, Gambler, Gardener, Guitarist, High-Tech Maniac, Janitor, Musician, Newscaster, Painter, Physicist, Police Officer, Roller Skater, Scientist, Sci-Fi Maniac, Socialite, Spy, Teacher, Tourist, University Student, Waiter/Waitress Bird Keeper, Burglar, Camper/Picknicker, Cultist, Gambler, Hex Maniac, Psychic, Ruin Maniac, Spy Business Owner, Construction Worker, Cyclist, Driver, Firebreather, Harlequin, Musician, Painter, Roller Skater 5 This is unofficial Fan Content permitted under the Fan Content Policy. Not approved/endorsed by Wizards. Portions of the materials used are property of Wizards of the Coast. ©Wizards of the Coast LLC. Ace Trainer Artist LEVEL INFORMATION An adult who frequently travels around the LEVEL INFORMATION Description world to meet new trainers and take part in An old man wearing berets and carrying art Pokemon League competitions. Description supplies. or A young woman holding a Specialization Strong, evolved, and diverse Pokemon. paintbrush covered in paint. Pokemon Any 2nd or 3rd evolution Pokemon Pokemon that can learn Copycat and/or Specialization Mimic; Pokemon related to the arts. Bonsly, Chatot, Cleffa, Happiny, Igglybuff, Jigglypuff, Mime Jr., Minun, Mr. Mime, Pokemon Plusle, Riolu, Skitty, Smeargle, Smoochum, Spinda, Sudowoodo Archaeologist LEVEL INFORMATION Lanky men and women who excitedly jump Description around when they find fossils. Backpacker Specialization Fossil Pokemon Aerodactyl, Anorith, Archen, Archeops, LEVEL INFORMATION Armaldo, Bastiodon, Carracosta, Cradily, Young adults who travel across wide open Pokemon Cranidos, Kabuto, Kabutops, Lileep, Description spaces with large backpacks and camping Omanyte, Omastar, Rampardos, Shieldon, supplies. Tirtouga Specialization Pokemon in the Field Egg Group. Absol, Aipom, Ambipom, Arcanine, Beartic, Blaziken, Blitzle, Bouffalant, Camerupt, Cincinno, Cubchoo, Combusken, Cyndaquil, Darumaka, Darmanitan, Deerling, Diglett, Donphan, Drilbur, Dugtrio, Dunsparce, Eevee, Electrike, Emboar, Emolga, Espeon, Excadrill, Flareon, Furret, Girafarig, Glaceon, Aroma Lady Glameow, Growlithe, Grumpig, Heatmor, Herdier, Hippopotas, Hippowdon, LEVEL INFORMATION Houndoom, Houndour, Jolteon, Kecleon, Krokorok, Krookodile, Leafeon, Liepard, A young woman surrounded by swirling Description Lillipup, Linoone, Luxio, Luxray, Manectric, flower petals. Mamoswine, Mankey, Meowth, Mightyena, Pokemon Grass-Type Pokemon; Pokemon that are Miltank, Minccino, Munna, Musharna, Specialization associated with flowers. Ninetales, Numel, Patrat, Persian, Phanpy, Pignite, Piloswine, Ponyta, Poochyena, Bayleef, Bellossom, Bellsprout, Breloom, Primeape, Purrloin, Purugly, Quilava, Budew, Bulbasaur, Carnivine, Cherrim, Rapidash, Raticate, Rattata, Sandile, Cherubi, Chikorita, Cottonee, Cradily, Sandshrew, Sandslash, Sawsbuck, Sentret, Deerling,
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