BERNICE ROSE THE DRAWINGS OF ROY LICHTENSTEIN CATALOGUE BY ELIZABETH RICHE BOURG REA MoMAExh_1443_MasterChecklist THE MUSEUM OF MODERN AR'r, NEW YORK DISTRIBUTED BY HARRY N. ABRAMS, INC., NEW YORK CATALOGUE OF THE EXHIBITION In the catalogue, works are divided into the follow- 3. COUCH. (1961). Pen and blue ink; sheet: 19V< X 16. BAKED POTATO. (1962). Ink and synthetic ing categories: Finished Drawings; Sketches and 23W' (50.2x59 cm). Collection Ileana and Michael polymer paint; sheet: 22V4 x 30" (56,6 X 76.5 ern). Studies; Sculpture Studies; Mural Studies; Col- Sonn,~snd, New York. (B.61-3) 'il ';>. I 3~ The Museum of Modern Art, New York; Gift of lages; and Paintings. The term fmished drawing re- 1'1 I'i j( ;} >'1", Abby Aldrich Rockefeller (by exchange) S~S.1S<.j fers to an independent work nor intended as a 4. HAND LOADING GUN. (1961). Pen and ink and srudy. A sketch is a rough drawing representing the pcchoir; sheet: 22V2 x 30" (57.1 x76.2 em). Private 17. JET PILOT. (1962). Pencil and frottage, 15x17" artist's idea or "first thought," sometimes a pre- collectiol!,.. Ncw York. (B.61-9) 8'7. .3~,\ (38.1 X43.2 cm); 22 x 23W' (55.9x58.7 cm). Yale liminary study. Stlldy denotes a clearly outlined "'1\' "..,,,0;,. ""'U<AiOL. REA University Art Gallery, New Haven, Connecticut; drawing intended by the artist for projection to a 5. CtRL WITH ACCORDION. (1961). Pen and ink Lent by Richard Brown Bgker, B. A. 1935. larger scale. (Collages that arc studies for prints and pochoir; sheet: 2JYJ.6 x20W' (58.9x51.1 em). (B.62-12) %').33"i II-(Si,,, lIP r{If" were made as full-size maquerres.) Finni study indi- Collection Ileana and Michael Sonnabend, New cates the existence of a smaller prior study (or, in York. (B.61-5) 'ls"'l. I~~ 18. GEORGE WASHINGTON. 1962. Pencil and frot- "<'3 'itA;)..O " 9 13/16 'S'; . the case of murals, the existence of a prior study tage, 14 116 X 111/4"(37 x 28.6 em); 18 x 141/2" 3.1' 6. STEP-ON CAN WITH LEG (1). (1961). Pen and (47.8 X 36.8 cm). Private collection. (B.62-14). It) fa [(II:IJ that is the same size). Color sllIdy indicates the exis- ink and pochoir: 21 x 17W' (57x44.4 cm); 23V4 x If').<.jool,,,,R,~~ ~ L.Au.l)E:~ tence of a related pencil study. MoMAExh_1443_MasterChecklist 19%" (59xSO.5 em). Collection Ileana and Michael 19. I KNOW How You MUST FEEL, BRAD! (1963). Works are listed chronologically within each cat- Sonnabend, New York. (B.61-7) ~'1.I'IO Pencil and tusche pochoir, 23% X 20Vl' (60 x egory. Dates in parentheses do not appear On the 52.1 cm); 30 X 22W' (76.2 X 57.2 cm). Collection works or could not be verified. The chronology 7. STEP-ON CAN WITH LEG (2). (1961). Pen and Vera Lj,spndJoshua Mack. (B.63-5) 8'7 . .5':'<'0 and dating of the works arc based On newly dis- ink and pochoir, 21 x 17V2"(57 x 44.4 cm); 23V4 X ;t5/0' )',.zO~" covered drawings, information from the artist, 197/8" (59xSO.5 cm). Collection Ileana and Michael 20. SHOCK PROOF. 1963. Pencil and tusche stylistic similarities with dated drawings, COI11- Sonnabend, New York. (B.61-8) 'iJ"? I'-II pochoir; sheet: 30x22'/. ... (76.2x56.5 em). Collec- parison with dated completed works, and exten- tion Mr. and Mrs. Leo Castelli. (B.63-8) ~'7.L1,,1 sive research in the artist's and his dealer's archives. 8. FINGER POINTING. (1961). Pen and ink and Titling of sketches and studies is based on related pochoir; sheet: 30x22W' (76.2x57.2 cm). Collec- 21. BALL OF TWINE. 1963. Pencil and tusche paintings, sculpture, prints, and enamel multiples, tiolJ.K~i Kogclnik. (B61-11) ~'7,3\'1 pochoir; sheet: 15'1. X 12W' (38.8x31.8 cm). Col- lection Mr. and Mrs. LeQ Castelli. (B.63-9) and confirmed by the artist. (Sketches and studies -'0 ~t7' dd '/'f" 9. KEDS. 1962. Pencil and frottage; sheet: 221/2 x 8'1. .5~:5' 'S r: I J 'I.r for works actually executed arc for paintings, 1111- 161/2"(57.1 x41.9 em). Collection james and Ka- 22. HOT DOG. (1964). Pencil and tusche pochoir; I~ss otherwise indicated.') Individual works pre- therine Eoodma9' (B.62-1) 1'f'l./.:<,,'t5 sheet: 269!J6 X 651:'/16" (67.5x 167.5 em). Collection viousl y referred to by several different titles are ~.:l~~f' /'0 18" Cy Twombly, Rome '6'1. ~q'j here listed with the title selected by the artist . .B ]O. FOOT MEDICATION. 1962. Pencil and frottage, (Bianchini) numbers refer to the catalogue rais- 18'12 X 18'14"(47 X 47.6 em); 22'12 X 22V," (57.2 X 23. TEMPLE OF ApOLLO. 1964. Pencil and tusche onne: Diane Waldman, Roy Lichtenstein: Drawings 57.2 ern). Collect;?n David W-hitney. (B.62-2) pochoir; sheet: 22Y4 x 29V8" (56.5 x 76 em). Private and Prints (New York: Chelsea House Publishers, %'7.0'16 1 S ~'fX I ~ 7'f" collection, London. ~B.64-6) li').:('M, I CTEJlll>-2i ~ES A Paul Bianchini Book, '1970). 11. THE KISS. 1962. Pencil and frottage, 18112 x .,) d '1/ b X d ~ 'SJ.I '" " """"<J\" AIJ draWings arc on paper and all collages arc on 14W' (47 X 36 cm); 21 X 16'/4" (53.3 X 41.2 cm). 24. LANDSCAPE. 196'4: Pencil and rusche pochoir: 7 board, unless Otherwise noted. The paint on Cllt- Coll,cti9.n David Whitney 3'1), o~1O sheet: 1.6 /8 x 21W' (42.9 x 54 cm). San Francisco and~pa~ted painted paper is Magna. Dimensions ''6 '/'f X 1'1" Museum of Modern Art; Gift of John Berggruen 12. CONVERSATION. (1962). Pencil and frottage; 80.448. (B.64-8) fl'). :z..1i"G I ~'/"f XC)I" ar~ 111 lIlches and centimeters, height preceding Width; the first set of dimensions for each drawing sheet: 121/2 x 10V:!" (31.8 x 26.7 cm). Collection Robert and Jane Meyerhoff, Phoenix, Maryland. 25. DIANA. 1965. Pencil and tusche pochoir, 243/4 x refers to the image, the second to the sheet, unJess 18W' (62.9 x 46.3 cm); 297/. x 22W' (75.9 x otherwise indicated. (B62-4) g'7. 39 Co 56.5 em). Collection Mr. and Mrs. Leo Castelli. 13. ZIPPER. (1962). Pencil, 14% X 14W' (37.5 X (B.65-1) ~'J. ~y-, ,)'f '~h1( 18 3ijl," 36.8 cm); 22'12 X 19'14"(57.2x50.2 cm). Collection FINISHED DRAWINGS Mr. and Mrs. Leo Castelli. (8.62-5) ji"'l. ~~ 26. TABLET. (1966). Pencil and tusche pochoir, 27\>\ x 20" (69.2 x 50.8 cm); 30 X 22" (76.2 x 1. AIRPLANE. (1961). Pen and ink; sheer: 20x23:y.t 14. LIKE NEW. (1962). Pencil; sheet: 22VJ6 x 2691i6" 55.9 cm). Collection Richard and Carol Selle. (50.8 x 60.4 em). Collection lIeana and Michael (57 X 67.5 cm). Collection Cy Twombly. Rome. (B.66-2) 'n"'7.l ..Sb J. '1?f& )( 19 ~"t" Sonnabend, New York. (B.61-1) 8'1 1310 (B62-6) 8").;~q'il" '<PI'{ ~.<.33/1''' • 27. MODERN PAINTING WtTH SMALL BOLT. 1967. 2. KNOCK KNOCK. (1961). Pen and ink; sheet: 15. JO¢. (1962). Ink; sheet: 22V, X 30" (57.2 X Pencil and tusche pochoir, 20% x 23Y8" (52.4 x 22V2 x 197/8" (57.1 X 50. 5 cm). ColJection Ileana and 76.2 em). Collection Cy Twombly, Rome. 58.7 cm); 22" X25'!s" (56.2 X63.8 em). Collection Michael Sonnabend, New York. (B.61-2) "is'?. \ 3( (B62-7) '8' '7 . 0'1£j Mr. 'nd Mrs. Leo Castelli. (B.67-1) 8'7.12,3 (lO'12 f( J ~" [[ 8 5] .;) d J/8)( 3 o ~ 28. BRUSHSTROKES. 1966-68. Pencil and ruschc 43. STUDY FOil CRYING GIRL[enamelj. 1964. Pen- 55. SKETCH FOil NON·OBJECTiVE I. (1964). Pencil I'0choir; sheer: 2211..X30" (56.5x76.2 cm). Collec- cil and colored pencils, 41¥16 X 41¥il' (12.2 X and colored pencils; sheet: 6X5W' (15.2x14. 9 em). tion Mr. and Mrs. Leo Castelli. (£.66-1) 1i"').l"l.q 12.2 ern}; 5'/8 X 5W (13.7 X 14.5 ern). Collection Private collection. (8.64-23) 8:5'.Sri',? ( ARlIsT o..~'t,",'Il.'~ 10'"1 tI\,",~c...",.f 1YI.pU.Il-N 1Mr,I'I', (;~~. n' Mr. and Mrs. Burton Tremaine. (8.64-13) 29. ENTABLATURE #12. 1971. Pencil; sheer: 21 x ';;">.40'3 '131'1'(.,1-31'1'- 56. STUDY FOil TEMPLE OF ApOLLO [drawing and 72" (53.4 x 183 cm). Private collection 1s6.11G:A 44. STUDY FOil No THANK YOU! 1964. Pencil and painting]. 1964. Pencil, 3'1. X 4,..,,' (9.5xI1.3 em): A~\I~T colored pencils, 5'h X5V<' (15x 13.3 cm); 5% x5'A1" 5% X 5¥." (14.9 X 14.6 cm). ollccrion Mr. and 30. E TABLATURE #13. 1971. Pencil; sheer: 21 x, (15 X 15 em). Collection James and Katherine Mrs. Leo Castelli. (8,64-52) 15'7. I:2.2... 72" (53.4 x 183 em). Pri vare collection '6(.,. I ~(., ~ Goodman 'ii'1. 12,'] .....~TI:;T 57. COLOIl STUDY FOil TEMPLE OF ApOLLO 31. ENTABLATURE #14. 1971. Pencil; sheer: 21 x 45.
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