Wofford College Digital Commons @ Wofford Local History Manuscript Collection 10-12-1927 Welcome, Lindy: Official Souvenir Program, October 12, 1927 Spartanburg Chamber of Commerce Follow this and additional works at: http://digitalcommons.wofford.edu/localhist Part of the History of Science, Technology, and Medicine Commons, and the United States History Commons Recommended Citation Spartanburg Chamber of Commerce, "Welcome, Lindy: Official Souvenir Program, October 12, 1927" (1927). Local History. Book 5. http://digitalcommons.wofford.edu/localhist/5 This Book is brought to you for free and open access by the Manuscript Collection at Digital Commons @ Wofford. It has been accepted for inclusion in Local History by an authorized administrator of Digital Commons @ Wofford. For more information, please contact [email protected]. ,, !'------ _______ WELCOME £IND1Jl (9fficial Souvenir tproqram . (9ctober 12, 1927 J Spartanburg, South Carolina 9AND 4 WHIT~ PRINTERS, SPARTANBURG,-------·ci $ . C , -~---,ll --D-ll- l l-llll-t1•1-11R-ll_, _____~ HAVE A GOAL IF you want to save suc­ cessfully, find a definite goal in y·our mind. Then choose and prove the surest and best way to that goal. Most lil(ely, you will decide that the best way is to put aside a certain part of your weel(ly earnings· ev·ery weel(. We invite your account. The CENTRAL NATIONAL BANI( of Spartanburg, S. C• .i:----------- --------~ SPAR T A N fJU RG, S . C. 2 9 ,301 , I ~ 1"' • • lf;1'11-m1-nn-1m-n11-1111-n11-n11-n11-u11-nn-1111-u11-m•-nn-1111-1111-11n-1n-11"'-1111-m-"11-nn-nn-u11-nn_11_n_"___ IC'f ~n- nn -H-n n- r111 - u11 -111r- :m - nn -,;1-1m-1111-1111-1111-11n-u11-11.,-m1-1111-11 · 11-n11-1111-n11-1m-i11-11n-n11-1111-n11-1m-nn- 11 ,c-f I I 'I .i 'I •i i• I !• 'I ! Welcome from Chamber of Commerce I' . I I THE people of Spartanburg, thro. ugh its Chamber :1 j of Commerce, bid you welcome to the Hub City ,1 l of the Southeast. It is indeed an honor and a pleasure 1j ! to have you with us. ! In the past, we have welcomed and entertained I I scores of men and women who have accomplished I achievements unusual, but never before have we had - the pleasure of extending the people's greeting to a f pioneer of the air. .1 PHOTO BY MANNING vVe are proud to have you with us, and trust that your stay in our city will be the most pleasant you have I· MAYOR BEN HILL BROWN I yet experienced. ! H. A. LIGON, Pres.ident ! Spartanburg Chamber of Commerce. I Mayor's Welcome ! I OCTOBER 12, 1492-COLUMBUS DAY ! The Fifteenth-Century Conqueror of the Ocean and Discoverer of the New World ! OCTOBER 12, 1927-LINDBERGH DAY IN SPARTANBURG Welcome from Aviation Committee The Twentieth-Century Conqueror of the Ocean by Air and the Creator of new ties I between the New and the Old Worlds ! To Colonel Charles A. Lindbergh: f , 11YI HE new Spartans feel a renewed interest in the Spartans of old. Our horizon HE City of Spartanburg, the County of Spartan­ I J1 l T is broadened. We have built a port and a trail that has for its terminii the T burg and the State of South Carolina open wide ! ends of the earth. their arms and hearts to receive you. vVe bid you wel­ We have entertained many distinguished guests in recent weeks, drawn to I come to our soil, to our hearts and to our homes. Vv e I i our borders by our air facilities. Today we are honored by a visit from one love you for what you have done; the way in which I whose accomplishment is unequaled in history and yet whose modesty has won you did it; and mostly for what you are, "The per­ I the admiration of the world. sonification of all most desirable in the ideal American Now he is on the last lap of a journey covering all the States of the United I youth." States, stimulating and creating interest in Aviation. Spartanburg, true to her We bid you WELCOME! progressivic spirit, has already seized the opportunity to prepare herself for this AVIATION COMMITTEE newest method of transportation-just as our ancestors did when they laid the SPARTANBURG CHAMBER OF COMMERCE foundations for making her a great railroad center and as our contemporaries are J. C. Grier, Chairman doing in developing her splendid road system for motor and other travel-justly B. Manning Ij entitling her to the slogan, "Hub City of the Southeast." R. Z. Cates I Spartanburg and South Carolina welcome Colonel Lindbergh for what he is, j for what he has done, and for the far-reaching things he is doing for the advance­ ! ment of aeronautics and the promotion of peace and good will. j BEN HILL BROWN, Mayor. I . ~ 1 11-1m-111r-11u-1111-1111-m1-11u-1111-11n-1111-11;i-11111-1111-m1-11n-1m-11n-11n-un-n11-nu-1111-11:1-1111-11u~u11-11u-1111-n-~c.it rn-an-n-1111-nn-m1-1111-•n-nH-11n-11n-11n-nn-un-1111-1111- ~ 1-n-11R-•m-1n-1111-1111-m1-n 11 _ 111 _.,,,_,.,,_u11-:1t1-an-m-1 1 11 - "-11 - 0--11- 1n-11:i-i111-1111-n11-••--11-1111-1111-11-11-111-1111-1111-r111- - - ,_,,,_ , _ ,,,_ _ ,,,_ t••- 1111 1111 111 1 11 1 1111 1 11,t:f ' I I ' I ' j "THE SPIRIT OF ST. Louis" I I' ~ I j Spartanburg's Leading Clothiers I I= 'I , arid I i ' I = = I I "THE SPIRIT OF MARTIN'S" I Official Program i I ~ ~ Both Mean Perfect Performance j I f I! Martin's Pharmacy i 1 :30 P. M.-Arrival of Lieutenant Donald Keyhoe, bieutenant Love-an-El-M~Gha.n-i.8-a-n-E. Maid- j Montgomery Building j 1 man. - GREENEWALD'S, Inc. 2283 Phones 2284 { 1 :45 P. M.-Colonel Lindbergh will circle Duncan i Park and the city. r ,, · ! 2: 00 P. M.-Colonel Lindbergh will land the Spirit of I I St. Louis at the mqnic~pal airport. Governor I I Wallace D. DuPre John G. Richards, Mayor Ben Hill Brown and ! Automotive Supplies President H. A. Ligon, of the Chamber of Com­ merce, together with Lieutenant Keyhoe, will wel­ I "?;he St~le Center of the Piedmont" come Colonel Lindberg9 and escort him to an of­ 136 W. Main St. Phone 677 ficial cai;:, which will lead a parade of several ~ther cars carrying Mrs. John G. Richards, Senators, I members of Congress, members of the Governor's ! Staff, Mayors and other distinguished visitors, city I! t and county officials, members of committees, etc. 2: 15 P. M.-P~rade through city fo Dunca~ Pa;k. \T e I I ade will proceed along the following robte The "American National," now, as throughout ! tt,Street, Connecticut Avenue, Otis Boulevard 24 years of success, offers a specialized service, inti­ I e Street, Kennedy Street and Converse Street. mately adapted to your particular requirements ! and actuated always by the spirit of friendly co­ I 2 :45 P. M.-Upon arrival at Duncan Park of Colonel I operation. Lindbergh and party the a u'dience will sing We will be very glad to have you stop in at any "America," accompanie~ by the band. Mayor' time and discuss your banking requirements, and I Ben Hill Brown will be master of ceremonies. Jii'.. our ability to meet them to your very best advan­ Henry Nelson Snyder, President of Wofford/ Col­ tage. lege, will introduce Colonel Linabergh. Address,' "Commercial Aviation," by Colonel Charles A: AMERICAN NATIONAL BANK Lindbergh. SPARTANBURG, S. C. (PROGRAM CONTINUED ON PAGE SEVEN) W. L. IsoM, President R. F. PHIFER, Cashier i ~-H•-•1-1111-H-n-11u-1111-11-1111-1tn-1-1111-t1-••-•••-1-1111-11-1111-1111-1111-11-~••-11-•••-n-•1-11a-•1-11_n_u~ '!'''-""-""-""-'"-""-""-""-""-'"'-""-""_ '_,._,,,,_,,,_.,_,,,_,,,,_,,,,_,,,,_,,,, _ ,,,_,,,,_,,,_,,,,_m,_,,_.__ , _,,,i r ·-- · -· •-TI1t-1 :1 - :tl l_ll_ ll _ llll _ ll _1,1-11 11 -1111-11- w1 -1•- 1111 -1 111 -1 111 -111 1 -1111-1111-1 tr1 -1111- 1 11- : 101-:11-1111-1 1 1t-Hll~n~ I = E i ! 1! FURNITURE- i. I • I ! i i i -RUGS t I Official Program ! = I (CONTINUED FROM PAGE FIVE) i C LOTHIERS AND FURNIS HERS ! ! Let us make 1 109 E. Main Street your Draperies 1 i 4:00 ! 'I P. M .-Immediately after the exercises at the field, SPARTANBURG, SOUTH CAROLINA and I i Colonel Lindbergh will return to the hotel, where Window Shades ! he will give a ten-minute interview to newspaper representatives. Following this interview, Colo­ 1 ,f, i nel Lindbergh will retire to his room and will re­ i r-JJ"' J main undisturbed until the dinner. j ELLIOTT'S \!.!1 I l . i' i i- 120 N. Church St. Phone 896 I I SPARTANBUR~S.~ i I Dinner Program I Cleaning - Pressing - Altering VOGEL & SON ./ I SUITS MADE TO ORDER 171 N. Church St. Phone 1286 1 i y 6:30 to 9: 00 P. M.-Dinner at Converse College. Pres­ 'J ident H . A. Ligon, of the Chamber of Commerce, will preside. Invocation, Dr. Robert P. Pell, J 'J ROYAL PORTABLE if President of Converse College; Welcome on Behalf II WELCOME, LINDBERGH! 1, of the State, the Hon.
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