FESTIVAL OF WESAK 2007 The Sevenfold Purpose of Sanat Kumara John Cobb A warm welcome to everyone as we celebrate the Wesak Festival at the full moon of Taurus. We are sharing in a truly planetary event: not only are we joining forces with people all over the world – individuals and groups everywhere – we are linking up vertically with the Spiritual Hierarchy, seeking to bring about a major alignment with Shamballa, the highest planetary Center “where the Will of God is known.” Yet little is actually known about Shamballa other than its being the source of the Will expression for this planet. This is to be expected, since humanity has been evolving through the stages of mind development and the expansion of consciousness to include the expression of our essential Love na- ture. The next step will be the development of our ability to evoke and make use of the spiritual Will. Disciples are already working on that, but the time has not yet arrived for the mass of humanity to un- dertake that line of development. Why? Because at this stage humanity has too little Love to be able to handle Will energy safely. But the spiritual students who serve as the vanguard of future humanity need to know this field – the field of Will and the First Aspect – as well as possible. To them falls the task of the intermediary: to learn through study and experimentation, then to teach and demonstrate by the way they live their lives. Most of all they serve by evoking the Will-to-Good and thereby cultivating the energy of good- will among men and women. Getting to know and eventually use the Will is challenging, since the teaching on that subject is relatively new and practical experience hasn’t yet amplified the concepts in our understanding. For that reason I am turning to a description of Sanat Kumara’s work, to be found in the book The Rays and the Initiations . In this passage Master DK provides a means for students to identify with Sanat Kumara, who has been described as the coherent force within the planet, holding through His radiatory influence all forms and all substances within the planetary form so that they constitute one coherent, energized and functioning whole. He is to the Planetary Logos what the human Soul-infused personal- ity is to the Soul. This then is a basis for identification, as Sanat Kumara, like us, is an evolving being, laboring on the Path and serving in His particular environment. The energy that cyclically emanates from Shamballa has been directed to humanity in two great streams. One stream pours into the Hierarchy and is distributed via the seven major Ashrams. It is called the energy of Purpose . The other stream reaches humanity directly, through the New Group of World Servers. This energy we call Will . Formerly both streams of energy were channeled through the Hierarchy, but recently there has been much evolutionary accomplishment for both humanity and the Hierarchy, and accordingly both have undergone changes in “energy readiness.” As humanity can now occasionally receive Will energy directly, students and disciples are offered much teaching on the sub- ject of the Will. But the energy of Purpose is largely unknown to people in general, so it is worth fo- cusing on that particular energy here – hence the title of this talk. Also, since the energy of Purpose underlies the Plan (as it takes shape within the Hierarchy), we might become able to forge a stronger alignment with the Plan, which is of course the topic of this year’s Subjective Group Conference. In fact, according to #6 below, a purpose of Sanat Kumara is that we should participate in this conference on the Plan! DK gives us a series of seven hints as to the nature of Divine Purpose – or at least a portion of it. These hints are described as seven types of Purpose that “embody the seven energies that will reorgan- Festival of Wesak 2007 1 ize and redefine the Hierarchical undertakings, and thus inaugurate the New Age.” 1 I find these glimpses of Purpose surprisingly accessible, and I would like to explore them with you. 1. The unknown, unseen and unheard purpose of Sanat Kumara . As the Planetary Logos, Sanat Kumara is God to the residents of Earth, and His Purpose is described as the “secret of life itself.” One of the things that makes esotericism an exciting field is that all esoteric schools – if true to their inau- gurating impulse – will eventually reveal that which veils the central mystery. I believe that some have intuitively known this all along and have entered this work under a group impulse related to this reve- lation. Rule Thirteen for Group Initiation begins Let the group get ready to reveal the hidden mystery. Here the point is not “mystery,” as it is still truly hidden. The operative words are “group” and “ready.” Readiness can only truly be accomplished in group formation, and what is readiness anyway? For our purposes we might think of readiness as having worked through the stages of discipleship – as a group – until we begin to make contact with the Spiritual Triad, also as a group. This is simply the process of patiently pursuing the work until the light dawns. D.K. says, “once you have taken the needed steps and complied with the requirements, the mystery disappears.” 2. The purpose underlying revelation. We work with the teachings of the Tibetan because their revelatory quality is magnetic to us and opens up our understanding. We know and see how revelation flows through all the great world scriptures to those who are attuned to their significance. We also en- counter smaller episodes of revelation in literature, music, art, and the sciences, in which a keynote – something transcendental – reveals or expresses a part of the great Mystery and inspires a deep re- sponse in us. But here we are asked to consider revelation as an effect of the inner purpose of Sanat Kumara. We are told that behind all the successive revelations of Divinity through history one significant Pur- pose will be found, and all revelations will then be seen as aspects of the Great Revelation. All revelatory experiences that we can have are likely to be fragmentary. But as we learn to syn- thesize , through our discipleship work, we can have a role in the ultimate synthesis of the Great Reve- lation. Always thinking in terms of synthesis leads us towards Purpose, doesn’t it? 3. The (as yet) unrecognized Purpose that evoked the creative activity of our Planetary Logos. If the preceding hint dealt with Sanat Kumara’s method in His “work” on behalf of the kingdoms of Earth, this one deals with His own Purpose for undertaking the “incarnation” that created the planet and its evolving life. The purpose is unrecognized because – in plain words – it is none of our busi- ness! The point is that we could not begin to comprehend the purpose of a being Who is in training for a cosmic initiation, as Sanat Kumara is. It is interesting, however, that our entire manifestation – what we call the third Aspect of the Divine Trinity – is the result of that Purpose and of His discipleship effort. This Purpose evidently means something to the Members of the Hierarchy, although it means little to us. DK does hint, however, that those in preparation for the microcosmic equivalent of Sanat Ku- mara’s upcoming cosmic initiation might be able to comprehend something of this Purpose. What ini- tiation it is may not yet be revealed. However, I suspect He does reveal which initiation it is, verbally camouflaged in the paragraph that bridges pages 242-243 of The Rays and the Initiations . I encourage anyone interested to look at the paragraph and submit it to his or her own intuitive judgment. 4. The mysterious purpose that has necessitated the calling into activity the Principle of Pain. I find it surprising that pain and suffering are on a par with the other purposes of Sanat Kumara, and that they are particularly concerned with the human kingdom. They were not part of humanity’s experience in the last solar system, nor will they be in the next. 2 Festival of Wesak 2007 Pain, we are told, is related to the power to think and consciously relate cause and effect. That is easy enough to grasp; the animal kingdom also suffers, but with a more primitive sense of cause and effect. But this was a surprise: Pain is related to an aspect of the creative intelligence; it holds the se- cret of beauty in manifestation. DK draws an interesting parallel between this fourth Purpose of Sanat Kumara, involving pain, the fourth (human) kingdom in nature, and the Fourth Ray of Harmony through Conflict. He adds, “it is the balanced relation of these three, consummated at the fourth initiation, which produces the full beauty of the creative fixed design of the individual Soul.” Perhaps the correspondence between pain and the artistic impulse can explain why the path of least resistance in much of today’s art is to portray suffering. Maybe it is the conflict that precedes har- mony. But great art always reflects something of the “creative fixed design of the Soul.” The Fourth Ray is not in manifestation now, but it is due to transition into manifestation beginning about 2025. That should bring about the production of art of a very high order and lead to a spiral of artistic ex- pression more exalted than any that has appeared in recent times.
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