AS ADOPTED PROGRAMS to support bicycling February 11, 2010 “When I got a bike I must have been the happiest boy in Liverpool, maybe the world. I lived for that ARCHIVES TRANSPORTATION OF BUREAU bike.” - John Lennon Part FOUR PORTLAND BICYCLE PLAN FOR 2030 91 A healthy community, vibrant neighborhoods... and bicycles everywhere ! Part Four: Programs to support bicycling Neighborhood: TOM SLOAN TOM ASHCREEK Reason for bicycling: Commutes to work because it’s the RIGHT THING TO DO - and it’s a good year-round challenge. Favorite Portland bicycling event: THE WORST DAY OF THE YEAR RIDE “Portland is such a great cycling city because most drivers here are aware of cyclists and recognize cycling as a valid and important transportation option. I love it that so many more people are commuting now and riding on nights and weekends than was the case when I started cycling again in 1996.” YAHOO MAPS YAHOO Bicyclist PROFILE Dean 92 AS ADOPTED - FEBRUARY 11, 2010 AS ADOPTED Programs to support bicycling February 11, 2010 4.1 ENCOURAGING BICYCLING undertook a project called ‘Understanding Barriers to Bicycling’ .1 Th ey began partnering 4.1.1 Introduction with organizations serving communities of Encouragement strategies are vital components color in North and Northeast Portland in of bicycling infrastructure projects. Portland order to understand the cultural and economic OPTIONS TRANSPORTATION has proven successful in developing innovative barriers to bicycling and to design a pilot encouragement strategies resulting in a variety project to overcome those barriers. Th e Bureau of projects and programs that reach a broad of Transportation will benefi t by incorporating spectrum of Portland residents and visitors. the lessons learned from this eff ort into its Because of its comprehensive promotional, encouragement projects and programs. educational and encouragement strategies, Portland has seen dramatic increases in bicycle 4.1.2 Promotion and encouragement trips in conjunction with the expansion of its overview bikeway network. Encouragement programs are designed to motivate ‘interested but concerned’ residents to Th e primary purposes of encouragement ride a bicycle confi dently and securely. Th ese strategies are to: programs help residents view bicycling as a reasonable transportation option and give • Reach out to Portland’s ‘interested but them the opportunity to try bicycling in a concerned’ residents to help make bicycling low stress and safe setting. By participating in their fi rst choice for transportation these programs residents gain more bicycling Transportation Options off ers fr ee bicycling and walking • Attend to the service and information experience. With experience comes confi dence, maps, and valauble travel information needs of current bicycle riders to help them and with confi dence bicyclists will ride in more ride safely and comfortably while making varied settings. Ultimately, they become regular bicycling even more convenient bicyclists and will maximize the number of trips Equity in encouraging bicycling they make by bicycle rather than driving. Despite the cost savings and health benefi ts Basic encouragement strategies incorporate: of bicycling, many people who could bicycle JONATHAN MAUS / BIKEPORTLAND.ORG MAUS JONATHAN choose not to, particularly among communities • Service of color and those who are economically • Behavior change or otherwise disadvantaged. In 2009, the 1 More information about the project is available online at http:// Community Cycling Center in Portland www.communitycyclingcenter.org/index.php/understanding- barriers-to-bicycling/ Young bicyclists learning proper helmet use PORTLAND BICYCLE PLAN FOR 2030 93 A healthy community, vibrant neighborhoods... and bicycles everywhere ! Part Four: Programs to support bicycling • Awareness Portland distributes: Bicycle trip planning and bicycle facility • Incentives maintenance request forms should be off ered in • A guide to Oregon laws pertaining to more formats, similar to what transit agencies Each strategy addresses the primary subjective bicycling provide to their customers. Th e Portland reasons why Portland residents choose not • A brochure on proper bicycle helmet fi tting Bicycle Plan for 2030 promotes a 24-hour, to ride a bicycle for transportation and aims 7-day-a-week phone or automated trip planning to raise the comfort and safety for those who • Instructions for children on safe riding service with emergency roadside assistance for already choose to ride. skills and techniques fl at repair and other bike maintenance issues. • A calendar of bicycling events and rides 4.1.3 Services Containing the City of Portland’s enhanced Services mainly focus on increasing safety and Trip planning and information: customer service and information options in convenience for current riders. Services enable Trip planning tools off er assistance for new one interactive website would serve as a main current riders to increase the number and and experienced bicyclists planning a bicycle internet portal for Portland bicyclists. While quality of trips they take by bicycle. Bicycling trip. An online tool called ‘bycycle.org’ is the interface meets current needs for off ering services are provided by numerous public available for area bicyclists. It uses the Google Portland’s online maps, an overhaul is necessary agencies, non-profi t organizations, volunteer Maps interface and Metro ’s region-wide Bike to make it a more useful tool to promote groups and businesses. Th ere map to provide route information for Portland bicycling. users. As inputs are limited, more advanced Maps, information and trip planning input choices, such as topography, traffi c Transportation Management Associations : Bicycle maps that indicate bicycling routes and speeds and type of bicycle facility, would allow Transportation Management Associations treatment types are a basic service for bicyclists. bicyclists to better assess ideal routes. Interface (TMAs) play a key role encouraging Th e City of Portland regularly updates, prints improvements would allow route information transportation options in large employment and distributes free bicycle maps for diff erent to be accessed by a broader audience of Portland areas. TMAs provide customized, employer- areas of Portland. In 2008-2009, the Bureau bicyclists. based programs and information to increase of Transportation distributed approximately cycling and other transportation alternatives. 90,000 bicycle and walking maps, all of Th e City of Portland manages a maintenance Th e Lloyd District TMA off ers high-level which are also available free online. Th e City request and information phone line that allows customer service by providing a storefront for of Portland also publishes a guidebook on residents to leave a message and get questions commuter information and off ering individual bicycling in Portland and develops bicycle or requests answered. Th e City of Portland consultations to its employers and employees. safety curricula for children. also off ers bicycle trip planning through its It also provides businesses information on SmartTrips program, where residents can obtain attracting more customers to their stores by Other agencies, organizations and businesses a personalized bicycle trip plan, either by phone bicycle. Similarly, the Swan Island TMA publish the following material that the City of or by email. publishes information specifi c to the Swan 94 AS ADOPTED - FEBRUARY 11, 2010 AS ADOPTED Programs to support bicycling February 11, 2010 Island employment center on optimal bicycle 4.1.4 Behavior change and transit routes. Th e City of Portland tests, adopts and expands programs to promote long-term changes in the Consistent funding is oft en a challenge for transportation habits of Portland residents, TMAs and staffi ng is a signifi cant cost. Th e workers and students. Th ese programs focus on OPTIONS TRANSPORTATION Portland Bicycle Plan for 2030 promotes a off ering information and providing hands-on program to help more TMAs succeed in experience to encourage bicycling and other Portland. transportation options as alternatives to driving. Equipping bicyclists City of Portland programs aimed at creating Learning bicycle handling skills at Sunday Parkways Th e City of Portland does not off er programs lasting changes in behavior include: that provide bicycles or equipment for bicyclists, but other organizations have SmartTrips Residential Program programs that could benefi t from City of Reaching 20,000 to 30,000 Portland Portland support. Th ese programs include free households per year, SmartTrips invites bicycles for low-income adults and children, Portland residents to order bicycling and bicycle education on urban cycling and free other transportation options information and lights and locks for low-income residents. participate in neighborhood bicycle rides and / BIKEPORTLAND.ORG MAUS JONATHAN workshops. Th e program has successfully Fleet bicycles reduced single-occupant driving trips by almost Encouraging businesses to promote the nine percent annually since it began in 2003. use of bicycles for work trips can positively impact costs to employees and employers Off ering the SmartTrips program in each while increasing mobility and fl eet effi ciency, district within Portland every fi ve years would particularly in a dense urban environment more eff ectively provide Portlanders with such as downtown Portland . Several Portland transportation information such as updates to businesses and agencies have
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