Members House Of

Members House Of

DICK ALLEN IOM ALLEY 77th Oþtrlct losth Dlstrlct GARY M. OWEN spo¡kar 22nd Olstrlct MEMBERS OF THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES JUSÍINE BARNS JERRY C. BARTNIK 38th Dlslrlct 39th olstrlct BOBEFT BENDEB MICHAEL J. BENNANE 88th Dlstrlct 1ôt Dlstrlct JOHN AENNETT MAXINE L. BÊRMAN WILBUR V. BROTHÊRÎON MABY C. BROWN 34ih Dlstlct ilth Dlstilcl 69lh District 6th Dlstrld WILLIAM R. BRYANT, JR. W. PERRY BULLARD 13h Distrlcl 53rd Dlslr¡ct MEMBERS OF THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES WILLIS C. BULLARD, JR. J. MICHAEL BUSCH ooth Dl3trlct 1001h Dlslrlct JOHN D. CHERRY, JR. NICK CIAAAMITARO 79lh Dlstdct 73rd Dlstilci FLOYD CLACK KENNETH J. D€BEAUSSAERT WALTER J.OeLANGE, ROBEBT A. hMARS 80lh Dlstrlct 75rh 0iskict 91Bt Di6trict æth Dlstr¡ct JAMES A. DOCHEFIY 51st D¡strict 78th Dlstrlct MEMBERS OF THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES LEWIS N. DODAK JAMES K. DRESSEL 86th Dlstrlct sth Dlslrlct MAT J. DUNASKISS DENNIS M. OUTKO 813t Dlstrlcl 25th Dlstrlct I I VERNON J. EHLERS ROBEÊÎ L. EMEBSON COLLEEN ENGLER DAVID H. ÊVANS 93rd Dhtrlct 81it Dlltflcl ggth Dldrld 72nd Dletrlcl FICHARD FIfZPATRICK JOE FORBES 49th Dlstdct 87lh Dlstrlct MEMBERS OF THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES PATFICK M. GAGLIAROI 107th O¡slrlct 97th Dletrlct EDGAR W. GIESE DONALO H. GILMER ggth Distr¡cl 48th Olsr¡lct JACK L. GINGRASS CARL F. GNODTKE MICHAEL J. GRIFFIN CHARLIE J. HAABISON, JR. lmh Disrlct ¡13.d Dlstilct flh D¡strict 62nd Dlstilct I d MICHAEL D. HAYES CURTIS HERTEL 102nd D¡atrtct 12th Distrtct MÊLVIN DE STIGÍER A$lslånt Clerk of the Hous€ MEMBERS OF THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES THOMAS L. HICKNER PAUL HILLEGONDS 10lst Dlstilct 54th Сstlct PHILIP E. HOFFMAN DAVID C. HOLLISTER 23rd Dlstfct 57th Distr¡ct MOFRIS HOOD, JR. T€OLA PEARL HUNTER D. J. JACOBETTI SHIRLEY JOHNSON 6th Olsrlct 5lh Disklcl 108th Dlstrict 88lh Dlsrbl H. LYNN JONOAHL WILLIAM ß. KEITH 59th Dlstrlcl 33¡d Dlstilct MEMBERS OF THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES CAROLYN CHEEKS KILPATRICK JACK E. KIRKSEY 8th Dtstrict 35th Dtstrtct M. L MICKEY KNIGHT DONALD W. KOIVISTO 96lh Olstr¡ct 110lh Dlalrlct VICTOB C. KRAUSE GERALD H, LAW BURTON LELAND EI)WARD E. MAHALAK goth Dlsirlct sth D¡siilct 2nd Dlstrlcl 37th Dlstrlct THOMAS C. MATHIEU JOHN M, MAYNARD g2nd Olstrlct 74th Olslrlcl FRANK FOURON Chlef Serg6ent at Arms MEMBERS OF THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES ROBERT D. MCGEE RUTH B. MCNAMEE 24th Disrict 6lh Dlstr¡ct MAÎÎHEW McNEELY JAMES MICK MIDDAUGH 3rd Dlstrict 6lh Dlstr¡ct CHARLES L. MUELLEB RAYMOND M. MUBPHY KEITH MUXLOW ERNEST W. NASH &ìrd Dtstilct 'l7th D¡strtct 78th District 56th D¡stilct RUDY J. NICHOLS MICHAÊL E. NYE ãìh Di6trlct 41st Dlstlcl MEMBERS OF THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES MARGARET O'CONNOB 52nd Dlstrid 85th olðtrict SIDNil OUWNGA 1oirrd o¡3trld 18lh Olstrlct GLÊNN S. OXENDER JEFFREY D. PADDEN MARY ELLEN PÀRROTT VINCÊNÎ'JOE" PORRECA 42nd Olerict 3(Nh O¡ôtr¡ct 26th Dlslrlct 27th Olslrlct THOMAS G. POWÊR JOHN O. PRIDNIA tgth Dtstrtct looth Dlslrlct MEMBERS OF THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES GABY L. RANOALL SAL BOCCA Sglh Dlstrlot 71st Dlstdct WLLIAM J. RUNCO 31st Dlstr¡cl 7th oistr¡ct ÎHOMAS E. SCOn JELT SIETSEMA RtcK srrz VIRGIL C. SMIlH, JR. 82nd Dlsirlct 94th D¡srict 29th olslrlcl loth Dlstilcl FFANCIS R. SPANIOLA GORDON B. SPARKS 87th Dlstrlct 6ílrd Olstr¡ct MEMBERS OF THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES DEBBIE STABENOW LAD S. STACEY 58th Olslr¡ct 44th Distr¡ct ALMA G. STALLWORTH STANLfl STOrcZYNSKI 4lh Dlsrlcl I rtt¡ Drstrrct JOHN GREGOBY STRAND RICHABD F. SULLIVAN flHEL TERRELL WILLIAM VAN REGENMOÊIÉF 84th Dlôtrlct 216t D¡strlcl th Dlstrlcr 55th Dlstrlct DONALD VAN SINGEL TIMOTHY L WALBEBG 19th Dlstrlct 4ûh Dlstrlct MEMBERS OF THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES PAUL WARTNEB JUANITA WATKINS 47lh Dlstrict 16th Dlsrict WILFRED D. WEBS LLOYD F. WEEKS ffith oistr¡ct 70th District JOE YOUNG, SR. JOSEPH F. YOUNG, JR. RICHARD A. YOUNG 14th Dialrlct 15th Dlstr¡ct 32nd D¡sÍ¡ct MICHIGAN MANUAL 128 REPRESENTATIVES DICK ALLEN (pa¡t)' 77th Representative Dstrict: Counties of Huron, Tuscola 1938' Married,to former Janet Republican, of Fairgrove, born at Caro, March^7, -the ilt"ñ;r;d; sãns, õavid'and Brian. Member of the Caro United Methodist Church. õi"ãr"t!¿ from Caio High School, attended University of lllinois, University. of Maryland. ñLïr;."ãi"¿itor for l9-years priór to election to the House of Representatives' Veteran: ii.S.-M;;J ôórp., u.'S. Aii Force. Charter member of Help Line program crisig int"*"ntl*, chartår member of Tuscola County Community Mental,Health Services Board, ô;;; ilr Society, served as its theatre arts director; former member Ca¡o Jaycees; Caro sã;¿ãt commeice; member of the caro community Hospital Adviso_ry Board, member Mt. Lããe" r a e.vr.; caro chapter #96, Royal Arch Masons; scottish Rite l,r.iãr, izzø, to óon.irtoty õf SuV CitV; fÈ ffrirafeh Shrine Temple Club of Saginaw. Elected the Michigan House of Representatives in 1982' TOM ALLEY l05thRepresentativeDistrict:CountiesofArenac,Gladwin'Iosco'andOgemaw' 1968' M'A' 1975 Democrat, of West Branch; born Feb' lg, 1946 in Bay County; B'A- sch.ool teacher; Central Miciigan University; iarried Aug. 19, 1967, son, Michael; Catholic; held: ogemaw d;;;* Tow-nship sup"rui.o. (ogemaw county); Democratic Party offices pono"rutì" ciairman 6 years, Democratic State Central Committee member, ðil;it conv., officer'-atlarge Michigan Democratic Party, Jimmy carter delegate 196 National Sander Levin county co-oåinator fõr Frank Kelley for Senate 1974, county co-ordinator for Columbus, for Gov. 1974, county co-ordinator for Donald Riegle for Senate 1976; Knights of L.VJ Or¿". óf IUoo.", Lions International; elected to House of Reprbsentatives in 1978. JUSTINE BARNS 38th Representative District: County of Wayne (pa¡t)' graduate Dea¡born Democrat, of Westland; born February 2, Ig25 at wilkes-Ba.rre, Pa.; of Michigan; public Schools (Fordson liigh), attended íVayne State University and University father of Christine & ma¡ried 1943, husband ¡onítúán, sons Duane (married to Barbara and Wavne; elected Kathleen), and Scou; .i*';;;;'"iã"; pirst'Uàited Presbyterian Church of W".ttu.ri ôity Councilpersón; Westland City Councilperson 1966-1983,-Westland Citv Charter County Charter Commissioner 1964-1966, coúncil presideit- tslø-tgls, vice president Wayne Commission 198l-1983, Democratic precinct delegate 1957 to preryl-trjlTber Peoples ðã*Ã""it' Hospital ¡uthãrity boaid of directois, chairperson SEMCOG Communitv bevelopmónt aná Block Grarii Committee and executive boa¡d member, past state-wide past president m;,*'Nii"higãn Ivrunicipal League, life member Wayne Ford Civic League, J"n"..on p.T:A., chairperson úestland Ûnited Fund Drive 1963-1964, member 14 years ifi;;ä"'^C;-|utirv---SË*ì""., member Westland_ Advisory Commission on Economic woman of Development, yiçs_p¡ssident'\fuestland League of Democratic voters, westland rhe year 1975, Ford Iurãiãr Cã-puny "'Óitir.n of the Year" 1967, member Westland Goodfellows, member W;rtl;J d;ií".t und Professional Wornen, 'member Westland ChamberofCommerce;electedto.HouseofRepresentativesinNovember1982. JERRY C. BARTNIK 39th Representative District: County of Monroe (part)' Democrat,ofTemperance;bornJune2T'7943,atToledo,ohio;BachelorofScience Toledo Bowling Green Srate u"i"*ritv isãi, majore¿ history and political science at _in Catholic University; single, childreni Rh;ndr tZ unä Uicttele 12; ôur Laãy of Mt. Carmel church, member of the usher's Association in Temperance; emq]gve-e_-at chessie Railway 'iownship CountY System; secretary Hourittg--òãrn-i..ion B_edfold 1975-1976,,Monroe 1976-1980, t4onro" County Board of Health chairma¡ 1980-1982'. Yonto^"" òt-mii.ione. or õãr"iv n".a Commissioner 1981-1983, secretary Inter-County Highway Commisston Club, Bedford Southeastern Michigan; Monroe Rod & Gun Club, Mãnroe Couniy Dernocrátic ry BIOCRAPHICAL SKETCHES 129 f^wnship Lions, Erie Lions, Knights of Columbus, member Bedford Township Senior '^iui.oty Board (RSVP), founder Citizens Health Council of South Monroe County and 'ùlrcy Hospitul Urgent Care Center; elected to House of Representatives in November, 1982. ROBERT BENDER ggth Representative District: Counties of Ionia and Barry (part). graduate of fi.epublican of Middleville; born September 28, 1936 in Grand Rapids, Michigan; Cox 1959; rutictrigan State University. B.S. degree in Agriculture Education; married Ca¡ol in CherYl, Julie, and Greg. ^r"¡l,lren: "'îo¡"rt Bender was first elected to the Barry County Board of Commissioners in 1976, after years Commission. Re-elected to the Board "o;ine two as Chairman of the County Planning ålðoñ*ittioners in 1978, and named Chairman the following year. He also served as Vice ähuir.un of the board for two years; Chairman of the County Planning Development the joint ðãmmittee and Personnel Chairman for the Board. He was instrumental in forming TtvlCotnty Airport Commission and was its first Secretary/Treasurer. Y'íollowing graduation at M.S.U., Representative Bender entered the Navy, completed flight Navy, school and spent five years on active duty as a pilot. Maintaining his affiliation with the 1981. was promoted to he remained active in the reserves, where he continued flying until He ihe rank of Commander in 1979 and was Commanding Ofücer of the 450 member Navy Àviation Squadron at Selfridge Air Base near Detroit. He is currently assigned to the Supreme Alli"d Co--und Atlantic Unit, drilling at the Naval Reserve Center at Fort Custer in Battle Creek. Returning to his native Barry County from naval service in 1964, Representative Bender began farming, and eight years later was named the outstanding Young Farmer by the Háltings Jaycees. He was runner up in the state's Young Farmer Contest held by the Michigan Jaycees. Active in Farm Bureau, he was elected to the County Board of Directors and sèrved for three years as its President. He was Vice Chairman of the State Policy Development Committee under Dean Pridgeon, Director, Michigan Department of Agriculture. ln 1967, Representative Bender ìvas selected as a participant in the Kellogg Farmers Study Program, a joint Kellogg Foundation and Michigan State University project, designed to develop agricultural leadership in Michigan.

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