f Hll 1111 II -I 1 .,. ')( ... --~· - ~- -......... ~.- .· ~ : _._ .. ENTER THE FOLLOWmG COHRECTIONS BEFORE WORKmG PROBLEMS. THEN R&VIOVE THESE SHEETS Yl'age 3: In line two of th~ first paragraph following the first diagram C:t'oss out the word -- "nmt" • v:. Page 4: .Paragraph comrnenc'ing with, "Selection and Use of Scales" - change the last sente!!ce to read, "true bearings are shown on the outside of the tenth range circle and reciprocal bearings on the inside "• vpage 5: Column 2, the second line should be made to re.ad, 11.them down the' scale, placing the +eft leg on 3 "• vragol4: Column 1, paragraph 3, line 2 .... _ change the capital 11 G11 , to a small 11 g 11 • ~age 15: The last word in the first paragraph should. be "closing" instead of 11 opening n. /_ Page 16: Problem 21, following the letters 11 TBS 11 insert: 11 Henry, this is Trojan. Exec~t·e . upon receipt. 4 Ans Posit". V'Page 17: Problem 26. The sentence beginning with ''At 1326 11 should read: "At 1326 the s.G. reports Jig at 250 - 28900; 11 ~~'Page 21: In the first paragraph, line five, insert the word 11 or 11 between "course speed 11 • ./ Page 24: Second paragraph - Co.rrect the third sentence to read: "From the time the rudder is put over, until the time the ship settles on its new course, the distance it moves towards its origin~ head­ ing is knovm as advpnce. 11 In the first diagram cross out the last two ships at the end of the tum. 11 In column 2, paragraph. 3, insert the words 11 are made , between 11 speed as 11 in the last line. )Page .25: In the definitions below the table the figures for standard rudder should be "20° - 22o u. J Page 27: The ar-J.gle geM2 should be labeled "Target Angle 11 instead of 11 Track Angle "• JPage 28: Columu 2, paragraph 3, .insert a conuna at the end of line 7. j Page 31: In the diagram, the length of the G-M2 line should be "20000n yards instead of 11 90000". J Page 32: First paragraph, second line should read 11 e •••• m is 30 mots and cuts g •••• m at de sired course "• Problem 72 insert the word "bcenn between 11 has ordered11 in line eight. •. ·I' ...... .... "'~ . ~-.: .~!,:' ~£·,',. /~;, . 0 ~· ·~ · .. , IF:-~;·, :• . ~--~':rf_·. ..,.. '>.., -;... ,., ,. • '·~ ... ·::- ll'1J . • ' ,,_,:.,.,. ;<"';< - .; >oft'_~ :·· -·~"'-r····-~,r~- ..-~:t .. ......1 tlli. ~, ,; --~-{ •. -~- ; ' . -~~ 'c .. ,• ~... -~ ~ . ,.. ,._ •• ..:.v :;•, - ~.· ._, .. ~-'~~--..···.: _,... .. - . '• . ~ . .. ...... ' +. • .. ·--_.i':' <": • . I. C. Information ANSWERS TO . PROBLEMS (((()}}} Note: Tolerances as to error are indicated 074-077; 136-140; 12500-13500. (31) 041-045; throughout these answer sheets. In cases where 5-7; 244-247; 18-21; 269-273; 17200-18400; 347- the data are purposely inadequate for a precise. 351; 8000; 089-093. (32) 101-105; 2982; 094- answer, the tolerances indicated are very broad. 097. (33) 281-285; 135-139; 1734-1738. (34) Obviously in practice such solutions would be 228-231; 088-092; 145-150 minutes. (35) 070- reworked as additional information became 074; 11-15 minutes; 327-331; 21-25 minutes. available. (36) 306-310; 11-14 minutes ; 030-034; 17-21 minutes; 41-45 minutes. (37) 098-102; ~;2.2 1. Relative Plot Problems: /0'/0 -toclc{'i;'j 2'1 tit 11m. (38) 045-049; 23-27. (39) more 11 than one course is necessary ; 293-294 ; 1128- (1) 178-184; Mioo. (2) 333-339; 3800- 1132. (40) 118-122; 24-28; 0640-0644; 0710- 4600; 0450-0456; ahead; 9900-11100; 0510- 0714; 0719-0721. (41) 246-250; 26-30; 0935; 0518. (3) 009-015; 3700-4200; 0929-0935; 095.; 233-237; 26.5-28.5; 10()7-1011. ( 42) 239- astern; 12200-13300; 0945-0951. ( 4) · 281~287; 243; 18-20; 342-344; 7700-8200; 0056-0058. 11500-12500; 2319-2325; ahead; 13700-15400; (43) 257-261; 59-63 minutes; 269-272; 26-30 2329-2335. (5) 152-158; 11200-12200; 2149- minutes; 282-286; 11-14 minutes. (44) 115-118; 2155; ahead; 11200-11800; 2147-2153. (6) star- 127-131; 12-15 minutes. (45) 114-118; 23-27. board; 143-147 minutes; 29300-29700. (7} (46) 339-343; 24-26. (47) 230-234; 200-204; abeam; 31000-31700; 325-331; 77-83 minutes. 1828-1832. (48) 256-260; 271-275; 1546-1550. (8) starboard; 3000-3700; 347-353; 2208-2216. (49) 298-302; 338-342; 1116-1119. (50) 000- (9) 095-102; 10900-11700. (10) collision; 0900- 003; 10.5-12.5. (51) 155-159; 9-12; 317-321; 0907. (11) 10-14 minutes; 4600-5300. (12) 245- 3-4. (52) 072-076; 003-007; 1lJ8-1202. (53) 248; 243-246. 220-224; 0417-0421. II. Course and Speed Problems: IV. Advance and Transfer Problems: (13) 000-004; 23-27. (14) 348-354; 30-33. (54) 081-085; 4400-4800; 249-253; 4-5 min­ (15) 265-271; 18-22; 315-321; 16100-17000. utes; (55) 303-307; · 4300-4600; 4-6 minutes; (16) 212-218; 30-35; 301-307; 10200-11300; 104-108. (56) 173-178; 0827-0831. (57) 333- 0440-0447; 099-108; 11-13; 082-086; 7700-830Q; 337; 4-5 minutes. (58) Right to 192-196 or 210- 0506-0510. (17) 065-069; 11-12; 176-180; 9400- 214; 4.5-5 minutes. 9800; 1003-1005. V. Torpedo Approach Course and Firing III. Ship Maneuvering Problems: Problems: (18) 153-157; 24-26. (19) 002-004; 26-28. (59) 067-070. (60) 338-342; 3700-4100; 3-4 (20) 200-204; 14-17 minutes. (21) 182-186; 13- minutes. (61) 250-253; 3700-4000. (62) 053- 093/-17. (22) 040-044; 17-20 minutes. (23) 028-032; 056; 2-3 minutes. (63) 028-032; 3200-3400. 09.35 19-22; 013-017; ,a& B9 mi!'utiiss. (24) 262-265; (64) 329-332; 0142-0144. (65) 8300-8800; 157- 15-!7; 148-152. (25) 031-035; 24-27; 20-24. 161; 57-61. (66) 5000-5300; 069-072; 070. (67) (26) 135-139_; 15-19; 180-184. (27) 123-126; 144-147; 55-59; 38-42. (68) 271-275; 061-065. 23-26; 050-054. (28) 0037-0041; 274-284. (29) (69) 128-132; 6000-6400; 324-328; 3-4 minutes. 217-220-; 25-28; 078-082; 15800-16400; 148-152; (70) 218-222; 194-196; 2.2-2.6 minutes. (71) 5200-5600. (30) 147-151; 8-11; 103-108; 22000- 359-003; 090; 6-7 minutes; '6990 788Q; e9e 12- 23000; 290; 20.4-20.7; collision; 1632-1634; .a & mirdeii i 10900 1150@ 1 2@9 ill8ll, :zgg ggi, r fooo-f300 .I• Jf#l.J.S-ItD')S'.~ C. I. C. Information CONFIDENTIAL VI. Retirement Course Problems: 154.; 175-177; because the fish would be chasing (72) 184-188; 13-15 minutes. (73) 142-146 · us m; yes; yes; 104-106; 0331; no. (94) 334- 10-13 minutes; 311-316. (74) 014-018; 21-25; 336; 22.5-24.5; no; 348-350; 28.5-30.5; 112-114; 016-020; 1100-1106; 301-304; 12-13 minutes; 8500-8700; 129-131. (95-96) 325-327; 332-334; 11,200; 143-147. (75) 046-050; 20-23; 059-063; 8900-9100; 355-357; 188-190; 0347-0349; 0351- 0115-0119; 136-140; 3.1-3.3; 4800; 5200-5600. 0352. (97-98) 224-226; 221.5-223-5; 200-202; 266-270. , 343-345; 1.4-1.8 minutes. VII. Advanced Ship Maneuvering Problems: IX. Wind and Aircraft Problems: (76) 067-069. (77) 047-049 or 097-099. (78) (99) 359-001, 11-13; 305-307, 24-25; 297-300, 270; 285-288; when other ships in your division 17-19; 089-091, 20-22; none. (100) Heading have completed column movement to 270 and 095-097; T.G.S. 145-147 K. (101) Heading 263- you see on PPI that they are in column astern 265; T.G.S. 171-173 K. (102) Heading 041-043; of you on that course. (79) 165-167. (80) 7.5- T.G.S. 137-139 k.; Drift angle: 6-8L. (103) 8.5 minutes. (81) 21-24; 161-163. (82) 099-101; Heading 319-321; T.G.S. 164.5-166.5 k; Drift 2-3 minutes. (83) HALFORD cannot reach sta­ angle 4-6 L; (104) Heading 212-214; Time out tion using 20 knots; 224-228. (84) 239-243. (85) 72-73 minutes; Drift angle 6-8 R. (105) Head­ 051-054. (86) 026-028 or 296-299. (87) 239-241; ing 055-057; drift angle 5-7 L; time 77-78 min­ 20-22. (88) 0659-0701; 135-137. (89) 070-072; utes. (106) True wind 039-041; 24 k; course 338-340; 19-21. 275-277. (107) Wind 179-181, 24 k.; heading 259-261. (108) True heading out 312-314; mag­ VIII. Torpedo Problems: netic 302-304; true heading in 140-142; mag­ netic 130-132; time to turn 73.5-75.5 minutes; (90) 133-136; 12,700-13,000; 139-141; 5500- total time out: 2 hours 57 minutes. (109) From 5700; 251-254, 8500-8700; yes; no; can't fire 00-05; course 127-131; From 05-06'~ course 135- outside of D.E.R.; 284-286; 5000-5200. (91) 139; From 06-09; course 127-131. (110) From 085-087; 15,000-15,200; 353-355; 9600-9800; 1225-1227; course 323-325; From 1227-1234; 332-334; 5100-5300; yes; no; 129-131; 082-084. course 301-303; From 1234-1235; course 006- (92) 164-166; yes; 148-150; 9400-9600; 131- 008; From 1235-1238.5; course 025-{}27; From 133; 159-161; 0713-0714.
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