LD Unclear instructions leave students' refrigerators empty BY JENNY HOBBS Senior Mandy Lauffer, who lives in Student Apart­ notify them of room inspections that will occur during the instructions on the list, several satellite housing residents Ow GoLD AND BLACK REPORTER ments, said she was surprised to return after Christmas to break. The flyer also provides a checklist of things to do said they were unaware of the need to completely empty an empty refrigerator. before leaving for the month-long break. the full-size refrigerators provided by the university in Some students returned to their on-campus homes after "We received notification that personal refrigerators One of the items on this year's checklist instructed all their apartments and houses. winter break to discover an unpleasant surprise: empty should be unloaded. We thought that ours was not a students in university housing to clean out their refrigera­ Senior Laura Strandhoy said she was confused by the refrigerators. personal refrigerator because it is a full-size refrigerator tors.' flyer. Strandhoy, who lives.in a university-owned house, Many satellite housiqg residents said they had stocked provided by the school. We thought there was no reason "Remove all food from common area refrigerators. said she thought her refrigerator would not be included in these refriger:ators full before the break. to clean it out," she said. They will be defrosted and cleaned over the break. De­ the ones described on the checklist. Connie Carson, the director of Residence Life and · "We probably lost about $25 worth of food," Lauffer frost personal refrigerators and leave doors open," the "BasiCally, we're university housing, but we live in a Housing, said students are instructed before every long said. flyer states. house. I couldn't imagine that they'd tum off a full-size break to clean out their refrigerators. Before winter break each year, resident advisers dis­ Though each on-campus student was expected to have refrigerator,'' she said. ''This isn't a new policy," she said. tribute to each of their residents an infonnational flyer to received a copy of the flyer and to have followed the See Refrigerators, Page AS Five men robbed by armed group BY DANIELLE DEAVER victims of the robbery said. En1 roRIAI.5 EDI roR A student got the license number off the car. Police gave this i'nfonna­ Five male students were held up-in tion to the Winston-Salem Police af­ the early hours of Jan. 25 by five men, ter they could not find the vehicle on two of whom were carrying guns. The campus. assailants took about $25, a bank card The Winston-Salem Police Depart­ and a credit card, according to one of ment found the vehicle, a red Suzuki the victims. No one was injured in the Sidekick. Friday morning, said attack. Regina Lawson, the chief of Campus The students were returning from Police. It had been abandoned after a International House of Pancakes on hit-and-run incident in a neighbor­ University Parkway that night. While hood in the southern part of the city. walking back to their residence halls Both the vehicle and the license from Parking [ot F near the football plate had been stolen. Police depart­ paractice field at about I :30 a.m .. they ment dogs were used unsuccessfully saw a red jeep in the vicinity. in an effort to track the men. "This jeep came and cut us off ... The victim of the hit-and-run acci­ These three guys got out of the car and dent gave the same description of the two of them had guns," one of the victims said. "They yelled at us to stop and came LeeAnn Hodges up behind us and just asked for money," ''I was just kind of in shock Black storm rising another victim said. .. that something like that According to the victim, the group of A pillar of smoke rises from southeast Winston-Salem Thursday afternoon as a building at TIRES Inc . .building goes up in flames students was accosted by the assailants could happen in our plush while crossing the intersection a~ Gulley goes up in flames. The fire started on a loading dock at the tire _re<;y~l ing p_lant .'fi.re chips produced the thick, black smoke. little wonderland." • ' ·- • • A Drive. Two of the assailants had guns, and all demanded the students surren­ Robbery victim der their money and credit cards. Once this had been done, the attackers got back into the car and sped away. Some IBM ThinkPad costs still unknown The robbers were described as males ·assailants as the-students, leading po-· in their late teens or early 20s, slim with lice to believe the same people were Bv BETH FISHER two sources. A $3,000 tuition increase for next ThinkPad computer. Every two years, students medium builds. They were all wearing involved in the two incidents. There OLD Gow AND BLACK REPORTER year's incoming freshman class will supply some will.be able to trade in their computers for newer black, hooded clothing. i'Jave been no further leads. of the needed money. Each models at no cost. Upon gradu­ One of the victims said the robbery The incident leaves many people When the members of the class of 2000 receive succeeding year, tuition will . ation, the computer is theirs, was fairly calm and that the robbers wondering if security on campus their new ThinkPads in August. they will hold in rise. "(The university) said Jay Dominick, the direc­ were polite. "I think they were just as should be broadened. their hands the most visible result of the $3,000 plans increases in tuition tor of Infonnation Services. scared as we were," he said. "I would be an advocate of the tuition increase they have paid, but not all the costs yearly," Anderson said. Of this All computers will.be pre­ The victim also said he believes his gates, but it's not practical, I guess," associated with the computers are known. increase, he could not specify loaded with software. The ex­ group was followed. "I think they fol­ one of the victims said. The cost of the computers is only a part of the the percentage that will be act cost of the software is still lowed us back from IHOP,'' he said. Another victim said, "I don't know overall funding needed to implement the revolu­ apportioned to the computer unknown. As soon as the assailants had driven . specifically what could be done (to tionary program. program. "Probably the biggest un­ away, one student began running 'to improve security on campus). I know John Anderson, the vice president for finance The second source of capi­ known item ... is the cost of Davis House to contact the police of­ there's a lot of talk about gates on and administration, is. charged with the task of tal is a fund provided by the 'usage/adoption', the cost-of ficers on duty there. The others went campus, but I don't see that as a financing the Plan for the Class of 2000. Though Board of Trustees. This fund is a "one-time fund for software and help to use the computer for class," back to their residence halls where they solution .... I don'tthink (improved) Anderson would not comment on the total cost of start-up expenses this year," and will not be a Anderson said. notified Campus Police. lighting could have helped." the plan, he said approximately one third of the cost continuing source of money, Anderson said. Dominick said the university will buy the "I was just kind of in shock ... that Two ofthe victims said that allow­ will be used to finance the computer program. Among the benefits incoming freshmen will re­ rights to the software. Because the software will something like that could happen in ing students to park closer to their The resources tb pay for the plan will come from ceive in exchange for higher tuition fees is an IDM See Computers, Page AS our plush little wonderland," one of the See Mugging, Page AS ' n .. Down. in front: Frustration ·Mortar Board. leads fan to fornt Wackos request spurs BY EMILY BREWER fans called the Wake Wackos. NEWS Corv Emma Like the Screamin' Demons, the Wackos have rules to follow and a Code of Conduct debate bySG It started out as frustration. a by which to adhere. Bv KATE CosGROVE And now a feisty group of adults has laid Wackos are expected to attend every SG BEA'I Rr.PORl ER claim to section 101 of the Lawrence Joel Coli­ horne game, but are allowed two absences. seum for men's basketball games. They must purchase a season ticket and The use of a $16,000 contingency fund, a Rex Welton, '87, has always been an avid must arrive at least 5 minutes before tip off , topic that divided the legislature last semester, Deacon follower. In fact, he has not missed a and stay until the final buzzer. was debated again at Tuesday evening's Stu­ home game in 12 years. But he found that, While the Screamin' Demons create a dent Government meeting· and remains unre­ outside of the student section, eager enthusiasm strong dark force, donning their character solved. is not appreciated and is, in· fact, discouraged. black shirts, the Wackos must wear pre­ The debate centered on the proposal for a "Each time I would stand up and cheer, I dominantly white from the waist up and are bill that could allocate up to $3,000 to the would be admonished by the people around me.
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