Journal of Instructional Research | Volume 4 (2015) 126 Integrating Technology into the Online Classroom Through Collaboration to Increase Student Motivation Thomas Dyer | Elizabeth Larson | John Steele | Rick Holbeck Technology is one of the most important components in the future of online learning. Instructors in online classes should lead the charge of innovation and integration of technology into the online classroom to ensure that students achieve the best learning outcomes. This article chronicles a theoretical model towards integrating technology as a best practice into the on- OLQHFODVVURRPWRLQFUHDVHVWXGHQWPRWLYDWLRQHQJDJHPHQWDQGOHDUQLQJRXWFRPHV9DULRXVWHFKQRORJLHVFDQEHLQFRUSRUDWHG into the online classroom to enhance the course and meet student needs by offering differentiated instruction and activating YDULRXVOHDUQLQJVW\OHV7KLVDUWLFOHH[SODLQVKRZFROODERUDWLRQDPRQJIDFXOW\FDQPDNHWKLVWDVNHDVLHUPRUHHI¿FLHQWDQGRI JUHDWHUEHQH¿WWRWKHRQOLQHVWXGHQW,WDOVRWKHRUL]HVWKDWDGGHGWHFKQRORJLFDOPDWHULDOVHTXDWHWRLQFUHDVHGVWXGHQWHQJDJH - PHQWPRWLYDWLRQDQGOHDUQLQJRXWFRPHVLQDFRXUVHZKHQDIDFXOW\FROODERUDWLRQGLDJQRVWLFPRGHOLVIROORZHGWRLQWHJUDWH technology into the online classroom. 2QOLQHHGXFDWLRQLVJURZLQJDWDUDSLGSDFHZKLFKPHDQVLQVWUXFWRUVQHHGWREHPRUHLQQRYDWLYHWRPHHWWKHVHGHPDQGV $OOHQ 6HDPDQ 0HVWUH QRWHGWKHLPSRUWDQFHRILQVWUXFWRUVGHYHORSLQJDQGXWLOL]LQJRQOLQHWRROVWRPHHWWKH diverse learning needs of today’s online learning population. The traditional written lecture method used in some online courses does not meet the needs of the online student population. Research had indicated that there is a vast need for instruc- WRUVWRHQKDQFHWKHRQOLQHOHDUQLQJHQYLURQPHQWZLWKVHYHUDOPHWKRGVLQFOXGLQJYLVXDONLQHVWKHWLFWH[WXDODQGDXGLWRU\ GHOLYHU\PHWKRGV 0HVWUH 7KLVWKHRUHWLFDOHVVD\ZKLOHTXDOLWDWLYHLQQDWXUHZLOOGLVFXVVWKHMRXUQH\RILQWHJUDWLQJ technology into the curriculum of an introductory class by three instructors from a small private university in the Southwest. BACKGROUND & Gould-Morven, 2011). There are many current In online education today, personalized instruc- practices that online instructors can use to cre- tion has become an essential element of an instruc- ate a learning environment that can help increase tor’s teaching practices and pedagogy (Popescu, a student’s efforts and satisfaction. One of these 2010). Popescu’s (2010) study found that present- practices includes offering more opportunities to ing students with a learning environment that is participate and activate learning styles through col- antagonistic to a student’s learning styles can de- laboration. crease his or her effort, satisfaction and enthusiasm According to Koehler et al. (2013), Michigan for learning (Popesu, 2010). The argument that is 6WDWH8QLYHUVLW\LQWURGXFHGWKH¿UVWK\EULGGRF - frequently made against online learning is that toral program that was highly successful with the faculty and students are apt to feel isolated (Power PDMRULW\RIWKHFRXUVHZRUNEHLQJRQOLQH7KHXQL - GRAND CANYON UNIVERSITY Dyer, Larson, Steele & Holbeck 127 versity experienced a large number of applications, 7DQN)DFXOW\ZKRVHHWKHEHQH¿WRIDQHQGHDYRU LGHQWL¿HGPDQ\TXDOL¿HGFDQGLGDWHVH[SHULHQFHG will produce greater outcomes. Including those high retention rates and reported engaging students who do not want to be involved may cause prob- DURXQG WKH ZRUOG 7KH SURJUDP SXW D VLJQL¿FDQW lems within the collaboration. The Technology emphasis on the considerations of what, where and 7KLQN7DQNGHWHUPLQHGWKDWWKH¿QLVKHGSURGXFW how things were conveyed to the students. Koehler ZRXOGRQO\EHVXFFHVVIXOLILWZDVEHQH¿FLDOWRDOO et al. (2013) noted that there was particular attention stakeholders including the instructors, students and paid to integrating state-of-the-art technology and the university as this is the most crucial aspect of using a range of approaches to convey information. successful collaboration. The instructors who participated in Koehler et al.’s *DGMD DQG .ROLED H[SODLQHG WKDW FRO - research also felt this was the best way to approach ODERUDWLRQLVRQHPDMRUDSSURDFKWKDWHGXFDWLRQDO integrating technology into the curriculum to reach policymakers and practitioners are continually more learning styles and keep a high level of stu- trying to improve upon with the focus on student dent engagement. Hence, the Technology Think learning. Collaboration was determined to be one Tank was instituted to integrate technology into the of the most crucial elements when integrating tech- current curriculum. nology into the classroom. There are several char- acteristics that were noted as fundamental to suc- PROBLEM STATEMENT cessful intra-organizational collaboration. These Instructors in the present study recognized necessary characteristics included having a shared consistently low student outcomes on two particu- purpose, emphasizing a cycle of inquiry, frequent lar assignments. Thus, the Technology Think Tank dialogue, decision-making processes, intentional was formed to attempt to create solutions. The in- DFWLRQV DQG HYDOXDWLRQ *DGMD .ROLED dividuals involved in the Technology Think Tank Thus, the Technology Think Tank intentionally brainstormed and discussed ways to improve stu- considered all of these elements when creating the dent outcomes by enhancing the classroom and ap- model for collaboration to integrate technology pealing to various learning styles. The team hoped into the online classroom. that added technology would increase student en- Collaboration has become the focal point of gagement, motivation and outcomes and enhance many large companies. Miller and Katz (2014) ar- the learning process. Consequently, the Technol- gued that this is because collaboration is increas- ogy Think Tank decided to develop a 10-step di- ingly urgent and challenging. Part of the complica- agnostic model focused on faculty collaboration tion with collaboration in today’s society is due to in order to integrate technology in the classroom increased advances in technology across the globe. among content areas. The complexities associated with technology can hinder the collaboration process. However, these SUCCESSFUL COLLABORATION advances in technology can also allow for effective Furthermore, the Technology Think Tank collaboration that was not possible even a decade thought that the best way to achieve success through ago. Instructors are now able to conduct virtual integrating technology into the classroom was via meetings from almost anywhere around the world collaboration among instructors of the same con- and to share their ideas, strategies and even their tent. While theories of collaboration are relatively computer screen with colleagues. This opens up a new concerning the disciplines of psychology and world of possibilities concerning the collaboration education, the group felt that it would be an impor- that could take place. tant piece of these disciplines moving forward in Collaboration was deemed to be of high impor- the modern era. Trach (2012) noted that no matter tance because each individual in the Technology what collaboration model is utilized it must involve Think Tank embraced distinct approaches, deliv- UHODWLRQVKLSV EHQH¿WV DQG VRPH VRUW RI RXWFRPH ered diverse ideas and possessed different individ- One concept deemed important is commitment ual concerns. Using a collaborative effort ensured among those participating in the collaboration. All each individual would hear the perspectives of oth- instructors within the content area should have the ers, as well as allow for the sharing of ideas, prob- option of participating in the Technology Think lems, brainstorming and workload in creating the GRAND CANYON UNIVERSITY Journal of Instructional Research | Volume 4 (2015) 128 technology. Further, successful collaboration also resulting in higher achievement. The group was requires individuals to be personally accountable FRQ¿GHQWWKDWWKLVZRXOGLQFUHDVHVFRUHVRQWKHVH for his or her contributions. A prosperous group is assignments while also engaging more students in only as strong as the weakest link, which requires the lessons through differentiated instruction and peer accountability. The group found that the col- teaching to multiple learning styles. The “Technol- laborative effort also produced greater personal ogy Think Thank” created a 10-Step Diagnostic and group success, offered in a safe environment Model of Integrating Technology Innovation that with the exchange of ideas. outlined the collaboration method used for creating innovative technology. The members hypothesized STUDENT MOTIVATION that by following the 10-Step Diagnostic Model It is well documented that every student has a of Integrating Technology Innovation, the faculty distinct learning style that may need to be addressed would utilize better solutions and technology to en- to reach the highest levels of student achievement hance their courses. (Mestre, 2010). Integrating technology in the class- room allows instructors the opportunity to teach 10-STEP DIAGNOSTIC MODEL OF INTEGRATING to varying learning styles, which can stimulate TECHNOLOGY INNOVATION student learning and engagement. Technology can Accordingly, the Technology Think Tank was convey the concepts of the lesson in an interest- LQLWLDWHG WR HYDOXDWH DQG LPSURYH D ¿UVW \HDU XQ - ing format that appeals to the student while play- dergraduate course by offering alternative options ing to the various learning styles. The intention is employing technology to students on assignments that technology will increase the course delivery where previous learners had struggled. Formation options,
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