Merle Van Votve. who Friday was sentence<l from <me to two years in Jackson prison with a recommendation of eighteen mouths by Judge George W. Sample in Washtenaw circuit c<nirt. is lK*ing tak en by D eputy Sheriff Richard Elliott, to Jack.son today to start bis sentence. Thnrsdny eveoing. January 14th, The case of VauVorce was one of P ly m o u th H igh BChool’s deb atin g team the hardest fought liquor cases to defeated Howell High school’s team enttr the circuit court. He was ar- with a 3 to 0 decision. The debate restetl In Salem township September 1, was held in Howell High school’s 1925 on a charge of Illegal possession splendid anditorinm, the acconstics of of liquor. The case t^as to have been which were much appreciated by the The new farm home of Charles called Thursday, but the maViiig of the nymonth debatera. The chairman Burger, located on the Schoolcraft three motions by the defense took up was Bfr. Thomas who Is the principal road, east of Plymouth, was burned Miss Marion Beyer, pupil of m 1b« most of the time. One motion waa for of Howell ttg h school, and the judges to the ground last week - Thursday I Rvelyu Thomas, assisted by Miss Flor- the continuance on the ground th at the were Miss Pitkalen, the debating coach afternoon about 2 :.30 o’clock. It is I ence Paddock, will give an organ re­ respondent’s attorneys had not had at Farmington; Mr. Timmerman, who thought that the fire originated from cital at the Methodist Episcopal time to examine-the search w uf^at is assistant pastor of the M. E. church sparks\from the chimney faUing upon I church, Tuesday eveuiug, January 26. and aPdavlt on whichhlch the casecnee Iras in Ann Arbor, and Mr. Miller, who is the roof. The fire bume<l so fiercely at 8:15 o’clock. The following pro- basetl: second, to supi>ress tbe rrlilm m a varsity debater from the tlniTersity that only the contents of the rooms I gram will be given : and third, to quash the InfociMtica of Michigan. on the first floor were saved M arch in G . S m a rt aud discharge the respondent, The judges complimented the Plym­ by neighbors, wbo responded to the A ndantiuu liem are were denied by tbe court. outh team for smoothness In delivery, alarm. The house was occupied by Will o’ the Wisp Nevin Friday morning's sesslou was con- good organization and their use of evi­ Mr. Burger's son. Edwin Burger. The .sumed by the testimony of Sheriff .Vve M aria Gounod dence. They criticized the Howell house, which was a new one. and con­ James Robinson, regarding the raid. Miss Paddock team for using too many statistics, for tents were practically coveretl by in­ iC^BTTlght. W. N- IM Ira Fischer, deputy sheriff, and Dr. lacking poise and pep in delivery, and surance. -Meditation M assenet Ned Smith, wbo examined the alcoholic for attacking the enforcement of the contents of the confiscated liquor. The farm home of Jacob Dingledey Potomac Boat Song S h are Federal proliibitiou amendment with­ J.VNUARY NUMBER MICHIGAN on the Artley road, southeast of Plym­ Slierzando G illette The present case is one of several out sufladent evidence to show that it outh. was destroyed by fire about 4:30 FORMER PLYMOUTR HISTORY MAGAZINE. started against Van Vorcc following is not well enforced. o'clock last Friday afternoon. Sparks Toolan Dim Leoni miineroHs raids by the Sheriff’s depart­ The proposition was the one being from the chimney falling upon the roof CITIZEN DIES A Gpysy Maiden, I P ark e r ment on his Salem township property. The January number of the Michigan used throughout the state debating is thought to have started the blaze. Miss Paddock it is understood the (utse will .be History Magazine carries on the cover league series, “Resolved, that the pro­ The household goods were removed api)ealed io tbe State Supreme Court, Avory D. Prout, a former Pl3rm outh At Twilight Stebbins posed child labor amendment to the a fine picture of Dr. Clarence Cook in accordance with the last ruling of from the first floor, but little could be citizen, died at Otsego, Michigan, Jan­ Pilgrims Chorus (Tannhauser). National Constitution should be adopt­ Little, sixth president of the University th a t biKly th a t com plaint blanks w hich snvetl from the rooms on the upper uary 8th. We take the following from W agner ed by the United States. Plymonth of Michigan. have been used are not legab Iti that floor. Had the wind been in another the Brighton Argus of January 13th: had the affirmative side of the ques­ A notice is given elsewhere in this they leave no space wherein tbe nature^ I direction, the bam and other out­ •‘The remains of Avory D. Prout, for Alumni especially will be interested M orning tion for the first time this year. Each Iiaper of the primary election to be of the evidont'e seccred against law buildings would have burned also. many years a resident of this place, in the two articles on Henry Phillip The Old Refrain Krelsler r^TTi consisted of two girls and one held February 8^b. Tbe eight candi­ violators can be written in. Van were brought here for interment Mon­ Tappan who v%s first president of the I Would Weave u Song for You, hoy, and In each case the boy was In dates for whom petitions were filed, Vorce has 20,days in which to file an day. Mr. Prout, wbo has been an University. Dr. .Tames B. Angell said O’H a ra his second year in High scbooL are: George H. Wilcox, Karl W. Hill- appeal.—Dally Tpsilaijtian-Press. Sat­ Invalid for the past year or so, owing mer, Arthur E. Blank. Alton J. Rich- Tappan that be was "the largest Miss Paddock The Plymouth debaters were Jose­ urday. January 16th. t > PyiHIJIN SISTERS to numerous strokes of paralysis, has rvine. John W. Henderson. George H. appeared on the Mlchl- phine Schmidt, Franklin Atkinson and To<vntu F letch er been making his home with his sister- Koblnson, Henry Hondorp and Theo- campus, yet his life is probably Julia Wilcox, with Julia Learned as in-law, Mrs. Lynda Petrie and husband dore ChllsoD < little known to the preseit generation time-heeper. Josephine Schmidt open­ ELECT OFFICERS at Otsego. He was brought here Mon­ ^ ^ i ‘>f alumni except for “TapiMln Oak” ed the debate with the pep and vigor ALBERT ELY PUSES AWAY day by automobile. Funeral services .V letter from the County Road Com-1 and ‘ Tappan Hall’' which commemor which characterizes her speaking. A BUSINESS GRANGE Thc Pythian Sister Temple No. $4, were held in the Presbyterian church missioners announces a change in the ate bis name on tbe campus. The .\ll>err Ely, iigcd 6G years, died a t the Franklin Atkinson displayed the poise | held their Installation of officers Tues­ aud btfrial was In Falrvlew cemetery, policy of widening pavements through first of these articles, by Prof. Perry, Glenn Jewell has purchased tbe gents’ home of liis sister. Mrs. Phoebe Pat­ and qnlck thinking which wou him his I day evening. January 19th, with of­ .\vory D. Prout was bom in Jack- cities and villages. Tbe Board will no begins a series which it Is announced furulshiogs, clothing and shoe store terson. on East Ann Arbor street, last place on the team. Jnlla Wilcox ficers as follows: son county, Michigan, April 2. 1853. longer assess any of the cost of snch will run through the year. In an- and also the dry cleaning business, Sunday morning, after an lllnfai of i t spoke in her usual pleasing, determin­ P. C.—Dora Wood He came to this village when a boy and widening against the local municipal­ othei^ Dr. John Parker Stoddard. 91 which has been conducted by R. W. six weeks. Mr. Ely was bom In ed manner, and did some splendid de­ M. E . C.— G e rtrad e H u tch in s on November 19. 1884 was united in ity. This means that tbe only cost to years of age. oldest living alumnus of Sliingleton for the past fourteen years, Superior towusblp. Washtenaw ootm- bating. All three members of the K. S.— M ildred Jew ell m arriag e to Ml&s N ellie C obum w ho Plymouth for the South Main street Michigan tells what he remembers and aunounces a continuation of ty. J u n e 26. 18,')9. F o r a n u m b er o f Plymouth team excelled In the smooth­ E. G.—Mable Hake died two years ago last September. widening to be done this spring will about the campus when be was a stu­ all departments in tbe old location, years he resided In tbe state of WaalH ness, directness and persistence of their Manager—Minnie McConnell .Mr. P r o u t w hile h ere w as a b a rb e r by be tbe drainage and necessary under­ dent under Tappan. which will be somewhat remoddled ington, and came to Plymouth two repotation. .M. of R. & C.^MUdred VanAtta trade and was well known by nearly ground work.' "Little Journeys In Journalism” is and redecorated. Glen is one of Plym­ years ago. He Is survived by three- Plymouth’s debaters have now scored M.
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