I Primary vote totals Baders work tirelessly Cass City Schools by area townships to aid area teens teachers, plans, schedules I n- 11 II I II Page 12 Page 8 CITY CHRONICLE Tountrv Davs 99 set *atGagetown The annual “Gagetown Dodge Road on Bay City at 1030 and will be followed Country Days” celebration Forestville Road at the home by the grand parade at 1 1 :OO. begins Friday and organiz- of Elmer Parrish and travel Also on Saturday, Nel’s Res- ers promise something fun through town, ending with a taurant will feature a photo for all ages through the week- Burn Out at the old Evans display of the history of Gag- end. The 3-day gala, that Products property on Mill etown prior to the fire. There concludes Sunday, will also Street. will be children’s activities provide area residents with In the park there will be a at the park, along with plenty an opportunity to help out a weekend softball tourna- of crafters and food vendors neighboring community. ment with a field of 11 teams lining the streets. At 1:OO a “The proceeds all go back competing on all 3 days. A car derby is scheduled, run- into the village for the bet- beverage tent will feature the ning down South Street. Also terment of the community. band “Jozy Wailz” both Fri- back this year are the popu- We arc in the process of ac- day and Saturday nights lar M-T Pocket Pullers who quiring property to add an- from 8:OO p.m. to 1 :OOa.m. will begin pulling at 5:OO other ball diamond at the On Saturday, the festival’s p.m. South West corner of the cur- biggest day, a special cer- rent park,” says festival chair- emony honoring the past On the final day, Sunday, the man Joan Koch. and present firefighters of the softball champion will be The fun starts Friday night Elmwood Township and crowned, along with sched- with a 7 p.m. car cruise. Cruis- Gagetown Fire departments uled Euchre and Horseshoe ers willstart near the end of is planned for the’ morning to~~tmments. VIRGINIA SUTTER, left, opens the door at Sutter’s Bakery and Restaurant for new owners Kathy and Douglas Kruse. Tentative oDenine Augm 20 Kruses revealplans for bakery 1 Douglas and Kathy Kruse learn the business, Custom- phasis on items for thc res- expcriencc in the field. Sht the Kruses to take over the are the new owners of Sutter’s ers who visit the restaurant taurant including bread, muf- has worked in both the business. The new owners Bakery in Cass City. The sale will notice little difference. fins and rolls. kitchen and as a waitress. have leased the business with marks the end of ownership The menu will remain essen- Douglas Kruse will not be an option to buy. by Virginia and the late Tom tially the same and the 3 Under the new owners the directly involved in the op- Sutter that started in Decem- employees, Ilse Roth, Joan restaurant’s open hours will eration, but will be around Kathy has been a Cass City ber 1969. The bakery is ex- Navarro and Nancy Wright, be expanded. We’ll be open to fill in whenever possible. resident for 16 years and pected to be open Aug. 20. are returning. for breakfast and on Sunday, He works for Shetler’s Douglas is a native of the At the beginning the bak- Kathy explained. Plumbing and Heating in Pi- community. There are 2 Virginia has agreed to stay ery portion of the business Running a restaurant will geon. daughters in the family, for 6 weeks to help Kathy will be restricted, with em- be new for Kathy, but she has Sutter has made it easy for Amanda and Michcle. Owen-Gage plans for renovations with $163,449 education grant LONG WALKS of up to 25 miles has been the ticket for good health for Ray Donaldson. In 3 years he has been able to Supt. Dan McKenzie re- Monday night meeting, that substitute 2 years on the flag trons therc will he 2 slxth- dents with $39,000 in state vealed that Owen-Gage High he meet with building and corps for physical education grade classes this year. Sh- funding approved. It is discard all the medicine in the bottles at the left and uses a School has been awarded a grounds committee and oth- courses, a practice that was annon Marion will teach one likely, she said, that there will reduced amount of the 2 medicines shown at the right. Michigan Department of ers on the board before ham- followcd previously. How- of the ?rades. Arlene Thomas be between 3 and 5 students Education grant of$Ih3,449 mering out a specific agcnda. ever, students will no longer was given a one-year con- that may attend on a tuition for renovations at the school have to solicit funds for the tract to teach the other. basis. Preschool will be Heal thv. too National Honor Society. The Nancy Ault was hired to re- taught by Ann Garske. It is hoped that the lights 1 he grant is expectcd to bc board okayed $300 annually place Cheryl Merlington as The board met in executive will be installed in time for used for lights at the football for Society expenses. guidance coordinator. session to discuss contract use sometime during the cur- field, new lockers and door terms for Warack, clcmentary rent football season. The new 24-mile midnight ruplacement. Board members Josh Hahn will be thejun- principal. lockers will be installed be- Several changes on irie agreed with a suggestion by ior high football coach. fore the start of the next teaching staff were ap- McKenzic, made in a work Diane Warack reported that school year. proved. Using grant funds session prior to the regular this year the preschool class Students will not be able to given for class siee reduc- OTHER BUSINESS will increase from 7 to 12 stu- stroll is relaxing The board budgeted for a Doctors generally approve another fountain in Elkton. causing extreme pain and he new school bus purchase in ,f walking as one of the You have no idea how could barely feel his numb 2002-2003, as recommended dcal ways to promote bct- bcautiful this area is and feet. One of the astonishing by the auditor, by allotting er health. but it isn’t likely how totally insignificant benefits, Donaldson main- $30,OOO a year for 2 years for hey had the walks of Ray you feel out under the stars, tains, is that his exercise the unit. lanaldson. 62, of Cass City, Donaldson reports. He’s program has enabled him to n mind. seen much of the area up beat diabetes. When he left A transfer of $8,000 from Donaldson says his way close and personal with Chrysler he was fat and out the general fund to the hot works for him. His way is to walks to Car0 and other of condition. lunch program was ap- ake jaunts of 15 to 25 miles. nearby communities. He wasn’t that way in his proved. He completed his longest It wasn’t home to bed when youth. Hc was involved in walk recently to Gott’s Cor- he was picked up by his all types of athlctic endeav- icr, north of Elkton, a 24- wife, Donaldson smiled, she ors including swimming Good news! McKcnzie said nile jaunt. camc with lots of water and and bodybuilding. Hc re- that the 1976 school dcbt has That walk started at 1 I :30 we went to Bad Axe for calls swimming across Cass been fully collected. How- 7.111. and ended at 6:30 thc breakfast and over to Lake, about 5 miles. He has ever, because of the terms of next morning. He uses the Sandusky to shop. pictures of his bodybuild- the bond issue the school walk when he starts feeling ing days showing he was in will not be able to pay off :xcited and walking the HEALTH BENEFITS shape to compctc in shows. the debt in advance. treadmill in his basement Donaldson and his wifc, isn’t enough to calm him Walking is much more than Marlene, came to Cass City down. The night of the long a way to relax, Donaldson A contract with NEOLA to to live 3 ycars ago after a walk he couldn’t get to says fervently, it’s a major create a ncw policy for the proposed sitc in Grayling sleep. health bencfit. Hc exhibited school was approved at a cost was not suitable for home He warmcd up for his mid- more than a half dozen of $7,000 payable at $3,500 construction. annually. McKenzie said night trek by logging 4 1/2 bottles of medicine and says that all but have been dis- that he will set up work ses- miles on the treadmill. Hc: 2 We came to Cass City to sions for board members to prepared for his nighttime carded and now he takes re- run our dogs and sit on the work with the company. walk by rigging a pair of duced quantities of only top of the hill at the park lights on his bclt. thyroid and blood pressure and enjoy the tranquility The walk was compara- pills. and the friendliness of the tivcly unevcntful, but a Just think, Donaldson ad- area. Approved a drug-frtz downer was the lack of wa- monishes, in I99 1 I was re- school plan to use a $1,700 ter at thc llowing well south tired from my job at Chrysler It’s a decision that we nevel grant receisred.
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