Aerodrome l)eveloPment and Management Service '(tuMs) DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION OF THE PHILIPPINES CIVIL AVIATION AUTHORITY PROJECTS STATUS OF CY.2O17 INFRASTRUCTURE As of December 3t,2Ot7 TOTAL CY 2018 BUDGET QTY CI2OL7 BUDGET cosT L23,100,000.00 L7 00,000.00 9.00 53 .00 DETAILED ENGIN E ERING 3,100,000.00 2.00 100,000.o0 EMERG ENCY PROJ ECTS .00 237 500,000.00 9.00 I 70, 767 PLANS & POW 700,000.00 75,300,000.00 4.00 3.9 30, PRE-PROCUR EM E NT (BAc .00 15.00 75.69% 109,400,000.00 ( P RO CUREMENT BAC 60,000.00 8,160,000.00 2.00 1.9 00 R NOA 64 BAC 4.90% 64 (BA c 5.00 slG NI NG OF coNTRACT /NTP 00 700,000.00 586,700,000.00 7 17.00 Go NG MPLEM ENTATI o N 201 6,777 000.00 2.00 1.96% 6,777 000.00 COMPLETED PROJ ECTS L87 307,100,000.00 9.00 .00 ED L,687,692,41-5.q4 ON HO t7.6s% 687,69 .04 LOAD E D PROJ ECTS 18.00 R PR EPAR ED FO R DOWN 000.00 9.00 8 150,000.00 REALIG N M ENT N EW PROJ ECTS FROM 2,6Ot,6L?,4t5.O4 750,060,000 OEPARIMENT OF TRANSPORTATON PHITIPPINES CIVTL AVNNON AUTHORITY OFTHE PROJECTS STATUS OF CY.2OI7 INFRASTRUCN'RE -------Tccotvt IMPUMEIANOT Pt-tsttMenr As of December 31,2017 ESS Physical Financial ContEctor IIITP APP Planned a. Plinnld Proiect qualiticatio! Proiect Started a. Remarks PMo/End- Published Duntlon b. Actual b. Actual Engineet Item CASHFLOW BAC RsO Amount PROJECT PARTICULARS User Ta4et Date c. Slippage No. of E.Garcia Co-nstructio-n CorP. 1s Mayl?ql7 01 08 a. Esteban of the viva qlds.l a. 1903 Completed (for final inspection) 25 ?_F !19me_! Area 5- 7Ot7 - 5,000,000.00 30 c.D. b. 100% b. Oecena Existing VPA Pavement lncl' 28 1.0 9.00 01 201 ;. Roads lnside CAAP Legazpi lqlt, _ _ ABC 29 June, 2017 12 December,2011 FAAA 20].7 e. 89.oo% Paul John A- December Completed lmprovement of DDG'5 Office 60 b. 77.77% b. o-oo% Ruiz ADMS 23 2.0 23 c- 8.83% 78 i6AAR complex, PasaY CitY AB' lnc. 29 l7 )anuary,z0l7 77 Daruin L Awaiting to possess site Prior to 05 15 mobilization ov€day of Runway ADMS. 150 C.D. Lintag 04 15 West Ave. 1.0 Sangley .87 09 o9 Airport 02 08 21 D€cember,20l Michael G. City On-going construdion - ADM9' 70t7 - 18 2to llagan inc1. construction of s,0@ 29 November, Kaling?.. 2.0 WaterTank with Palanan 07 c. Overhead De€ember, Albason ,P 2q M_grchr 20-rZ Paul John A. 10,[email protected]( On-going Construction the FslS l, 29!!'_ 10,000,000.0( 4pt 200 c.D. b. Ruiz 201 3.0 2018 - 0.01 30 a,202,o6q.74 Complex, Pasay CitY 9,999,256.70 2077 ABC Aseron 23 t2 2015 Paul John A. Feiruiew- 0-C- On-going Construction November, 20 10 200 Ruiz Building ADMS 4.O 2018- 0.(x 23 ----]P9,71s,?o 28 Complex, Pasay GtY ARC 06 D€cember,2O1( Pacific Concrete, lnc 16 August, 11 Dailin L 18 Construction 01 con.1e!! arog, On-going of Virac AirPort _25.4rlSnst lac_iqc Lintag West c.D. 5-0 O1 September, 2078 c. 13 Airport 08 10 November, Nonato M. oI Passenger 4th St. Parian, Mexico 14 June, On-going construction 18 November, 0F 240 C.D. Gayondato 28 6.0 29 November, : Airport 10 25 Nonato M. 17 construction 24 st. On-going Protection 7017 - 480 C.D. b. Gayondato 31 7.O Airport 25 October, 2015 12 Dg-:eqt!9, Alfred On-going construction 06 february, Brgy. 7_ Magsaysay Street Rehabilitation of Perimeter fence 15 November, 31 March, Mandaluyong 8.0 22 November, Guiuan Airport 06 Page 1 of 12 CNIL AVIATION AUTHORTfl OF THE PHTUPPINES PRO.IECTS STATUS OF CY.2B7 NTRASIRUCTURE IMPUMEEATPi As of December 31, 2017 Planned Planned Project Remarks qualifiGtion started Actual Engineer PMO/End- DuEtion Actual Item CASHFLOW PRO.,ECt PARTICULARS User Date No. NOA ABC ol Bid 29 Nonato M. Steet 06 On-goinB construction Development of CalbaYog Airport c.D 2a 2017 9.0 29 13 Airyort 15 19 luly, villaEm Alexandet M. 01 On-going Construction 25 st,- Brgy- Saint Pets 21 60 c.D- b. (PTB) Au9!9n,qity,. 10.0 ?8 lune, 5.M. Castro Alexander M. OI One Condo On-going Construction 60 b. Bldg. NEGOTIATED 11.0 2018 - t2 20 Airport 201 ao17 14 2t Alexander M. (PTB 10 a. On-going Construction 19 sJ. Pgtel, 2017 2l 150 C.D. Admin) 30J Php6,0143Oa.56 12.0 78 Davao AirPort 14 15 TM April On-going Construction 15 I subdivision ?r Parking 03 150 CD. 2A 13.0 16 Willtor Construction On-toing Construction Terminal Rehabilitation ol Passenger 311q1/80j:1 b. 12 14.0 SusPended tech Construction & 10 On-going construction 2017 15 lay Bryan C 17 January, 21 Nov 2017 due to awaitinB ol Two M.ec! Plaza Condo , Adv Avenue 77 as of F9!ru?rY, Apd!, guilding 2017 - 1q qqntqr, Pasig City 11-o-.9'-P, of site possession Fie Station February, 2! )vlY, 2017 15.0 23 2018 c- 09 18 Airport Conn.udbn 20 t,[- Clemste April D@t lsbel ToMhouse 27 December, On-going Construction o9 'lgrPIYt: -. B!l.{tn_ 270 Fence Sanloq Ealiuag, ._ 16.0 19 lYlar, 25 2018 ABC ,604.52 On-goin8 construction SusPended ,ay Bryan C. 27 as of 28 Oct 2017 due to awaiting Proposed Administrative Building 180 of site possession 04 t7.O 2018 - 2r 25 o9 Airport 09 18 05 June, ;;. For receipt of MTP of 14 luly, 5t. tEncis ll, rlr ?917 & UpgEdinB ot RunwaY & Limay Bataan t- 1.0 L6May,2o]'! c. shouldes 8,675,640.29 o5 F.i. Cunanan Construction a. For receipt of NTP 04 Iuly, Concreting of Apron and TarimY b. lba August 2017 z.o c- l, 20 airnort 31 Itua 06 June, a. of contract 15 Jung 2017 02 Odober, Forsigning of Old b. Asphalt OvedaY ADMS. Road and 05 Juh, 3.0 to include Access Davao c. BEvo - oavao 25 JulY, Page 2 of 12 PHITIPPIN6 OVIL AVNNON AUTHORTTY OF THE PROIECTs STATUS OF CY.2O17 INFRA'RUCTURE twuM!fianoi ACCOMPLISHMENT As of December 31,2017 NTP Illlnciat ] Evaluation CoDtractd Projecl APP BUDGET a. Planned Planned Remarks Addres Proiect Started Published --E{,,,,,,,,,,{--b. Actu.l Actual Engineet PMo/En& CASHFLOW ContECt Amounl Item Pre-Bid PROJECT PARTICULAR' User Date c. sllppage No. of Bid 16 29 a. For prepaGtion of contract 13 of perimetetfence ADM9 4.0 calapan Airport .30 13 a, For signing of contEct of Borongan AirPort 09 Aucust. 5.0 22 ?01 Borongan AirPort 28 13 a- a. preparation of contract ofTwo Bay Fire APP ,. 1'6Proq:09 For 05 b. 1 2017. Building 1.0 2018 - 1,560,000.00 1l Airport 31 lotc presentation of BAC 3,500,0m.001 2A For (1) bay lll zey: -3,500,000.00 Resolution Bldg o.0o 1Z 2.O 4!-8' lueurrr, ?9.12 Airport ABC a For Publication of RunwaY b. 1.0 Airport a. For Publicdtion of Perimeter Fence b. 7.O Ubay Airport t7, 13 a. Opening of Bids on .lanuary 9 zo17 - b. PTB 3.0 Busuanga AirPort 31 a. For Post-Qualification b. 4.0 28 Sept€mber, Hangar - 20t'l 28 a. 1st l-CB Failed of one- Fire 20 05 2077 b. 2nd LCB - For Post Qualification 1- Building L7 5.0 2018 31 20t7 a. Failure of Bidding [1] BaY b. (Rebidding) 2 BuildinB 6.0 AirPort 05 September, Failure of Biddin8 of CAAP & lmprovement lRebidding) 7.0 -25August,2017 Airpon PaSe 3 ol 12 PHILIPPINES CIVIL AVIAIION AUTHORTY OFTHE PROJECTS STAIUS OF CY.2O1? INFRASTRUSTURE IMDEMEMAMtr As of Decembet 3r" 2017 NTP Proiect APP Started Planned Planned Remarks qualification Engineer PMo/End' Published DuEtion Actual Actual Item CASHFLOW R60 Amount PROJECT PARNCULARS User No. q, Bid NOA lst ICB - Failed 10 2L 2nd LcB - For Post Qualification 8.0 c. Masbate Airport t4 Failure of Bidding 05 a- (Rebiddins) Building 9.0 2018 - 2a Airpolt 28 5eptember,2017 Failure of Bidding a. Bay 05 December, (Rebidding) b. Building 10.0 L7 Airport 13 2a of For preparation o, BAC 77 11.O Airport 31 05 For Post-Qualification Overlay of VPA (Phase ll) }' 13 b: 12.0 ?8 c- li- Airport 05 For Bid Evaluation Fence 13 of Perimeter 8- 2017 - 13.0 2a Airport 06 Failure of Bidding Prctection {Rebiddine} RWY 18 14.0 Airport 23 Re-Bid 15-0 2018 - PPBid on December 78,2017, a. Opening of Bids on January 4, of PassengerTerminal t2 16.0 for preparation o, bid docs Seruices 1.0 Complex, PasaY CitY a. preparation of bid docs oI for including 5ix (6) units Gazebo 2.O for revision of bid docs Lines Gen Set to Main Panel & Construction of 3.0 Day Tank Page 4 of 12 THE PHILIPPINES OVIL AVIATION AUITIORITY OF storut or at-rol? lNFRASrRucruRE PROJECIS !MruWMAruX As ol Decembe, 3L 20' t{TP Evaluation Planned Proiect BUDGET Started Planned a. Remarks Published Qualification Actual Actual Engineer PMO/End- DuEtlon Item CASHFLOW PROJECT PARTICUI.ARS User Date No. ABC ol Bid a.
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