FEBRUARY 2001 GAME DEVELOPER MAGAZINE ON THE FRONT LINE OF GAME INNOVATION GAME PLAN DEVELOPER ✎ 600 Harrison Street, San Francisco, CA 94107 t: 415.947.6000600 Harrison f:Street,415.947.6090 San Francisco, w: www.gdmag.com CA 94107 LETTER FROM THE EDITOR t: 415.947.6000 f: 415.947.6090 w: www.gdmag.com Publisher PublisherJennifer Pahlka [email protected] Jennifer Pahlka [email protected] EDITORIAL EDITORIALEditor-In-Chief Telling Stories Editor-In-ChiefMark DeLoura [email protected] SeniorMark EditorDeLoura [email protected] SeniorJennifer Editor Olsen [email protected] here have been a lot of unusu- lately. They (for the most part) solidified ManagingJennifer Olsen Editor [email protected] ManagingLaura Huber Editor [email protected] al discussions popping up their technical conventions decades ago, ProductionLaura Huber Editor [email protected] around game developer gather- and have generations of experience in the ProductionR.D.T. Byrd Editor [email protected] ings these days. People are art of storytelling using those conventions. Editor-At-LargeR.D.T. Byrd [email protected] Editor-At-LargeChris Hecker [email protected] talking about violence in Many people over the last decade have ContributingChris Hecker Editors [email protected] Tvideogames, whether or not games are an hyped the convergence of Silicon Valley ContributingDaniel Huebner Editors [email protected] DanielJeff Lander Huebner [email protected] [email protected] art form, how games can reach a main- and Hollywood. They were right; it is JeffMark Lander Peasley [email protected] [email protected] stream audience, and whether the industry happening. Take advantage of it by enlist- AdvisoryMark Peasley Board [email protected] AdvisoryHal Barwood Board LucasArts as a whole is doomed due to its immaturity. ing the help of excellent screenwriters, HalNoah Barwood Falstein LucasArtsThe Inspiracy We’re in a stage between garage game knowledgeable directors of photography, NoahBrian FalsteinHook IndependentThe Inspiracy BrianSusan Hook Lee-Merrow Verant InteractiveLucas Learning development and mainstream entertainment and seasoned soundtrack composers for SusanMark Lee-MerrowMiller Group Lucas Process Learning Consulting art form, and the path from here to there is your next project. MarkPaul SteedMillerWildTangent Group Process Consulting PaulDan SteedTeven Independent Teven Consulting not clear. Game developers are casting DanRob Teven Wyatt Teven The Groove Consulting Alliance Rob Wyatt The Groove Alliance about looking for guidance, trying out new This Month ADVERTISING SALES models, and attempting to learn from the ADVERTISINGDirector of Sales SALES & Marketing mistakes of other entertainment industries. n this issue we highlight games for kids. DirectorGreg Kerwin of Sales e:& [email protected] t: 415.947.6218 NationalGreg Kerwin Sales Managere: [email protected] t: 415.947.6218 The recent hearings by the U.S. Federal I What does it take to make a really great NationalJennifer Sales Orvik Manager e: [email protected] t: 415.947.6217 Trade Commission on violence in the media and fun children’s game? A good story defi- AccountJennifer Manager,Orvik e: [email protected] Region, Silicont: 415.947.6217 Valley & Asia Robert Darden e: [email protected] t: 415.947.6223 were a profound wake-up call that illustrat- nitely helps. What do you do when you Account Manager, Western Region, Silicon Valley & Asia AccountMike Colligan Manager, e: Northern [email protected] California t: 415.947.6223 ed our growing influence in society. can’t judge the quality of your game based AccountSusan KirbyManager, e: [email protected] California t: 415.947.6226 Though our technology is always on whether you personally find it to be fun? AccountSusan Kirby Manager, e: [email protected] Eastern Region & t: Europe415.947.6226 AccountAfton ThatcherManager, Eastern e: [email protected] Region & Europe t: 415.947.6224 improving, yielding stunning 3D worlds We detail games for kids in this month’s SalesAfton Representative, Thatcher e: [email protected] Recruitment t: 415.947.6224 and dramatic spatialized sound environ- main feature, Postmortem, and Soapbox. SalesMorgan Representative/Recruitment Browning e: [email protected] t: 415.947.6225 Morgan Browning e: [email protected] t: 415.947.6225 ments, an emphasis on story is developing. We also have an introduction to game ADVERTISING PRODUCTION Developers are recruiting screenwriters modifications, better known as “mods.” ADVERTISINGSenior Vice President/ProductionPRODUCTION Andrew A. Mickus from Hollywood to tune up their game Mods are undoubtedly going to continue SeniorAdvertising Vice President/Production Production CoordinatorAndrewKevin A.Chanel Mickus AdvertisingReprints Stella Production Valdez Coordinator t: 916.983.6971Kevin Chanel concepts for maximum impact. Many game growing in popularity and influence, and Reprints Stella Valdez t: 916.983.6971 engines are now available, freeing up game with this article, we’re just opening the CMP GAME MEDIA GROUP MARKETING CMPSenior GAME MarCom MEDIA Manager GROUP MARKETINGJennifer McLean development to focus more on the story floodgates. Check out all the mod web sites SeniorStrategic MarCom Marketing Manager ManagerJennifer Darrielle McLean Ruff and art. Game modifications also enable in the article’s “For More Information” sec- StrategicMarketing Marketing Coordinator Manager Scott DarrielleLyon Sadle development without the concern for tech- tion and you’ll see what I mean. MarketingAudience DevelopmentCoordinator ScottCoordinator Lyon Jessica Shultz nical superiority. On most development Jan Kautz and crew dig into the techni- AudienceSales Marketing Development Associate Coordinator JenniferJessica Cereghetti Shultz Sales Marketing Associate projects, the art and design teams are now cal details of using BRDFs in your games JenniferCIRCULATION Cereghetti Group Circulation Director Kathy Henry larger than the programming teams. in this second part of their two-part arti- CIRCULATION Director of Audience Development Henry Fung The steep slope of technology can only cle. Be sure to download their demo Group Circulation Director Kathy Henry Circulation Manager Ron Escobar take us so far in our quest to go mainstream source code from our web site at Game Developer Director of Audience Development Henry Fung magazine is Circulation Assistant Ian Hay BPA approved Circulation Manager Ron Escobar and be recognized as an art form. At some www.gdmag.com. Newsstand Analyst Pam Santoro Newsstand Analyst Pam Santoro point the environments look the same to the We at Game Developer are always SUBSCRIPTION SERVICES SUBSCRIPTION SERVICES player no matter how many extra polygons exploring the nooks and crannies of our For information, order questions, and address changes or texture passes you add. We’ve reached industry for things that you will find inter- Fort: 800.250.2429 information, order or 847.647.5928questions, and address f: 847.647.5972 changes t:e:[email protected] or 847.647.5928 f: 847.647.5972 that point — now we must turn our focus esting. With this issue we’re beginning a e: [email protected] INTERNATIONAL LICENSING INFORMATION INTERNATIONAL LICENSING INFORMATION to story. A good story is much more accessi- gradual shift over the next few months to Mario Salinas ble to people than snazzy technology. A tune ourselves more to the needs of our Mariot: 650.513.4234 Salinas f: 650.513.4482 t:e:[email protected] f: 650.513.4482 look to our past shows that in every culture community as expressed through reader e: [email protected] there are storytellers, people who pass the response. Watch this space for more on CMP MEDIA MANAGEMENT CMPPresident MEDIA & MANAGEMENT CEO Gary Marshall history and mythology from generation to our transition next month. PresidentCorporate & President/COO CEO Gary MarshallJohn Russell generation. They didn’t have the technology CorporateCFO John President/COO Day John Russell CFO John Day we have today, and yet many of those sto- Group President, Business Technology Group Adam K. Marder GroupGroup President, President, Business Specialized Technology Technologies Group Group AdamRegina K. Marder Starr Ridley ries have endured the ages. We are creating GroupGroup President, President, Specialized Channel Group Technologies Pam Watkins Group Regina Starr Ridley a whole new method of storytelling, which GroupGroup President, President, Channel Electronics Group Group Pam Steve Watkins Weitzner Group President, Electronics Group Steve Weitzner is a very exciting place to be. But the key to Senior Vice President, Human Resources Leah Landro SeniorSenior Vice Vice President, President, Human Global ResourcesSales & Marketing Leah Landro Bill Howard creating a new art form is to focus on the Let us know what you think. Send SeniorSenior Vice Vice President, President, Global Business Sales Development & Marketing Vittoria Bill Howard Borazio art, not the canvas. e-mail to [email protected], or write SeniorGeneral Vice Counsel President, Sandra Business Grayson Development Vittoria Borazio GeneralVice President, Counsel Creative Sandra TechnologiesGrayson Johanna Kleppe This is one reason why the motion pic- Cto Game Developer, 600 Harrison St., Vice President, Creative Technologies Johanna Kleppe ture industry has made a good model for us San Francisco, CA 94107 4 WWW.CMPGAME.COM FRONT LINE TOOLS ZWHAT’S NEW IN THE WORLD OF GAME DEVELOPMENT | daniel huebner 3DS MAX 4 ARRIVES FirstPerson format CULT3D enables viewers to EXPORTER ds Max 4, the
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