University of New Mexico UNM Digital Repository Tucumcari News, 1905-1919 New Mexico Historical Newspapers 1-11-1917 Tucumcari News Times, 01-11-1917 The ucT umcari Print. Co. Follow this and additional works at: https://digitalrepository.unm.edu/tucumcari_news Recommended Citation The ucT umcari Print. Co.. "Tucumcari News Times, 01-11-1917." (1917). https://digitalrepository.unm.edu/tucumcari_news/132 This Newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by the New Mexico Historical Newspapers at UNM Digital Repository. It has been accepted for inclusion in Tucumcari News, 1905-1919 by an authorized administrator of UNM Digital Repository. For more information, please contact [email protected]. Largest Circulation of Any $ ft Advertiser Know Where to ft I'npcr In Quay County 0 Pueumeari Views ft I'Uce Their Adit ft ANO TUCUMCARI TIMES VOL. XV. TUCUMCARI, QUAY COUNTY, NEW MEXICO, THURSDAY, JANUARY 11, 1917 NO. 16 COMMISSIONERS MEET 640 ACRE LAND LAW TUCUMCARI WILL BAN LEGISLATURE IS ORGANIZED AND IS MAKING LOTS OF QUET OFFICIALS OF TAKE NEW BUSINESS ON UP MUCH WORK FOR OFFICIALS OZARK TRAIL JAN. 17 HARMONY SHOWN ALL SIDES The Honorable Hoard of County cum Quay county do hereby petition your The first of the year ushered in the Oznrk Trails officials including the SnnUi F, Jun. 9. The third New practice of herding men and mnrching honorable board to open nnd muintain inisslonors met in their first regular new section law and coming on Mon- president, Col. W. and the J Mexico state legislature is now under them to the polls and voting them us 10 a public beginning Sec. ndjust-wi- session January 2, 1917, nt o'clock rnnd between day it wus necessary to wnit until general promoter, Floyd Thompson, wy- - The machinery hus been ll the bosses dictate, should be prohibit- a. m at the Court House in the City ! 28 and 21 and Sec. 20 und 21, Twp. 11 Tuesday to get into the local land of- bo in this district next week, tour-- '!. bearing oiled nnd the engine put ed under severe penalties. The secre- A .... - V, - ' t ll... g Range 33 E, N. M. M. first-clas- oi lucumcnn, incw iuc.xico, wiu ioiiow-in- P. fice ns Monday was a legal holiday. ing over tho proposed route, the one in s running order. The steer-mo- st cy of the ballot could be safeguarded Signed: V. C. Marrs, being present: F. W. Nations, et nl." There was a big crowd in line on desired by them und the travel- - iK Ken r at this time is working well by allowing the voter to enst his bal- John F. Hell, and W. A. Dodson; also The viewers' report on the above Tuesday morning but it wns impossi- ing public from the east who wnnt the l the road seems to stretch out into lot in a room wherein none nre ullow-e- d T. N. LnVson county clerk. Their mentioned road is received and after ble to handle them as the land office most direct line. n well-grade- d boulevard nhend. What to enter except himself, the judges approv- re- Iks bonds having been heretofore carefully considering the viewers' did not have the necessary blanks und They will pass through here Sun-lf"- "'n's and chock holes may nnd clerks of election, and the challe- ed by the District Judge, the Hoard port the Hoard finds that they cannot the clerks were required to mnkc ne- dnv from Amnrillo nnd nrrlve In Las .encountered after the first turn is nges of the respective parties; and no now proceeds to organize for the en- accept it for the reason that the de- cessary changes to satisfy those who Vegas for a big banquet Tuesday. The reached no one dares predict, but just one within such enclosure should be suing year and elect F. W. Nations scription as given by the viewer docs wore eager to file. On Tuesday fifty-eig- ht return will begin early Wednesdny nnd now the going is fine and the passen- allowed to speak to or advise the vot- as chairman. not conform to tho petition. The applications were received nnd the delegation will stop in Snntn Rosa gers are in exceedingly good spirits. er unless advice is requested. The approval of bonds heretofore Hoard therefore, defers action on same $898 collected. for luncheon, arriving in Tucumcari The most noticenblc thing ubout the The printing nnd distribution of the tiled with the clerk by the newly elect- and instructs the clerk to refer the Wednesday sixty-fou- r applications that same evening. legislative situation, so far ns surface ballots should be entirely under the ed officers Is now taken up; the bonds matter to V. C. Marrs, first signer on were made and 1327 collected. The A luncheon and smoker will be held appearance go today, is the spirit of control of the county chairman of ench of T. N. Lawson, as county clerk in petition, advising him to have a new next day wns tho big one eighty-fou- r nt the Opera House Wednesdny night emu-illatio- that seems to nctunte the political party. As it is now, In coun the sum of $5000.00, also his bond as petition drawn up that will conform applications being received and $1127 under the auspices of the Chamber of leading men of both parties. A strik tics where the clerk is of n different ' district clerk and recorder in 111 till. Inw ill nvnrv rntini.fl received in payment thereof. Fridny Commerce. Letters ure being writ- - ing evidence of this was seen todny politicnl faith from the county chair- the sum of $5000.00 were npproved. The Hoard received a petition for only fofty-fou- r applications were re- ten to all of the delegates of the Quay .when Governor dc Bacn, compelled by man, nil kinds of obstacles are placed bond A. Su- public ro;,d running in the way of getting the The of James Atkins as from the City of, ceived but flh14 were taken in pay- ouniy uonus noaru, instructing incm i1")""-"1- " i"m tickets print perintendent of schools in the sum of Tucumcari to tho town of Rock Island ment. Till 4 wns cuuscd by most all of to nttend the smoker and requesting "t St. Vincent's sanitarium,"" sent for ed and distributed. $2000.00 was approved. The bond of which reads ns follows: the filings being large. Saturday 40 them to brine in their friends. politicnl opponent, Lieutenant Gov- - No restriction should be placed upon Jno. C. Williams as probate judge of "We the undersigned, resident citi- applicntions received nnd $888 collect-- 1 Committees representing the Chnm- - Lindsey. und requested him to J the right of a man to have his name Quay county, in the sum of $5000; the zens of the county nnd ed. Monday 38 applications und $079 i her of Commerce arc calling upon the n'"1 the gubernatorial messngc to the npttear on ns many tickets as he can of Quny stato ' bond of John M. Eugcr, as treasurer of New Mexico, do hereby most re- The total applicants in six days were local citizens for funds to take enro of J"''t session of the legislature which get conventions to nominate him. Any in the sum of $80,000.00; the bond of spectfully petition the honorable honrd .128, nnd the total amount of money re- the expense and no charge will be wil1 ,)C holtl nt 11 o'clock tomorrow' pnrtv which is foolish enough to be- Hryant L. Francis as county assessor of county commissioners of Quay coun ceived was $7,033. The rush is not nil made to those who attend residing in morning. Mr. Lindsey highly uppre-th- e lieve thnt the voter enn be kept bound in the sum of $2000; the bond of Jas. ty, to open and declare as and for a over. Up to Tuesdny morning nt 11 county outside of Tucumcari, l.ut. oiative of the courtesy, promptly slg-tho- nnd tlfd to thnt party by cunningly A. Street as sheriff in the sum of public road the following described o'clock there were 22 applicant nnd the who live in Tucumcari will be ! "i"1''1 his compliance with the Gov-call- deicd election lnws will find in the $5000.00? nlso his bond ns sheriff and course or route in Quay county, towit: lund office has been crowded every day upon to foot the bill. In other ' ernor's request: The message wns in end 'hat. they have operated to that collector of licenses in the "Beginning ut the bridge on the this week. words. "It's Tucumcnrl's treat." 'P"t. as follows: pnrtyV. undoing. xvm of $5000.00 were nil npproved. Plnza Largo creek, nt the point where .No real law hns been received nnd Various committees hnvc been np- - The Government of a State requires I earnestly recommend thnt you en- n new Inw In the mntter of designating the the public road und U. S. Muil line the officials here do not understand it pointed to look after detail and a good from those entrusted with its mnnage-progra- act election containing the county printer, the Sun was named. intersects and crosses the said Plaza fully, but nre interpreting it to the of spenking will be nrrunged. ' meat, the same enreful, conscientious snlii-n- t features of the Australian bal- The Hoard ordered the county officials Largo creek thence, running due north best of their ability and seems to be Col.
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