Kaloula baleata (Microhylidae) BROWN BULLFROG. KATAK GEMUK COKLAT ○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○ DESCRIPTION Large terrestrial bullfrog; muddy brown with paler under- parts, snub nosed with characteristic loud call wang kok HABITAT Lowland primary forest; swamps, mud-wallows ORIGINS/STATUS Asia/Unprotected USES Eaten in famine times only; fishbait REFERENCES Zug 1993; Inger and Tan 1996 Rana ingeri (Ranidae) GREATER SWAMP FROG. KATAK RAWA ○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○ DESCRIPTION Large heavy bodied terrestrial frog, feeds on crabs and other frogs HABITAT Lowland to hill primary and disturbed forest; shallow marshes ORIGINS/STATUS Asia/Unprotected USES Eaten (PUM, ALS, LDY, LIT, BRU, PTN, KLK, KBD, PEB) REFERENCES Zug 1993; Inger and Tan 1996 #eCod Kialoula baleata Rana inger 1 PUT la'ak, ngaang ca'ai 2 PUB ca'ai 3 PUD ngang jaui 4 PUM na'ang bunong 5 ALS tahang sai 6 LDY atit, takang ai 7 LIT a'ang ya'i 8 BRU set tana' set ai 9 MRP ai, ayah nuweng tung, nong tung, noeng tung 10 PTN ang ha'ae 11 KLK ang, sa'ae ang sa'ai tu'uh, sa'ae tu'u 12 KLM ang sa'ai tu'u 13 KLO ang kerettek 14 KLA vak, ang sa'ai, bunong 15 KAL vak sa'ai lanyo 16 KBD la'ak sa'ai su'u 17 KBK wangkok sa'ai lali 18 PEB kup sai 227 13-Beha-Dec2000.p65 227 9/29/2001, 10:13 AM Black Hemibagrus wyckii (Bagridae) BAGRID CATFISH. IKAN BAUNG ○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○ DESCRIPTION Large brown catfish, to 50 cm; upper surface of head smooth; margin or pectoral fin, dorsal fin tips of adipose fat; upper and lower margins of caudal fin white HABITAT Large to small rivers, coastal to mountain areas ORIGINS/STATUS Borneo, Sumatra, Java/Unprotected USES Eaten REFERENCES Inger and Chin 1962; Kottelat et al. 1993 Barbodes balleroides (Cyprinidae) BARB. LAMPAM ○○○○○○○○○○○ DESCRIPTION Small to medium sized silvery freshwater fish, to 20 cm; lateral line; red orange tint on anterior part of dorsal fin; local category may also include Barbodes schwanenfeldii HABITAT Large to medium, clear, fast flowing rivers and streams ORIGINS/STATUS Southeast Asia/Unprotected USES Eaten REFERENCES Inger and Chin 1962; Kottelat et al. 1993 #eCod Hsemibagrus wyckii Barbodes balleroide 1 PUT cikai alap 2 PUB cikai, sikai halap, alap 3 PUD cikai alap 4 PUM sikai salap 5 ALS sovong salap 6 LDY tinien, tiniyen salap 7 LIT seniyen, siniyen salap 8 BRU awit talyan awit alap 9 MRP teikien, taiken, tikien hala 10 PTN telikan jupet 11 KLK teliken, telikan salap 12 KLM tenneiken salap 13 KLO tennai ghen sala' 14 KLA tennihan salap 15 KAL tennai hen salap 16 KBD tenneiken salap 17 KBK tenikan salap 18 PEB ta'ok salap 228 13-Beha-Dec2000.p65 228 9/29/2001, 10:13 AM Black Lobocheilos sp. (Cyprinidae) BARB ○○○○○ DESCRIPTION Medium to large sized scaly freshwater fish, to 35 cm; squarish nose with many rough wartlike tubercles on the lower jaw HABITAT Inland; large to medium rivers; fast running water ORIGINS/STATUS Asia/Unprotected USES Eaten REFERENCES Inger and Chin 1962; Kottelat et al. 1993 Tor tambra (Cyprinidae) CARP. IKAN BELIAN ○○○○○○○○○○○○○○ DESCRIPTION Medium to large freshwater fish, to 50 cm; dark olive green to black backside, paler below; large scales with yellow to gold edges; local category includes Tor tambroides HABITAT Inland; large to medium rivers and streams; fast water ORIGINS/STATUS Asia/Unprotected USES Eaten; sold locally, to traders, and city markets REFERENCES Inger and Chin 1962; Kottelat et al. 1993 #eCod Lobocheilos sp. Tor tambra 1 PUT pa', paha' tengoh 2 PUB naha, ngaha tengoh 3 PUD ngaha tengoh 4 PUM purut tengoh 5 ALS furud felian 6 LDY furud luang, luwang 7 LIT luang 8 BRU awit paha' awit leguom 9 MRP paha, can paha' pai, can pai, paih 10 PTN pasa' sinaya' 11 KLK pasa' padek 12 KLM pasa' padek 13 KLO pase' ato' 14 KLA pase' padek 15 KAL fase' faduk 16 KBD atok pasa' padek 17 KBK pasa' padek 18 PEB pasa' goga 229 13-Beha-Dec2000.p65 229 9/29/2001, 10:13 AM Black Pangasius niewenhuisi (Pangasidae) BORNEO RIVER CATFISH. PATIN ○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○ DESCRIPTION Large catfish-like freshwater fish; stinging poisonous frontal rays HABITAT Coastal to inland mountain areas; larger deep rivers ORIGINS/STATUS East Kalimantan endemic/Unprotected USES Eaten; sold locally, to traders, and city markets REFERENCES Inger and Chin 1962; Kottelat et al. 1993 Potamidae SMALL RIVER CRABS. KEPITING ○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○ DESCRIPTION General term for a variety of freshwater crabs HABITAT Coastal, lowland and hill areas; rivers and streams USES Eaten REFERENCES Ng 1988, Holthuis 1979 #eCod Pangasius niewenhuisi Potamidae 1 PUT larong kang, tuyu 2 PUB larong kang, tuyu 3 PUD larong kang, tuyu 4 PUM larong tuyu' 5 ALS selodong fua' 6 LDY seladang, seladeng kara 7 LIT seladang, lawit patin kera' 8 BRU awit sodong gia' 9 MRP klaran, can laran, larang tuyo, toyoh, tuyo' 10 PTN selareng tuyo' 11 KLK selarang iyu, yu 12 KLM selareng yu 13 KLO selarang zu' 14 KLA selarang izu 15 KAL selarang zu 16 KBD selarang yu 17 KBK selarang yu 18 PEB selareng iye 230 13-Beha-Dec2000.p65 230 9/29/2001, 10:13 AM Black Machrobrachium sp. (Palaemonidae) RIVER SHRIMP. UDANG ○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○ DESCRIPTION General term for several species of freshwater shrimp; may also include species from the genus Atya HABITAT Coastal, lowland and hill forest, rivers and streams; edge of flood waters and inundated grasses and river banks USES Eaten REFERENCES Chin 1985 Cipangopaludina sp. (Viviparidae) RIVER SNAILS. SIPUT SUNGAI ○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○ DESCRIPTION General term for several species of freshwater snails HABITAT Coastal, lowland and hill areas; rocky areas in shallow rivers and streams; collected from exposed river rocks during drought periods USES Eaten; shells used as decoration, ornamentation; larger species hung from baby carriers to scare off ghosts and sickness REFERENCES Chin 1985 #eCod M.achrobrachium sp. Cipangopaludina sp 1 PUT urang hih 2 PUB urang hih 3 PUD urang hih 4 PUM urang hih 5 ALS udang tundul 6 LDY udang girig 7 LIT udang akeb, akep 8 BRU diang kebatau 9 MRP roya, roye, eroya hei 10 PTN urang hi 11 KLK udang sei' 12 KLM odang si' 13 KLO o'dang si' 14 KLA udang si' 15 KAL odang sie' 16 KBD odang si' olung 17 KBK udang sei' 18 PEB urang siek 231 13-Beha-Dec2000.p65 231 9/29/2001, 10:13 AM Black Buthidae SCORPION. KALAJENGKING ○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○ DESCRIPTION Large scorpion, to 12 cm, black HABITAT Human settlements and cultivated areas USES Dangerous poisonous sting; for medicine (KLM) REFERENCES Elzinga 1997; Pinhey 1974 Lycosida SPIDER. LABA-LABA ○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○ DESCRIPTION General term for a variety of species HABITAT Human settlements and cultivated areas USES Sometimes dangerous, poisonous sting REFERENCES Elzinga 1997 #eCeod Bauthida Lycosid 1 PUT katip baieu, katip beieu teluvaja, televaya 2 PUB katip behieu, katip beheu tevaia bulun, tegowok 3 PUD katip beheu tevaya 4 PUM katip behiu tevaya' 5 ALS sengangait langut 6 LDY rufang kara, lufnag kara' tekelawa besuk, tekelawa becuk 7 LIT menipal kera', menipal kera anai, kelawa' 8 BRU longong kabiet kang agong kabiet 9 MRP kelepie tait, telepie tai', telipia' tai' kelawah kuyang, kelawah, tie ngoa 10 PTN telipan busong telawa 11 KLK lelipan bosung, lelipan busung kelaba 12 KLM lipan busung, lipan bosung mbui bong, telawa bodieng 13 KLO pang bofung telava 14 KLA lempa busung tehelava 15 KAL leppung busung tahalava 16 KBD leppa busung telawa' 17 KBK leppang busung katalawa ba'i 18 PEB duyung sanam kebuvu 232 13-Beha-Dec2000.p65 232 9/29/2001, 10:13 AM Black Cordulegastridae DRAGONFLY. CAPUNG ○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○ DESCRIPTION General term for a variety of species HABITAT Lowland and hill swamps, ponds and still water USES Subject of myths (KBD) REFERENCES Elzinga 1997; Tweedie and Harrison 1954 Mantis sp. (Mantidae) PREYING MANTIS. BELALANG SEMBAH ○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○ DESCRIPTION General term for a variety of species HABITAT Human settlements and cultivated areas USES Eaten (PTN, KLM) REFERENCES Elzinga 1997; Little 1963 #eCeod Cordulegastrida Mantis sp. 1 PUT capuk telang, capok telang ungin parei 2 PUB apuk telang ungen, ungin 3 PUD apuk telang ungin padi 4 PUM sapok telang ungin 5 ALS segading moyot 6 LDY sawa' bah, sawa' ba kato bayu, kato bayo 7 LIT dut ba', dot ba' katau mek 8 BRU atau kong ayang 9 MRP linggaye, lenggaye, langgaya pau ngun, pau nguon, pau nguang 10 PTN kesibet pau langgau 11 KLK kelesibet pau padei 12 KLM kese'bet, kelese'bet kadei padai 13 KLO sekeibet liung fae radu 14 KLA sehibet ulo', sehibet pau dadu, pau radu 15 KAL sehaibet fau radu 16 KBD sekeibet pau dado 17 KBK sibet pau dado 18 PEB tekonyit pau pagau 233 13-Beha-Dec2000.p65 233 9/29/2001, 10:13 AM Black Ariophantidae GRASSHOPPERS. BELALANG ○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○ DESCRIPTION General term for a variety of species HABITAT Human settlements and cultivated areas USES Eaten (PUM, ALS, LDY, BRU, PTN, KLM, KBD); fish- ing bait REFERENCES Elzinga 1997; Pinhey 1974 Phyllium sp. (Phylliidae) LEAF GRASSHOPPER. BELALANG DAUN ○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○○ DESCRIPTION Grasshopper, body flat, 3-10 cm length; green with mottled brown edges as in a dead leaf HABITAT Lowland and hill primary forests; cultivated areas and human settlements USES Exudes noxious blinding fluid (KBD) REFERENCES Elzinga 1997; Imms 1957 #eCeod Ariophantida Phyllium sp. 1 PUT po jangin ungin lo', ungin lunang 2 PUB po kalap, pao ungen 3 PUD pau jangin ungin daun 4 PUM poh ungin 5 ALS kavoh tembuyung 6 LDY kato, kato mapue kato, kato bayo 7 LIT ketau, katau 8 BRU atau piau ayang un 9 MRP pau ngangaing, pau yangain, pau pau kai, ngau melai, pau 10 PTN pau sap 11 KLK pau pau 12 KLM kadei uwai kameng singit, cap 13 KLO vae mpung vae nyarei 14 KLA pau pau, pau radu 15 KAL fau fadei fau 16 KBD pau padei cap 17 KBK pau mbung pau lideh 18 PEB pau parai pau daun kayo 234 13-Beha-Dec2000.p65 234 9/29/2001, 10:13 AM Black Gerris remigis (Gerridae) WATER STRIDER.
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