E PL UR UM IB N U U S Congressional Record United States th of America PROCEEDINGS AND DEBATES OF THE 114 CONGRESS, FIRST SESSION Vol. 161 WASHINGTON, TUESDAY, JANUARY 6, 2015 No. 1 House of Representatives This being the day fixed by Public the names of those persons whose cre- COLORADO Law 113–201, pursuant to the 20th dentials show that they were regularly Buck Lamborn Tipton amendment to the Constitution of the elected as Representatives in accord- Coffman Perlmutter United States, for the meeting of the ance with the laws of their respective DeGette Polis 114th Congress of the United States, States or of the United States will be CONNECTICUT the Representatives-elect met in their called. Courtney Esty Larson Hall, and at noon were called to order The Representatives-elect will record DeLauro Himes by the Clerk of the House of Represent- their presence by electronic device and DELAWARE atives, Hon. Karen L. Haas. their names will be reported in alpha- The Chaplain, the Reverend Patrick betical order by State, beginning with Carney J. Conroy, offered the following prayer: the State of Alabama, to determine FLORIDA Loving God, we give You thanks for whether a quorum is present. Bilirakis Frankel Ros-Lehtinen giving us another day. Representatives-elect will have a Brown Graham Ross We gather on this most significant minimum of 15 minutes to record their Buchanan Hastings Wasserman day when, once again, we celebrate the presence by electronic device. Castor Jolly Schultz peaceful transition of democratic gov- Clawson Miller Webster Representatives-elect who have not Curbelo Murphy ernment. Though many return from Wilson obtained their voting ID cards may do DeSantis Nugent Yoho the 113th Congress, this people’s House so now in the Speaker’s lobby. Deutch Posey is a new legislative assembly. Diaz-Balart Rooney The call was taken by electronic de- May the service of all the Members vice, and the following Representa- GEORGIA here gathered give You glory and ac- tives-elect responded to their names: Allen Hice Scott, Austin quit well the charge entrusted to them Bishop Johnson Westmoreland by their fellow citizens. [Roll No. 1] Carter Lewis Woodall Give each Member an abundance of ANSWERED ‘‘PRESENT’’—401 Collins Loudermilk Graves Price wisdom, knowledge, and under- ALABAMA standing, that they might know best Aderholt Palmer Sewell HAWAII how to proceed in the work they have Brooks Roby Gabbard Takai been given to do, as well as the courage Byrne Rogers IDAHO to act once they have discerned where ARIZONA Labrador Simpson Your Spirit might lead them. Franks Grijalva Salmon And may all that is done this day and Gallego Kirkpatrick Schweikert ILLINOIS all the days of the 114th Congress be for Gosar McSally Sinema Bost Hultgren Rush Your greater honor and glory. ARKANSAS Bustos Kelly Schakowsky Amen. Davis, Danny Kinzinger Crawford Westerman Schock Davis, Rodney Lipinski PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE Hill Womack Shimkus Dold Quigley The CLERK. The Representatives- Foster Roskam elect and their guests will please re- CALIFORNIA main standing and join in the Pledge of Aguilar Huffman Roybal-Allard INDIANA Bass Hunter Royce Allegiance. Becerra Issa Ruiz Brooks Messer Visclosky Bucshon Rokita Walorski The Clerk led the Pledge of Alle- Bera Knight Sa´ nchez, Linda Carson Stutzman Young giance as follows: Brownley LaMalfa T. Calvert Lee I pledge allegiance to the Flag of the Sanchez, Loretta IOWA Capps Lieu Schiff United States of America, and to the Repub- ´ Cardenas Lofgren Sherman Blum King lic for which it stands, one nation under God, Chu Lowenthal Speier Loebsack Young Cook Matsui indivisible, with liberty and justice for all. Swalwell Davis McCarthy Takano KANSAS The CLERK. As directed by law, the Denham McClintock Huelskamp Pompeo Clerk of the House has prepared the of- DeSaulnier McNerney Thompson Jenkins Yoder ficial roll of the Representatives-elect. Eshoo Napolitano Torres Valadao Certificates of election covering 435 Farr Nunes Garamendi Pelosi Vargas KENTUCKY seats in the 114th Congress have been Hahn Peters Walters, Mimi Barr Massie Whitfield received by the Clerk of the House, and Honda Rohrabacher Guthrie Rogers Yarmuth b This symbol represents the time of day during the House proceedings, e.g., b 1407 is 2:07 p.m. Matter set in this typeface indicates words inserted or appended, rather than spoken, by a Member of the House on the floor. H1 . VerDate Sep 11 2014 00:50 Jan 14, 2015 Jkt 079060 PO 00000 Frm 00001 Fmt 7634 Sfmt 0634 E:\RECORD15\H06JA5.REC H06JA5 SCOATES on DSK6SPTVN1PROD with CONG-REC-ONLINE H2 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE January 6, 2015 LOUISIANA RHODE ISLAND G. GRIMM of New York indicating that Abraham Fleming Richmond Langevin he will not serve in the House in the Boustany Graves Scalise SOUTH CAROLINA 114th Congress. Without objection, the letters relat- MAINE Clyburn Mulvaney Wilson Pingree Poliquin Duncan Rice ing to his resignation will be printed in the RECORD. MARYLAND SOUTH DAKOTA There was no objection. Cummings Harris Sarbanes Noem CONGRESS OF THE UNITED STATES, Delaney Hoyer Van Hollen Edwards Ruppersberger TENNESSEE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES, Black Cooper Fincher Washington, DC, January 2, 2015. MASSACHUSETTS Blackburn DesJarlais Fleischmann Hon. JOHN BOEHNER, Capuano Kennedy Moulton Cohen Duncan Roe Speaker, House of Representatives, The Capitol, Clark Lynch Neal Washington, DC. TEXAS Keating McGovern Tsongas DEAR SPEAKER BOEHNER: I am writing to Babin Granger Olson inform you that I have notified Cesar MICHIGAN Barton Green, Al O’Rourke Perales, Secretary of State of the State of Amash Huizenga Moolenaar Brady Green, Gene Poe New York of my resignation from the U.S. Burgess Hensarling Benishek Kildee Trott Ratcliffe House of Representatives effective January Bishop Lawrence Castro Hinojosa Upton Sessions 5, 2015. A copy of that letter is attached. Conyers Levin Conaway Hurd Smith Walberg I do not intend to take the oath of office of Dingell Miller Cuellar Jackson Lee Thornberry Culberson Johnson, E. B. Veasey Representative for the Eleventh District of MINNESOTA Doggett Johnson, Sam Vela New York in the 114th Congress. Farenthold Marchant Emmer McCollum Peterson Weber It has been a tremendous honor to rep- Flores McCaul Kline Paulsen Walz Williams resent the Eleventh Congressional District of Gohmert Neugebauer New York. This decision is made with a MISSISSIPPI UTAH heavy heart, as I have enjoyed a very special Harper Palazzo Thompson Bishop Love relationship and closeness with my constitu- MISSOURI Chaffetz Stewart ents, whom I care about deeply, it is now time for me to start the next chapter of my Clay Hartzler Smith VIRGINIA Cleaver Long Wagner life. Graves Luetkemeyer Beyer Forbes Rigell It has been an honor and a privilege to Brat Goodlatte Scott serve the hardworking families of Staten Is- MONTANA Comstock Griffith Wittman land and Brooklyn, and I am sincerely grate- Connolly Hurt Zinke ful for the love and support that I have re- WASHINGTON ceived from so many over the past few dif- NEBRASKA DelBene Larsen Newhouse ficult months. I have seen first-hand how ex- Ashford Fortenberry Smith Heck McDermott Reichert traordinary the people of this District are— NEVADA Herrera Beutler McMorris Smith their values, their love of community, and Kilmer Rodgers their care for each other in the best and Amodei Heck worst of times—it is humbling. I am grate- Hardy Titus WEST VIRGINIA ful, and I will always keep them in my pray- NEW HAMPSHIRE Jenkins McKinley Mooney ers. Guinta Kuster WISCONSIN Sincerely, MICHAEL GRIMM, NEW JERSEY Duffy Moore Ryan Grothman Pocan Sensenbrenner Member of Congress, Frelinghuysen MacArthur Payne Kind Ribble Eleventh District of New York. Garrett Norcross Sires Lance Pallone Smith WYOMING CONGRESS OF THE UNITED STATES, LoBiondo Pascrell Watson Coleman Lummis HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES, NEW MEXICO b 1236 Washington, DC, January 2, 2015. Lujan Grisham Luja´ n, Ben Ray Pearce CESAR PERALES, The CLERK. Four hundred and one Secretary of State, State of New York, Albany, NEW YORK Representatives-elect have recorded NY. Collins King Slaughter their presence. A quorum is present. DEAR SECRETARY PERALES: I am writing to Gibson Reed Stefanik resign my position as United States Rep- f Jeffries Rice Zeldin resentative from the Eleventh Congressional Katko Serrano ANNOUNCEMENT BY THE CLERK District of New York, effective January 5, NORTH CAROLINA 2015. It has been a tremendous honor to rep- The CLERK. Credentials, regular in resent the Eleventh Congressional District. Adams Holding Meadows form, have been received showing the This decision is made with a heavy heart, Butterfield Hudson Pittenger election of: Ellmers Jones Rouzer as I have enjoyed a very special relationship Foxx McHenry Walker The Honorable PEDRO R. PIERLUISI as and closeness with my constituents, whom I Resident Commissioner from the Com- care about deeply, it is now time for me to NORTH DAKOTA monwealth of Puerto Rico for a term of start the next chapter of my life. Cramer 4 years beginning January 3, 2013; It has been an honor and a privilege to serve the hardworking families of Staten Is- OHIO The Honorable ELEANOR HOLMES land and Brooklyn, and I am sincerely grate- Beatty Jordan Stivers NORTON as Delegate from the District ful for the love and support that I have re- Boehner Joyce Tiberi of Columbia; ceived from so many over the past few dif- Chabot Kaptur Turner The Honorable MADELEINE Z. ficult months. I have seen first-hand how ex- Fudge Latta Wenstrup Gibbs Renacci BORDALLO as Delegate from Guam; traordinary the people of this District are— Johnson Ryan The Honorable STACEY E. PLASKETT their values, their love of community, and their care for each other in the best and OKLAHOMA as Delegate from the Virgin Islands; The Honorable AMATA COLEMAN worst of times—it is humbling. I am grate- Bridenstine Lucas Russell ful, and I will always keep them in my pray- RADEWAGEN as Delegate from American Cole Mullin ers.
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