Tstablisied in 1967 Volume 21, No . z, Celebrating our 27th year TaYlWinter 1994 'edicated to Preserving Our Built .Heritage President's Message by Louise Coaxes After a summer break and a busy fall, pipes, and "astronomical" clean-up cost. Jacqueline Holzman seemed interested we've filled this issue with the latest Smallwood says in fact the cost of clean- in our discussion, but no doubt she still events in town concerning heritage archi- up will be substantially less than original sides with new construction over her- tecture. Why not drop by our office, open estimates. itage preservation if the choice arises. Mondays from 9:30 to 5 :00, and look Our continuing pressure on City Hall to The project also reminds us of the through our photo collection? Our sum- attend to heritage architecture is vital. beauty that can return to a building and mer staff, architecture student Katherine later, to a whole street, when promi- If you have a chance to see Heritage whose position was generously Robinson, nent architecture is restored . Ottawa's photo collection, you'll see how provided by the Ministry of Culture, vital it is to make sure politicians help us our " The NCC's cluster of buildings at Tourism and Recreation, catalogued keep what architecture we have for at Laurier East and Wallet continues to sit entirecollection as well as maintained the least another century! office and helped organize our January '95 empty, and two large houses at 74 and lecture series. Ottawa's historical architec- 78 Laurier East are slated for demoli- ture is faithfully recorded in the hundreds tion by the University of Ottawa. We of archival photos we have in the office. urge readers to contact the NCC, the University, and City Hall about this " Wallis House, the former hospital, sem- area. Why not include these houses inary and military training site at LN into the new Arts Centre that is planned ERITAGE Rideau and Charlotte streets, has rAI rAI for the University campus? Why not begun its facelift . Sandy Smallwood L+J L+J rent out those charming NCC houses OTTAWA and his crew moved into the four- as office space? storey building in September and plaster has come off the walls and the Christ Church Cathedral, which submit- INSIDE original wood lath washed. An entire ted an article to this edition of our Central Chambers Restoration ... ..... .. .....2 hallway started to look like new- in newsletter, demolished a 1890's farm- Dr Robert Ferguson Legget .,..... ..... .......2 about a week. Smallwood is interested house at 412 Sparks in May 1993. It is Rockcliffe's World War Hangars ...... .....3 in ideas from the public on an end use still intent on demolishing at least one Programs to Promote Heritage for the building. other mansion along Queen Street : 4 between Bay and Bronson . Please con- Properties.... ...... .... .... ........... ...... ... .. .... Wallis is a good reminder of how market- Tavern . .......... ..... ...... ...... .5 tact the Church and help save the build- The Raceway ing can help or hinder a heritage project, Lostin the Shuffle . .... ........................ ...... .5 ings and charm of this downtown street . especially by vendors such as the federal Networking Conference .................. ....... .6 government . It gave tours to potential Our Annual General Meeting, held in Centretown. Heritage Study....... ........... .. .6 buyers in the dead of winter, highlighting October this year, was combined with a Installation of Finial Crosses ................ .. 7 Wallis' broken windows and leaking City of Ottawa Mayoralty debate. Mayor Central Chambers Restoration byJohn Kowalski The restoration of the Central Chambers is now well under way. The 103-year-old building has become an important Ottawa landmark. The Central Chambers was built in 1890- 91 . It was designed by prominent Montreal architect John James Browne. The project was the joint venture of Edward Seybold and James Gibson, who were partners in the Ottawa dry goods firm of Seybold and Gibson. Located at the corner of Elgin and Queen, the building was designed as a prestigious address for professionals in the downtown core. In 1900, it was sold to the Central Chambers Company. Between 1900 and 1964 the building was owned by various companies and in 1964 was bought by the tecturally significant. Though too many to regulations. Floors will be upgraded to be National Capital Commission (NCC) . In mention here, some of the highlights of the earthquake and fire resistant . Other 1983, the building was classified as a restoration include the refurbishing of the improvements will include the installation notable example of Queen Anne Revival original facade, entrance lobby, staircase, of a sprinkler system and moisture control style of commercial architecture in Canada. lightwell and the main floor vestibule ceiling for the walls to help preserve the building. cornices. Existing door frames, architectural It was also deemed to be an essential ele- Congratulations to Brisbin, Brook, Beynon mouldings and decorative hardware that are ment of Confederation Square, which is Architects, Commonwealth Historical re-usable will be conserved. designated as having national significance Resource Management and the NCC for their by the Historic Sites and Monuments Board The building will be upgraded to meet cur- restoration of the Central Chambers . of Canada. rent building codes. The exterior steel fire The revitalization of the structure includes escape stairs will be removed because the preservation of features that make it archi- interior will conform to modern fire safety Dr. Robert Ferguson Legget, C.C. Sep 29th 1904-Apr. 17th 1994 The Board of Directors of Heritage Ottawa Dr. Legget also wrote several books on Recently, a film on Colonel John By, pro- announces with great regret the passing of various facets of geological engineering, duced by Jo MacFadden, featured Legget as Dr. Robert Ferguson Legget, a long-time and published numerous articles in scien- the authority on the Colonel and his canal. member of Heritage Ottawa. tific and technical journals. Legget's achievements were acknowledged A world renowned expert in geological While at the leading edge of progressive by institutions around the world which engineering, Dr. Legget came to this coun- technology, as a humanitarian Dr. Legget bestowed him with 12 Honorary Doctorate try from the U.K . in 1929. He started his understood that progress is based on the degrees and numerous medals and titles . His career as a consultant and later taught at appreciaton of past achievements. His 10 contribution to Canadian life was recognized Queen's University in Kingston and the historical books on the construction of when he became an Officer of the Order of University of Toronto. In 1947, Dr. Legget canals, railroads and other crucial projects Canada in 1967, and a Companion of the founded the Division of Building Research in Canada are equally informative for engi- Order in 1989. of the National Research Council, and was neers and laymen. For Ottawans, his book, Heritage Ottawa will be forever grateful for the director of that world famous institu- The Rideau Canal, is of special interest . It his legacy in engineering and for the trea- tion for more than 20 years. Furthermore, the first comprehensive history and tech- is sury of information on the history and he was responsible for the creation of the nical account of Colonel By's masterpiece. progress of technology in Canada. National Building Code. 2 Heritage Ottawa Rockeliffe's World War Hangars by PaulStumes One of Canada's major contributions to the allied victory in World War II was the Commonwealth Air Training Plan . Thousands of air aces received their initiation to flying over Canadian air fields. Next to planes, the hangars were the most important components of the air training plan. These simple, utilitarian structures eminently suited their purpose. Their wide, uninterrupted spans provided ample space for all types of planes, from the smallish Harward Trainers to the magnificient Lancaster Bombers. The lean-to structures accommodated ground schools, workshops and offices. It can be said that without the hangars, the success of the Commonwealth Air Training Plan would have been in jeopardy. The main feature of the hangars was the Warren-type roof trusses, fabricated from timber and straddling an expanse of 112 feet. At a time when building materials were at a premium, Canadian engineers were able to develop a structure which used hardly any steel or other militarily important materials. Due to bureaucratic bungling these historical hangars in the backyard of the National Though the Warren trusses were patented in Aviation Museum were carelessly demolished. 1848, their full potential could never be exploited. Generally, in timber structures, alent to $20.00 to $25.00 in current prices. Museum . Notwithstanding their merits, the weakest points are the traditional joints: Today, a decent doghouse can't be built that these hangars weren't secure enough to mortise and tennon or bolts and nails. These cheaply. house Canadian vintage planes. Neverthe- stress- less, out of necessity they sheltered the create anenormous concentration of A great tribute to the designers is the fact which the assembly of 112 collection until 1988. es would make that after 40 or 50 years of service, these foot-long roof trusses impractical . The hangars are still used by the Canadian avia- In 1988, the new, up-to-date, museum build- Canadian designers of the trusses used a tion industry. With minor adjustments to ing was completed and the planes found a fairly new type of jointing method, the so- compensate for the aging of the wood, secure home in dignified surroundings . called "timber connector split rings" . With are these "temporary" buildings expected to After the collection was moved, various this ingenious trick they reduced both the be in service for at least another 50 years. size of timber and number of jointing steel plans were prepared for the further use of units, thus saving material for the wareffort.
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