...for Buying this Adranced TurboGhip wABtuiluGs I Remove the TurboChip game card from its Game Gard. "llleutopial' 'l Be power is sure turned off when chang- plastic case. ing game cards, Before using your new TurboChip game card 2 Hold the TurboChip game card with the title This is a precision please read this instruction manual carefully. 2 device and should not side up and gently slide it into the Game be used or stored under o1 Familiarize yourself with the proper use of conditions Card Port until you feel a firm click (do not your TurboGrafx-'16 Entertainment Super' excessive temperature or humidity. bend the game card or touch its metal parts Do notforcibly yourTurboChip game System, precautions concerning its use and 3 bend as this could erase the program). cards. the proper use of this TurboChip game card. 3 Slide the Control Deck Power Switch to Do not touch the inside Always operate your TurboGrafx-16 Super- 4 of the terminal the 0N position (if your game card is not System and this TurboChip game card area or expose the SuperSystem to water, inserted properly, the Power Switch will not according to instructions. Please keep this etc., as this might damage the unit. move all the way to the right). Do not wipe your manual in a safe place for future reference. 5 SuperSystem or Turbo- 4 The title screen of your particular Chip game cards with volatile liquids wonder; of swords and armor. You must con- such TurboChip game card should appear on paint quer the ultimate evil to return this once as thinner or benzene. your television. beautiful land to peace. game They called it "llleutopial' TurboChip cards are made especially 0biect ol the Game for use with the TurboGrafx-16 Entertain- Long ago, in a place lar away, there was a Rescue Princess Aurora from the evil Boss ment SuperSystem and will not operate on land called "Neutopiai' lt was a land of peace Dirth. Complete the first four stages of the other systems. and prosperity where people worshipped at game by defeating Dirth's evil followers and the Sacred Shrine. A beautiful Princess, collectlng the 8 Medallions. There are 2 Aurora, blessed the people with her wisdom Medallions per stage hidden in separate and kindness. Until one day, the Evil Demon Labyrinths. Each Medallion is watched over Dirth appeared. He kidnapped Princess by an evil Boss Character. Use special items Aurora and stole B precious Medallions. Now along the way to make your journey easier and a brave young man named Jazeta sets out on be sure to look everywhere for information ! a journey to save the Princess and recapture the stolen Medallions. lt is a journey that will l[ote: Neutopia is a one-player game take him through the many strange and now G'I990 HUDSON SOFT dangerous worlds that make up the land of TurboGrafxil-16 Entertainment SuperSystem Any duplication, copying or rental of this Neutopia. lt is a journey of magic and TurboChipil Game Card software is strictly prohibited. Starting the Game Controlling the Mouements of Jazeta MAIN SCREEN STATUS SGREEN From the title screen, press the BUN Button. The movements of Jazeta are controlled using Select ltem your TurboPad controller. lvlastering its opera Pausing the Game The Direction Key (4-way controller) is used tion is critical to your success. During play, the game may be paused (return- to select the power-up item to be used. you pressing ing to the status screen) by the TurboPad 0peration Items in Use RUN Button. Jazeta will automatically be equipped with the Resetting the Game items shown as he obtains them. During play, the game can be reset to the Gharmed Gompass title screen by holding down the RUN Button The compass indicates the direction to the pressing and the SELECT Button at the Labyrinths. 0nce inside the Labyrinths, the same time. compass can be used to frnd the Medal[ons. lt How to "Continue" also sounds an alarm when Jazeta comes close When the game rs over, and the trt e screen appears, you to the entrance of a Labyrinth or a l\4edallion. may resume play by se ectrng "conInuej' enter ng the Crystal Ball and Key proper password and pressrng the RUN Button. This 0irection l(ey (4.way c0ntroller) relurns you to the begrnnrng of the ast stage where you o There is a Crystal Ball and Key hidden in each N4oves Jazeta eft and nqht. up and down. @ Current Power-Up ltem ln Use recerved a password. You may "c0ntrnue" an unIrnrted Labyrinth Each Crystal Ball shows you a map Also used to select power up rtenrs rn the number ol trmes. @ Sword in lJse of the Labyrinth. The Key is a necessary status screen. item open the door the where the cotu to to crypt Passwords Selsct Button @ o Boss Character is guarding the Medallion When Jazeta d es (L ie Gauge becomes entrrely whrte), Total anrorrrl ol qo d avariable Not used n th s game. you you "contrnue" and have the Book ol Rev val, may Note: The Crystal Ball might not show all of RUN Button @ t-ite {resume play) lrom the p ace you lasl recerved a password. o pauses lndrcal0s thir l) ayer's vrtal 1y eve the hidden rooms in a Labyrinth. Use Boom You may also use the Password t0 contrnue (lrom the Starts and the game. Also used to swrtch from marn to status Bombs to find hidden rooms. sarne eve, wrth the same enhancements) at a later date. screen. @ Bombs li you do not have the Book of Revrval when your rle o Button ll Numbr:r ol bi,nrbs avarlable Map gauge runs out, you must start over lrom the begrnn ng To use a selected power up rtem, push thrs button The rooms you go through in the Labyrinths ol the game Also !sed 1o skrp dralogue. will automatically be tracked on the map. Note: TurboGralx CD and TurboB0oster Plus owners o Burton I Once Jazeta leaves the Labyrinth, however, please see page 7 Used to attack the enemy w th y0ur sword. these rooms will no longer be highlighted. Also rsed to <L'o thp ressage sc'pens. 2 3 il You can increase Jazeta's life gauge and in- Essential ltems These items are not essential to advance from LeYels crease his attack power in three different ways. Swords Increase attack power The ma n weapon ol stage to stage, but make it easier for you to Neutopia contains five different levels or Jazeta. There are bronze. silver and "strongest" swords your play game. place 0btain Medallions de{eat enemies and the stages. Each stage takes at a different location in Neutopra. When a Medallion is returned to the beginning Armor Decreases damage from the enem es. There are bronze, si ver and "strongest" coats of armor. Medicine Can be used to cure Jazeta's wounds (returns Shrine, your Life Gauge is increased by 1. Land Sphere Here. while visitrng the shrine, Jazeta Lrle Gauge to max mum vrtalrty). Jazeta can carry a Shields lncrease your defense agarnst enemy f re. There learns about the Pilncess. Get Help from the Monks maxmumof2vasalatrme. are bronze, srlver and "strongest" shrelds. You must 1ac0 you Helpful items: lVagrc Compass, Book ol Bevival, Fire Every time a monk is found, are either your Can change powerfu nto the enerny to block shots wrth shre d. Magic Ring certarn demons Wand, Bronze Sword, Bronze Armor. rewarded with an item, or your Life Gauge is weaker creatures. Each rrng can be used only once. No '1. Chests Coniain va uable rtems. T0 open, move Jazeta increased by eliecl on Eoss Characters Subtsrransan Sphere A dark and mysterious land toward the chest. where anythrng mrght happen. 0btain Essential ltems Boom Bombs Destroy wa ls and damage enemres. Fire Wand Grves you the magc of fire. The power ol Heipiul rtems: Moonbeam Depending upon which stage of the game Allow you 1o find h dden doors to other rooms Moss, Rarnbow Drop, the lrre. however, depends !pon your vitalrty. Bronze you've your Shreid. Srlver Armor. reached, these items increase Wings ol Return Enable you 10 return to the place Falcon Shoes Allow you to walk faster and to enler attack strength and ability to move. All whcrc you rece ved the lasl password Sea Sphere Journey around the ocean rn a wor d frlled one of the Labyflnths. enhancements should be obtained before ) wrth danger. Berries lncrease your Lrle Gauge by 1. advancing in the game. Book ol Beyival Allows you to obtarn a password to Helpful tems Falcon Shoes, Strongest Armor, S ver contrnue your game at a ater t me. You wil return to rie I Sandglass Slops enem es'movement ior a certa n Sword. Sr ver Shreld. rn the shrrne where you ast received a password. dillount ol trme Sky Sphere A iloat ng palace frlled wrth dangers and Helps Gets you 10 extra preces gold Allows Charmed Compass to show the directron to thc Silvor Coin oi puzzles. Troub e lurks at every lurn ! Labynnths Also helps you lnd yourwaythrough the maze you lo buy extra tems. He plu rtemsr Bell of Heaven, Stronqest Shre d, ol chambers rn the Labynnths. Gold Coin Gets you 50 extra pieces of gold. A ows you Strongest Sword. Moonbeam Moss Allows you to |ght up the darkness lo buy even more extra rtems North Pols Here, rn a irozen wasieland. the frna battle lor a rmrted amount ol hme.
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