PROCEEDINGS OF THE BIOLOGICAL SOCIETY OF WASHINGTON 115(3):546-563. 2002. Paretroplus dambabe, a new cichlid fish (Teleostei: Cichlidae) from northwestern Madagascar, with a discussion on the status of P. petiti John S. Sparks Division of Vertebrate Zoology, American Museum of Natural History, Central Park West at 79th Street, New York, NY 10024-5192, U.S.A., e-mail: [email protected] Abstract. —Paretroplus dambabe, n. sp., is described from Lake Kinkony, northwestern Madagascar. The new species is distinguished from congeners in Hfe and preservation by light yellowish-oUve body coloration in combination with a series of 6-7 vertical charcoal bars on the flanks, a blunt head profile, body depth not exceeding 57.1%SL, and uniform dark charcoal-gray or black fins. Paretroplus dambabe is further distinguished from P. petiti, a species to which it has been mistakenly referred for decades, by overall pigmentation pattern (light yellow-olive vs. dark brown), the presence of bright red pigmen- tation on the flanks in life, a prominent vertical barring pattern, and a shallower body. Paretroplus Bleeker, 1868, the most spe- pelvic axillary scale, and well-developed ciose cichlid genus in Madagascar, com- ridges of scales ("scale sheathing" of Cich- prises nine described species, excluding the ocki, 1976) extending over, but not fused new taxon (Table 1). Paretroplus is endem- to, both the dorsal- and anal-fin bases. A ic to Madagascar, and members are distrib- number of additional features diagnostic of uted throughout the northwestern part of the both Etroplinae and Paretroplus, as well as island (8 species) and in eastern drainages a species-level phylogenetic analysis, are (1 species), where the range of P. polyactis presented by Sparks (2001). All Paretro- extends nearly the length of the island (Fig. plus but a single described taxon, P. po- 1). Monophyly of Paretroplus, and that of lyactis, are restricted to northwestern Mad- a more inclusive clade encompassing Par- agascar; a number of species from that re- etroplus and Etroplus (endemic to southern gion still await description (J. Sparks, pers. India and Sri Lanka), is well established obs.). based on numerous morphological and nu- Madagascar is generally considered to cleotide characters (Stiassny 1991, Sparks have a markedly depauperate freshwater & Reinthal 1999, Sparks 2001, Stiassny et ichthyofauna (Kiener & Richard- Vindard al. 2001). Sparks (2001) formally recog- 1972). Results of a recent summary study nized the latter clade, Etroplinae, and as- of ichthyofaunal diversity, however, indi- signed the taxon subfamilial rank. Major cate that Madagascar is comparable in modifications of the anterior swimbladder, terms of the number of native and endemic posterior neurocranium, palato-vomerine freshwater species to other landmasses of region, hyoid-mandibular and premaxillary- similar size (Sparks & Stiassny 2002a, maxillary linkages, and oral and pharyngeal Sparks & Stiassny 2002b). Moreover, the dentition characterize Paretroplus. Exter- number of extant freshwater species slightly nally, members of Etroplinae are easily rec- exceeds that expected for a landmass with ognized by an elevated number of anal-fin a surface area of just under 600.000 sq. km. spines (usually 7-10), a well-developed (Riseng 1997, Sparks & Stiassny 2002b). : VOLUME 115, NUMBER 3 547 Table 1. —List of Malagasy and South Asian cich- morphological variation among the endem- lids according to current generic assignment, and sub- ic Malagasy and South Asian cichlids is familial designation (discussed in text). substantial (Reinthal & Stiassny 1997, Sparks 2001, Sparks & Reinthal 2001, Sparks 2002). Within this monophyletic as- Ptychochrominae semblage two major subfamilial lineages Ptychochromis oligacanthus (Bleeker) have been diagnosed based on both mor- Ptychochromis grandidieri Sauvage Ptychochromis inoniatiis Sparks phological and molecular characters; Ptych- Ptychochromoides betsileanus (Boulenger) ochrominae, comprising Ptychochromis, Ptychochromoides hatha Reinthal & Stiassny Ptychochromoides, and Oxylapia, and Etro- Ptychochromoides vondrozo Sparks & Reinthal plinae, comprising Paretroplus and Etro- Oxylapia polli Kiener & Mauge plus (Sparks 2001). Herein a new species Etroplinae: of Paretroplus from Lake Kinkony, a large Etroplus suratensis (Bloch) (oligotrophic) floodplain lake in northwest- Etroplus maculatus (Bloch) ern Madagascar and part of the Mahavavy Etroplus canarensis Day Paretroplus dami Bleeker du Sud basin, is described. Further, the Paretroplus polyactis Bleeker identity of P. petiti is clarified. For decades Paretroplus petiti Pellegrin members of the new species have been mis- Paretroplus kieneri Amoult takenly attributed to P. petiti, a taxon from Paretroplus maculatusJ^Qwer & Mauge which it is easily distinguished based on a Paretroplus menaramho Allgayer Paretroplus nourissati (Allgayer) number of morphological features. Paretroplus maromandia Sparks & Reinthal Paretroplus tsimoly Stiassny et al. Materials and Methods Paratilapia: Paratilapia polleni Bleeker Counts and morphometric measurements Paratilapia bleekeri Sauvage follow Barel et al. (1977), Kullander (1986) for upper-jaw length and pelvic-fin length, and Sparks & Reinthal (1999), unless noted Many new cichlid species endemic to Mad- otherwise. Measurements were recorded to agascar have recently been, or are in the the nearest 0. 1 mm using Sylvac digital cal- process of being, described (Allgayer 1996, ipers. Vertebral counts exclude the last hy- 1998; Reinthal & Stiassny 1997; Sparks & pural-bearing vertebra (i.e., last half cen- Reinthal 1999, 2001; Stiassny et al. 2001, trum) and were obtained from radiographs. Sparks 2002). Most of these recently dis- Members of Paretroplus frequently possess covered species are restricted to relatively abdominal ribs on the first caudal vertebra. remote regions of the island where limno- The first caudal vertebra is here defined as logical analyses indicate limited ecosystem the most anterior vertebra bearing a fully disturbance (Reinthal & Stiassny 1991, Ris- developed hemal spine, regardless of the eng 1997). Where there is a great deal of presence or absence of abdominal ribs. The ecosystem degradation, including a vast hemal spine of the first caudal vertebra ter- majority of Madagascar's freshwater sys- minates distally either between the first and tems, primarily exotic species survive (Ben- second, or between the second and third stead et al. 1999, Sparks & Stiassny 2002b). anal-fin pterygiophores. All counts and Increased sediment load and water turbidi- measurements of fin elements were ob- ty, resulting from extensive deforestation tained from radiographs or cleared and and subsequent runoff, appear to be major stained preparations. Each of the terminal factors leading to the rapid decline of en- dorsal- and anal-fin soft rays is counted as demic species. two rays if this element is split completely Despite relatively low species diversity. to the fin base (Barel et al. 1977), which is 548 PROCEEDINGS OF THE BIOLOGICAL SOCIETY OF WASHINGTON P. polyactis P. maromandia P. menarambo P. maculatus and P. kieneri P. dambabe and P. kieneri P. dami P. nourissati and P. kieneri P. petiti P. tsimoly Paretroplus n. sp. (Lac Andrapongy) Fig. 1. Map of Madagascar illustrating cuiTent geographic ranges for members of Paretroplus. based on localities from which specimens have been collected in recent surveys (except P. petiti. which is only known from the holotype). These are only approximate distributions, as many remote areas of the island remain poorly surveyed. VOLUME 115, NUMBER 3 549 Fig. 2. Paretroplus dambabe, holotype, UMMZ 238724, adult male, 169.4 mm SL, northwestern Madagas- car, Province of Majunga, Lake Kinkony. generally the case in Paretroplus. There is 169.4 mm SL, Madagascar, Majunga Prov- only one supporting (articulating) ptery- ince, south of Mitsinjo, Mahavavy (du sud) giophore for this terminal split ray in Par- drainage basin. Lake Kinkony (16°05' etroplus. Without the use of radiographs 37.7"S, 45°51'37.4"E), JSS 94-15, 14-16 this condition is difficult to detect, and it July 1994, J. S. Sparks, K. J. Riseng, and appears as though two distinct rays are pre- local Malagasy guides. sent. Gill-raker counts the (if exclude raker Paratypes.—\jyvyVL 199406 (3, 67.0- present) in the angle of the arch. 113.0 mm SL), ex. MNHN 60579, Mada- Comparative anatomical analyses includ- gascar; AMNH 232398 (10, 61.0-170.0 ed specimens preserved in 70% ethanol, mm SL), data as for holotype; UMMZ specimens cleared and double stained for 235024 (29, 40.2-225.0 mm SL, 3 ex. bone and cartilage using a modified proto- C&S), data as for holotype. col based on Taylor & Van Dyke (1985), Non-type material examined. —All from and dry skeletal preparations. A list of com- Madagascar, Majunga Province, Mahavavy parative material is presented at the end of (du sud) drainage basin. Lake Kinkony: this paper. Institutional abbreviations are as MNHN 1960-0579 (3, 125.5-179.9 mm Usted in Leviton et al. (1985). SL), Kiener; MNHN 1962-0239 (2, 23.3- 24.6 SL), Kiener; 1965-0316 Paretroplus dambabe, new species mm MNHN 64.2-129.3 SL), Petit; Figs. 2-3, Table 2 (2, mm MNHN 1996-123 (1, 105.2 mm SL), Nourissat and Paretroplus petiti. Kiener (in — 1963 de Rham. part).—Kiener & Therezien 1963.—Kie- Differential diagnosis. —A deep-bodied ner & Mauge 1966 (in part). Paretroplus distinguished from congeners, Holotype.—UMML 238724, adult male, in life and preservative, by pale yellow to 550 PROCEEDINGS
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