Parshas Beshalach 13 Shevat | February 8, 2020 Candle Lighting Mincha Torah Reading Haftorah Candle Lighting 2/14 5:16p 5:20p Pg. 366 Pg. 1152 5:24p LEAVE THE SEA BEHIND RABBI SHMUEL SILBER SHABBOS SCHEDULE “Moses led Israel away from the Red Sea, and they went out into the desert of Shur; they Shabbos Night walked for three days in the desert but did not find water.” (Exodus 15:22) 5:16p Candle Lighting The Jewish people had seen miracle after miracle. The plagues, the splitting of the sea had 5:20p Mincha followed by culminated in the singing of the jubilant shira (song), Az Yashir. But now it was time to travel Kabbolas Shabbos forward and embrace destiny. It was time to journey to Mount Sinai, receive the Torah and Shabbos Day 8:35a Chassidus of the Parsha (Rabbi Richter) solidify our identity as the nation of God. Moshe told the people to ready themselves for the 9:00a Shacharis (9:44a KS) journey ahead, but they didn’t want to leave the banks of the Red Sea. The verse states, 10:45a Shabbos Drasha “VaYasa Moshe es ha’am mi’yam suf (Moshe led Israel away from the Red Sea)” and Rashi 11:30a Kehilla Kiddush comments: “Moses led Israel away: lit., made Israel journey. He led them away against their 4:20p Daf Yomi (Rabbi Silber) 5:10p Mincha followed by will, for the Egyptians had adorned their steeds with ornaments of gold, silver, and precious Shalosh Seudos stones, and the Israelites were finding them in the sea”. 6:18p Maariv/Havadala Rav Zalman Sorotzkin (1881-1966), in his work titled Oznayim LaTorah, provides an 7:20p Motzei Shabbos Learning incredible insight. With the crossing of the sea, the Jewish nation was catapulted to the heights of prophecy. They were able to see and perceive God in ways unimaginable to us. WEEKLY SCHEDULE They sang with Moshe; they sang with Miriam and with each song felt closer and more Sun 2/9, 14th of Teves connected to God. When Moshe told them, it was time to leave, they responded with one 7:15, 9:00a Shacharis simple question,“ Why?” Why would we leave this place of incredible holiness? It is here that 5:25p Mincha/Maariv we have experienced and connected with the Divine. Is this not the promised land? Is this not Mon - Fri a.m. what we aspire to? Why would we want to be anywhere else but here? You have told us 6:45, 9:00a Shacharis 5:25p Mincha/Maariv about Mount Sinai and the Land of Israel, but all we need spiritually and materially is right 8:55p Maariv here. We feel no need to journey any further. And it was in this moment that Moshe taught the people an incredible lesson. WEEKLY SHIURIM There are times in life when you must leave that which is comfortable and known for the with Rabbi Silber opportunity to seize an even greater destiny. The banks of the Red Sea are wonderful - but Sun 8:00a Daf Yomi there is something even better. In order to seize it, you will have travel into the desert of the Mon - Fri unknown, give up your security and comfort and strike out into the wilderness. It appears 5:45a Mesilas Yesharim that the people were unmoved by Moshe’s argument and so “VaYasa Moshe es ha’am 5:55a Daf Yomi (Moshe forcibly moved the people).” Following 9am minyan 15 Minutes of Mishnayos There are times in life when we find ourselves by our personal Red Sea. I find a spot in life (Rabbi Richter) which is comfortable, predictable and secure. I settle on the banks of my life’s river and I feel Mon good. It is a good spot spiritually and materially and I feel like I can dwell here for a long time. 12:15p CHAW Lunch & Learn After all, what we crave most in life is predictability and security. But in those moments when Contemporary Halacha, Ancient Wisdom we want to settle on the banks of our Yam Suf, the voice of Moshe whispers in our ears, “It’s Dougies; allow time to purchase food. Followed by 1:00p Mincha. time to move, it’s time to break camp, it’s time to travel to Mount Sinai.” In those moments Online Perek Shira in life when we get to ready to settle down and “coast” we must push ourselves to do more Wed and be more. In those moment when we happily reflect on our accomplishments, we must 9:30a WIT Tehillim shiur (BJSZ) ask ourselves, “what’s next?” Real growth only occurs when you are willing to leave your Online Perek Shira comfort zone and strike out into the unknown. May we find the courage to leave the banks Thurs of the Red Sea, venture into the desert, find meaning at Mount Sinai and continue travelling 12:00p Business Professionals Lunch & Learn to our promised land. suburbanorthodox.org/event/lunch213 Night Seder with Rabbi Richter Mon-Thurs 8:30-8:55p Mon Halacha from the Daf Tues Contemporary Halacha Wed-Thurs Kitzur Shulchan Aruch 1 MEMBER NEWS SPONSORSHIPS Dr Alan Oshinsky & his mother, Irene Oshinsky, in memory of their father and husband, Tzvi THANK YOU TALMUD TORAH SHEVAT Hirsch ben Shmuel z'l (Harold Oshinsky) Kiddush set up: Yossi Silber, Elliot Ein- All learning in the month of Shevat has beinder, and Louis Caplan. Cookie baking: Yael been generously sponsored by Ed & Faith Wolf in DAF YOMI Schreiber (last week), Lauren, Miriam and memory of Faith’s mother, Nessa bas Velvel (Zev) Mr. & Mrs. Yehudah Buchwalter in honor of the Rachelli Fine (this week). z'l and by Bracha Strimber in memory of her birth and upsherin of their grandson, Yehoshua husband Avraham ben Kalman Eliezer HaLevy z'l Mond MAZAL TOV WEEK OF LEARNING Milton & Melanie Gertner in honor of the new Mazal tov to Adrian Diamond Wolf and Anonymous in the merit of a refuah shelaimah members of the class both live & in podcast land Dr.Stephen Wolf on the birth of a grandson to for Kalman Leib Ben Genendel Emes & Nechama Dina Brookmyer in memory of Simcha ben Cheryl & Ziggy Carl of Skokie, IL Tamar Bas Brocha Sara Yaakov z’l and in honor of Jordan Brookmyer for BIRTHDAYS Lawrence & Florence Ziffer in honor of the all his dedication to Torah learning yahrzeit of Larry's mother, Rochel bas Meir Jacob Auerhan, Carol Benedek, Sarina Ben-Zev, Bennett Goldbergfor a smooth surgery Yehuda Leib HaKohen z’l Yeshayahu Bluestein, David Bondy, Daniel Brody, and refuah sheleima for Asher Pinchas ben Faige Rebecca Chesner, Benjamin Edinger, Henna KEHILLA KIDDUSH Raizel Ehrenfeld, Howie Friedman, Drew Ari Gertner, Ira & Miriam Grossman in honor of Ira’s 70th Dr Moshe & Anne Ellen Gavant in memory of her Keely Goldberger, Nechama Grossman, Deborah birthday and recent retirement mother, Joyce Blockman, Nechama bas Shalom Hamburger, Todd Heller, Joyce Kalish, Tamar SHABBOS DRASHA Yitzchak z’l on her 2nd yahrzeit Klein Hirsh, Shmuel Krawatsky, Noam Levy, Justin & Rebecca Myrowitz in the merit of a DONATIONS Monica Luxenburg, Chaya Yehudis Neuberger, refuah sheleimah for his mom, Sue Futeral, Anonymous in honor of Barry and Judy Silber on Yisroel Neuberger, Craig Neuman, Mindy Orner, Shulamis Tovah bas Mindel their 50th wedding anniversary and in Yael Pachino, Samuel Rosemore, Mr. Isaac MOTZEI SHABBOS LEARNING appreciation for giving us our incredible Rav. Samuel, Fallon Saposnik, Yocheved Schechter, Yaakov & Monica Luxenburg in memory of Mon- Aaron & Janice Schwarzbaum in honor of Cathy & Beth Teles, Suzie Tuchman, Sylvia Zelcer ica’s father, Yechezkel Ben Avraham Moshe z’l David Schwartz 40th wedding anniversary. Rachel & Shaanan Meyerstein in honor of Jen YAHRZEITS DAY OF LEARNING and Josh Erez’s inspiring dedication to their shul Abraham Diamond, Harry Goldberg, Charles Barry & Judy Silber in honor of the yahrzeit of and community. Isadore Cohn, Lily Goldner, Andrew Posner, Kate Judy’s mother, Ilona Weiss, Freyda bas Moshe Mishpachos: Wolf, Strauss, Fine, Meisels, Wolf Schwartz, Rabbi Ephraim Wiesenberg, Selma Yosef z’l Michaels MEMBER SPOTLIGHT SHUL HAPPENINGS Meet the Grossmans SOTC Book Club Ira and Miriam grew up in Brooklyn, NY. Ira Tues 2/25 | 2:00p went to City College of New York to study mechanical Gateway to the Moon by Mary Morris engineering. Miriam went to Brooklyn College to Ax Throwing Guys’ Night Out study elementary education. After they married, they Mon 3/23 | 7:00p, Urban Axes moved to Newport News, VA where Ira worked at suburbanorthodox.org/event/ax Newport News Shipbuilding designing nuclear sub- marines, and Miriam was an elementary school Purim Seudah 5780 Our Hachnosis Orchim team is making Purim teacher. There, they both received Masters degrees Seuda Shidduchim – if you’d like to open your from the College of William and Mary. meal to Suburban members, please email Miriam continued her schooling after Ben was born [email protected] and has worked as a respiratory therapist Registered Nurse. In 2005 Miriam and Ira were halachically married on the balcony of Aish HaTorah in Jerusalem overlooking the Kotel. They left VA after 31 COMMUNITY HAPPENINGS years and moved to Rockville, MD. Kids’ Game Show feat. Rabbi Boruch Perlowitz “We were introduced to Rabbi Silber by Akiva and Caryn Andrews and Ben and Natalie. Rabbi Silber’s Sun 2/9 | 12:30, 2:00 and 3:30p genuine warmth and caring, his elocution, in-depth knowledge and ability to make the most arcane Rabbi Berger’s shul Daf Yomi sound fascinating are incredible. We appreciate his big-tent approach to the entire Jewish Take on the challenge to see how many ques- community.” tions YOU can answer about your city, Baltimore.
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