1 ■ A. „ >•’r ; I Ji X X " ■ i -i • ■ X . ' <<■- YTTESDAysKSEFTEMBER 26,1944 \ Average Dally Circulation Mctn^estef Evening H^ald. \ \ For the M—te of Ang—t, 1944 The Weather Foreenat of U. S. tVeateer mankind to'nutomattcnily becom­ democinUe^ Idento, |s aymbolixed lioeak on ^Atenamanit to a World Pvt. Austin B. Bsrnsljee. son of Norton^mpioyees ing better and better. It bolda teat in the rending of the^Book of Jo­ at War." '\ 8,77.5 - Mr. S lid Mrs. John Barnsbee, of Receive Word List 3^rvices the ImproWir.ent noted by > teat nah., with Its perehnial emphasis Incr—aliig rioudine.*; little tem­ About To R.F.D. 1, South Coventry, former­ great philosopher dealt with tee up—' the .equality of all men he- N.\- . ' Member of the Audit perature change tonight: Tbnniday ‘■14 ly of this town, has completed one Gueslg^ Outing mtana whereby men live rather fpre’Ood./ Bures* at Clrcnlntlona moetly cloudy; e— tinned o—L branch of the radio operator ^ ^ o m K i p p u r ----- ■— CSwpter,' Order o t Son Wounded than! the ends for which m'en Uve. The local congregation of Tem­ fhM aUra iter, will hold Iti regular course with- the Arm;’ Air Forcea The moral ndivance o f ’m uRind is MancheHer— A City of Village Charm Scott Field, III. Ha attended Ralph. Norton, aecre^ry-treas- ple Beth Sholom will hold aervicea "^ateUag tomorrow evening in the urer of the Norton Elecndcal In­ still pictured in the Biblical Idea tonight at 8:45 p. m. with Rabbi STOCKING^ ichestcr High school and wss Parents of Pvt. Ray- Jewish Resicieii'ts to At- of the kingdom of God as contras­ B. Woythaler speaking on the fiib- (CtoMlSed Advnrttatak — Page U ) “ MMaenic Temple. A mk;!*! , time ■ before entering the strument company, waa host ted to tee kingdom.of science. VbL. LXIII.. NO. 305 MANCHESTER, CONN„ WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 27,1944 (FOURTEEN PAGES) PRICE TI^REE CEN1 will follow .with refreehmente -Some 35 employees of the ject: ‘‘A Life of Holiness.” Tomor­ leml Services Today ARTHUR DRUGs ^ R i x ' . ■efved by Mr«. Mary Dlttmeyer ■aervl' iiiomi iVIcCarthy Noti­ pany ye.sterday at the ^Villa ' The prayerf of "The' Day” fm- row morning the services will be- 845 Main Street Rfaacheet z : and her committee. fied by the War Dept. Louisa, Bolton. Special, giie^s Aiid^TonioTrow. phaslze the fa'ct teat men ai)d na­ gin 'at 8:30 a. m. The Rabbi will • Lt. ColNJsmes H. McVeigh, of tions may be. heir to all the' tech­ 81 Oxford street, Is now at the were Mr. and Mrs. Lew|s Cald Registers Her Mr. and Mra. Gerard J. Otto o f Army Air .Forces redistribution well, who are leaving'M anchester \ The Jewish Day of Repentance, nologies and still violate every dic­ Private RayVnond McCarthy, aon tate of the law of God. Hocheater, N. Y. have bought sUtlon. M lB m l^aeh, Florida, for shortly, and Mr. and Mts- ThoniaA Yom Kippur, will be observed as a of Mr. and Mrs. William McCarthy Bentley of Bolton. \ ^ tram Mr. and Mra. HaroW r . reassignment a fW completion of One of the great teachinga of W HY JVbx PAY A .eSatIc ttieir house at 1ST Henry of 88 Wells street, has been wound­ About four o'clock a ^egram of day of prayer and faatipg on Wed­ a tour of duty lii the European war nesday, Sept, 27. As is customary Yom Kippur, which is of especial ^Miaet The transaction was area. Col. McVelgh^as been an ed in France, according to a tele­ outdoor sports wa.s enjoyed, after interest in these days of stress on V I S I T T O which a bountiful -tllnner- of apa- made through the agency of Air Corps Inspector ^ n e ra l and gram. received by hla parenta. in the Synagogue, the eve of the George U Grasladio. Mr. Otto phettl and chicken and all that holiday will be marked by a .relig­ GKEENBROO:)KE ia to be aligned to contract ter­ He enlisted Dec. 28, 1943. receiv­ goes with It was enjoyed by every­ to service manager of th^ White mination procedure. ious service which derives ' its ■ Motor Company’s Hartford branch, ed his training at Camp Blahding body. Speeches and good stories MANCHESTER and was In England but a short llie y have three small daughters. follo\yed. Among the principal name, Kol Nldre,' from the open­ lU’ll be thrilled when you ace Dr. and Mra. George Lund.bmg time when sent to France. speakers was th^ host,. Mr. Nor­ have received a letter froth their ing prayer for the occasion. RANGE OIL his new community of smartly Private McCarthy graduated ton: Charles J. Peterson. who styled, solidly built homes. jine Lodge No. T2. Knights of son, Pfc. George Lundberg,^ Jr„ from the local High school and Jewish thought adheres to the Deliver ro Tonr Home. Jilas, will meet tomorrow even-. stating that he is at present In- has been with the company for 43 doctrine of sin. which Judaism con­ Choice of five distinctive models Cheney Tech in 1940. years, and Albert Odermann,/elec­ Is available. Each has four fine 'Ing at eight o’clock in Orange hall. France. having been transferred siders a potent agency for relig­ Van’s Service Station. trical engineer at -the plant. Sing­ ious and moral regeneration, de­ rooms with space for two extra Strength iVot G iyeil from England. Private Lundberg ■ • Mr. and Mrs. William Oondron writes that -while In London for a ing and general dancing rounded spite the generally accepted phil­ 427 Hartford Road Tel. 8868 on second floor. Fireplaces, l " ed 112 Walnut street have retum- short time he stayed at the same Propt'rly Ttmiisferg out-a merry evening. osophy of Herbert Spencer that Semi-air conditioned coal flred t;; sd home from the Bronx Now hotel In which his' parents. his sis­ furnaces, plastered walls, beau­ tifully finished woodwork and More ThaniU 7,o0o Jap- Unwoniided SurVivoi^' ' Xork City, where they attends ter Barbara, and he, were guests Matle by Wesley Plan to Lift Grushiiig Japs I- the funeral of Mrs- Oondron s while on a trip to Europe in 1939 floors, full concrete foundations, 8(nese Killedailed bv\ Ma- Colled Till Caiig High Quality Cleaning Of large landscaped plots are a few Allied Units Land Of Nine Days.Lopire Ba^ brother, rrancis Keenan, who died just before the present war. A graduate of Looihis school, he was FORYOUR NEW Heating Systems and of the features. Priced at rines and Soldiers as tie for Crofi^l I Suddenly of a heart attack. He 86.000. Low first payment, Jobs Curbs Seen Requiring eras a veteran of World War 1 a student at Wesleyan College, Recent transactions made Again in November Chimneys Middletown, when he entered the through the Stuart J. Wajley real F.H.A. financing. Own Casualties ii^ Foothold at Amhe] s"^ wss gassed and wounded in FURNACE Re p a i r i n g ftanee tn the Battle of Oieateau- Army in June, 1943. estate office are as followd': AND Be Sure To Inspect 10 Days Total 5v‘S00; On Albanian Soil Mrs. Martha E. Ruascll has sold As tin cans are sUll an essential OIL BURNER SERVICE The New Model Hmne , A t V ictory Year and Half Wididrawn to Soul •mierry. for which he was decor­ need for the war effort Manchester A Fuel Saving fa vestment / ated and received the Purple The Mothers' Circle of St. Ge­ her house at 42 Westwood street Fnralshed By Watldns Brothern. Bid for Early End Bank; One of Fii rard will hold its meeting Thurs­ to Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Vogt housewives are urgently requested OLD WORK la Yonr Patriotic Duty. Perio^4 and 5 Cou­ Sea, Airborne Troops, •Msart. Mr. and Mrs. Oondron who are now occupying the prop- to continue saving their prepare!! have a'son. Raymond, who is serv­ day evening at 8 o’clock at tfie For' Full fafonnntl— CnB To Organized Resist­ 4f000f000 Workers to ^Absolute Minimum' to Bombers Hit Tiiuee Since Invasi, _ home of Mrs. Cecil England, 463 tin cans. The next tin can collec­ pons Good Until Aug. GREENBROKE. Trying to Block Ger- j ing In the Mediterranean area. erty- See Lydall street. Mrs. Augusts' Klrtthsiepcr of tion for the Town of Manchester ance at Jap Air Base. Be Released from Do Job After Defeat Key Point Is Yield^. WlU be held the first week In Van Camp Bros. 3 C 1945. HOMES. IW man Detachment^ Flee­ , r -The Robe” ^ I j o y d Douglas Proctor road has purcha.sed from Walker Street, MOMheeter Of Germany, Sum­ Four Places Girl Scouts of Troop 3 will hold William F. Johnson a six-room November..so housewives are ask­ 15 Venn* Experience! U. S. Pacific Fleet Head­ Present Jobs With ing Towcard Homeland. | r - and "The Life o f Jesus” , one of their first fall meeting tomorrow ed to bear this in mind so that William Kanehl L. T. WOOD COe _ _ T e l. 41 7275 Supreme Headquarters Al« Francois Mauriac’s greatest books, house and about one a£re of. land General Contractor TELEPHONE 5244 Snhday, TCf. Manchester quarters, Pearl Harbor, Sept. Defeat of Germany. mary of OWI Reveals. lied Expeditionary Force.^ evening at 6:39 at the Rcc. All at the corner of Lydall and Manche.ster will be able to show a Phone 4496 win be dlscyssed tomorrow even- scouts are urged to be present.
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