LEAGUE OF NATIONS (C ivuiunicated to the Members of the Council.) 0,371.1934. Geneva, September 5,1934. NUMERICAL LIST OF DOCUMENTS DISTRIBUTED TO THE MEMBERS OF THE COUNCIL. No.8 (August 1954) Part I. Official number SUBJECT C.610(b).M.286(b).1933.XI @ Estimated world requiremonts of dangerous drugs in 1934.- 2nd Supplement to the statement of the Supervisory Body. C►122.M.45«1934. IX Araan_enjb_s Year-Buok.- 10th Year, (1934) C.233.M.97.1934.Ill Health Committee (21st Session, May 1934).- Report. C.256.M.105.1934.XI Advisory Committee on traffic in orium and other dangerous drugs (18th Session, May-June 1934).- Report. C.259.M.108.1934.VI Permanent Mandates Commission (25th Session, May-June 1934).- Minutes and report. C.280(j).M.120(j).1934.VII (Revised). Supply of arms and war material to Bolivia _ :j.nd Paraguay.- Coramunication from Sweden C.280(1).M.120(1).1934.VII Communication from Switzerland C«280 (m) .M. .20(h ) .1^-34. VII Communication from Italy. @ Confidential document, distributed with C.L.138,1934,XI - 2 - C.285.M.123.1934,IV Enquiry into the question of children in moral and social danger.- Report by Mile Chaptal (1934) C.304.M.133.1934.II.A @ Bulgaria.-_31_st Periodical report of the Leagu Commissioner (March-July 1934) . C.307.M.134.1934.II.A @@ Austria, - 11th Quarterly report of the Repre- sentativo of the League (2nd quarter 1934). G.312.M,139.1934,XI Annual reports of Governments on traffic in opium and other dangerous drugs for 1952.- Summary and synoptic tables 0.322(c),M.146(c).1934.VII Supply of arms and war material to Bolivia and Paraguay.- Replies from Canada and Irish Free State 0.322(d)»M.146(d).1934.VII Replies from Yugoslavia and Peru C o 322(ê).M. 146(e).1934,VII Replies from Poland and Czechoslovakia. 0.322(f).M.146(f).1934.VII Reply from Norway. 0.325.M.147.1934. Numerical list of documents distributed to the Members of the League.- No.7 (July 1934) C.328. M, 149.1934.VII The Bahrein Islands.- Letter from the United Kingdom Government (July 23,1934). C.329.M.150,1934.VII Saar Basin.- Petition from the "Saarlacndi- sche Wirtschaft^vereinigung"(June 26,1934) and letter from the Governing Commission (July 14,1934). C.330.M.151.1934.II.A Hungary.- 11th Quarterly report of the Repre­ sentative of the Financial Committee (2nd quarter 1934). & French text only English text only - 3 - C.331.M.152,1934 and Erratum Council , League (81st Session, September 1934) Provisional Agenda (August 9,1934) 0.331(a),M.152(a).1934 Supplementary Agenda (August 17,1934) 0.332.M.153,1934.II.A Danzig State Loan of 1927 (Tobacco Monopoly) 7th Annual report of the Trustee (July 1,1933- Jur.e 30,1934)'. C,341,M.157,1934.VI ^nd Annexes. Permanent I.P.-ndatcs Commission (25th Session, Hay-Tune 1934),- N'J'Ce by the Secretary-Gene­ ral , minute and report of the session, and annual reports of Mandatory Powers for Pales­ tine and Transjordan (1933) Syria and Lebanon (1933) Tanganyika (1933) Nsw- Guinea (1932-1933)® , Nauru (1933) @ C.342.M.158.1934.V Nationality of women»- Report by the Secre- tary-Gcneral 0,343.M.159,1934.VII Supply of arms and war material to Bolivia and Paraguay.- Letter from the Bolivian Government(August 6,1934). 0,344.M,160.1934.VII Saar Basin.- Supplementary petition from the "Zentralverband der Sngestellten" tho "Berufs- verband der Saarlaendischen Bergbau Angestell- ten" and the "Heilgehilfenverband des Suar- gruben" (July 18,1934) and letter from the Governing Commission (August 3,1934). 0.347.M,162.1934.VII Maintenance of ord er__i n the Saar Bas in T erri - tory.- Letter from the Governing Commission (August 3,1934). C.352.M.164.1934. VII Dispute between Bolivia and Paraguay. - Letteç. from the Bolivian Government (August 10,1 -^4 ) 0.353.M.165.1934.II.B Economic Committee (41 at Session, J\^ v p93a) . - Report. 1 English text only, one copy only distributed"'t;0 0&~c^ Member of the League § French text only, one copy only distr^bute<i to each Member of the League. - 4 - G.357.M.167.1934.VII Saar Basin.- 3rd Petition from the "Zentral- verband der Mgsstellten” the Berufsverband der Saarlaendischen Bergbau-Angestellten” and the,fHeilgehilfenverband der Saargrubea"(July 30,1934) and letter from the Governing Commis­ sion (August 18,1934). A.2(1).1934» Assembly (15th Session^ September 1954).- Revised Agenda (August 20*1934). A,4(d).19340X Budget of the League for 1935.- Supplementary text (August 21,1934). A.11.1934.X Composition of the Supervisory Commission »- Report by the Secretary-General. A.15.1934. Election of Non Permanent Members of the Coun- cil,-- Letter from the Persian Government. (August 83,1934). C.L.134.1934.II.A Exchange of publications provided for in the International Convention relating to Economic statistics of December 1928.- Note by the Secretary-General. C.L.135.1934.11.A International Convention for the suppression of counterfeiting currency and Pro'tocol (April 1929)» - Accession of the Irish Free State. C.L.136.1934.XII Convention fer facilitating the intemationa1 circule.tion of_fiIms of sri educe.tlonal ciharac- ter (October 1935)»- Accession of the Irish Free State. C.L.137.1934»V Convention concerning the protection agair.st accident s o f v;orkers emp 1 c yed in loading or unloading ship s (April 1.932) adopted by the~ International Labour Conference (16th Session) Ratification by Spain. C.L.138.1934.XI 2nd Supplementary statement of estimâted v.rorld requirements of dangerous drugs in 193~4^^ote by the Secretary-General, - 5 - C.L.139„1934cIIjA Reservation to which Polarv?^ on behalf of Danzig, desires to jsubjeco ratification of the in tern at i anal convention for the suppres­ sion of counterfeiting currency of April 1929 Note by tho Secretary-General to Members and non Members urties to the convention. C.L. 139(a) .1934-, II,A Note by the Secretary-General to Members and non Members non parties to the convention. C.L.140 o1934 cXI P.eservati on to which tho_ Japanese Government des i res to subject rat ill cation of the Con­ vention for limiting the manufacture and_ régulâting the distribution of narcotic drugs of July 1931.- Observations of "the United Kingdom. C.L.141.1934.VIII @ Oustoms exemption for 1 i eu i d fuel employed In air traffic P- Note" by the Secretary- General, C.L.142»1934„XI Reservation to which the Japanese Government desires to sub jec t_ra tlfication of the Con­ vention for limiting the manufacture and regulating the d.1stribution of narootic drugs of July 1931»- Observations of Portugal, Belgium, Sudan, Venezuela and Boumania, C.L.143.1934,V Optional clause provided in the Protocol of signature concerning the Statute of the Per- maneut Court of International Justice (Decem­ ber 1920^- Ratification by Hungary. C.L.144,1934.XI Reservation to which _the Japanese Government d e si res to sub jecI ratification of the Con­ vention for limiting the manufacture and regulating the distribution of narcotic drugs of July 1951e- Observations of Polana. @ Distributed to/Members of European Commission only States - 6 - DOCUMENTS ISSUED BY TIES PERMANENT CENTRAL OPIUM BOARD TO MEMBERS AND MON MEMBERS OF ~TE eT LEAGUE L.S.L.6 and Annex. Quarterly statlsties of imports and exports of opium and other dangorous drugs.- Note by the Board and statistical form A (GL). SPECIAL DOCUMENTS Official Journal, 15th Year, No»6 (Part II) TJune 1934) " Official Journal, 15th Year, No.7 (Parts I and II)(July 1934) Official Jmrnal, 15 th Year, No. 8 (August 1934). Monthly list of Books catalogued in the Library 7th Year, Nos 6-7 (June-July 1934)® Statistical Year-Book 1933/34.- Erratum Epidemiological report.- No. 174, 13th Year Nos 7-8 ( July-August 1934) Monthly Bulletin of statistics, Volume XV, No. 8 (August 1934) Registration of treaties.- List No » 154 (July 1934). Treaty Series, Volume CXLIII, Nos 1,2,3,4 Treaty Series, Volume CXLIV, Nos 1,2,3,4 @ Distributed to those Stutes only which have requested copies. - 7 - Part II C.227(b).1934.1 Minorities,-Application of the Germano-Polish Convention o î May 15,1 922 relating to Upper Sj'.J^esia- Letter from Prince of Pless "^August 8,1934.) C.305.1934.I @ Minorities.-Application of the Germano-PoIish Convention of May 15,1922 relating to Upper Silesia.- 11th Supplementary petition from Prince of Pless (July 11,1934). C.316.1934,V,Annex <3@ Dispute between the S:viss Confederation and other States concerning reparation for damage su ifere d_ by__Sw is s_ c itizen s_ dur in g Jh_e_ war. - Memorandum by the Sv/iss Government and legal statement by M, Sauser-Hull C.323.1934.VII Saar Basin.- Petition and Ann ex from the Delegation of the "Freiheitsaktion and der Saar" (June 1,1934). C.324.1934.VII S_aa_r J3^sini_" Petition from the "Frciheits- aktion an der Saar” (June 15,1934) and letter from the Governing Commission (July 2,1934) C.325.1934 Numerical list _of_ documents distributed to the I' Qi ibers of thg _Cuuncil . - No. 7 ( July 1934) C.326.1934.II.B Economic crisis.- Resolution adopted by the International ]>-uuur Conference (18th Session) C.333.1934.II.A Appointment of a trustee for the priority bonds fund of__the Zeltweg-¥olfsberg and Unter- draubu rg-Woellan Puilway Co- ip,any. - Letter from the BoV.rd of "Arbitrators (July 10,1934) C.334.1934.X @©@ Financial situation of the League on July 31, 1934.- Memorandum by the Secretary-General.
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