THE MAIL-HKRALD REVELSTOKE Published weekly—Reael Chiel lumbering, railway, min­ by everyone—The recognlaed ing, agricultural and navlga- advertlsing medium lor the tloa .centra between Calga_7 city and district. and the Pacific oceaa. The Mail-Herald Vol. 23 -No. 2? RKVELSTOAE. B.C, SATURDAY, MAY 27, 1916 $2,50 Per Year # IVAN NELSO' / MOST COMPLETE ANSWER Writes of Army NEW C.P.R. FOREST MILLS WINS FRO / Hospital Life TIME TABLE COMPLETES BIG A. GRANSTROM GIVEN BY PREMIER BOWSER M r. and Mrs. D, orr have received j Changes at Midnight June 4 MILL DEAL the following letter from their sou —Will be Three Trains Each David, wbo lett here with the 2'Jth Over Million Dollars Involved Ski Jumping Contest on Sum­ Thousands of Men Would Have Been Turned Loose- Battalion. 1 Way Daily—Trains 1 and mit of Mt. Revelstoke— Better Protection to Public Than Cash Balance- Dear father and mother: Although 2 Carry Baggage Only —Includes Mill and 102 Wins Silver Cup Railway Would not be Operating physically lit I am still goiug thru; Square Miles Timber- the routine of Army Hospital life. [ Starting at midnight on Sunday, Will Commence Oper­ One must go thru it and be jitneyed June -I, three trains east and west On thc afternoon of May 20 a par A more complete answer to Mr. What the situation would be now, ations Immediately about from hospital to hospital, cas­ will |iass through Kevelstoke IcBtead ty of live, viz.: 0. M. Field and MUB- Brewster's resolution demanding crim bad the government worked under the ualty clearing stations aud convales­ ol two as at pres.'ill. Train No. 13, Xern CM Molten, K. Granstrom, A. inal investigation into the l'.G.E. policy which Mr. Brewster indicates cent homes, no matter how you hol- from Bt. Paul to Seattle, and train A deal bas i iei ntlj been consum­ Granstrom and Ivan Nelson started bond payments than that given by My bis resolution would have been bis ler even to „ ^j. ^0 i,'raQce No. II from Seattle to St. Paul, mated whereby the Forest Mills ..I to climb Mount Kevelstoke on skis Premier Dowser could not bo asked is uot pleasane to contemplate. Work Have had a live weeks stay over British Columbia, Ltd., acquired iind snowshoes, reaching tbe Chalet which were discontinued lasi Septem­ by any reasonable man. Mr. Bowser would huve been suspended in the bere l(J clate an(1 in muny movl,. trom tli, vrrow Lakes Lumber Co., on top near dusk in small suow- ber, will again be operated. Train,' a a.akes no denial of the fact that tbe summer of l'.lll. Thousands o! men n^et^,a ,„y maji |laR not Cau"bt me Ltd., th,' sawmill and other property Btorm, the weather being good with No. 13, II, i and 1, will carry mail ttrict interpretation ot thc terms of employed ou the grade would have ve^_ of the latter companj at Arrowhead, the exception of the last half hour. ami express and make loeal stops, the payments was stretched to meet floated Into the city tu augment the * ^fter t,eing before the Medical B.C. Tbe MM•:. st Mills Company is There is about six feet of snow on 1 rains No. 1 and 2 will carry bag­ the exigencies oi* tbe serious situation thousands already there, Over a mil- \)oaT,\ yesterday 1 lind myself in this als.. taking ovei all t::.' timber limits (the level at the Chalet, but gage only. By the mw timetable none at which aevelopo-1 in this province dur- lion dollars worth of perishable n.at- bea,uttful estate in a mansion used as • if the Arrow Lakes Company, com­ .the Internment camp. Alter sleeping trains will arrive and depart as fol­ ing 1918 and I'M I, when thousands of cnals would bave been lost, Foley, a convalescent home." My stay here prising i . - .-. -.i e miles In all. It i.i in the Chalet and breakfasting at 4 lows:' men were out of employment, when Welch £ Stewart would bave beeu is to be a month, winch will without understood the consideration aniountB ...in. the next morning, the sky being Train N'o. Bi from St. Paul to soil]) kitchens were being opened in driven into bankruptcy, the railway ,\oa\yt ))e pleasant. I'm down here for in over one million dollars, With tha clear and there being a slight crust Seattle will arrive at 4.50 p.m. and Vancouver, when, for lack of funds, would not have been operating a mile physical training which means re- acquisition of this property the For­ *m the snow, skiing, suowsboeing and will leave at 5.05 p.m. the work on the P.Q.B. was likely to today, the prospects for completion Veille 5.30' a.m., lights out 8.80' p.m., est Mills Company becomes the lar­ •wood cutting were indulged in. At 8 Train No. 11 from Seattle to St. be discontinued and thousands more of the project would have been de- with [olir hours physical jerks daily gest owners ,,f timber, and have the B.in. another party of seven on skis Paul will arrive at 7 a.m. and leave men turned loose ou tbe cities. That ierred probably for ten years and tbe witu u mixture of football, cricket, largest manulact :;.::_• capacity in the nnd snowshoes arrived, viz.: Misses at 7.15 a.m. was the situation which impelled Sir province would have sulfered a severe croquet, baseball, and otber games. province. K. Field, G. Field, R. Halvorsen Train NM). I, Imperial Limited, Richard McBride's government to lm- set back. The monetary loss to the Tije f00d js excellent, weather ideal, lt is their intention t>. Immediately and Messrs Nels Nelson, S. Halvor­ Irom Montreal to Vancouver, whicb press upon tbe contractors thc urged- province which would bave resulted the scenery glorious and the country commence operations .it Arrowhead, sen, C. A. Field and T. Maley. now arrives at 5.20 p.m., will arrive cy of keeping the work going. To from a suspension of tbe work would ajr pure anQ i,i-aCing. Talk about u at 3.20 p.m. and leave at 3.40 p.m., where they have 19 million feet of A natural ski jump with a jump oft* what effect Sir Richard, by co-oper have beeu very heavy indeed. The beauty spot! I wish you could see it. or two hours earlier. Mi_.s nn hand. The Cascade plant uf made of snow was selected near by, ating with the company in releasing government risked nothing in coming we nave six new huts built in the Train No 2 from Vancouver to ihe C pany is operating this year, nnd the ski jumping contest was held funds accruing from the bor.lds, work- to the aid of the project, but it aver- fjeidS| thirty beds in each hut, and it Montreal, which now arrives at 12.05 but the Company does n• >t intend re- •between Masters Ivan Nelson and td with the contractors is observed ted the most serious consequences by js Son.e sight to look down on the noon, will arrive at 12.25 noon, or open.ng their Taf: and Three Valley Allan Granstrom to decide the winner by the fact that they themselves put a prompt and liberal interpretation t-p0tless white beds and bunches of 20 minutes later, and leave at 12.15. mills until the war is over. The 1 "S.. •of the tie event of February S last. $9,000,000 into the construction of the of its powers. flowers, with the sun streaming in Train N'o. 2 from Toronto to Van­ of the Comaplix mill by lire seriously The judges as to form, etc., were road. This money they raised on It is a tradition of the early his- the many windows. The fields are couver, which now arrives at 5.10 handicapped the company during C. A. Field, C. M. Field and T. Ma- their own credit. Technically, perhaps tory df tbe O.P.R. that certain of its dotted with huge spreading oak trees u.m., will arrive at 4.55 a.m. and 1*15, and it is the intention ,,f tho lev, whilst the j'resulent of the Ski that sum does not represent the mar- directors would have been liable to which make a delightful shade and leave at 5.10 a.n.., or 15 minutes Company to erect a plant upon the club, S. Halvorsen, and K. Gran gin or proportion to be maintained imprisonment had the road failed, the sheep graze about. I believe „ •• Comaplix site as soon as market jrtrom judged the jumps. Two jumps between the amount of work done One thing is certain, the C.P.R. at Queen Elizabeth used to stay in thc conditions permit. inch were made and the result waB: Train No. 4 from Vancouver to and the money paid accruing from tbat time would havd, failed had thoso mansion here, so you will have an Toronto> which now arrivea at 1.16 The capacity ..f the Arrowhead '..ail Ivan Nelson, 12 and 14 marks for bond sales. But as a matter of fact directors not had the courage to dar>° idea of tbe beauty of the place and is about 4n million feet per annum, ••form. 12j and 44 feet distance of a.m., will arrive at 1-2.10 midnight it is an even better protection to the And because they did dare, and all's surrounding country.
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