November 3, 1992 General Election Statement of Vote

November 3, 1992 General Election Statement of Vote

President and Vice-President Bill Clinton George Bush Howard Phillips Andre Marrou Ron Daniels Ross Perot Cor~lident Cor~lident Cor~lident Cor~lident Cor~lident Cor~lident AI Gore Dan Quayle Albion Knight Nancy Lord Allba Tupahache James Stockdale VOles not CorV. P. forV.P. .CorV. P. CorV. P. CorV. P. CorV.P. CUtin Race Oem • Repine AlP Ub P&F lad Alameda 334,224 109,292 618 2,505 1,775 81,643 11,783 PeRleat 63.~ 20.62% 0.12% 0.47% 0.33% 15.40% 2.17% Alpine 215 222 2 2 0 186 7 PeRleat 34.07% 35.11m 0.32% 0.32% 0.00% 29.4Im 1.10% Amador 5,286 5,477 23 63 13 4,553 258 PeRleat 34.25% 35.49% 0.15% 0.41% 0.0Im 29.50% 1.64% Butte 32,489 31,808 96 375 90 20,231 3,432 PeRleat 38.22% 37.11m 0.11% 0.44% 0;11% 23.80% 3.88% Calaveras 5,989 6,006 35 90 20 4,848 525 PeRleat 35.25% 35.35% 0.21% 0.53% 0.12% 28.53% 3.00% Colusa 1,796 2,589 5 26 11 1,206 225 PeRleat 31.91% 45.94% 0.09% 0.46% 0.20% 21.40% 3.84% Contra Costa 194,960 112,965 262 1,637 ~17 72,518 6,5. PeRleat 50.93% 29.51% 0.07% 0•• 0.11% 18.94% 1.69% Del Norte 3,639 3,083 25 22 9 2,6715 .334 PeRleat 38.91% 32.96% 0.27% 0.24% 0.10% TI.53% 3•• EI Dorado 21,012 25,906 82 293 48 17,503 2,062 PeRleat 32.38'J(. 39.92% 0.13% 0.45% 0.07% 26.97% 3.~ Fresno 92,418 89,137 201 650 287 36,299 15,080 PeRleat 42.17% 40.67% 0.09% 0.30% 0.13% 16.56% :z.m Glenn 2,688 3,812 9 34 7 2,278 327 PeRleat 30.24% 43.24% 0.10% 0.39% 0.0Im 25.84% 3.- Humboldt 28,854 18,299 85 269 165 12,340 1,009 PeRleat 48.07% 30.49% 0.14% 0.45% 0.27% 20.56% 1M "\ Imperial 11,109 9,759 37 119 46 4,247 2,2'19 PeRleat 43.88% 38.SS% 0.15% 0.4796 0.1. 16.77% ... Inyo 2,695 I., 3,689 24 315 13 1,. 1il·· PeRleat I, 31.84% 43S1m O.2lm 0.41% 0.15% 23.6'2% 1.444 Ii, :' Kern 60,510 80,762 203 538 133 36,891 PeRleat 33.75% 45.0S% 0.11% 0.30% 0.07% 20SIm Kings 9,962 10,673 30 58 8 4,899 PeRleat 38.91% 41.61% 0.12% 0.23% 0.03% 19.10% Lake 10,548 6,678 30 119 30 15,797 PeRleat 45.44% 28.77% 0.13% 0.51% 0.13% 24.97% Lauen 3,386 3,836 16 58 15 3,004 PeRleat 32.70% 37.02% 0.15% 0.56% 0.14% 28.99% Los Angeles 1,448,1529 799,607 3,094 9,771 5,058 488,624 PeRleat 52.54% 29.04% 0.11% 0.35% O.1Im 17.7S% Madera 10,863 13,066 38 81 21 6,156 PeRleat 35.92% 43.20% 0.13% 0.27% 0.07% 20.35% 8 , Presidentaucl Vice-President Bill Qinton OeorgeBush Howard Phllllp5 Ahdre Marrou Ron Daniels ROllI Perot forr-lidellt for F.tqdot forPlelidnt for r-sidnt for r-lidellt forr-lidot AIOore Dan Quayle Albion. Knight Na1lCly LMd Miba Tupahache James Stockdale VOles nol forV. P. forV. P. forV. P. for V. P. Cor V. P. CorV. P. Cast in Race .e ReplDc AlP Lib PolF Oem • lad Marin 76,158 30,479 84 800 174 22,986 1,715 R!rceal 58.27% 2332% 0.06% 0.61% 0.13% 17.59% 1.30% Mariposa 3,023 2,982 21 34 12 2,211 , 182 R!rceal 36.48% 35.98% 0.2.5% 0.41% 0.14% 26.68% 215% Mendocino 18,344 7,958 56 274 138 9,753 1,120 Rlrceal 50.21% 21.78% 0.15% 0.75% 0.38% 26.69% 2.97% Merced 20,133 17,981 50 151 55 10,914 674 R!rceat 40.85% 36.48% 0.10% 0.31% 0.11% 22.15% 1.35% Modoc 1,489 1,803 14 28 11 1,289 71 R!rceat 32.19% 38.98% 0.30% 0.61% 0.24% 27;44% 1.64% Mono 1,489 1,570 10 32 6 1,246 '144 R!rceat 34.19% 36.05% 0.23% 0.73% o.t4% l&fH 12M Moaterey 54,1!61 36,461 137 577 152 24,472 1,814 R!rceat 47.111% 31.2.5% 0.12% 0.49% 0.13% 20.97% 136% Napa 24,215 15,662 67 284 71 13,150 1,635 Rlrceat 45.30% 29.30% 0.13% 0.53% 0.13% 24.60% 2.97% Nevada 15,433 17,343 71 178 46 11,072 1,2'.3 R!rceat 34.92% 39.24% 0.16% 0.40% 0.10% 25.05% ~ Orange 306,930 426,613 858 4,660 836 232,394 '6,475 R!rceat 31.56% 43.87% 0.09% 0.48% 0.09% 23.90% 0.66% Placer 30,783 38,298 108 332 79 21,741 2,072 R!rceat 33.69% 41.92% 0.12% 036% 0.09% 23.80% 2.22% Plumas 3,742 3,599 14 30 10 2,551 572 R!rceat 37.61% 36.17% 0.14% 0.30% 0.10% 25.64% S.44% Rivenide 166,241 159,457 465 1,271 376 102,233 4,0410;_ R!rceat 38.64% 37.06% 0.11% 0.30% 0.09% 23.76% Sacramento 197,540 160,366 896 1,938 1,170 91,412 8,375 R!rceat 43.56% 3536% 0.20% 0.43% 0.26% 20.16% 1:11% San Benito 5,354 4,112 21 55 - 13 3,182 468 R!rceat 42.m% 32.28% 0.16% 0.43% 0.10% 24.98% 3~ Sall Bernardino 183,634 176,563. 942 2,209 1,331 109,183 8,092 Rlaltt 38.74% 37.24% 0.20% 0.47% 0.28% 23.m% 1.68%, San Diego 367,397 352,125 1,093 4,747 1,319 259,249 16;288 R!rcent 37.24% 35.69% 0.11% 0.48% 0.13% 26.28% 1.62% San Francisco 233,263 57,352 204 1,408 924 29,018 7,488 R!rcent 72.40% 17.80% 0.06% 0.44% .0.29% 9.m% :2.2'J'% San Joaquin 63,655 58,355 244 504 228 31,205 11,899 R!rcent 41.28% 37.84% 0.16% 0.33% 0.15% 20.24% 7~ SaRLuis Obispo 40,136 38,384 112 423 154 27,314 R!rcent 38.36% 34.78% o.U% 0.40% 0.15% 26.11% 9 1 J President and Vice-President Bill Clinton OeorgeBush Howard Phillips Andre Marrou Ron Daniels Rosa Perot for~sident for~sident for~sident for ~sident for ~sident for ~sident AIOore Dan Quayle Albion Knight Nancy Lord Asiba Tupahache James Stockdale Votes not forV. P. forV. P. forV. P. for V. P. for V. P. for V. P. Cast in Race Oem • Rep Inc: AlP Lib P&P Ind San Mateo 149,232 75,080 165 1,214 295 50,485 5,283 I\!roent 53.97% 27.15% 0.06% 0.44% 0.11% 1825% 1.87% SantaBarbara 69,215 57,375 136 607 257 35,105 1,949 I\!roent 42.53% 3525% O-~ 0.37% 0.16% 21.57% 1.18% Santa Oara 296,265 170,870 681 4,017 1,211 128,895 7,947 I\!roent 4921% 28.38% 0.11% 0.67% 020% 21.41% 1.30% Santa Cruz 66,183 24,916 92 904 257 21,615 2,53S ~roent 58.06% 21.86% o.~ 0.79% 023% 18.96% 2.18% Shasta 21,605 28,190 128 298 74 17,990 864 I\!roent 31.61% 4124% 0.19% 0.44% 0.11% 26.32% 125% Sierra 653 691 o 9 2 519 43 I\!roent 34.83% 36.85% 0.00% 0.48% 0.11% 27.68% 224% Siskiyou 8,254 6,660 38 107 30 . 5;567· .749. I\!roent 39.91% 3221% 0.18% 0.52% 0-15% 26.92% 3.50% Solano 64,320 38,883 166 685 177 27,851 2,333 I\!roent 48.69% 29.43% 0.13% 0.52% 0.13% 21.~ 1.74% Sonoma 104,334 47,619 225 1,254 349 43,859 3,808 I\!roent 52.78% 24.09% 0.11% 0.63% 0.18% 22.19% 1.89% Stanislaus 52,415 47,275 168 352 97 27,651 3,393 I\!roent 40.95% 36.93% 0.13% 0.27% O.~ 21.60% 2.58% Sutter 7,883 12,956 23 101 16 4,881 596 I\!roellt 30.48% 50.10% 0.09% 0.39% / 0.06% 18.87% 225% Tehama 7,508 7,419 31 97 29 5,884 1,092 I\!roent 35.79% 35.36% 0.15% 0.46% 0.14% 28.05% 4.95% Trinity 1,967 1,886 9 55 13 2,092 777 I\!roent 32.63% 3128% 0.15% 0.91% 022% 34.70% 11.42% Tulare 31,188 40,482 79 264 67 16,430 .3,106 IItrcent 3522% 45.71% 0.09% 0.30% o.~ 18.55% 3.39% Tuolumne 9,216 8,525 37 75 30 6,294 348 I\!roent 38.12% 3526% 0.15% 0.31% 0.12% 26.03% 1.42% Ventura 99,011 94,911 262 1,039 266 71,844 8,757 I\!roent 36.99% 35.46% 0.10% 0.39% 0.10% 26.84% 3.17% Yolo 33,297 17,574 56 298 132 11,073 958 i\!roent 53.33% 28.15% 0.09% 0.48% 021% 17.73% 1.51% Yuba 5,785 7,333 33 83 24 3,637 1,030 i\!roent 3424% 43.40% 020% 0.49% 0.14% 21.53% 5.75% State Totals 5,121,325 3,630,574 12,711 48,139 18,597 2,2f.J6,006 242.844 I\!roent 46.01% 32.61% 0.11% 0.43% 0-17% 20.63% 2.13% 10 1 Presideat aadVICe-Presideat WIUie F Carter BoGritz John Hagelin Lyndon LaRouche Isabell Millen Gene Smith James Warren for Pmlideat for Plulcleat for Plleaicleat for Ptelideat for Pteticleat lOr Pa8lideat lOr P!IeaieIeDt Jolm Aac:henbach CyrIl WMinett Mike Tompkins James L Bevel Waller Mallen Lane NSmilh Eltelle De Bates forV.P.

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