$KU'S SKTL-X' — VJf V* > JL Lti \SLUJ y. Variability and ecology of Siberian larch species Anatoly P. Abaimov Jerzy A. Lesinski Owe Martinsson Leonid I. Milyutin n iSTRlEimON OF THIS DOCUMENT IS UNLIMITED FOREIGN SALES PROHIBITED Institutionen for skogsskotsel Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences Rapporter 43 Department of Silviculture Umea 1998 Reports, No. 43 Institutional for skogsskotsel Department of Silviculture Forteckning over utgivna RAPPORTERfranochmed 1983: List of REPORTS from 1983 onwards: 1983 and root/shoots ratio in young stands of Scots 8. Naslund, B-A.: Talls&dders utveckling fram till pine, Norway spruce and lodgepole pine). forsta gallring. ResultatMn tre forsoksytormed och utan enkelstallning. (Development of Scots 16. Eko, P-M.: En produktionsmodell for skog i pine seededplantations to first thinning. Results Sverige, baserad pi bestind frin riksskogstax- from three experimental plots with and without eringens pro vy tor. (A growth simulator for Swe­ release-cutting). dish forests, based on data from the National Forest Survey). 9. Bjorkroth, G.: Inverkan av hyggesavfall pS. kvavet och den organiska substansen i nigra 14- 17. Pehap, A. & Sahlen, K.: A literature review of 18 ir gamla forsokspianteringar med gran. (The seed respiration. influence from slash on nitrogen and organic matter in some 14-18 years old experiments with 1986 Norway spruce). 18. Naslund, B.A.: Simulering av skador och av- ging i ungskog och deras betydelse for be- 10. Martinsson, O., Karlman, M. & Lundh, J-E.: stindsutvecklingen. (Simulation of damage and Avgingar och skador i odlingsforsok av tall och mortality inyoung stands and associated stand contortatall 4-9 ir efter plantering. (Mortality development effects). and damage in semipractical trials of Scots pine and Lodgepole pine 4-9 years after plantations). 19. Albrektson, A., Frivold, H., Holstener-Jorgen- sen, H., & Malkonen, E.: Published and 11. Pehap, A.: A review of literature in the subject Unpublished Biomass Studies in the Nordic of some physiologically active substances in the Countries. An annotated bibliography up to seeds and pollen of forest, fruit and agricultural 1982. species. (En litteraturoversikt om nagrafysiolo- giska aktiva substanser i pollen och fron fran 20. Simak, M.: Chromosome aberrations in stored upptagna arter). seeds of Pinus silvestris and Picea abies and the consequences on plant properties. 12. Simak, M. & Sahlen, K: Bibliography on x- 1987 radiography in seed research and testing. 21. Pehap, A., Henriksson, G. & Sahlen, K.: Respiration of individual, germiating spruce seeds: 1985 Some investigations and measurements with the 13. Bergsten, U.: A study on the influence of seed Warburg Direct Method. predators at direct seeding of Pinus sylvestris L. 22. Mellberg, I. & Naslund, B-A.: Barrotsplantors 14. Hagglund, B. & Peterson, G. (Editors).: tillvSxt och overlevnad fram till rojningstidpunkt. Broadleaves in Boreal Silviculture - an obstacle or - Resultat frSn en forsoksserie med skilda plants- an asset? (The report contains seventeen papers orter. (Growth and survival for bare-root presented at the Kempe-symposium at the Swe­ seedlings until the time of cleaning. - Resultsfrom dish University of Agricultural Sciences, UmeS, experimental series with different types of in June 1984). seedlings). 1988 15. Martinsson, O.: Markberedningens inlytande 23. Simak, M. & Bergsten,B.: Databas overskogs- pi overlevnad, tillvaxt och rot-skottrelation i frolitteratur publicerad i Sverige fram till 1975. foryngringar av tall, gran och contorta. (The (Data base onforest seed literature published in influence of site preparation onsurvival, growth Sweden up to 1975). DISCLAIMER Portions of this document may be illegible in electronic image products. Images are produced from the best available original document. VARIABILITY AND ECOLOGY OF SIBERIAN LARCH SPECIES Anatoly P. Abaimov1, Jerzy A. Lesiriski2, Owe Martinsson2 andLeonid I. Milyutin1 ‘Sukachev Institute of Forest, Siberian Branch, Russian Academy of Sciences Akademgorodok, 660036 Krasnoyarsk, Russia ^Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences (SLU), Dept, of Silviculture 901 83 Umea, Sweden ISSN 0348-8968 ISRN SLU-SSKTL-R-43-SE Printed by SLU, Grafiska Enheten, Ume5, Sweden 1998 Abstract Abaimov, A.P., Lesinski, J.A., Martinsson, O. and Milyutin, L.I. 1997. Variability and ecology of Siberian larch species. Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences (SLU), Department of Silviculture. Report 43, 123 pp. (Eng.) There are at least four larch taxons distinguished in Siberia that occupy almost 37 percent of the the Russian forests. The natural distribution of the taxons is clinal from the west to the east with L. sibirica Ledeb. in the west followed by L. x czekanowskii Szafer, L. gmelinii Rupr. and L cajanderi Mayr. L sibirica and L. x czekanowskii are phytocenosis builders only at the northern timberline and in the South-Siberian mountains whereas L. gmelinii and L. cajanderi are the main species over the vast territory within and beyond the permafrost zone of East Siberia. Due to large variety of growing conditions, the main features of the larch forests in terms of age structure and growth rates are also enormously variable. Thanks to specific life strategies with respect to seed dispersion patterns and very high adaptability to fires that often affect Siberian forests, these larch species regenerate very well being only seldom temporary replaced by Betulasp. forming secondary forest associations. Larch forests of different categories (protective and commercial) are exploited and regenerated in the same way as it is applied for Scots pine in Siberia. There is a growing interest in Siberian larch species among researchers and practicioners from abroad, mainly due to their fast growth and excellent wood properties. Some attempts of introducing Siberian larch species as commercial plantations have already been initiated in western countries. However, the knowledge of botanical, ecological and silvicultural features of Siberian larch species is rather poor outside of Russia. Because of its economic importance for Russian forestry the Siberian larch species have been comprehensively studied for many years and many papers as well as a number of mono ­ graphs have been published, most of them in Russian. The large Russian expertise concerning regionalisation of seed sources, seed crop and quality, seed orchards, seedling production in nurseries and silvicultural practices in commercial plantations beyond their range of natural distribution is presented in this report. May it support foreign foresters in their efforts to enlarge use of Siberian larch species. Key words: Larch, Siberia, Larix sibirica, Larix gmelinii, Larix cajanderii, systematics, variability, hybridization, distribution, growing conditions, stand structure, dynamics, silviculture, provenance, introduction. Authors’ addresses: Sukachev Institute of Forest, Siberian Branch, Russian Academy of Sciences Akademgorodok, 660036 Krasnoyarsk, Russia Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences (SLU), Department of Silviculture 901 83 UmeS, Sweden Preface Larch is the most abundant tree species on the territory of the Russian Federation. Some 263.4 million hectares, i.e. appr. 37 percent of the whole forest area, is occupied by larch. The immense area with more or less abundant pure or mixed larch forests, stretches throughout Russia from the White Sea in the West to the Pacific Ocean in the East, as well as between the tundra zone in the North (Lat. N 12°) and the Siberian steppe zone (Lat. N 48 °) in the South. However, the larch forests occur even outside of Russia, reaching at the southernmost locality in Mongolia some 45:th parallel. This large distribution of the genus of Larix Mill, in Eurasia shows its extremely high ecological adaptivity to different growing conditions. Larch forests occurring in Siberia are of very high biospheric and ecological importance not only for Russia itself but also far beyond its boundaries. They form large forest massives of the same type in the permafrost zone, establish both the northern and the southern timber-lines and carry out the water- and soil protective functions in monutain regions. Valuable features of Siberian larch species, such as fast growth, high wood quality and high durability, good perspectives for introduction beyond the range of natural distribution, high potential for selection of the natural populations as suitable to obtain fast growing hybrids, attract attention of scientists to the Siberian larch species both in Russia and in other countries. Botanical, ecological and silvicultural features of Siberian larch species have been comprehensively studied by Russian researchers for a long time, and many papers as well as some generalized monographs have been published. However, these papers were published mainly in Russian and are almost unknown for western researchers. The insufficient knowledge seriously hampers larger introduction of the Siberian larch species abroad. Nevertheless, some projects have already been initiated in other countries (Sweden, Norway, Finland, Germany, Iceland, and other). The present report is an attempt to reduce the existing gap of knowledge on the Siberian larch species. The authors do not pretend to comprehensively cover all areas which may be of the readers interest Nevertheless, this book contains a review of results presented in available references that deal with Siberian larch species. The report was completed by the authors during a 3-month long
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