IV I ji r I t f To 1 I d I. Curlers I 1 I I tl II. Ii Win When II How Can Reds a if i L-J U I LJ I Even MMcKechnie'slf t Lr I i said passenger I DETROIT SeptePt 4 F be 1 Look uld the 18 4 194119118 kindly a. ontone would explain to a 1 8PAGE is WINNIPEG THURSDAYY SEPTEMBER J Jed thetho at TheTho Manitoba1 CUlling association a- 4 aa r to small Dill McKechnie Im wl theth taxi-driver whowh picked him Maybe you'veyouve o ra se Cross last nightight haAi ner Up Itat Detroit city airport Wed manager of theth Cincinnati Reds meetIng attended-byd by the presidents and s'ssecretaries ooto. a baseball WereWe're a antiand i district clubs going Pittsburgh WinnipegWinnipeg- Huh demandedthe to play your amo be am Builds and- The before annual and On Pirates todatoday at Field and Kabat Imports cabbie who knew every routete to Pirate F even will be Ih dt 9 BriansBriggs Stadium and could have I want to 00go out there right thc openingevent lI bo three-day1a valtoval to dI recited mOltmost of the TigersTigers' batbat- w 010 and 11 in thetho Granite club building AI ll It was the taxi driver's ting averages wat drivers turn also be when the season opens alongal ng linesi 1 similar to lastlas Forbes Field Insisted the When he had explaining Forbe eason's event and JiIt Is proposed that the JS ol whisSL r High Hopes Held For Coast passenger You know wherehere a and lJ I J I the bought himself a ticket on ththe drives es c and projects In aid of the fund T 4 JuIII the Red and Gold colors of tMth from D to Pitts- ft Sept Mister was the reply next plane Detroit Pitts S. ofIi9 VANCOUVER Vancouver team this yearear along I h had S J V Newcomers to the West dontdon't knoww nothing about no burgh The tra eler sald he explained the drive I associationhe I J 4 with two more cx-Bronks Gordon bought Pittsburgh ticket In booths h each cityelty club n Intel-provincial Football Forbes Field and no Pirates a Said einel Man Mountain day but Mr op ralo fElm jH Where do you think Chicagogo earlier nIn the h union Vancouver Grizzles are wood-explainedwood oto STEVE 1 r ar pour ds of lineman and husk way wrong plane thethc TREWHITT being rapidly Ila squa Job p I I- InloInto squad ChulkChuck and l Let to o r a capablehie of providing stiff compel The right halfback spot will be Is our Intention that this eache ch club will b r sp foforfor- the other two entries It I p-ot- I lion for tilledfilled by milBill Heindl Blue whole iRed-Cross drive ken the decorating and operation pot formerlormer bet i I I. Winnipeg niueBlue Bombers and ReRe- Bomber and member of Winnipeg p rt in by the fal ltoba lisIts b lh I gina Rangers Junior HockeyII 0 eke y club Giants Batter All-Stars y this we donot mean men alone ator of thethc Granite I 1 After several years of pondering Memorial Cup Innerswinners last spring Wew wish it to beab combinedd efef hashIS association the ng Idea of entering the WesternWesten use the Idel Another Winnipeg player trying YORK Sept 4 Piling up their one sussus- fort by the ladlesladies and men AncAnd use of his cabins asIbboothsbooths' union but alwaysalwa s's skeptical abouabout s NEW Itt is our 10 hawhave M n f r- position pur r for a with Vancouver ned drive forward pass an Intercepted pass andaand a 32 of a to cope ta a d- rI development team able Carl KrSko oba LadlesLadies Curling The committee which work d I field New-York Giants ofor the National leagueeague defeated t I yard goal NewYorkk Giant this drive pre ary plansans l consisted i o Winding up the list of prairie take parlpart In 1 lorigalong with t aryJ ot Fo T h il thetrie Eastern CCollege AlAli-StarsStars In a benefit fofootball game the men Last earsyears experience Dr R Black C iR Hudson WW- e players attempting to catch on a R Grizzlies capacHcapacity crowd at tile Polo Grounds last night showed the ladlesladles'to be our most EE. Lumsden AA. Leach and G 4 with the arearc BillBm 1 3 r v and . t late arrarrival from Calgary Mort supporters greater Goodrick I ate arral I Ij I al r 11 I Van and Dave Adams Mr was assured th I the c 1- I r formerormer Bronks making an total olof finIn forwarding us a permit to thet local t S- 0 six from Calgary and hold n carnival InJnIn- will commence their organization i t three fromI. a etc u f- rJ i t Winnipeg I Title H the province of Manitoba the local work l Immediatelydla SHItO AMP With Vancouver this There are stillsUII a few weak To a Red Cross commissioner had this The ttotaltal of v mic cooloncool on be with its standards son S season raised the necessary guarguar- spots to be repaired but from the to say lastlast by b U tt l f d help results anteeJtfee and entered to fill the way some of the local material lsIs is Indeed an Inspiration us the RedRedCrossRed Cross and Mr hadh alreadyady been pupus It to no Into spotlipot vacated by Calgary Bronks shaping up these will be taken care to knowv that we have the interestInter stst- that the make IiIi- seated su or i talks by the competent guidguldguid- of in due time said Kabat and support-of the curling fra- ased 1 ragging and I Backed fra reached open ance and whip-cracking of Coach The balance of the team be ternity of andan that made up from pick 1 appeal con test cof under way-Tt GregGr g Kabat former Blue Bomber the playersolof your organization hashns again seen v Mr Vancouver's Big league said day I coach and keyke player and Inspired from Four fit to undertake the raising of drive Is a by- Although i nothing I of prairie to I Red CrossCr ss is an Isa by definite f byb Importation several fundsfunds' all those participating in are responding with Local Talent Indication that fight for free- beenseen said It stars Grizzlies ocal the free olof urlingcurling and lit Is my privilege to- In training Kabat Is damdom will continue until victory is tot the InfantrytrY Training r. enthusiasm Most likely prospects among chairman to app Winnipeg to r r confident that by building the team won OhOn behalf of theth ManitobaM scheduled ocallocal talent to catch permanent club m p I will de- division olof the Red Cross I would her t r around the Imports he dede- Include to orlor our positions a newcomerr time andanc 1 i velop something that will open like to express our deep apprecia-cla our ththe novice tour Canadian rugby Moon Cameron tion and-thanks very kind your loyal cooperationco-operationn as jrIlamam ment Algonquin Regiment the eyes of the eastern teams sun by our joint th R I trainer for Vancouver assistance and support surl efforts that we s's-l The Grizzlies will be all set for box lacrosse m can meeting with Ith s teamtea Mr e w h 1 explained this the taking while their Sept 13 debut here against Cameron Is a prospect tt at vl a duty to 1 halfback length the multiple tasks dudUT R CJ Regina wh i and doclo We GREG KABAT Joe KeKeyeses a rugby veteran who ties confronting the Canadian RedRed- Winners wereere L Prud Coach of the Winnipeg squad In tips scales pounds have an objective-and we have the over In the at about Cross l du BoisBols W 1934 when it lost to Regina the Iss- war vim sbeingb groomed for snap Stan dis- Stevens Kirkland Lake I Edmonton Race Western Canada final and three Bill Lumsden of od dis our trackfrack thre Laycock and Dave Bone both job pounds Chitwood sCc of a place on played aIl plan II of W J times winner the the arc shaping fora wasas chairman gary over te C. Likely To Stay Open Kabat EE. C fAll n No team upp welwell for while JayBay te RJ EDMONTON Sept 4 The halfhair will have as his assistanta coach 0 DI I Jonesones and Bob Ellison together will Cochrane mile race at Edmonton's E- I track Ex Jimmy Gilkes well-knownwell known CalgarCalgary adddd overoyer pounds to thethc line Winnipeg xt Grounds Is likely to be athlete and former BronBroni backback- Garnie Smith one of the lightest The gar Cochrane over t available for six days of racing asa From Press Box jar S fielder ace GilksGilk's will handle the Grizzlies at pounds Is slated for Gregg- usual when the city holds its 1942 Gregg WinnipegWinnipeg- poundsI hold backfield as well as hold down aa- safety position and makes up for RRR. JohnstoneJohnst n J summer it was learned spot at right halfback ila lack of size with speed and ATC heavyweight todartoday e-st J Rated as one of BronksBronks' bestest lassyclassy footwork Johnny Kovacs w with a nnoverover EE. ChaCha- This would mean the track ad Whole 1 products Gilkes Is on the small supplies poundsp flying wing Sh r ux judged one of the half-mile as j finest side but has offset this by his lIndnd Jack Horne will guard the Impromptu games an kin ovals on North American conCOli In i thethc exceptional speed and tricky run- with be in use despite the run backfield pounds I bothoth Indoor and out marked1 ning Kabat who claims a shortage In In U.S.
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