Soviets Set 'X-Day' The Weather Today To 'Capture' Berlin Fair and pleasant today. Tomorrow fair and warmer. High today 70; low 50. Yes­ BERLl. (iP)-'l'he anti· 'ovil't lermaD pr . ~ r ported y ter­ OWQI1 terday's high 86; low 57. Poll n count 173. day that till' Ru ialls had fix (1 "X·day" for al!hie\>ing ommu­ e at nist rule in B rlin. An American governm('nt official SlIid he had nothing to eon· Eat HI6S-VoL 80. No. 297-UP. AP News and Wirephoto Iowa City, Iowa. Tuesday. S8pL 14. 1948 Fiv Cents firm tb report, but h(' did not di. count it. The German new paper Montags' Echo, a Liberal Democnt teon ervati"e) party organ, aid "X·day" was t for m time after the November pl' idential • • '* e1 ction in th~ lTnit d States. * * l\lontars Ecbo said the d.&e for the ommunis& leisure waa Allied Envoys f\xed at a meetinr of leadera I of the Commun1l&-domiDa&ed. Inva Ing lans ec oclatl$t Unity part, (8ED) wbo bad lnsirllcUons from the Hold Parley Sovlel occupation clIldl. The newspaper said also that MOSCOW (UP) - Envoys .)1 Hyderabad Bulletin Reports the Russians proml ed to "Inter­ Maine the United States, Britain and feTe with the air supply shuttle France met three times yesterday, Mrs. Smith, GOP Sweep by increasing their own plane presumably to discuss the maneuvers over Berlin." Four-Way Thrusl is Hailed ktalemated Berlin negotiations and to compare notes on new instruc­ The Soviet wt.r memorial wu She Is 1st Woman KARA HI, PARr TAN <M---Th govprnm nt or till' 'izam or tions from their governments. projected Into battle for Ber­ Murray Wier and Bride Leave Altar Hyd rabad id last night in an oUicial !Ommuniqup that the Tn­ lin araln yesterd.y b, • aboi Bermuda HiI' Their third meeting lasted one dian army inya ion of' the south central prine ly &tat had n tired b an unuoWll anlper Full-Term Senator hour. 45 minutes. ending shortly mldnlrht Sunda,. cb k d on aU Iron slter midnight this morning. The memorial, built by the Red IPORTLAND, ME. (UP) - Con- Th(' ('ommuniqu gay no d tail. oth r tIl n to Indian n was the first time that U. By Hurricane troop. ould not mak an. headway. army to immortalize the conquest lI'esswoman Marlaret Cbase Smith 8. AmbaaAador W. Bedell Smith. Mil' Laik Ali, pr mi r of Hyderabad. broad.. to the French Ambassador Yves Cha­ of Berlin, Hes just inside the Brlt- today became th first woman HAMILTON. BERMUDA (UP) p pIe tb night &alrneau and special British ish sectQT'. Russian ~ authorities Republican ever elected to a fpll - A hurrlcall with winds of 100 of tat Jut * . * mil an hour la ed this tiny At­ king th m to coopt'rat fnlly envoy Frank Roberts had md told the British tbe ~ot appu- term as U. S. nator. with their government He said * formall, since the focus ot the ently came tram across the street, lantic isl nd tor Ight hours yes­ and a Sovi t sentry fired two an- Her victory - conceded by h l' th Nlum'& IOvemment was de­ talks sblfted from here to Berlin t rday knock1n, down t I phone t rmlned to drive away the In­ early this month. swering bu lets at a shadow lurk- Democratic opponent - spear­ and pow r lines and dlsruptinl dian troop . The three western spokesmen ing there. headed a GOP landslide In the bu iness and transportation. Ther wlla no report of casual­ It was learned th.t India's were expected to go to the Krem­ Five German anU-Comm.un1lla naUoD's tirst state elecUon of this al nt-I neral In Hyderabad, Klln­ lin soon for the ninth In a series have been senteneed to 25 ,ean presidential year. Ii s. Early p. timatl's Indlcatt'd that hyalal Munshi, was removed from at hard labor by a RUMlan com damage wc. uJd be Ie than the of joint talks with Sovillt leaderll Mrs. Smith, B 49.y ar-old tormer his re Idence yesterday and pllced for taldDr pan In last week', $400,000 10 sustained in last on the Berlin crisis. telephone operator from Skow- und r lUard as a III t of the anti-Soviet rlotlnc, the SoYiet year's lorm Hyderab d lovemment. (Reliable sources in London 17 et wer Irt'wn IIceJllled news aceuc:, ADN re- hegan, easily defeated Dr. Adri n All Indian mllitarr JIUSoIl­ predicted the envoys would ask brl nd 'he howlln, ported yuterday. B. Scolten of Portland, who was nel In the InclJa offlee WNe ells­ for a session with Soviet Premier ripped off root '0 lIS Josef Stalin tomorrow to demand ADN said the live, whose names running for public of!ice for the armed by IlJderabad pollee. were not given pleaded guilty to first time. rooted tr placed under arreat and pul in a final "showdown" on the Ger­ Stor s. ortlc s nd schools w re man situation.) cha!"ges of aUacking Soviet soldiers .rmy ban'aeb:. and helping to tear down a Rus­ As was expected in this tradi­ clo d and taxis and bu e stopp d The all-Indian atarr of the (A British forelm ottlce sian flag during the riot last tionally Republican state. the GOP running. All alrlln s flight w re Hyd rllbad POSt and teleiTaph de­ ,pohsman said "Arreement Thursday. No appeal wUl be per­ candidates also scored thumping halted. portm nt ,lso w re arrested. Th. exists between the three western mitted. Almost all t lephone and el~­ dep rtm nt is ruo by the IndJan powers as to the next stepe to be Victories in the gubernatorla I race and all three congressional trlcal pow T s rvice was out. EI~­ union. taken In the BerUn 8Uuatlon.~ trlc power was shut down at noon contests. It was the Republican' When the word spread that He said the action decided on shortly alter tb tirst tronl gusts India had Invaded Hyderabad yes­ would be announced soon.) Sa nctua ry Given to seventh successive clean sweep of top offices. of wind struck to mlnlmlz th terday, demonstrations we r e Earlier this month, the western dang r from taIling lin s. touched off In Karachi uTslni envoys had achieved a general Sov~et Elected governor was Frederick The IIamiiton weath r burl' u Pakistan to d clar war on India. agreement with Stalin and Foreign 3 Teachers C. Payne, 47, of Waldoboro, one­ r ported th t th cent of the lJId I n irooJIII with air and n lnv Ion Minister V. M. Molotov. However, WASHINGTON (UP) - Three time stale llnance commission r. storm passed to the west at the tank .ppon weI" m&o U,der­ reported haggling over technicaU­ Soviet school teachers wbose "The people 01 Maine have Island. It sUmat d that winds abad trom .11 four aid and In * ties ,by Marshal Vassily D. Sokol­ mgnt trom communism stirred spoken with ... impressive con­ r nched a velocity of 100 miles on thr were reported PH- * * ovsky, Soviet military governor in up an international row fast viction," said Mrs. Smith in a an hour with iust reglst ing IblT wlthJn 60 mil. 01 the cap­ Hyderabad Seeks Germany, prevented detailed month won final assurance tram victory statement. "They have evt'n hieher. Ital of the rich pl'lneely .~ agreement on Berlin problems. the United States government to­ shown to the nntlon that they still Forces Jump!n, oU from B ;t­ UN Consideration A spokesman for the western Afterwards, the day that they wUL not be sent adhere to sane tlnd snfe Re­ w cent red about 50 milts wodo near the Boutheast bord r of powers said today the Moscow home to Russia. publicanism. I am more grateful northwe t of Bermud and w lh predominantly Hindu state LONDON (UP) - Hyd robad envoys were not going to "appeal The state departmet made pub­ for this than tor the wonderful ad van ed 40 mIl aero thlt hal termed India's Invasion ot Its to Stalin." movln, on a oursI' almost di­ lic 0 note it delivered last Tl\urs­ vote that was given to me because rronti r In a drive toward th terrItory "supr m act or "The situation has gone tar rectly 10 the north. The w a· day to the Russian embassy It is the forerunner of a great ther bureau warued that all capital city of Hyd rabad and ad- ailr Ion" and hal ask d thl> beyond that," he said. "It Is a Republican national victory In joinlni S cunderbad. si of army Unilt<! Nailons e<'urity cou.ncll to showdown now." stating that the runaway teach­ shlpplnr Itould avoid wh t It ers have been guaranteed sanc­ November... " ca.lled • .. ev re hurrl ant'." in talJaUons n d .mmunitlon consJder the dispute at th orU t tuary here and that the case is nollnr that winds In the "eye" dump, Madr dispatch said. possibl mom!!nt. it w S IInnounc U A late r port from Madras said 'Y Bt rday. now closed so far as this gov­ or the torm were UP 10 145 ernment i concl\rnd. miles per hour. Hyderabad has b 0 cut off (rom UN cr tary Goral TrYiVe UN's Balkan Group all outside ommuDl atlon. The Li . P . f U t "1 t Truman Raps Til f' I ow J TllP Amel'lcltll note rejected Rus­ trunk t I pholli Une Hn' 1 lIT or I J,I • 40 nre-e- sia's protests over the affair and, Ihe weather bUI·t'nu said.
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