Int J Clin Exp Med 2017;10(1):1434-1438 /ISSN:1940-5901/IJCEM0041925 Case Report Orbital apex syndrome caused by ethmoid sinus mucocele: a case report and review of literature Li-Bo Dai1*, Chao Cheng2*, Jiang Bian2, He-Ming Han1, Li-Fang Shen1, Shui-Hong Zhou1, Yang-Yang Bao1, Jiang-Tao Zhong1, Er Yu1 1Department of Otolaryngology, The First Affiliated Hospital, College of Medicine, Zhejiang University, Hangzhou 310003, Zhejiang Province, China; 2Department of Otolaryngology, People’s Hospital of Jinhua City, Jinhua 321000, Zhejiang Province, China. *Equal contributors. Received October 15, 2016; Accepted November 16, 2016; Epub January 15, 2017; Published January 30, 2017 Abstract: Ethmoid sinus mucoceles are benign, expansile and cyst-like lesions, when sufficiently large, may causing compression of the optic nerve and nearby structures. We report an extremely rare case of ethmoid sinus mucocele causing orbital apex syndrome. A 59-year-old female presented with over one month history of left-side headache that worsened with left-side ophthalmodynia for six days, accompanied by left-side sudden ptosis and vision loss for half a day. Clinical findings were proved with that of a combined CN II, III, IV and VI paralysis. Computed tomographic scan demonstrated a dense homogeneous mass expanding the left ethmoid sinus and rarefaction of the lateral wall of the left ethmoid sinus with the contents compressing the optic nerve. She underwent a prompt endoscopic sinus surgery. Three days after the operation, the movement and vision of the left eye returned to normal, the left eye pain and headache had also resolved. Keywords: Ethmoid sinus mucocele, orbital apex syndrome, endoscopic sinus surgery Introduction apex syndrome secondary to ethmoid sinus mucocele. Paranasal sinus mucoceles arise most com- monly in the frontal sinus followed by the eth- Case report moid, maxillary and sphenoid sinuses [1]. The A 59-year-old female presented with over one clinical manifestation of ethmoid sinus muco- month history of left-side headache that wors- cele is dependent on the degree of the mass ened with left-side ophthalmodynia for six days, involvement which includes cranial nerves II accompanied by left-side sudden ptosis and through VI [2]. However, ethmoid sinus muco- vision loss for half a day. She denied nasal cele causing orbital apex syndrome is extreme- obstruction, postnasal drainage, hyposmia, epi- ly rare. Therefore, although benign, when suffi- staxis, facial numbness and any impairment in ciently large, ethmoid sinus mucoceles are her right visual acuity. She was a non-smoker, sight-threatening and can lead to permanent non-drinker and had no history of nasal or para- visual loss [3]. It should be diagnosed and nasal sinus inflammation or surgical manipul- treated immediately. ation. Here we report a rare case of orbital apex syn- On ophthalmic examination, there were red and drome caused by an ethmoid sinus mucocele, swollen of the left eyelid, ophthalmoptosis and which was resolved after removal of the muco- only light perception of the left eye visual acuity. cele by an endoscopic sinus surgery, along with Extra-ocular motility was limited in all directions a review of the relevant English-language litera- and a left relative afferent pupillary defect was ture. This is the first case, to the best of our detected. Ophthalmic and neurological exami- knowledge, of full recovery of visual function nation of the right eye was normal. On oto-laryn- and eye movement in a patient with orbital gological examination, no positive finding was Orbital apex syndrome due to ethmoid mucocele Figure 1. Axial (A-C) and coronal (D-F) CT scan demonstrated a dense homogeneous mass expanding the left eth- moid sinus and rarefaction of the lateral wall of the left ethmoid sinus with the contents compressing the optic nerve. observed. She was a febrile with no sign of ing the cyst wall, fibrosis and abundant myxoid infection. stroma were also found, consistent with the diagnosis of mucocele (Figure 2). The patient Clinical findings were proved with that of a com- was commenced on a three-day course of 80 bined CN II, III, IV and VI paralysis; therefore the mg intravenous methylprednisolone and a differential diagnoses of orbital apex syndrome week course of cefuroxime. Three days after was considered and urgent computed tomo- the operation, the movement and vision of the graphic (CT) was performed. CT scan of the pa- left eye returned to normal, the left eye pain ranasal sinuses demonstrated a dense homo- and headache had also resolved. geneous mass expanding the left ethmoid sinus and rarefaction of the lateral wall of the Discussion left ethmoid sinus with the contents compress- ing the optic nerve (Figure 1). Mucoceles are epithelium-lined mucus-con- taining mucoid secretions completely filling a On the basis of these findings, the patient was paranasal sinus due to the obstruction of the diagnosed as orbital apex syndrome secondary sinus osteum [4]. The obstruction can be due to to ethmoid sinus mucocele and immediate infection, allergy, chronic inflammation, con- evacuation and drainage of the cyst was per- genital anomalies, trauma, iatrogenic injury formed by endonasal endoscopic procedure and tumour [2, 3]. The most common site of under general anesthesia. On operation, resec- occurrence of paranasal sinus mucocele is the tion of the septum revealed a large ethmoid maxillary sinus (50%), followed by frontoeth- sinus mucocele containing thick viscid yellow moidal (31%), ethmoidal (16%) and sphenoidal material. Histopathology revealed that respira- (3%) [3]. Mucoceles are capable of expansion, tory epithelium and inflammatory infiltrate lin- aided by the production of osteolytic factors, 1435 Int J Clin Exp Med 2017;10(1):1434-1438 Orbital apex syndrome due to ethmoid mucocele Figure 2. Pathological results showed respiratory epithelium and inflammatory infiltrate lining the cyst wall. Fibrosis and abundant myxoid stroma were present. Hematoxylin-eosin stain, × 200 (A), × 400 (B). Table 1. Clinical features and final visual outcome of 4 patients with paranasal mucocoeles causing orbital apex syndrome in the English-language literature Ref Sex/age Sinus involved Symptoms Visual outcome Present case 59/F L ethmoidal sinus Headache Completely recovered L ophthalmodynia L eyelid swelling L ptosis and vision loss Fleissig [11] 2014 53/F R ethmoidal sinus R vision loss NLP (Onodi cell) R eye pain R eyelid swelling Kumagai [2] 2003 61/M R sphenoethmoid R proptosis completely Recovered R Ophthalmoplegia R vision loss Cheng [3] 2012 72/M R sphenoid sinus R ptosis Partly improvement of visual acuity R vision loss Note: M: male; F: female; L: left; R: right; NLP: no light perception. notably prostagladins and collagenases [4]. There are only four cases of paranasal sinus The clinical symptoms of sinus mucoceles are mucoceles including the present case that dependent on the region of the mass effect causing orbital apex syndrome in the English- produced. There are many reports of ethmoid language literature (Table 1). Efrat et al report- sinus mucoceles causing optic neuropathy ed a case of onodi cell mucocele causing orbit- [4-10], however, ethmoid sinus mucocele caus- al apex syndrome, with prompt recovery after ing orbital apex syndrome had rarely been endoscopic removal. However, optic neuropa- reported. Orbital apex syndrome is typically thy did not improve and the patient remained used when all the structures at the orbital apex blind [11]. Masaki et al reported a case of com- region and superior orbital fissure are affected plete orbital apex syndrome due to sphenoeth- by the disease process, which includes cranial moid mucocele [2]. The patient underwent an nerves II, III, IV, V1 and VI [2]. The patient may endoscopic sinus surgery with cyst marsupial- manifest ptosis, proptosis, diplopia, ophthalmo- ization. The eye symptoms gradually recovered, dynia, ophthalmoplegia, eye lid edema and and visual acuity completely recovered 3 mo- visual loss. nths after surgery [2]. Clarissa et al reported a 1436 Int J Clin Exp Med 2017;10(1):1434-1438 Orbital apex syndrome due to ethmoid mucocele case of orbital apex syndrome secondary to a In conclusion, ethmoid sinus mucocele causing sphenoidal sinus mucocele and successfully orbital apex syndrome is extremely rare, the treated with endoscopic drainage. One week combination of CT and MRI imaging is the best after operation, there was a marked clinical choice for precise diagnosis and it should be improvement of visual acuity, ptosis and colour immediately treated with early decompression vision [3]. and drainage of the cyst. The diagnosis of ethmoid sinus mucocele may Acknowledgements not be straightforward initially, especially if clin- ical manifestation is subtle or no proptosis. The present study was supported by the Health Patients usually do not have nasal symptoms, Department of Zhejiang Province, China (grant which make the diagnosis much more difficult. no. 2015116850), Science and Technology They may present to the neurologist with non- Department of Zhejiang Province, China specific symptoms such as headache, as in our (No. 2016C33144), and the National Natural case, the major clinical manifestation was just Science Foundation of China (grant nos. headache initially, with no other typical sym- 81172562 and 81372903). ptoms. Disclosure of conflict of interest Radiographic findings by CT and MRI are both important to identify ethmoid sinus mucocele None. and guide surgical management. Characteristic CT findings show an expansile, homogeneous Address correspondence to: Yang-Yang Bao, De- mass with no contrast enhancement in the partment of Otolaryngology, The First Affiliated sinus [3]. CT scans provide insight into position- Hospital, College of Medicine, Zhejiang University, ing and potential bony erosions caused by the Hangzhou 310003, Zhejiang Province, China. Tel: expanding mucocele. The bone changes are 86-571-87236894; Fax: 86-571-87236895; E-mail: best demonstrated by CT scans and can easily [email protected] be overlooked on MRI scans. However, MRI is very useful to differentiate mucoceles from References other lesions.
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