IAJPS 2015, Volume2 (4), 757-763 Saxena R. B ISSN 2349-7750 ISSN 2349-7750 INDO AMERICAN JOURNAL OF PHARMACEUTICAL SCIENCES Available online at: http://www.iajps.com Review Article BOTANY, TAXONOMY AND CYTOLOGY OF CROCUS VERNI – SERIES R.B. Saxena Drug Standardization Research Section, Central Research Institute- Ayurveda, Aamkho, GWALIOR – 474009 (INDIA). Abstract: The genus crocus ( Family- Iridaceae) contains ca 100 small, corm bearing, perennial species distributed Central south Europe north Africa, south Asia and west China. These species are highly valuated as ornamental plants of their colourful flowers, horticultural varieties and Industrial applications. Sub-genus Crocus series crocus verni series are closely related species; and are difficult to be separated taxonomically and have a complex cytology. Botany of c. varni series, taxonomy of their species are their infra-specific taxa are presented, and their distribution, ecology and phenology; full description and chromosome counts are proved with key of their identification. Key words : Crocus, Classification, Geographic area Cytology,, Chromosome, Crocus verni – series. Correspondence Address: Dr. R.B. Saxena, QR code 2, Ganesh Colony, Naya Bazar, GWALIOR – 474 009 ( INDIA ). E.mail : [email protected] Phone : + 91751 4076287 Mobile : +91 9752926029 Please cite this article in press as Saxena R. B. Botany, Taxonomy and Cytology of Crocus Verni – Series, Indo American J of Pharm Sci, 2015:2(4):757-763. www.iajps.com Page 757 IAJPS 2015, Volume2 (4), 757-763 Saxena R. B ISSN 2349-7750 INTRODUCTION: The genus crocus (Family – Iridaceae or Iris) comparises showing them are extent at the Knossos site of Crete [2] some 85 – 100 species having an old world distribution, as well as comparably aged site on Santorini. An early primarily in the Mediterranean – Europe and western spring bloomer, crocus bulbs,are technically corms. There Asia. The limits of the entire genus lie within the are solid inside, if cuts than open, and then have papery longitude 100 W to 800 E and latitude 300 N to 500 N. outer covering which is called tunic. Each crocus usually Phytographically, the majority of species occur within the makes many corms. Mediterian floristic region, extending eastward into the A species evolution is generally accompanied or followed Ieano- Turanian region, both of these areas are by partial changes in the chromosome complement and characterized by cool to cold winters and autumn-winter- there can be few genera where such a wide range of spring precipitation and warm summers with very little variation occurs. This variation is, however, difficult to rainfall; the genus crocus is well adopted to such deal with without information of breeding systems, conditions, with the plants actively growing from autumn hybridization potential and the production of hybrids. So to rate spring and surviving the summer drought below far, it has only been possible to make a comparative ground by means of a compact corm. Many species have analysis of chromosome number and morphology, but their above ground growth at the onset of autumn rains these differences and similarities can be significant, and and flower almost immediately; some of these produce may well indicate barriers to successful interbreeding. their leaves and flowers concurrently or nearly so, white Although similar karyotypes do not reveal the presence of other bloom without leaves and delay their leaf production symmetrical structural changes, it may generally be until the onset of warmer weather, usually in spring [1]. assumed that if the phenotypes are also alike, there is a Crocuses are some of the most vivrantly beautiful probability that there are no barriers to gene exchange. On flowering plants, and are therefore widely popular among the other hand, when karyotypes are observably different, gardeners in the know. They mix well with creeping or successfully interbreeding is less likely [3], such dense greenery, and will push their may right up through chromosome barriers are of obvious importance even the densest vegetation and brust into colourful and can lead on the further divergence which may bloom. While new gardeners may feel intimidated by the eventually give rise to acceptable species. The closely process of planting and caring for crocus bulbs, the related species have been difficult to separate process is easier than it may appear with under-standing taxonomically and have also been found to be complex of the crocus growth cycle, it becomes possible to plant cytologically, and have been treated as a series [4, 5]. grow and cultivate there glorious additions to any garden These physiological characteristics, to-gether with or land scape. cytological information and morphological features of the Cultivation and harvesting of crocus was first dommented corm tunics, bracts, bracteoles, leaves, flowers and seed, in the Mediterranean, notably on the Island of Crete. have been discussed by the genus into ahierarchy of sub- Fresces genera, section and series of crocus verni. BOTANY Taxonomic characters are based mainly on the presence or absence of a prophyll ( a basal spathe) and the aspect of the style and corm tunic. The taxonomic classification of c. verni series is as follows: 01. Domain Eukaryota 02. Kingdom Plantae 03. Sub-kingdom Tracheobionta 04. Super-division Spermetophyta 05. Division Magnoliophyta 06. Class Liliopsida 07. Sub – class Liliidae 08. Order Liliales 09. Family Iridaceae ( Iris- family) 10. Genus Crocus L. www.iajps.com Page 758 IAJPS 2015, Volume2 (4), 757-763 Saxena R. B ISSN 2349-7750 (a) Genus crocus: Native – woodland, scrub and like flowers. Look to species crocus for a bit of meadowns from sea level to alpine Tundra in central daring and adventure. After all, these crocuses hail and south – Europe. North Africa and middle east,of from homelands that include- Spain, Portugal, the Island of the Aegean and across central Asia to Morocco, Italy, Greece, Asia Minor and China. The western China. Herb : small, perennial, cormous. flowers of species are miniature when compare to Corm : oblateo, covered with tunic. Leaves: few, all their Dutch cousins, but the species definitely bi- basal, green, lineas, adaxially with pale, median- coloured species which are exotically feathered or strip, base surrounded by membranous, sheath like dusted with a secondary hue. Flowers`s colour : leaves. Aerial stem: not developed. Flowers: purple and pale yellow in spring and winter. 2n = emerging from ground, with peduncle and ovary 26, 27. sublerranean. Perianth: white, yellow or lilac to dark Phenology: Flowering: February. purple, tube long, slender. Segments: similar, equal Crocus flavas Weston, non(L) hill [11-13] or sub-equal. Staments: inserted in the throat of Synonym (s) : C. Curtis perianth tube. Style: slendar, distally with 3 to many C. aurenus, C. moesiaeus branches. Capsule: small, ellipsoid or oblong – Native: Greece, former Yugoslavia, Bulgaria, ellipsoid. Romania and north – west Turkey. Cultivated in UK – 400 years ago. A very hardy plant, crocus flavus (b) Sub- genus: Anther with extrose dehiscence. grow well outdoors in well-drained sunny spot, on (c) Section crocus: Scope subtended by a the rock gardens or thin grass, spreading gently to membranous prophyll. form a colony. Corm: tunics, membrande, splitting (d) Series verni : Corms with reticulated fibers, into vertical fibrous and lacking distance horizontal spring-flowering ( apart from crocus longiflorus), rings at the base, deep russet colour. They have the flowers for the most or part without conspicuous unusual characteristic of being elongated to form a outer striping of bracts absent. 2n = 8, 11, 12, 14, 16, tube through which the shoot emerges, and this 26, 27, 28. persists for several seasons if not disturbed. Leaves: CASE DISCRIPTION 4 – 8, usually 5 in number of each plu. 10 – 23 X 1-4 Crocus angustifolius AGM [6] mm. size, erect, synanthous, green with distinct Syninym (s): C. susuanus Ker-Gawl white’s median strips, pubescent. Flower : usually 1 C. susianus ( Cloth of Gold) or 2, perianth segments, dark yellow or orange, 1- C. ` cloth of Gold` 3.5 X 0.5 X 1.5 cm. in size. Throat perianth: Scientific name: Crocus angustifolius yellow. Style: shorter than anther, yellow or pale Common name: Cloth of Gold orange, 2-5 mm. in size,. Anther: yellow, 8-12 mm. Native: southern Ukraine and Armenia [7]. This is Bright –orange-yellow flowers emerge during later- lovely crocus which is ideal for naturalizing in part of February. Seed: large, recognizable rich grass. Crocus are dwarf, deciduous perennials russet red. 2n = 12. growing to convert 5 cm. on, tall and wide the Phenology: Flowering: February to April. narrow grass-like leaves with silver strip and goblet- Crocus sativus (Excluded) [1, 3,5]. shaped appear in late winter or early spring. Flower : Crocus sieberi J. Gay [4, 14-16]. bright yellow –orange, with the outer petals suffused Synonym (s): with deep bronze, among the grey-green leaves, C. sibiricus, C. sibthorpianus, C. atticus, C. nivalis sterile. Plant does not set by seed.8 2n = 12. C. sublimis Phenology: Flowering: Late winter / early spring. Common name : Sieber`s crocus, Cretan crocus, Crocus imperati Ten [8-10] Snow crocus. Botanical name : Crocus imperati Scientific name: Crocus sieberi J. Gay Common name : Early crocus ( English), Imperati The French botanist Jacques Gay described crocus crocus. sieberi in 1831, from plants growing on the island of Italian crocus imperati is a fascinating plant. Crete. It is named after Franz Sieber, the Czech Geographic division : north America. Crocus are naturalist who collected it, Gay was unware of the dwarf, deciduous perennials growing grom a corm. mainland from of this species. Habitat: rocky slopes Corm with glossay deep green leaves, height 10 cm. and in grass; at altitudes of 1500 to 2700 m. and fragrant purple flower, the outer tepals Occcurs: throughout Greece and into southern externally buff, striped with purple, throat yellow. Albania, Macedonia and southern Bulgaria and The colours of this crocus dramatically change from possibly western Turkey.
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