
40 MONTHLY WEATHER REVIEW. JANUARY,1918 Seeod Pan Amhnseientifi eongrees-continued. U. S. States relations service. Experiment station rmd. Wiwhington. Kullmer, C. J. Monthly storm frequency in the United States. v. $7. Noiyenibcr. 1917. 338-393. Richards, E. E. Dissolved oxygen in rain water. p. 6W21. 2ud, Robert DeC[ourcy]. The thunderstorms of the United [Abstract from Jour. agr. sci.] Statea as climatic phenomena. p. 393-411. Adniie des sciences. C‘omptea rendus. Pm.8. Tome 165. 24 dkm- Huntington, Ellsworth. Solar activity, cyclonic storms, and cli- bre 1917. matic changes. 411-431. Schaffers, V. Le son du canon h grande distance. p. 1057 1058. Cox, HeyI. Iniuence of the Great Lakes upon movement of Dunoyer L. & Reboul, G. Sur les variations diurnee du vent en hqh an ow pressure areas. p. 432-459. altitude. p. 1068-1071. Fassrg, Oliver L. Tropical rains-their duration, frequency, and Acadhnie de8 skes. Compte8 rendus. Pa&. Tonit 166. 21 jan&r intensity. 9. 4-73. 191s. Gab, htonio. Fluctuacionea climatol6gicas en loa tiempos Reboul, G. Relation entre lea variations barornhtriquea et cellea hidricos. 475481. du vent au sol: application la pr6vision. p. 124-126. Cline, Isaac Bf: Temperature conditions at New Orleans, 8.- in- Bureau ~nteniatwnalde8 poide et inesure8. !haaux et 7nkmches. Pa&. fluenced by subsurface drainage. p. 461-496. Tome 16. 1917. Church, J[ames] E., Jr. Snow eurveymg: ita blems and their Leduc, A. La maaae du litre d’air dana lee conditions normalea. present phasea with reference to Mount gel Nevada, and p: 7-37. [Introductory note b Ch. Ed. Guillaume. p. 3-6.1 vicinity. p. 496-549. Pontifim accademiu Ronmna dei &wvi Lined. Romu. anno 70. -ball, Herbert E. Measurements of solar and sky radiation. 17 dieembre 1916. p. 549-561. Negro, Carlo. Sulla frequenza degli aloni. p. 27-37. Bubato, Germ6n (Mjo),& Es uerr€, Pedro. Iniciaci6n a1 eatudio de la relaci6n hehorneteom?6gm. p. 561-570. Douglass, A. E. The Callendar sunshine recorder and some of the world-wide problem to which the instrument can be applied. p. 570-579. BECENT PUBLICATIONS BELAmG TO MILITABY . Swann, W. F 0. Atmospheric electric observations aboard the YETEOBOLOGY, “Carntqi?. 8.579-593. Reed, Wi ham ardner. Frost in the United States. p. 593-631. Compiled by Mias MAROARETM. WELCH,Weather Bureau Library. Blair, William R. Some results of aerological observations. [Washington, D. (.., Feb. 20, 1918.1 p. 632-641. Bubsena Santia o ‘I. Informe de 10s eervicios meteorol6gico y The advent of military meteorology. (In Scientific American, N. Y. dsmol6&o en ef Salvador. 642-644. v. 107. Dec. 29, 1917. p. 490.) Montessus de Ballore LFemandY de. Organizaci6n de las observa- Aflalo F. 0. cionea macrosismol&cas en America. p. 844-659. deat.her and the war. (In Living age, Boat. v. 384. Jan. 23, pkmkedeld, H[enry] C. Fog forecasting in the United Stam. 1915. p. 253-255.) [Reprinted from the Outlook, London.] p. 659870. 1 Uett R.A. Henry, Alfred J. The river service of the Weather Bureau. t#ind dial corrections. (In Journal of the Royal artillery, Wool- p. 671-675. wich. v. 43. 1916-17. p. 388-389.) Emigh, Eugene-D. The principles involved in predicting high- Baschii, Otto. water stages in flashy streams, with special reference to the Der Krieg und daa Wet.ter. (In Deutsche Rundschau, Berl. scheme for the Savannah River at Au usta, Ga. p. 675-689. April und Mail 1915. 78-91; 207-217.) Hum eys, W[illiam] J[ackson]. Win! velocity and elevation. Meteorologie und Kriegfiigmng. (In Naturwknschaften, Berl. p. iP89-696. 3 J- 7 Mail 1915. p. 242-246.) Humplueys, W[illh) JLachon]. The collection of earthquake Benaon, E. data in the United States. p. 697-704. Correction of the he$ht of burst of shra nel. Abrid ed transla- Lurquin, Constant. Metemlogla Boliviana. p. 704-715. tion from “Memonal de artilleria.” (Pn Journal of the RO al . Ugueto, Luis. Primeros ~SOSdevenezuela en el campo de la artillery, Woolwich. v. 43. Sept., 1915. p. 324-329.) “E&t meteorologfa. A1 nas consideracioneu acerca de la altura of aeaaonal atmoepheric temperature and pressure on rate of media anual del fhmetro a1 nivel del mar en Venezuela y fuze burning.” acerca de la oscihci6n barometrica a divermealturas. p.715-722. Buzuro, Hamlet. Organieaci6n general de 10s dciosdel Insti- Bm%kkr in w, time. (In Quarterly journal of the Royal metew- tuto meteorol ‘co nacional. p. 723-726. ological society, Lond. v. 33. April, 1907. p. 81-138.) Landa, Luis. stado actual de la meteorologfa y ahnologfa en Honduras. p.P 727-730. Ar leriev. und Meteorolo ’e. (In Meteorologiache Zeitechrift, Knoche, Walter. Resumen de la organizaci6n del servicio me- Braunechw. Bd. 32. I&i, 1915. p. 233-235.) teorol ‘co [de Chile]. p. 730-735. Brooks, C. F. Carbone? Luis G. y. Llgeros apuntea de la forma en que se Weather and the war. (In Science, N. Y. v. 43. June 30, 1916. hallan establecidoe10s servicios que tiene a mu cargo el Obsm p. 934-935.) tori0 Nacional de la Re dblica de Cuba. p. 736-738. Burgess, 0. I(. Cla on, H[enry] H[elmf The Argentine weather service. p. Applications of science to warfare in France. (In Scientific 7g742. monthly, N. Y. v. 5. Oct., 1917. p. 289-297.) [Describes Lleras, Jorge Alvuez. Contribuci6na la meteorologfa Columbizna. the work of the meteorologiata attached to the Allied ar~niw.] p. 742-768. Campaignixq in winter: climatic factors in the European struggle. Marvin, Charles F. Organization of meteorology and seismology (In Scient&c American, N. Y. v. 111. Dee. 5, 1914. p. 461.) in the United statea. p. 768-779. Cam bell, R. N. Morandi, Luis. Slntesia eneral de 10s reaultadoe obtenidos deade Effect8 d up er air currents upon the accuracy of mortar fire. su fundaci6n y en BUS &tintoa aeccioneu y servicios en el Insti- (In Journarof the U. S. Artdlery, Fort Monroe, Va. v. 44. tuto nacional fisico-climatol ‘co del Urugua . p. 779-824. 1915. 359365.) Devereaux, W. C. Forecasta oT river stages anifloods in the Ohio Delaforce E.k Valley; their importance to commerce and in conserving life Wea$er-coch. (In Journal of the Royal artillery, Woolwich. and propert . .825-830. v. 43. April, 1916. p. 15-16.) [To obtain warning of a gea mo,Luis 8. 8eak sobre meteorologfa agricola. p. 831-847 nttnck.1_.._. -. Syntons’s meteorological magazine. London. v. 4Z. December. 1917: Dennis, W. d. Brodie, Bted[oric@ J. Gunfire and rainfall. p. 121-126. [Au- Wind dial for 4.5 howitzer. (In Journal of the Royal artillery, thor finds a remarkable excess of rainfall in eastern England Woolwich. v. 44. SeDt. 1917. D. 193-194.) during the European war. See comments on this paper in Down, C. D. Nature, Jan. 10, 1918, p.. 971.1 Wind graph for use with howitzem. (In Journal of the Royal mathematko-phy&al somety. Proceedings. mkyb. 11.9. Janu- artillery, Woolwich. v. 44. Sept. 1917. 9. 196.) my. 1918. The elements of bombdropping. (In Air eerwce journal, N. Y. m.1pmun, Snemontu8. On the ‘iLaufzeitkiirve” for near earth- v. 1. Nov. 22, 1917. p. 629-630.) From Flying, Lond. [De- quakes. p.224-234. acribea effect of wind.] Unauthenticated | Downloaded 10/02/21 07:40 PM UTC JANUARY,1918. MONTHLY WEATHER REVIEW. 41 Ellis, W. E. Manetti, 0. Free-air data in the Hawaiian Islands. July. 1915. (In Monthly Bahstica razionale sbrigativa per gli ant.iaerei. (In Revista di arti- weather review, Wash. v. 45. Feb., 1917. p. 52-55.) [Ex- glieria e enio, Roma. 55a annata. 1916. v. 1. .p. 22-36.) periments to determine deviation due to wind in mortar fin [With “&bells dei dati aerologici per le costruzione delle Study of trial shots at mortar target practice. (In Journal of%: tavole di tiro aubverticale.”] S. Artille Fort Monroe, v. 44. t Oct.. 1915. IT. Va. Massy, S. p. 142-159.) nuthor refutes the0 of hia Guhlished in E. the same Journal for July-Aug., 134, entitled “Graphical solu- Aircraft in war. In Journal of the Military service institution, tion of problems in exterior ballistics.” New theory: 1. Maxi- Governom Islan6 , N. Y. v. 55. 1914. D. 153-149.) Men- mum range effect and the maximum lateral effect of the wind t,ions effect of wind and air resistance on bomb-dropping.] - must be separately determined. 2. Range effect of the \liiid in Metemologyinwar. (InNature. Lond., v. 98. Nov. 16,1916. p. 316-217.) any direction of fire is equal to the maximum range effect multi- Metz. plied by the cosine of the angle included between the direction Aerial warfare and the weat,her: Conditions that affect various in which the maximum ra effect is obtained and the direc- claeaea of aircxaft. (In Sciencific American supplement, N. tion of fire considered. 3Yteral effect of the wind in any Y. direction of fire ie e ual to the maxlmum lateral effect multi- v. 80. Oct. 33, 1915. p. 259.) [Abstracted irom Umschau, plied %the coaine 01the angle included between the direction Berlin, for June 17, 1915.1 in whlc the maximum lateral effect is obtained and the direc- meteorology. (In Scientific American, N. Y. v. 111. Oct. tion of fire considered.] M-J, 1914. p. 360.) n Gillman, E. C. Effect of a cram wind on a projectile in flight. (In Journal of the L’influenze dells diminuita densitA dell’aria sulla traiettoria dei Royal artillery, Woolwich. v. 42. 1915. p. 215-216.) proietti lanciati con grande velocith iniziale e con angolo di tiro [Great Bntain. War ofRce.1 General staff. prosimo a 45O.
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