Kaa Iyesus - Klte Awlaelo © Bernhard Lindahl (2008)

Kaa Iyesus - Klte Awlaelo © Bernhard Lindahl (2008)

Local History of Ethiopia Kaa Iyesus - Klte Awlaelo © Bernhard Lindahl (2008) kaa (O) 1. having great fervour; 2. toasted and pounded coffee; kea (T) and, also HEJ99 Kaa Iyesus (Caa Iesus) (church), 12/37 [+ WO Gu] see under Gondar churches HCR15 Kaaggu (Caaggu) 07/37 [+ WO] JCN05 Kaakule (Caacule) 07/40 [+ WO] HBP33 Kaalam, see Kelem HES34 Kaara (Caara) (area) 12/37 [+ WO] JDG56 Kaaylu (Caailu) 09/40 [+ WO] kab- (O) bind together, put together; (A) dry wall; sar amba (A) grass mountain HDU.. Kab & Sar Amba kebele 10/39 [Ad] in south Antsokiya & Gemza wereda stretching narrowly to its north-eastern border, 3-7 km north of Majete; area 1,124 hectares. [CSA 1994[ kaba (O) well; qaba (O) measure of land; qaaba (O) value, price; -- Kaba, a dialect within the Gimira-Maji, also a personal name? HDD65 Kaba 0844'/3801' 2778 m 08/38 [Gz] HES44 Kaba (Caba) 1307'/3756' 2382 m 13/37 [+ Gz] JEB95 Kabaaytu (Cabaaitu) 11/41 [+ WO] HES67c Kabah (Khabar, Khabau, Qaba), 13/38 [x] area south-west of Geech camp JCT64 Kabahot (Cabahot) 0747'/4349' 888 m 07/43 [MS WO Gz] kabaal (Som) root, pole, tent pole; kabala, kaballa (O) sheaf, branch, handful; slap /with the hand/; kaabad (Som) bridge; stair JDE22 Kabal Kabat (Cabal Cabat) (area) 08/43 [+ WO] ?? Kaballanka (Cavallanca) ../.. [+ It] The Italians built a mosque for the Muslim settlement there. kaballe: kabella (A) long-footed JCB16 Kaballe (seasonal spring), cf Kabele 05/41 [MS WO] kaban (Som) local type of string instrument; cabban (Som) 1. well-armed, well-built; 2. weak, feeble JBJ94 Kaban (Caban) (area) 04/41 [+ WO] kabana, kabbanaa (O) cool, chilly, cold, humid; weak /beer/; kabbana, qabanna (O) shadow, shade; kabanna, qabannaa (O) evidence JCG98 Kabana (Cabana, Kaber), cf Kabena, Kebena 07/40 [+ WO Gz] 0713'/4033' 2136 m ?? Kabar, see Kubar HEE98? Kabaromedan (village) 11/39 [20] after some 50 km from Weldiya towards Nefas Mewcha kabata: kabate (O) point of honour; kabatie (O) circumcision HBP82 Kabata (Cabata) 0516'/3553' 596 m 05/35 [+ WO Gz] HES34 Kabatawra (Cavataura) (area) 12/37 [+ WO] kabba (A,O) mantle, cloak, cape; kaba (A) quarry; kebba (qäbba) (A) anointed; painted HDC61 Kabba (Cabba) (mountain) 0840'/3641' 2033 m 08/36 [+ WO Gz] HDE12 Kabd, see Kebd kabe (kabä) (A) pile up, build a dry wall of stones or bricks; kabe, kabee (qabee) (O) 1. calabash, gourd, pumpkin; 2. from HD... Kabe (sub-post office under Dessie), 10/39? [Ad Po] in Were Ilu awraja HDU91 Kabe, see Kabi Published online by the Nordic Africa Institute library | nai.uu.se/library 1 of 63 Local History of Ethiopia Kaa Iyesus - Klte Awlaelo © Bernhard Lindahl (2008) HDT53 Kabe Webo kebele (Kabé Wäbo ..) 10/38 [Ad] somewhat to the east in north Wegdi wereda, 5-9 km west of Mahdere Selam; area 903 hectares. [CSA 1994] GDM33 Kabeche 0920'/3439' 1536 m, east of Begi 09/34 [Gz] GDM33 Kabeche 0923'/3437' 1649 m, east of Begi 09/34 [Gz] GDM.. Kabechedime kebele 09/34 [20] in the Begi region of Beni Shangul. Begi-Mao language is spoken there. JCS64 Kabedleh (Cabedleh) 0750'/4255' 934 m 07/42 [+ Gz n] kabele: kebele (qäbäle) (A) district, area JEP11 Kabele (Kebele, Cabele) (with well) 1248'/4045' 12/40 [Gz WO LM] -- Kabena, Qabenna, traditionally a Gurage area; a dialect of Kembata language, -- though of Hadiya origin; also name of an Oromo tribe? qabennya (O) possession, wealth Kabena, Kabenna, see Kebena -- Kabena language (Qabeena, Kebena, K'äbena), a variety mutually intelligible with Kambaata JDC08 Kabenawa (Cabenaua, Cabenawa, Gabenaua) 08/42 [+ Gz x] 0813'/4220' or 0822'/4222' 1203 m HFF13 Kabet 1341'/3940' 2142 m, near Agula 13/39 [Gz] kabi: kaabii (O) mound; grain stack; kabi, qabi (O) hold, catch, move; kabi (O) 1. stone enclosure; 2. security, guaranty; kabbi (O) hail; large and white pearls; kabie, qabye (O) land, possession; kaabi (Som) vicinity, nearness; caabbi (Som) guard by force, be capable of defense; kabbi (Som) make someone sip a liquid; qaabi (Som) put in order; kabi (Afar) leopard HDE52 Kabi (Cabi) 08/38 [+ WO] HDL85 Kabi (Cabi) 0950'/3855' 1814 m, east of Fiche, 09/38 [Gz Ad WO] (with church, centre in 1964 of Insaro wereda) HDU70 Kabi 1040'/3920' 10/39 [MS] HDU91 Kabi (Kabie, Kabe) 1050'/3928' 2900 m, 10/39 [Gz] north of Were Ilu HEF03c Kabi (Kabie, Kabe) 10/39 [MS Te Ad] (centre in 1964 of Were Ilu wereda) HEF03c Kabi sub-district (centre in 1964 = Kabi) 10/39 [Ad] HER46 Kabi Kurkwana (Cabi Curcuana) (area) 13/37 [+ WO] HEH48 Kabkamba Maryam (Cabcamba Mariam) (church) 12/36 [LM WO] kabo (Som) 1. footwear, shoes; 2. recover, recuperate; (language?) type of collective labour; kabbo (Som) sip, gulp, swig; cabo (Som) 1. sour smell /from milk/; 2. complain, reproach; kabbo (A) 1. large container for milk, large horn cup; 2. foreman /from Italian capo/ HDD64 Kabo (Cabo) (mountain) 08/37 [+ WO] JEA16 Kabo (Cabo) (area) 10/40 [+ WO] kabo a..: ager (A) land, country, rural area HEE39 Kabo Ager kebele (.. Agär ..) 11/39 [Ad] in southern Tenta wereda at its eastern border, 17-21 km south of Tenta settlement; area 1,940 hectares. [CSA 1994] kabo k..: kutub (Som) book, books JBJ78 Kabo Kutab (Cabo Cutab) 04/42 [+ WO] JDH98 Kaboba (recorded in 1841), cf Bio Kaboba 09/41 [Ha] Published online by the Nordic Africa Institute library | nai.uu.se/library 2 of 63 Local History of Ethiopia Kaa Iyesus - Klte Awlaelo © Bernhard Lindahl (2008) kabot (T) mantle, cloak, cape; kabota, kaboota (O) clod, lump of earth, dry dung HEU70 Kabota (Cabota) 13/39 [+ WO] JCL49 Kabradahare (K'abradahare), see Kebri Dehar kabri (Harar) tomb JCL49 Kabri Dar, see Kebri Dehar kabrige b..: bore, booree (O) 1. mellow tej; 2. solemn promise; boore (Som) grey; borre (borrä) (A) large, spacious JBN67 Kabrige Bore 05/40 [WO] JBN63 Kabrige Daud 05/40 [WO] KCP81 Kabrin (Cabrin, Cabria) 08/45 [+ MS WO Gz] MS: 0759'/4549' 672 m; Gz: 0801'/4550' 692 m HFF15 Kabtay (Cabtai) 1344'/3950' 1842 m 13/39 [+ Gz] HFF24 Kabtay (Cabtai) (mountain) 3235 m, 13/39 [+ Gu] see under Atsbi kabtiya: kebti (käbti) (T) cattle; kabtiyay (Som) run, rush HFF15 Kabtiya (Qabtiyya) (mountain) 1344'/3950' 13/39 [+ n] HFC47 Kabtiya sub-district (Kabtia .., Qabtya ..) 1585 m 13/37 [LM Ad n] (centre in 1964 = Adi Hirdi) HEM71 Kabtsa Tekle Haymanot 1226'/3928' 12/39 [Gz] (K'abtsa T.H.) (church), west of Alamata HFC47 Kabtyaa (K'abtyaa), see Keftya HCS.. Kabul (Qabul) 08/38 [20] settlement in Gumer & Geta wereda in Gurageland kabura: cabbur (Som) stuffed-up nose HCD21 Kabura (Cabura) 0538'/3736' 1522 m 05/37 [+ WO Gz] HCH11 Kabura (Cabura) 0628'/3552' 1506 m, 06/35 [+ WO Gz] see under Shasha HDK49 Kacciama, see Kechema & HDK58 HDK53 Kaccisi, see Kachisi kacha (kacha) (A) thigh; kacha (qach'a) (A) sisal, bowstring hemp, Sansevieria guineensis, a plant of the agave family, with thick leaves /also plant fibre in general/; (Gurage) fibre of the ensete plant; qacha (O) thatch /for roofing/ HCJ87 Kacha (Cacia) 0707'/3714' 1541 m, 07/37 [+ WO Gz] cf Kecha, and also under Durame HCM46c Kacha (Katcha) 06/39 [+ Br Ca] HCM53c Kacha (Caccia) 06/39 [+ Gu] HDM.? Kacha (K'ach'a) (with church Giyorgis), 09/39? [x] in Bulga/Kasim wereda HFC29 Kacha (Cacha, Cac-ha) 1346'/3727' 1242 m 13/37 [+ WO Gz] kacha a..: ashara (O) coffee hull HC... Kacha Ashera (in Kembata & Hadiya awraja) 07/37? [Ad] kacha b..: bira (O) near. beside; towards; biraa (O) away from HC... Kacha Bira (Kachabira, Qatchabira) 07/37 [n Ad] (sub-district & its centre in 1964) HC... Kacha Bira wereda (Kachabira .., Qacha ..) 07/37 [n Ad] In the 1990s it was in the Kambata-Alaba-Timbaro Zone, (-1994-) is divided into 25 rural and 2 urban kebeles. -- The inhabitants are mainly Kambata (Kambaata). HCS87c Kachabar (Katschabar), village in the Silte area 07/38 [x] kachama (qach'ama), kachamo (A,O) kind of highland small shrub, Myrsine africana, the rind of which is used for making rope. Published online by the Nordic Africa Institute library | nai.uu.se/library 3 of 63 Local History of Ethiopia Kaa Iyesus - Klte Awlaelo © Bernhard Lindahl (2008) -- Kachama, an ethnic group within the southern Ometo, with their own variety of language, numbering 550 (in 1984?); alternate names Gats'ame, Get'eme, Gatame HDE49 Kachama, see Kechema HFE17 Kachamo (Cacciamo) 1342'/3904' 2020 m 13/39 [+ Gz] JCP.. Kachamsare (valley near Shek Husen), see Einage HDB76 Kachan (Caccian) (mountain) 1900 m 08/36 [+ WO] HCN97 Kachi 0805'/3527' 1814 m 08/35 [Gz] ?? Kachijo (Caccigio) (with 41 monoliths) ../.. [+ Gu] HDT19 Kachim Amba (Cacim Amba) 10/39 [+ WO] HEL33 Kachin (K'ach'in) 1205'/3846' 2367 m, 12/38 [Gz] west of Lalibela kachin uga (Harari) narrow street, lane kachin wiha: kechine (qäch'ch'ine) (A) giraff, Giraffa reticulata, Giraffa camelopardalis; kechin (qäch'in) (A) scanty, slender; wiha (A) water JDG04 Kachin Wiha (K'ach'in W.,Caccin Ua, Kachinaa) 09/40 [+ WO Gz Ne] (Katchinhaha) (area) 0904'/4012', see under Awash, cf Kechin .. kachisi: kachisu (O) to make run, to gallop HDK63 Kachisi (Caccisi, Kaccisi, Kachisie) 09/37 [AA Te Ad Gu] (Kakkisi, Caecisi, Ginde Beret) 09/37 [x WO Gz] 0936'/3750' 2556/2650 m, at 70 km north of Ambo Coordinates would give map code HDK53 Centre in 1964 of Gindeberet wereda. Within a radius of 10 km there are at km 5NW Gindeberet (Ghindeberat) (wide area) ?? Damoticha 2489 m ?? Debe 2546 m ?? Gonfi 2026 m ?? Gonfi Abeyi 1966 m ?? Goro Menga 2420 m ?? Goshu 2406 m ?? Gura 2406 m ?? Gura Weshi 2274 m ?? Jewero 1838 m ?? Lubuteni (Lubu T'eni) 2448 m ?? Muka Dima 2151 m ?? Mukiye (Mukyie) 2406 m kacho, qacho (O) 1.

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