Vol. XXXI, No. 1 January, 1949 "SATAN REVISES HIS POLICY" HEALTH CARE N.C. C. W. ORGANIZATIO NEWS DETROIT RADIO STOR Holy Fath r gain ~eala to the World A NATIONAL MONTHLY PUBLISHED BY THE NATIONAL CATHOLIC WELFARE CONFERENCE Priee: 30e NATIONAL CATHOLIC WELFARE CONFERENCE TABLE OF CONTENTS "Over a manifold activity of the laity, can·ied on in various localities according to the neP.ds of the times, is placed the National Oatholic Welfare Oonfet·ence, an organization which supplies a ready and well-adapted instrument for your episcopal ministry."-Pope Pius XII. JANUARY, 1949 The National Catholic Welfare Conference was organized in SE"ptt.>mber, 1919. TheN. C. W. C. is a common agency acting under the authority of the bishops to promote the welfare of the Catholics of the country. It has for its incorporat d purposes "unifying, coordinating and organizing the atho1ic people of the United tates in works of education, social welfare, immigrant aid and other activities." The onference is conducted by an administrative board composed of ten arch­ Holy Father Again Speaks to the bishop · and bishops aided by seven assistant bishops. Each department of the N. C. W. C. is administered by an episcopal chairman. World . 3 Through the general secretary, chief executive officer of the Conference, the re­ ports of the departments and information on the general work of the headquarters The Text of the Address of His staff are s nt regularly to the members of the administrative hoard. Holiness Pope Pius XII broadcast The administrative bishops of the Conference report annually upon their work to the World December 23,1948 to the Holy See. Annually at the general meeting of the bishops, detailed reports are submitted by the administrative bishops of the Conference and authorization secured for the work No official action is taken by any N. C. W. C. department without authorization "Satan Revises His Policy" . 4 of the coming year. of its episcopal chairman. No official action is taken in the name of the whole Conference without authoriza- tion and approval of the administrative board. Catholic Thoughts on Health Care: It is not the policy of theN. C. W. C. to create new organizations. (v of N.C.W.C. Forum Series It helps, unifies, and leaves to their own fields those that already exist. It aims to defend and advance the welfare both of the Catholic Church and of 1948-49-Religion in Life).. .. 6 our b loved Country. It seeks to inform the life of America of right fundamental principles of religion By Rev. Donald A. McGowan and morality. It is a central clearing house of information regarding activities of Catholic men and women. N. W. C. is comprised of the following departments and bureaus: National Council Catholic Women 9 ExE UTIVE--Bureaus maintained: Immigration, National Genter Oonfraternity of Ohristian Doctrine, Information, Publications, Business and Auditing, and CATH· Marqttette Organizes 78th Diocesa11 OLIC ACTION, monthly publication, N. C. W. C. Council 100 Per Cent-Lafayette, YouTH-Facilitates exchange of information regarding the philosophy, organization, La., D.C.C.W. Opens Wider Ho­ LAY ORGANIZATIONs-Includes the National Council of Catholic Men and the National rizons-D.C.C.W. Conventions atholic Youth Council, the federating agency for all existing, approved Catholic youth group , contacts and evaluates national governmental and non-govern­ Stress Living for Christ m ntal youth organizations and youth servicing organizations. Eou ATION-Divisions: Statistics and Information, Teacher Placement, Research Oatholic Bducation, Library Service, and Inter-American Oollaboration. PRESS- Serves the Catholic press in the United States and abroad with regular news, National Council Catholic Men . 12 features, editorial and pictorial services. The Detroit Radio Story- Radio ocr L A TION- over the fields of Industrial Relations, International .Affairs, Oivio Educfltion, ocial Welfare, Family Life, and Rural Life. Schedule for January LEGAir-Serves as a clearing hou e of information on federal, state and local legislation. LAY ORGANIZATIONS-Includes the National Council of Catholic Men and the National Council of Catholic Women, which maintain at N. C. W. C. headquarters perma­ n nt repre E"ntations in the interests of the Catholic laity. These councils function Calendar of Scheduled Catholic through some ,000 affiliated societies-national, state, dioce an, district, local and Meetings and Events . 14 parish ; also through units of the councils in many of the dioceses. The N. C. C. M. maintain at its national headquarters a Catholic Evidence Bur a.u, sponsors three weekly nationwide radio programs-the Catholic Hour over the National Broadcastin.g Company's Network, and the Hour of Faith over th American Broadcasting Company's Network.:... and the Catholic program in A New Diocese and Three New Bish­ the "Faith in Our Time" eries on the Mutual J:Sroadcasting System-and con­ ops for United States . 17 duct,; a atholic Radio Bureau. The N. C. C. W. through its National Committee System maintains an adult education s rvic , transmitting to its affiliates information and suggestions in all fields covered by the N. C. W. C., and conducting Institutes and Regional Con­ ferences for leadership training; it cooperates with War Relief Services­ N. C. W. C. in a continuing clothing project for children; from 1921 to 1947 it pon ored th National Catholic School of Social Service. CATHOLIC ACTION TUDY-Devoted to research and reports as to pronouncements, methods, programs and achievements in the work of Catholic Action at home and abroad. All that are h lped may play their part in promoting the good work and in main­ The contents of CATHOLIC AcTION are taining the common agency, the National Catholic Welfare Conference. CATHOLIC ACTION records monthly the work of the Conference and its affili­ indexed in the Catholic Periodical Index. ated organizations. It presents our common needs and opportunities. Its special articles are helpful to every Catholic organization and individual. CATHOLIC ACTION published monthly by the National Oatholic Welfare Conference. Entered as second-class matter at the post office at Washington, D. C under the Act of March 3, 1879. All changes of address, renewals and subBCrip. tions should be sent direct to CATHOLIC ACTION, 1312 Massachusetts Ave., N. W., Washington~ D. 0. Publication, Bditorial and JDeeoutive Offices Subscription Ratea $3.00 per year· $3.25 outside the United 1312 Massachusetts Ave., N. W . States. Make checks or postal money orders WASHINGTON 5, D. C. payable to CATHOLIC ACTION [ 2 1 CATHOLIC ACTION CATHOLIC ACTION Vol XXXI, No.1 January, 1949 The Text of the Address of His Holiness Pope Pius XII on December 23, 1948, his tenth annual Christmas Message broadcast to the World. RAVE yet tender, like the testa­ began so hopefully, Our paternal voice Ctl have prayed for you" (Luke 22, G ment and last farewell of a again invites you, the upright and 3 2) , \Ve know full well that when most loving father, were the words thoughtful, the sincere Christians, to the fight against the powers of dark­ of the Divine Redeemer to His first ponder over the present state of hu­ ness is most arduous and enters phases Vicar on earth: Confirma fratres tuos manity and of Christendom, and to that are decisive and, humanly speak­ (Luke 22, 3 2), Strengthen thy breth­ consider what plan should be adopted ing, alarming, it is then that the Lord ren! These words have not ceased to to advance sincerely and securely is all the closer to His Church and to echo in Our mind and heart since the along the path pointed out by the ex­ His faithful. Fully convinced and day He willed, in His inscrutable de­ acting necessities of the times and by aware of this Divine assistance, We sign, to confide to Our weak hands your own conscience. remind all those who glory in the the helm of Peter's Barque. Any clear-sighted person who has name of Catholic Christians of a two­ Although these immortal words are the moral strength and courage to fold sacred duty indispensable for the deeply engraven in the depths of Our look truth squarely in the face, even bettering of the present condition of mind, they are impressed still more if it be painful and humiliating, must human society: upon Us whenever, exercising the fully recognize that this year of 1948, ( 1) Unshakeable fidelity to the her­ Apostolic Ministry, We communicate which dawned full of high and well­ itage of truth brought to the world by to the Hierarchy and Faithful of the founded expectations, appears now at the Redeemer. world the teaching, directives and ex­ its close to have arrived at one of ( 2) Conscientious fulfillment of hortations which are needed for the those crucial points, where the path the precept of justice and love, neces­ complete fulfillment of the Church's which previously disclosed pleasant sary presupposition for the triumph saving mission and which must be vistas seems to open instead on the on earth of a social order worthy of suitably adapted to the ever-changing brink of a precipice where pitfalls and the Divine King of Peace. circumstances of time and place, while dangers fill good and generous people We would fail in gratitude to the their substantial immutability is kept with increasing anxiety. Almighty, Giver of all grace and Fur­ unchanged. Neverthele s, or rather for this very nisher of every good, if We did not It is with singular and deep emotion reason, beloved sons and daughters, recognize that the year now coming that We experience the force of that while faint-heartedness begins to over­ to a close, despite all its anxieties and Divine Command at the present mo­ come the minds even of the coura­ sufferings, was also rich in spiritual ment when, beloved sons and daugh­ geous, and doubts assail the most en­ consolations, in happy experiences and ters of the world, We are addressing lightened and determined men, We encouraging success.
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