HAVERFORD NEWS VOLUME 39—NUMBER 9 ARDMORE, PA, WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 10, 1947 33.00 A YEAR Special Program Week's Film Fare Features Comedies Cap and Bells Nears Finish of Rehearsals• Initiates Drive The Film Club announces an ambitions program for For "King Lear" Performances This Week To Raise $5,000 the coming week. On Wed- .s nesday evening at 7:30, there Last Tuesday's Collection was will be two showings in the Tragedians Rehearse ' New Staging Devices devoted to the Haverford Em- Union of "The New Tobacco- Anti'Cast of Fifty ergency Relief Drier. The pro- land U. S. A.", sent by Ches- gram, though varied in content, terfield. to Highlight Tragedy stressed a single inescapable On Thursday and Friday BY WILLIAM PENICHE point—the need throughout the evenings at 7:30 in the world is greater this year than Union, the Chesterfield film King Lear, considered by ever before; we must give all will again be presented. In some to be William Shakes- we Can. addition, the program for peare's greatest work, Is to be Films Show Why these evenings will include presented by Cap and Bells in First on the program was Dr. the Marx Brothers in "Duck conjunction with Bryn Mawr's Howard Comfort, a member of Soul)," W. C. Fields in "The Varsity Players, in Roberts the finance committee of the Barber Shop," and a French Hall, at 8 p. na., on Friday and Philadelphia Community Chest, surrealist film, "Le Chien Saturday, of this week. who described his experiences Andalou," with a scenario by "Space Stage" to be Used . as a member of the committee Bonuel and Dalt These films After weeks of strenuous and dealt briefly with the im- will all be shown free. preparation the production has portant work done by the Com- reached a high peak of perfec- munity Chest. tion (so we're told) and many In order to give Haverford L F. 0. Sponsors new stage techniques have been student' a graphic picture of developed under the direction of the starvation conditions prev- Doug Richie. The "apace stage" alent in Europe today, the Col- College Project technique used by Orson Welles lection continued with the show- in his production of Julia, Caes- ing of the War Department film ar, will be in used during both "Seeds of Destiny." This film To Help Needy performances. By this, the at- was especially effective in de- As a part of the Haverford tention of the audience will be picting the chaotic social con• Emergency Relief Drive, the L diverted from one part of the claim; that have arisen as the F. 0. is conducting a clothing Game of Chance Debaters Plan darkened state to another by result of widespread destruction drive this week to obtain clothes the one of numerous spotlights. and want, and -which, unless al- for overseas distribution. De- The same background will be leviated, can provide an ideal spite the fact that many stu- Turns Scientific Northern Trip used during the entire perform- spawning ground for a future ance, but the spotlighting will dents bring only essentials to If you think that cards have no Last Thursday, in two debates Hitler. college in the way of clothing, develop the desired affects. For Cadbury Tells How place in Haverford's scholastic with Duquesne University on this production, the top of the all types of articles have turned atmosphere, come and watch federal world government, the The new features of this up including one overcoat In stage has been completely re- year's drive at Haverford ware our Bridge Club in action any Haverford Debating Society rigged to house the additional first class condition and four came off second best in both explained by Larry Conan, Pres- white shirts. size 16. These, let- Tuesday night spotlights needed for the per- ident of the Students' Associa- The variety of bridge play- events. The debates were lost formance. Another method the ter items will eventually find on the affirmative side by Don- tion. As arranged by the Stud- their. way overseas with the eth- ed at these meetings is called club in employing to obtain va- ents' Council, all the various duplicate bridge. It isn't as ald Disbrow and Walter Selig- rious effects, is the use of a er clothing regardless of the sohn, and on the negative side campus relief drives have been mutterings of some students well known as rubber bridge transparent curtain which will united into one all-out, co- so the other day we asked Joe by David Blum and Charles hang in front of the stage dur- and the laundry agency about Sangree. operative effort to meet our need at home. Flaherty, president of the club, ing various acts. Plan Eastern Trip quota. Thus, while the practice Carry Drive to Area about It. He explained that du- Aim Is Realism heretofore has been to carry on The Haverford Friend's Meet- plicate bridge eliminates the `Ilia week the society isislan- several miscellaneous relief With the help of these differ- big has agreed to provide the factor of chance, and makes it log a trip to Columbia Univer- drives during the course of each ent techniques, Al Levinsohn, necessary repairing in order to possible to judge the players on aim Trinity College, and Am- stage manager and producer, year, this is the only time this expedite the work of the stor- the basis of skill alone. After beret College. Charles Sangree hopes to create a highly realist- year that etudenta will be so- age center maintained by the A. each game, the duplicate hoard, and Robert Parke, Jr., will rep- ic effect this coming Friday and licited for funds. on which the four hands of F. S. C. in Philadelphia. After resent Haverford at all three of Saturday. In addition, with the Details of this streamlined the campus proper has been cards just played imea been these events. On the 13th of hope of transferring the audi- plan were then outlined by combed, the collection teams placed, is passed on to another December the society is going to ences to fifth century England, Weirder H. Cadbury, chairman will move off campus to con- table so that the player sitting nd debaters for the new de- the club has spent several hun- of the drive. He revealed the tinue their activities for seine at the southern end of the sec- baton' tournament at Temple. dred dollars in procuring au- means whereby the j5000 quota time into the future through the ond table, for instance, gets the President Walt Seligsohn an- thentic costumes of the time. May be met as painlessly as neighborhood surrounding the hind previously played by the nounced that the Debating So- This was not an easy task, for _possible. Students may make college campus. Leaflets de- man sitting at the southern end ciety also plane to send a team the cant numbers approximately a lump contribution if they wish, scribing the collection will be of the first table. At the end to the Grand National Forensic '60, many of whom arc extras . but for those who imagine distributed, followed up by col- of the seasion—which usually Tournament at the University themselves facing a sample of lasts from eight to ten at night of Virginia in March. The The cast is headed by Ed lectors who will return the Shakespeare in the roll of King the far greater difficulties faced —the winners are chosen from events will include address read- clothing to the campus where Lear and Broffica Cooper play- abroad—not enough to go far it will be routed through the each of the four groups. This ing, after-dinner speech, book enough—as most of us do, an way no one has any reason to review, debate, declamation, dis- ing the part of Kent. Under Meeting to A. F. S. C. in Phila- the direction of Frederick Thon, easy monthly payment plan-has delphia. complain about having had poor cussion, dramatic reading, ex- been devised. hands, because all the people tempore speaking, informative these men and their fellow thes- Other service projects of the pians have been rehearsing into Now Let's Do Our Part Inter-Faith -Organisation are with whose scores his own is speech, original oration, poetry Student repreeentatives will Continued on Page 6 the wee hours of the morning. Continued on Page It reading, and response to the oc- But Shakespeare, who has the canvass the campus later this casion. This tournament will be Continued on Page 6 lead, has 'little to worry about held on March 28-27. The De- as far as his lines are concern- Student Works Presented . bating Society would like to ed, for the chief prompter is Gaugin to Address have any non-members who are none other than his wife, Sarah. At Copcert in MusicMoom interested in any of these topics Continued on Page 6 Spanish Enthusiasts to contact Welt Seligaohn at Lest Thursday night the By HENRY HOOD dent in these delightful works, Language House. Spanish Club met in the Com- reminiscent of the chamber mu- College Calendar I mons Room, where three mov- Last Sunday evening a eon; sic of Henry Purcell and Johann Xmas Carol Service ies were shown describing Gua- cart arranged by Mr. Alfred J. Pachelbel, A freshman. Mr. Wednesday, December 10 temala, Colombia and Chili. For Swan, of the Department of Davison shows considerable Planned for Sunday Thursday. December 11 Friday, December 12 this meeting, Miss Aribas, head Music, and designed primarily ability and it is to be hoped that On Sunday evening, Decem- of the Spanish Department at to present the works of Haver- more of his music will be per- Film presentations in the ber 14, at 8 o'clock.
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